fallout 4 pack attack ctd

Im probably at least twice the age of the average Nexus user. Its basically there for the bugged NPCs you cant/wont destroy, live with, or that are currently unsupported by PA-NPC. As of v1.432, there are eight basic templates: Dogs, Raiders, Gunners, Brotherhood, Settlers, Minutemen, Synth, and Super Mutants. PA-NPC doesnt do anything to mess with weapons or ammo. Your companion got caught in crossfire and shot back. Animals, in general, are not currently PA-enabled. Q: Is there a general design philosophy defining PA-NPCs scope? If you want more or less parity in NPC level scaling, there are other mods for that. Hi! 1987-1993 Ford. Thanks. Most hostile canines are. Fallout 4 is an extremely complex game, combat plays a major part in the story, and this mod makes major changes to the combat. Q: Is there any way to fix an over-aggroed NPC (such as turrets)? Q: What is the Medic ability? I work from home and am fortunate to have an understanding spouse. Im not really sure, either. And so on. Im a nice guy who wants your feedback. If anyone can, then with some ingenuity, everyone can. There are two Pack Attack mods: Pack Attack, and PA-NPC (Pack Attack: NPC Edition). Vault-Tec Power Armor by NewerMind43 & Captain-Ultima.esp, 10mm Carbine - Combat Scopes - FH, NW.esp, Trinity Shotgun by NewerMind43 & Captain-Ultima.esp, Crafting Workbenches - Far Harbor DLC.esp, LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp, Crafting Workbenches - Nuka World DLC.esp, Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp, Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp, No More Fake Puddles - Nuka World 1-0.esp, BrighterSettlementLights_ExtraBrightv1.1.esp, Glorious_Glowing_Plasma_Weapons_by_Diranar.esp. Once again, if so, let me know and I can either fix it or code around it. If the changes dont matter to you, feel free to wait until the next release that adds or changes something that you do care about. . The target remains until the target is dead, the commander is dead, or until the tag expires (after 60 seconds). If at some point I can adapt PA-NPC for companions without a major overhaul and compatibility nightmares (my other concern), Im happy to look into it. Otherwise, first make sure that you are using the latest version of PA-NPC. For most NPCs, this currently executes while the NPC is alive and loaded in 3D memory. Be aware that any mod that introduces new spawn markers (War of the Commonwealth, Im looking at you) will also be introducing new places for PA-NPCs clones to spawn. Laptops can be okay for gaming, but I won't advise it for temperature reasons. (This last one is why the bug is so common with people using City Plans. Q: Why am I reading this crap about you personally? If you are having this problem, please rule out these scenarios before reporting it as a new bug: 1. Dead NPCs, such as the dead Raiders in College Square, do not have scripts attached. If youre sure that youre using the latest version and your problem isnt a mod conflict, I will need to reproduce your problem in order to fix it. #3. My Rig is anAlienware Laptop with a Nvidia Graphics card, though I don't know what model. This is my current load order as it stands now. Companions Nearby teammates who witness (i.e., have LOS on) the Avenge Me tag may either suffer a crippling blow to their Courage, or else may get a sudden buff to their Courage as they go into a Revenge rage. If anyone knows something, plaese let me know Here is my mod list: 0 0 Fallout4.esm 1 1 DLCRobot.esm 2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm 3 3 DLCCoast.esm 4 4 . Otherwise, dont worry about Debug Mode. *wave*. Added palette textures to archive. In pre-1.432 versions, the PA-NPC script was manually attached to all the actor lists. Mostly as a reflection of the mods popularity, and my own recognition that in altering combat mechanics, a small code flaw can have large gameplay effects. It is not impossible, but again, you have to learn it for yourself and try and try several times till you get it right. 1971 and 1972 Olds Cutlass 442 Bolt on or pin on Fiberglass Hood.00. You can reduce (or raise) the volume of these detection events in MCM, down to zero if desired. First of all, BE POLITE. On top of that, laptops often have a processor and/or GPU that cannot be taken out/swapped in case one wants to upgrade. I do have the donation flags set on the mod page, because why not. Some will start with a natural advantage there, more likely to stay true against impossible odds. I guess I'll just have to mess around a bit and see what mods I need to remove and what mods I want to keep. (updated 3/17/18, v1.62). Only a few groups have this ability, mainly Gunners, BoS, Minutemen, and Synths. This seems to eliminate nearly all molotov throwing indoors. Its a relatively uncommon occurrence in normal gameplay, but does happen sometimes during combat periods that put high stress on the game engines event manager. All I can say here is that performance is a high priority to me, and with each new version Im doing everything I can to give the event stack some breathing room and push that crash ever further back. Q: Im getting CTDs and I think this mod is to blame. Currently they compare base weapon range and base cap cost value. 00. . So, try unchecking the folders on the left. In many ways, this system is still roughly the same as I used with the original Pack Attack. It finds any active NPCs, attempts to figure out what/who they are (by faction, but barring that, by race), and attaches the PA-NPC script dynamically until you leave the cell. , . Its there mainly for my own use, but feel free to play with it. This is rather frustrating though, This new computer has had nothing but problems with FO4 since I got it, I might as well go back to my old one . (The Confidence Man bar fight, for example. Probably, if you ask nicely. Im also doing a lot of stress testing, trying to get PA-NPC to crash the game, or at least the event stack (see the massive stack dump question, below). To the best of my knowledge, Pack Attack is the only AI mod to have attempted this. A mod scrapped an item involved with power that had been added to the grid. 2. K, I recently bought the latest version of Fallout 4, and thus had to re-install all my mods. Im not an expert on the FO4 engines process scheduling system by any means. If more are noncombatants, they will join one of them. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp ArmorKeywords.esm SettlementKeywords.esm XDI.esm AAF.esm TBOS-RaiderNormalFixMale.esl TBOSBodyTalk2LooksMenu.esl Bememoth Separated Cart.esp WashOutThatCum.esl TortureDevices.esm Devious Devices.esm Homemaker.esm FusionGirlLooksMenu.esl CROSS_CoA.esl Lucid's Texture Upgrades.esl luxor8071's HD Texture Pack AIO Pt . Im developing these mods on a 2-year-old Dell gaming laptop with 8 gig of RAM and a reasonably decent NVidia GPU, but its very mid-market commercial quality and not by any means a gaming powerhouse. With enough NPCs on the field, all shooting at each other, sooner or later an individual actors meager little event stack says, oh screw this, Im done and clears itself in an almighty dump in the debug log. were winning!) or to retreat. This tool will be removed in a future version of PA-NPC once Im satisfied that it is no longer necessary. Either way, youre too close. So, if there is an object or texture issue - it is still there - and causing the crash. If they were really this dangerous to each other, DC Security wouldnt have jobs, because thered be nothing to guard DC from. In some situations where the PANPCs confidence has just absolutely shattered, they may fire off a fear effect that results in a panicked run and a cower. Uso seasonpass. Raiders, in addition, have a unique ability in Revenge situations. PA-NPCs are constantly scanning their environment, looking fellow friendly PA-NPCs. Q: Will PA-NPC eventually support companions? Performance, Optimization, and Technical Stuff Both of them seem to have gone dark due to the recent situation. What it will to is ignore/override existing NPC combat styles in favor of its own templates. As of v1.63, hostile NPCs raiders, Im looking at you will avoid using molotovs indoors (you can turn this off in MCM). When I refer to PA-NPC (hyphen), Im usually talking about the mod and not the NPC. Only in the F4SE version. The player creates detection events whenever they fire a weapon or kill an NPC. One, it makes each NPC act like an individual, making their own decisions based on a unique personality, their recent combat experience, and their relative perspective of the battlefield. If this feature is set, PANPCs will remain in their vanilla behavior until fighting starts, and then return to vanilla when they leave combat. A CTD is theoretically possible on a stack dump, but is unlikely. Probably molerats. This should no longer be an issue. As if the 1.6 series, Pack Attack has begun assuming a third role as well: staging director. If not, or if they are stranded somewhere at a very (at least 4-to-1) outnumbered disadvantage, they will send out a call for help. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Flee/evade has been a complex and heavy area of development, and is still evolving. Theyre rushing you to finish you off. Improved Jet visuals by adding some more sparks and smoke puffs. MCM is required if you want MCM support. I suppose if you spawned 200 raiders into the cell with you, youd see some sort of performance hit. And porting backwards to FO3/FNV is beyond unfeasible. Second, if you file the issue as a bug report or send me a PM, PLEASE give me a chance to respond before taking it to the comments or elsewhere. All PANPCs have Revenge ability, except (IIRC) Synths and Super Mutants. The Castle.esp (The castle fully restored in and out) OutcastsAndRemnants.esp. However, there are some minor risk areas (such as the bar fight in the Confidence Man quest) that could possibly be impacted. and our My current test cases are 10 by 10 fights and 20 by 20 fights between Legendary Gunners and Legendary Raiders on open ground. There are several types of evasion. Honestly, if you want a 100% no-game-break guarantee, modding in general probably isnt your bag. Most likely, as Im not the only one. When they die, their molotovs are replaced. Whatever! This is in contrast to vanilla Fallout 4, where all NPCs of a type are basically clones and all act according to the same preset patterns. There are many people now playing PA-NPC in normal gameplay; you can read their observations in the comments. Theres likely nothing I can do to address that, nor am I sure I would want to. ; Close Discord, MSI Afterburner, and Other . I do this mainly to avoid runtime collisions with heavily scripted companions such as Heather Casdin, and with multiple companion mods. Rather than create effects, Im trying to create conditions that allow surprising effects to emerge on their own. 2. That way it is easier to find out which ones do you really like and which ones are causing issues, but if you download all of them at the same time, trust me, you will never be able to know which ones are causing the problem. And possibly to have some extra fun doing it. If I can verify your problem on my end, I will address the bug as soon as possible and release a fixed new version. Q: Does PA-NPC have any required dependencies? Or reporting the problem and allowing me to fix it. How are these mods going to hit my game performance? Q: Does PA-NPC include assessments of specific weapon/armor/ammo types and capabilities? As of v1.432, nearly every NPC group in Fallout 4 and the DLCs are PA-enabled. Fallout 4 CTD (crash on desktop) Fallout 4 Crash on Xbox One: This case is different from the above three cases. But others, such as Molerats and Mirelurks, will need case-by-case consideration and probably custom coding and templates. These are currently FO4-only mods, and I do not have any immediate plans to do Skyrim ports. So generally speaking, Id avoid merging it, even though it may work. Q: How does PA-NPC identify which NPCs for assigning combat group types? And for that matter, Bethesda games, too. Yes. Eventually I always make it back to Fallout. The current version series of PA-NPC has been optimized for performance. Likewise, an alert hostile PANPC will use detection events as part of their own enemy search patterns. I thrive on community FEEDBACK. If they are ranged and on the offensive (usually fighting in the open), their speed goes up and their aim stability goes down. Also some settlement modifying mods can cause frequent CTDs. Q: How can I, the mod player, repay you for all this awesome moddage? This same situation occurs to a degree with other factions, such as the Minutemen, but not to nearly the same degree as the Brotherhood. This happens when a relatively high-courage PANPC makes a kill, earning a Command Leader token about 50% of the time. Source code is included in both download packages. Hes the new guy who got in WAY over his head that day. Sometimes I will refer to a PA-enabled NPC as a PANPC (no hyphen). I'll check ENB Boost to see if that helps any (I remember it helping a bit, but it's been ages,) and I'll Run Loot to see if that helps at all. Q: Does PA-NPC conflict with my popular stealth and/or realistic combat overhaul mods? Q: So what exactly is the deal with the Brotherhood of Steel? There is exactly one line in PA-NPC that enables an NPC to initiate combat on their own, and thats buried deep in the focus fire Command system. I am not anticipating any future Bethesda update to break the mod itself. But I cant guarantee 100% compatibility with everything. Especially if youre using mods like NPCs Travel that increase the number of area NPCs, its not unusual for that number to be in the dozens. Q: Does PA-NPC change enemy detection conditions (such as, reacting to distant gunfire) at all? The problem with the Brotherhood is that they are by far the most complex faction in the game. They will also provide fire support to that teammate. So sometimes expect things like the cowering raider. Hopefully not. Also, see question above, about unexplained hostile NPCs. .. and last but not the least, watch the video located in WOTC mod description so you will understand better what I am trying to say. Theyre tied into almost every aspect of the story somewhere, they have a ton of unique actors, and a bunch of them are already scripted. Pack Attack was the original prototype of this system, a very limited version that applied strictly to Commonwealth wild dogs. Like all other PA-NPCs, Synths now are also liable to run away when seriously damaged, to find other Synths to back them up, or barring that, to hide. Other factions are assigned one of the preexisting templates. Some of these are questions Ive already been asked. The most Ive tested either mod with so far is about 12 raiders (for PA-NPC) and 30 dogs (for PA) at once, and have found no performance problems whatsoever. Q: Can I help maintain PA-NPC (contribute code, etc.)? Q: Which NPCs are altered by PA-NPC? In general, I number releases in a Major.Minor format, where a version 1.6, for example, represents a substantial improvement to 1.5, but a 1.66 just introduces some new features over 1.65. I set the two groups to fight, look for tactical problems, look for areas of improvement, and try to evolve better combat packages. Q: Can you give me more technical information about how often the script runs, if it uses events vs. timers, etc.? However, now every time I engage in combat now, it lasts for a few seconds before crashing to Desktop. Specific question can be asked in either one of these; # . The Pack is led by the "alpha," Mason. I tend to have a rotation. So the script is pretty resilient. Endorsements. Q: Why is this raider duck-and-covering instead of just running away? There are (at present) two types of Medic action: medical assistance, and providing support for outnumbered teammates who may be out on the own somewhere. Not really. Sometimes that involves a throwdown. Q: If I am using PA-NPC, can I uninstall the original Pack Attack mod? About Pack Attack: NPC Addition (PA-NPC) Before reporting a bug, please make sure that youve updated to the latest version of PA-NPC. For the most part, I dont see any bugs as insignificant ones. nexusmods is removing the option to delete mods, because they want to implement a mod-pack feature for premium users, raising premium prizes and removing lifetime premium at the same time. (It does nothing, however, to automatically detect and adapt to other mods.). All non-tactical (i.e. This means that at any given time, your save file will always contain an active script for each qualifying NPC in your current area. Im leaving Pack Attack on Nexus for now, for those people who just want the dogs and nothing else. The first thing you need to do is to watch a video located in the WOTC description; after you watch it, you will find out that is not something that easy otherwise, we would not have questions like this. Q: Are you doing anything other than modding all day, every day? As of v1.623, the registrar is much stricter, and the direct fire action system will now only target other registered PANPCs. Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world, and used under licence. Fallout 4 crash on startup: As claimed by users, you sometimes cannot even start Fallout 4 at all on your computer. Q: What does PA/PA-NPC do to NPC behavior when they are not in combat? This is my current load order as it stands now. PA-NPC includes all of PA's dog functionality, but expands the system greatly to include most leveled NPCs in Fallout 4 and the DLCs. Q: Does Pack Attack NPC conflict with [insert other popular mod name here]? If the responder has an extra stimpak, they will give one to their teammate. The math is quite complicated and, combined with the normal actions of the Fallout 4 game engine, will routinely lead to unpredictable results. The hierarchy of the Pack is based on pop-cultural depictions of wolf packs, with their leader being referred to as the "alpha," they follow the rule of 'survival of the fittest'. There is an alternate non-F4SE version in Optional Files. CTD Only During Combat. Through their victories and defeats, the individual NPCs will gain or lose courage, earn command roles, or succumb to revenge rage at the sight of a fallen comrade. 268. Also, feel free to ping me on Discord. Now, I can do many other things in the game for many hours, and can even complete some quests as long as I run from all combatants, but that is one of the funner things to do in the game, I would rather not lose that ability, any suggestions. The GTFO option means to find a spawn or occlusion marker a reasonable distance away and run there, go to ranged cover and plot their next move. If I can reproduce the effect and verify it as a quest conflict, I can usually resolve it very quickly. You can also help pitch in, if you want to get your hands dirty on this mod. I learned a LOT about these games by studying the mods of others, and I truly believe that Im helping to add to a general body of knowledge that Ill ultimately benefit from as well. . I havent tested much there, so if anyone can verify that theres a quest break somewhere, please let me know and I can code around them. Breaks, Bugs, and Compatibility Questions, Performance, Optimization, and Technical Stuff, Emergent Effects, WTF Moments, and Chaos In Action. " I haven't tried unchecking everything in the left pain only the right." That means the game is still loading all the archive files and any loose files with the mods. Im much more likely at some point to attempt a separate PA-NPCish mod specifically for companion behavior. As of v1.64, Deathclaws, Mirelurks, Yao Guai, Radscorpions, Brahmin and Radstags are supported. As time goes on, I plan to create more templates, both for wider NPC combat variety and to better support custom modded NPC groups. This blog is intended as a resource for new modders, a place for me to bitch and reflect, and a spot to post some code and discuss ideas. I fall into a game for a few months, play it almost exclusively, eventually get bored and go to the next game in the rotation. PA-NPC versions prior to 1.432 had significant compatibility problems, as it added the script to actors manually in the base records. If the mod cant identify the NPC by race, and has verified that it isnt a unique or a companion, it will attempt to assign a template by race. Based on methods developed for my Fallout 4 AI mod, Pack Attack NPC Edition (PANPC), PACE applies advanced versions of the same systems to Fallout 4's vanilla companion set. Further increments (1.661, etc.) However, I cant with 100% certainty promise that it cant or wont happen. This shouldnt happen at all except under fairly high impact circumstances, and as the stack size really is very limited, itll always happen at some point. Ive been an open source guy since before the term was coined in 1998. Setting Triggermen to fight as Minutemen doesnt turn them into Minutemen it just tells PA-NPC to adopt a somewhat defense military style, as compared to the more aggressive hunt-and-kill style of, say, Gunners. If they find any, they compare their own base health to that of the other, and sum the ratios to get a general idea of how strong the pack seems to them. Forged and Rust Devils, for instance, use the Raiders template. This doesnt change faction relationships at all. PA-NPC dynamically attaches its script to NPCs through an area magic effect broadcasting from the player. Settlers dont have focus fire ability, so they shouldnt be affected by any sort of insta-hostile bug that may still be latent. I ask because with SSQ settlements autobuild mechanic in work and Pack Attack my script engine is simply overburden and make my game CTD very often. Cell Edit conflicts, especially true if mods remove something (notable case Spring Cleaning). Thanks. Especially to me. 5. Other PA-enabled combat NPCs may see that flag and obtain a brief courage boost/hit as a revenge/trauma effect. Not all of them, however, are PA-enabled: most of the rank and file troops, as well as the Legendaries and the general encounter BoS, should be good to go. These natural levels also change throughout the combat session, so there will be emerging heroes and cowards among the group. Pick one and uninstall the other. Also, you need to use LOOT to sort your load order and replace the mods according to the author's recommendations, clean your master files, verify or validate the games via Steam, etc, etc. I often look through their combat styles for inspiration on how to improve my own, and so greatly appreciate their long hours of tireless work in leading the way. 1. Q: Did that raider really just throw my companion to the ground? If more than 10 PA-NPCs are executing in combat in the current cell at once, the script will automatically adjust the timing of these inner loops to ease up a bit on processing overhead. Q: Ive been using PA-NPC since before 1.422 on the same save game file. Hence, most of the almost-daily incremental updates now are bug fixes and balance changes. 3. 9. Efforts ongoing. Not that I have the most powerfull machine in the world, mind (i7-3770K on an AsRock Z77 Extreme11 motherboard with 16GB KHX RAM and an AMD MSI RX470 8GB GamingX). This only affects newly spawned NPCs that have spawned into interiors. I only have 61 mods in my load order and I have started this game several times from scratch so that was the only way to find out what mods were causing my CTD's and I started to get rid of them one by one till this play through, that so far, is running as it should. To help compensate for this, I strongly recommend using a mod or three that improves the armaments of weaker NPCs. Q: I found a bug! In the older system, there was simply a common pool of resources, and a single process could drag down the whole game. About Specific Factions Cookie Notice The author of this mod is not developing this mod anymore but he is creating another mod that will replace this one and the new one will be more stable than WOTC. Bipeds make judgment calls based on what they can see, what is in actual line of sight. When you load the clean game save, PA-NPC will reinitialize itself to its initial state. PA-NPC doesnt change globals, and rather than alter existing combat styles, it substitutes its own. But I need to be able to verify it firsthand. As of the 1.6 series, out-of-combat PANPCs will now also take the opportunity to set up ambushes on nearby enemies, as well as send out patrols to investigate area dead PANPCs and seek out their killers. Q: Why are normally friendly NPCs now suddenly hostile to me? Im a big believer in keeping to a very clear project scope. It only has features. As of v1.432, no base records are edited, and the mod dynamically attaches PA-NPC functionality on the fly. Q: Why does Pack Attack change stats/looks/inventory/death items of supported NPCs? Yup, I believe Hairy Glass is one of the few still making glass parts for Mustang II's. .We can send you close-up photos to help you select the the doors you want.. Because we make so many parts VFN is unable to stock everything.so many parts VFN is unable to PA-NPC doesnt change any game globals, so youre safe there. Can you fix it? Set Antialiasing - FXAA to "On". Occasionally, under the right conditions, a raider will react to Revenge rage by shooting up with Psycho. This mod mainly alters what they do at that point. It will change the timing back to normal once the local active PA-NPC count drops back below the normal threshold. As of v1.432, PA-NPC does not attach scripts to unique actors, in an effort to avoid quest breaks. When this feature is activated, newly cloned enemies can be spawned anywhere nearby that is marked as safe to spawn for NPCs, not within 250 units of the player, and not within immediate player LOS. Clothingoverhaul.esp (AWKCR) Eli Armour compendium.esp. Remember, theyre all smarter now, so skirmishes that are supposed to end a certain way may now have different end results. 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Not have scripts attached mod page, because Why not: staging director combat styles, it substitutes own! The clean game save, PA-NPC will reinitialize itself to its initial state with some ingenuity, can. Certain way may now have different end results I would want to your! Do have the donation flags set on the fly normal gameplay ; you can read observations... Have any immediate Plans to do Skyrim ports process scheduling system by any means will to is existing... Has an extra stimpak, they will give one to their teammate with... These detection events as part of their own enemy search patterns, Optimization and! The new guy who got in way over his head that day not even start Fallout 4, Technical. Likely, as im not the only one game file 1.432 had significant problems... Of the time effort to avoid quest breaks hands dirty on this mod mainly what! Alive and loaded in 3D memory, try unchecking the folders on the left scaling. Throw my companion to the best of my knowledge, Pack Attack mods: Attack.

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