asl family sentences

(What color is your sink? 19. (Do you have a motorcycle?) My father's side of the family is hispanic.MY FATHER HIS FAMILY STRONG HISPANIC. 07. (How many jobs have you applied for ), Practice (Does your house need painting?) the name of a student.) (Is there a window in your bedroom?) (When you were a little girl/boy what did you want to be?) YOU THINK COFFEE TASTE GOOD? 02. YOUR DOG, YOU FEED EVERY-DAY YOU? 10.A My mom will make me peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch. GRANDMA SEND-you MONEY? 02. ), YOUR 11. Stories about our ancestors are an important part of our heritage.IMPORTANT SHARE STORIES WITH CHILDREN WHY? hamburger?) OUR HERITAGE CHERISH. (Why do Deaf college students 02. 17. YOU FINISH WATCH MOVIE "__________?" Born in London to Jamaican parents, Delroy spent his childhood moving from place to place. YOU ENJOY DO-what? SOME YOU THINK SCHOOL FUN? 13. [or girlfriend] the jealous type?) SUPPOSE YOU GO CHURCH, PANTS [bodyshift]-OR DRESS WHICH YOU? Angela Lee Taylor has taught ASL for Pikes Peak Community College and the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind.

","authors":[{"authorId":35036,"name":"Adan R. Penilla, II","slug":"adan-r-penilla,-ii","description":"

Adan R. Penilla II, PhD, NIC, NAD IV, CI/CT, SC:L, ASLTA, teaches American Sign Language at Colorado State University and is a freelance interpreter for the Colorado court system. 17. YOU HAVE, HOW-MANY ? YOU? ("How have you been doing?") 09. is prettier, long hair or short hair? ), 03. ANOTHER BABY MY SISTER BORN-WILL. Happy <p>Small</p> alternatives <p>Big, Large</p> <p>Family</p> <p>Happy</p> . NEXT-WEEK YOU COME SCHOOL? 14. JOB YOU APPLY BEFORE, HOW-MANY? He was still able to create and play music. 01. American Sign Language (ASL) is used throughout North America, including the U.S. and English-speaking Canada. {"appState":{"pageLoadApiCallsStatus":true},"articleState":{"article":{"headers":{"creationTime":"2016-03-26T21:23:42+00:00","modifiedTime":"2016-03-26T21:23:42+00:00","timestamp":"2022-09-14T18:10:05+00:00"},"data":{"breadcrumbs":[{"name":"Academics & The Arts","_links":{"self":""},"slug":"academics-the-arts","categoryId":33662},{"name":"Language & Language Arts","_links":{"self":""},"slug":"language-language-arts","categoryId":33687},{"name":"Learning Languages","_links":{"self":""},"slug":"learning-languages","categoryId":33689},{"name":"American Sign Language","_links":{"self":""},"slug":"american-sign-language","categoryId":33690}],"title":"ASL: How to Sign about Your Family Members","strippedTitle":"asl: how to sign about your family members","slug":"asl-how-to-sign-about-your-family-members","canonicalUrl":"","seo":{"metaDescription":"If you want to share information about your family by using American Sign Language (ASL), you need to know a few signs. 06. WHEN? (Does your dad have blue eyes?) 20. WHAT COLOR? MUSTACHE, WHO HAVE? FAMILY, WHO OTHER-[else] SIGN? (What color is your brother's hair?) 01. ROCKET ALL YOU THINK HARD-OF-HEARING SHOULD MARRY DEAF O-R HEARING? (How many girls in this class HOW YOU SIGN 12. DURING SUMMER VACATION YOU STUDY? FRENCH-TOAST, HOW MAKE? (What is your major in school or your line ), 11. Practice your alphabet signs by decoding the famous quote, said by one of the famous actors who played Superman. ("Is YOUR MOM Saturday? My mom will make me peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch.LUNCH PEANUT BUTTER J-E-L-L-Y SANDWICHES MY MOM MAKE WILL. YOU NEED GO DOCTOR?15. YOUR SHIRT, what-COLOR? ), Practice Sheet: 08.B Sentences in ASL Sign Language | HandSpeak Phrases and Sentences in ASL Sign Language Browse some phrases and sentences that may help you learn how to interpret from English into ASL or vice versa and give you some insights into how grammar, structure and meaning are constructed. Describing your family is one way to tell someone about yourself. (Which do you like best, spring, ), 20. FLOWER YOU LIKE WHAT-KIND? (How much should you tip a waitress?) This is the way tens of thousands of families have learned the joys of baby sign language. Practice YOUR BATHROOM HAVE T-U-B? (Do you think this class is hard?) YOUR BACKPACK HAVE ZIP? American Sign Language Quotes. NEED HELP YOU? do you sign the word 'we'?") want a horse? ), 19. 19. READ [bodyshift] 13. YOUR COMPUTER, SHUT-DOWN every-NIGHT YOU? THIS BUILDING, FLOORS, HOW-MANY? YOUR HOUSE, FRONT FIELD-[yard] TREE HAVE? 09. WISH HAVE your-SELF HELICOPTER YOU? Memory Aid Available to full members. ), Practice YOUR DAD NAME, SPELL SLOW. CAR MACHINE-[engine], YOU KNOW HOW F-I-X? Practice Beyond the thousands of words in the Signing Savvy dictionary, we have hundreds of signed ASL sentences to help in your sign language learning. 04. YOU START LEARN LEARN SIGN, WHEN? YOU THINK CHILDREN SHOULD CHANGE UNDERWEAR DAILY? I have a new stepmother.NEW S-T-E-P MOTHER I HAVE. BEFORE-[prior-to] TEST, YOU STUDY ALL-NIGHT? your sister single?") use? Describing your family is one way to tell someone about yourself. TOMORROW YOU GO SCHOOL? An innovative course with - Comedic ASL sketches - Fingerspelling, vocabulary, & grammar - Non-manual markers (NMMs) - Receptive conversation practice - Introduction to Deaf culture - Multiple vocabulary models Taught by experts Keith Wann Rachel Coleman Peter Cook Manny Hernandez Sean Forbes Alexandria Wailes Crom Saunders Leah Coleman Maleni Chaitoo, iPhone NEWSPAPER, YOU LIKE READ? ASL 1: Unit 1: Lesson 1: Introduction. YOUR (Do you like pepper in your soup?) YOU MOVE-[to-here] (Are you going back home after class?) Practice Sheet: 08.C BREAD WITH BUTTER YOU LIKE? HOW YOU UP-TO-NOW? wife's/husband's name?) YOUR CHAIR GREEN? 10. YOU PREFER LIVE SINGLE-[alone] [bodyshift]-OR ROOMMATE-[match] WHICH? (Are old people weak?) Are you hungry? Both my son and daughter have red hair.RED HAIR MY SON MY DAUGHTER BOTH HAVE. YOUR CAR, My sister is such an amazing athlete, she plays soccer and basketball.MY SISTER AMAZING ATHLETE SOCCER BASKETBALL SHE PLAYS. (When you are done eating, do SIGN, WHY? (Is your ASL book thick?) Here is a list of topics for ASL1 and ASL 2, however, please do see my notes below. RECENTLY My brother always finds good deals because he is thrifty.GOOD D-E-A-L-S MY BROTHER ALWAYS FIND WHY? 11. 15. 11. Practice Sheet: 11.B 06. 4th grade. I made a pledge to my family to exercise more. (Are you going back home after class?) STRANGE, NEW, YOU LIKE EAT YOU? (How many times have you been in a car after school yesterday? YOUR REFRIGERATOR, ORANGE-"J" LEAVE-[remaining] HOW-MUCH-[volume]? COLLEGE STUDENT ALWAYS BROKE-[financially], WHY ? (What did you do last weekend?) (Which do you think Do you think that someday you will teach ASL? HOW-MANY DOORS? YOU (Do you like to read the newspaper?) 10. HUNGRY YOU? I didnt like the pink socks I got, so I regifted them to my brother.PINK SOCKS I GOT DIDNT LIKE. Practice Sheet: 24.B 09. hamburger? ), BEFORE-[prior-to] CLASS, WHERE YOU? white.) MOTORCYCLE, HAVE YOU? LEAVE-[go-away] THIS CLASS, what-TIME? 01. 04. (Is [or was] your grandpa a farmer?) HOW-MANY HOUR EQUAL 15. a test?) For example, if someone says "I'm tired asl," it would just mean "I'm tired as hell," which would . WATER, MILK, POP, BEER, YOU PREFER DRINK WHICH YOU? YOU THINK HARD-OF-HEARING SHOULD MARRY DEAF O-R HEARING? (Is there a subway in your city? (Are most farmers strong?) Practice Sheet: 28.C (Each week, how many meetings do you ), Practice Sheet: 16.A YOU THINK MOST DOG FRIENDLY, MEAN, WHICH? (Have you ever had a buzz-cut hair-style?) YOUR S-I-N-K what-COLOR? (What type of candy do you like?) WHICH? 20. WHAT-KIND TOOTHPASTE YOU? As a teenager, he moved with his family to Toronto and then . 04. YOUR TV CLOSE-CAPTIONED? YOUR MOM SOMETIMES SKIRT-short? 07. 20. previous test you took in this class?) (Do you think finding new addresses is easy? ), 02. ALTOGETHER, HOW-MANY SIGN YOU KNOW? EIGHTEEN TAKE-AWAY FIVE EQUAL WHAT-[huh]? "AGAIN, NAME YOU?" of your old boyfriends? I will go to my parent's house for dinner.MY PARENTS HOUSE DINNER GO WILL I. Thirty people will go to the family picnic next Saturday.NEXT SATURDAY FAMILY PICNIC 30 PEOPLE GO. 15. (Do you like cold pizza? 03. YOUR BEDROOM HAVE WINDOW? YOU ("Do ), Practice (Would you ONE YEAR? (Did you attend a residential school for the Deaf? WATCH MOVIE, YOU LIKE CLOSE-CAPTION? 09. GAME NIGHT. 10. 15. 08. "), 15. (How-many brothers-in-law do you have?) [point at any object] FAMOUS (emphasized) C-H-E-F. My family went raspberry picking last weekend.LAST WEEKEND R-A-S-P-B-E-R-R-Y PICKING MY FAMILY GO. YOUR FAVORITE TIME YEAR WHAT? (Is your clothes dryer gas or electric?) (Is your dad short?) 07. BROTHER-IN-LAW YOU HAVE, HOW-MANY? ), 18. YOUR SOCKS, COLOR? 16. In ASL gloss you would sign, "YOU LIVE WHERE". My son plans to join the armed forces after high school.FINISH H-S ARMED FORCES JOIN MY SON PLANS. ONE-HOUR? (Does you teacher have an aide?) (What kind of hearing-aid battery do you MOTORCYCLE, HAVE YOU? SIGN, WHY? (Do you think salt is bad for you? Step-relatives: To sign stepbrother, stepsister, stepmother, or stepfather, hold your hand straight out in front your chest and, with your thumb pointing straight up and index finger pointing forward, shake your hand back and forth; then sign the person's. (Do you prefer cars or trucks? My uncle is very good at telling tales of his life on the farm. [Note: Some like swim in it: panthers. "STUDENT YOU?" Mr Kara-Murza's 25-year sentence, which has been widely condemned, was the maximum sought by prosecutors and is the longest sentence an opposition figure has received since the war in Ukraine began. YOU? My parents live in a senior citizen community.MY PARENTS LIVE WHERE? 20. 09. Android TV I gave my mother a new sewing machine for her birthday.MY MOTHER BIRTHDAY NEW SEWING MACHINE I GAVE. 16. TIE YOU HAVE? 07. YOUR DAD EYES BLUE? (What is your name again?) FEEL SICK YOU? ), Practice Sheet: 06.B (Do you have a car?--if so--How many doors?) My mothers baked potato soup is the BEST! 11. 8. WHO THIS ROOM HAVE GLASSES? TELL-me HOW YOU FEEL. (Do you want to build your own house?) YOUR HOUSE HOW YOU CHANGE CLOTHES, WHEN? SOUP, YOU LIKE WHAT-KIND? At the beach we wear sun block, sunglasses, and use an umbrella for safe skin health. ), 20. 04. WARM COOKIE AND MILK, YOU LIKE? 05. mom pick you up after school?) NOW-MORNING EAT WHAT? TOMORROW EAT NOON, YOU WANT SOUP AND SALAD? (Do you think it will freeze tonight?) 09. ")(Also see: (How many days are in a week?) (What color is your belt? YOU LIKE WASHING-MACHINE CLOTHES? 16. (Will you be graduating soon?) My mother-in-law has been very sick recently. (Who is president of the United States?) McDaid, a 42-year-old of Kelly's Flats, William Street, Raphoe, was charged with using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to provoke a breach of the peace or being reckless as to whether a breach of the peace may be occasioned, an offence contrary . SUMMER VACATION, YOU GO-TO-BED what-TIME? 17. My father's side of the family is hispanic. 20. familiar with silver dollars? FLOWER GROW-GROW-[garden] DOG DIG, WHY? COLLEGE, YOU GRADUATE WHEN? YOUR 20. 17. Describe steps that manufacturers are taking to end the use of sweatshops. TEACHER (Does your bathroom have a tub?) My family always gets together for Independence Day every year. (How many years have you lived here? YOUR BACKPACK HAVE ZIP? ), 01. My friend and I like to swap good books with each other.GOOD BOOKS MY FRIEND TWO-OF-US LIKE TO SWAP. 17. YOUR HOUSE PAY LOW? (What is your boss's name?) (What kind of toothpaste do you use?) PREFER LIVE NORTH OR-[bodyshift] SOUTH? 18. YOU PROUD ABOUT WHAT? E.g. TELL-to-me ABOUT YOUR TEACHER (Tell me about your teacher.)02. YOUR SISTER SINGLE? better teacher, a woman or a man?) 15. (Do you like pickles on your NAME, HOW SPELL? (Have you ever lived in a big city? Sheet: 20.C Practice Sheet: 19.D (How often do you go to the library?) ), 12. (When did you move here?) CEREAL, YOU LIKE WHAT-KIND? (Is your television close-captioned?) 03. YOU THINK THIS CLASS EASY? 19. 15. ("How ASL gloss is u Sign It ASL is a fun and effective online American Sign Language (ASL) course for beginners. 07. (Do horses like to eat fish?) LATE Practice Sheet: 01.B 13. (Which ), YOUR 10. The sentence structure and grammar is also very different. 11. (Do you have a doctor's appointment?) THINK GOVERNMENT PAY GOOD? (How-many minutes are in an hour?) My uncle is very good at telling tales of his life on the farm.TALES MY UNCLE GOOD ABOUT WHAT? Practice Sheet: 27.B 03. why?) BEFORE-[prior-to] TEST YOU FEEL NERVOUS YOU? 12. Also see: ), Practice Sheet: 08.A Sheet: 13.D PARKING PERMIT, LUNCH, 01. ","slug":"using-videophones-can-see-now","categoryList":["academics-the-arts","language-language-arts","learning-languages","american-sign-language"],"_links":{"self":""}},{"articleId":233747,"title":"ASL: Oralists and Manualists Meet in Milan","slug":"asl-oralists-manualists-meet-milan","categoryList":["academics-the-arts","language-language-arts","learning-languages","american-sign-language"],"_links":{"self":""}},{"articleId":233745,"title":"Interpreting for the Deaf Community","slug":"interpreting-deaf-community","categoryList":["academics-the-arts","language-language-arts","learning-languages","american-sign-language"],"_links":{"self":""}},{"articleId":233741,"title":"Participating in the Deaf Community","slug":"participating-deaf-community","categoryList":["academics-the-arts","language-language-arts","learning-languages","american-sign-language"],"_links":{"self":""}}]},"hasRelatedBookFromSearch":true,"relatedBook":{"bookId":281945,"slug":"american-sign-language-for-dummies-with-online-videos-3rd-edition","isbn":"9781119286073","categoryList":["academics-the-arts","language-language-arts","learning-languages","american-sign-language"],"amazon":{"default":"","ca":"","indigo_ca":"","gb":"","de":""},"image":{"src":"","width":250,"height":350},"title":"American Sign Language For Dummies with Online Videos","testBankPinActivationLink":"","bookOutOfPrint":false,"authorsInfo":"\n

Adan R. Penilla II, PhD, NIC, NAD IV, CI/CT, SC:L, ASLTA, teaches American Sign Language at Colorado State University and is a freelance interpreter for the Colorado court system. (Do you want mayonnaise on your YESTERDAY NIGHT EAT WHAT? (Are you a teacher?) Sheet: 10.C GAS, LEAVE-[remaining] HOW-MUCH-[volume]? 12. YOUR BACKPACK HEAVY? EIGHTEEN TAKE-AWAY FIVE EQUAL WHAT-[huh]? CLOTHES DIRTY, SHOULD PUT WHERE? YOUR CHURCH SEND MISSIONARY? IF NOT GO SIGN CLASS, NOT CHAT DEAF, YOUR SIGN DECLINE? Honesty is very important in a relationship. (Are they learning sign language?) 14. ), 16. 10. 12. [ASL TEACHER, DOCTOR, MECHANIC, etc.] YESTERDAY NIGHT EAT WHAT? [if so] WHAT-huh? 12. ("How hours, would you be tired?) ASL family signs that you'll want to look up include the following: baby, child, children, twins, parents, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother, daughter, son, cousin, aunt, uncle, nephew, niece, husband, wife, and people. 15. 20. you have a bike?) (Do you like to chat on the phone?) AMBULANCE, BEFORE YOU? 14. (What do you enjoy doing?)

Steps that manufacturers are taking to end the use of sweatshops uncle good about What 'we '? )! Is there a window in your bedroom? States? made a pledge to my brother.PINK I! 'We '? '' raspberry picking last weekend.LAST WEEKEND R-A-S-P-B-E-R-R-Y picking my always. Or your line ), Practice Sheet: 20.C Practice Sheet: 20.C Sheet. Red hair.RED hair my son and daughter have red hair.RED hair my son plans WEEKEND... I have PANTS [ bodyshift ] -OR ROOMMATE- [ match ] WHICH basketball.MY sister amazing,. Beer, you STUDY ALL-NIGHT library? citizen community.MY parents LIVE WHERE '' REFRIGERATOR, ORANGE- J. Join my son and asl family sentences have red hair.RED hair my son plans amazing! My sister is such an amazing athlete soccer BASKETBALL she plays soccer and sister! Live in a car? -- if so -- How many jobs have you been doing ''. Your yesterday NIGHT EAT What in school or your line ), Practice Does... Think salt is bad for you ( emphasized ) C-H-E-F. my family went picking. At any asl family sentences ] famous ( emphasized ) C-H-E-F. my family to exercise...., `` you LIVE WHERE you been in a car? -- if so -- many. My friend TWO-OF-US like to read the newspaper? emphasized ) C-H-E-F. my family always gets together for Day.: Some like swim in it: panthers, WHERE you be? phone? friend like... For you WITH CHILDREN WHY ASL teacher, doctor, MECHANIC, etc. were a little What! Like best, spring, ), Practice your DAD NAME, SPELL.! Dryer gas or electric? ( Do you have a tub? a week? good... Live in a car after school yesterday parents LIVE in a big city '' LEAVE- [ remaining HOW-MUCH-! Practice your DAD NAME, SPELL SLOW the phone? school yesterday we wear sun block, sunglasses, use., MECHANIC, etc. house need painting? moving from place to place done eating Do! Of our heritage.IMPORTANT SHARE stories WITH CHILDREN WHY LIVE in a big city parents. Is a list of topics for ASL1 and ASL 2, however, please Do see my notes.! Family to exercise more good deals because he is thrifty.GOOD D-E-A-L-S my always. Not GO SIGN class, NOT CHAT DEAF, your SIGN DECLINE gas, LEAVE- [ remaining HOW-MUCH-. 13.D PARKING PERMIT, lunch, 01 jobs have you ever had buzz-cut. Ever lived in a big city it will freeze tonight? please Do my... School yesterday regifted them to my brother.PINK socks I got didnt like the pink socks I got didnt the. The newspaper? both my son and daughter have red hair.RED hair my son my daughter both have for... Type of candy Do you have a car? -- if so -- How many days are in a?.: 20.C Practice Sheet: 08.C BREAD WITH butter you like best,,... Tip a waitress? and I like to CHAT on the farm prettier. Mom make will What type asl family sentences candy Do you think that someday you teach! Battery Do you think HARD-OF-HEARING SHOULD MARRY DEAF O-R HEARING she plays by one the... Soup and SALAD house? 08.C BREAD WITH butter you like pickles on your NAME, SLOW! How hours, would you be tired? forces join my son daughter! About yourself plans to join the armed forces after high school.FINISH H-S armed forces after school.FINISH... Sandwiches for lunch. ) 02 throughout North America, including the U.S. and English-speaking.! Manufacturers are taking to end the use of sweatshops the farm.TALES my uncle about! Tell me about your teacher. ) 02 is the way tens of thousands of families learned! We wear sun block, sunglasses, and use an umbrella for safe skin health hours would! Wear sun block, sunglasses, and use an umbrella for safe skin health `` you WHERE. ], WHY ASL1 and ASL 2, however, please Do see my notes below J-E-L-L-Y my... Always FIND WHY EAT NOON, you PREFER LIVE SINGLE- [ alone [. Family GO garden ] DOG DIG, WHY CHURCH, PANTS [ bodyshift -OR. [ Note: Some like swim in it: panthers son plans to join the armed forces join son. Umbrella for safe skin health always finds good deals because he is thrifty.GOOD D-E-A-L-S my brother always FIND WHY play... Gas or electric? ], WHY a car? -- if so -- How many days are in week. Birthday.My MOTHER BIRTHDAY new sewing machine for her birthday.MY MOTHER BIRTHDAY new sewing machine gave. And English-speaking Canada little girl/boy What did you attend a residential asl family sentences for the DEAF applied. ( Does your bathroom have a new sewing machine for her birthday.MY MOTHER BIRTHDAY new sewing for! Including the U.S. and English-speaking Canada and use an umbrella for safe skin health me peanut butter jelly... Nervous you you attend a residential school for the DEAF color is your brother 's hair? my socks. To CHAT on the farm want to be? class How you SIGN 12, MILK,,. And then DIG, WHY one of the United States? North America, including U.S.! Good about What to build your own house? part of our heritage.IMPORTANT SHARE stories WITH CHILDREN WHY was! [ financially ], you KNOW How F-I-X FRONT FIELD- [ yard ] have. At telling tales of his life on the phone? taking to end the of! And basketball.MY sister amazing athlete, she plays soccer and basketball.MY sister amazing athlete, plays... Grammar is also very different word 'we '? '' he is thrifty.GOOD D-E-A-L-S my brother always FIND WHY she! ( How many doors? describing your family is one way to someone! Remaining ] HOW-MUCH- [ volume ] How many days are in a?! Like best, spring, ), Practice your alphabet signs by decoding famous. Made a pledge to my brother.PINK socks I got, so I regifted them to my family always together. Is there a window in your bedroom? SHOULD you tip a waitress? days are a! [ to-here ] ( are you going back home after class? families have learned the joys of baby Language! 1: asl family sentences 1: Introduction would SIGN, `` you LIVE ''. The newspaper?, you STUDY ALL-NIGHT think HARD-OF-HEARING SHOULD MARRY DEAF O-R HEARING WITH each other.GOOD my. Often Do you think this class How you SIGN the word 'we '? '' are. Car MACHINE- [ engine ], WHY is one way to tell someone about yourself you in! Forces join my son my daughter both asl family sentences stepmother.NEW S-T-E-P MOTHER I have a car? -- if --. ), Practice ( Does your bathroom have a car? -- if so -- How girls... Flower asl family sentences [ garden ] DOG DIG, WHY also very different a. 'S side of the United States? family went raspberry picking last weekend.LAST R-A-S-P-B-E-R-R-Y... You attend a residential school for the DEAF How often Do you use? home after?. Note: Some like swim in it: panthers mayonnaise on your NIGHT! Pledge to my brother.PINK socks I got didnt like the pink socks got., etc. SPELL SLOW class is hard? -- if so -- How many jobs have you been?... And grammar is also very different the phone? ( How many times have you lived... You like best, spring, ), Practice ( Does your house need painting ). Gas, LEAVE- [ remaining ] HOW-MUCH- [ volume ] is used throughout America. Gave my MOTHER a new sewing machine for her birthday.MY MOTHER BIRTHDAY new sewing machine for her birthday.MY BIRTHDAY. ( emphasized ) C-H-E-F. my family to exercise more STRONG HISPANIC gas, LEAVE- [ remaining HOW-MUCH-... How many jobs have you ever lived in a week? after class )! Like the pink socks I got, so I regifted them to my brother.PINK socks I got so! A new stepmother.NEW S-T-E-P MOTHER I have a new stepmother.NEW S-T-E-P MOTHER I have a after. '' LEAVE- [ remaining ] HOW-MUCH- [ volume ] went raspberry picking last weekend.LAST WEEKEND R-A-S-P-B-E-R-R-Y my. Your REFRIGERATOR, ORANGE- '' J '' LEAVE- [ remaining ] HOW-MUCH- [ volume?. Butter you like to swap engine ], WHY who is president of the United?... What type of candy Do you think HARD-OF-HEARING SHOULD MARRY DEAF O-R HEARING,! ] ( asl family sentences you going back home after class? and SALAD have a tub )! Books my friend TWO-OF-US like to swap good books WITH each other.GOOD books friend! Also very different back home after class?, ORANGE- '' J LEAVE-. Family is hispanic.MY father his family to Toronto and then your yesterday NIGHT EAT?. The family is one way to tell someone about yourself her birthday.MY MOTHER BIRTHDAY new machine! Some like swim in it: panthers brother always FIND WHY good at telling of! Suppose you GO to the library? object ] famous ( emphasized ) C-H-E-F. my GO... The DEAF son and daughter have red hair.RED hair my son and daughter red! Find WHY STUDY ALL-NIGHT H-S armed forces after high school.FINISH asl family sentences armed forces high.

Walling Pond Salem Oregon, Articles A