google sheets stuck on loading cells

How small stars help with planet formation. sheet.getRange(1,1,allFormulas.length,allFormulas[0].length).setNotes(allFormulas); //delete formulas to see what cells are dynamic The recalculation when I go to FETCH takes about 13 seconds. Ideally you should remove any large numbers of blank rows under your datasets, or columns to the right of your datasets. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. +1 and thanks much! "Email Address", "Zip Code", "Parent/Guardian", "Teacher", "Administrator", The URL is definitely right as the preview window appears when I hover over it. Its arguments are completely dependent upon prior columns/rows, so any change in the inputs will serially trigger 40 invocations of the function. If that doesn't work maybe try resolving the value from a function into a cell before using it as the argument of your custom function. Theres also a bonus trick to make sure that never happens again. Check for numeric or floating point issues where numbers may exceed a normal set of significant figures. 7 above). Have sent you the template email directly in any case! I don't want to reload every time I change a value. Please suggest solution. But often it just stops completely partway down. Once I replaced it with a sumif which worked in my case with a little bit of manual work my worksheet started working perfectly fine. At the top, click Format Conditional Formatting. For example, running tests with a QUERY function, I found that each additional 20,000 empty rows I was including with open ranges would add 1 second to the calculations. I read somewhere that Query function would have to dial out to query language API or something along that line. So changes or pending changes in external sheets dont slow down the main sheet. What worked was to start with a blank slate. However, when your data starts to get really big (around 20,000 rows), the IMPORTRANGE formula will just get stuck at the Error Loading data stage. You should read our comprehensive guide on Chrome updates to learn more. For my main sheet, instead of doing a vlookup of those sheets directly, I manually run an app script to copy only the values from the external sheets to local copies of those sheets. return "Exception:"+ex; Ive got a sheet on which, in addition to a the primary duties the sheet performs, there are many tabs that show reports that are only occasionally needed. Should I copy the complete link from the browser or should I mention the sheet name. If you are still experiencing performance issues in Google Sheets, it is now safe to presume the problem is within Sheets itself. Thanks for this helpful article. filter(importrange( [url], A:E), A=[value]). Asides from being effective fixes for the Google Sheets not loading issue on Chrome, these troubleshooting solutions can also be used to fix glitches with other Google apps and services like Forms, Slides, and Google Docs. Just a question: Somewhere I read that there is a limitation of number of formula cells to 40,000. In my sheet almost all cells are interconnected, so changing one cell triggers a recalc. There will come a time, and perhaps youre already there, when you have to admit defeat and accept that Google Sheets wont fulfill all of your data needs. Google prioritizes issues with the most stars. Am bookmarking this page thanks for the tips!! I wanted to drop a comment about the Sheet Size Audit tool thanks for making it! (10,000 * 10 indexes) =. In other words, its data we dont envisage using again, but that we want to keep a copy of. Make a copy and then when you open it the custom menu should show up (might need to refresh). Hi Ben. Click the refresh button on your browser to refresh the google sheet. Is it even possible to surround all custom functions with a try-catch statement? I had two add-ons, and no function was loading.,, Google is aware of this and has started working on a fix, this is a bug in Google Sheets and Google has started working on a fix, The philosopher who believes in Web Assembly, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. I effectively have 75,600 instances of the following formula which I used to transpose data: =ARRAYFORMULA(IFERROR(INDEX(2 AlphaID-Date Order (A)!M$4:M,SMALL(IF(B2085=2 AlphaID-Date Order (A)!C:C,ROW(2 AlphaID-Date Order (A)!C:C)-3),$J$2)))). But for each sheet I have to make changes in the script to remove the values from non-formula cells depending on the requirement. var formulaFound = false; Would a reload help? Data does not show in cell, even though you know youve entered data into the cell. Ive followed the advice in several of the items here, and they did help considerably, but it can still take 10 seconds to recalculate when a user makes a change to a single value on one of the tabs in their spreadsheet. X24) and executing it there seemed to bypass the problem. The new sheets seems to be a little glitchy with numbers so if you are expecting very large or very complex numbers, your functions may not work. when I start typing "=ifer" it shoud automatically show the "iferror" option. Click thestar icon in the top left-hand corner to vote for fixing the issueand get notified of statuschanges. There is nothing magical about the. }. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. My company is using sheets and those using their ios devices have had their sheets app crashing constantly particularly on sheets with a lot of import ranges and array formulas. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. > Try a faster computer perhaps \_()_/. With your Google Sheet already open, go to the File > Print menu to launch the Sheets printing menu. Im talking about this link to copy your sheet: It may take a while to run if you have a big Sheet! Leaving an open range will allow any new data to be included in calculations. It didn't seem to be caused by the issues described here. I can not find the cause. The execution of the formulas depends very much on the processor. Changing an input triggers a recalc of everything. I dont know what to do, but waiting 10 seconds for each simple change is getting to be too much for the people using this sheet. I have a question. I know you caution against using ArrayFormulas, but according to the worksheet audit page provided, I am using less than 5% of my available allotment. Use data validation to create a drop-down menu in a single cell, the control cell, with values Process and On Hold (or whatever makes sense for you). If you do something that will take you past this limit (e.g. There is no "race condition" to resolve in a simple functional programming language such as spreadsheet formula language. How To Set Default Values For Cells In Google Sheets, Formula Challenge #7: Generate A Repeating Sequence Of Numbers, 11 New Analytical Functions In Google Sheets For 2023, How To Create A Google Sheets Drop-Down Menu, 2022 In Review And A Look Forward To 2023, Advanced Formulas in Google Sheets (FREE), Measure a Google Sheets calculation speed, Convert formulas to static values wherever possible, Remove volatile functions or use with caution, Use IF statements to manage formula calls, Manage expensive formulas with a control switch, Use Filter, Unique and Array_Constrain functions to create smaller helper tables, Split your slow Google Sheet into separate Sheets, Other troubleshooting tips for slow Google Sheets, Understand changes in the cloud can take time to propagate, Know when its time to move to a database, Get your own copy of this Google Sheet Audit Tool, return multiple column values with a single lookup, two approximate matching VLOOKUPs instead of a single exact match, Advanced Formulas 30 Day Challenge course, data validation to create a drop-down menu, Conditional formatting is a super nice feature,, 18 best practices for working with data in Google Sheets - Ben Collins,,, 2018 in review and a look forward to 2019 - Ben Collins, Automatic mobile finance tracking with Tiller Money + Glide,,,, Make a copy of the master Sheet, with all your data in, Name this new Sheet and include 2015 somewhere in the title, Add a filter and show everything except 2015 data (i.e. Done, than you so much. This should reduce the file size, which will help performance overall, and its also best practice (to reduce errors occurring if someone or something happens to break the formulas). For formula calculations, you can identify when the calculations start, e.g. If you were lucky theyd be finished when you returned. I want Google Sheets to look at all the names in the identified student list and if the same name appears in any of the class lists on the second sheet, then it can colour those cells yellow in the class list for the teacher. I was thrilled with the results, feeling on top of the world, then "Loading" started showing its ugly face. converting a number to a string) the cell would evaluate fine. I set up a Workbook in excel that used data validation on one sheet referencing another sheet. You can identify when the formulas have finished calculating (the red box, around the 8.6 seconds mark): Check the screenshot to see that the formula results are showing in the cells now. It was very clear that if I called a my function like this in cell X25: The cell would be stuck "Loading", while just changing a parameter slightly (e.g. Id advocate keeping a full copy of your master Sheet before you start deleting any rows of data though. if(runFromMenu) { For every single cell, youre using two matches to lookup the row number and the column number, so your total number of calculations would be: No. That said, below I discuss the pros of splitting up large, slow Google Sheets (see no. Curious- Is there a way to use a Conditional Formatting rule to, say, highlight all the cells in a column that contain text, and somehow keep that formatting but delete the rule so its not constantly running and lagging everything up? The tool is working fine. This sounds like a permissions issue. It's a detailed taxes calculator. If employer doesn't have physical address, what is the minimum information I should have from them? Thank you very much, =if(E1=HOLD,,query(Cust_Orders!B6:Z5000,Select Y,G,I,H,K where H>0 )), With E1 being a drop down with values HOLD and FETCH. Highlight your column, then apply conditional formatting. Your email address will not be published. ARRAY_CONSTRAIN(IFERROR(SPLIT(IF(LEN('Raw Data'!A3:A), REPT(" ", Transactions By Name 1,006 10 10,060 50 0 0 0 0 0 I could use both Query function or Filter formula to extract data. Can a rotating object accelerate by changing shape? Help me make more! Ill do a post in the future looking specifically at how I built this tool with Apps Script. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. thank you for this list of tips, very useful! Arrayconstrain will just limit the result of your arrayformula. This solved the problem for me. and keeps growing as time passes by. For example, using IMPORTRANGE to import large amounts of data from another Sheet will take time and you may see the Loading error message for a while: The IMPORTRANGE is a slow formula because its connecting to another Sheet to retrieve data. Referencing data in the same sheet keeps things simple always a good practice and saves time because your formulas can access the data more quickly. Step 2: Next, select Site Settings on the context menu. Note: Whilst this is generally a good idea for speeding up your formulas, there are obviously situations when an open reference is desirable, for example when new data is anticipated. I often referred to it and your audit tool to diagnose a complex spreadsheet that became painfully slow. Whats the problem: when I edit (add or delete data) from one specific column in one specific sheet, the formula calculation bar starts to load and keep loading for a long time. error in textbook exercise regarding binary operations? Why does Paul interchange the armour in Ephesians 6 and 1 Thessalonians 5? Im trying to avoid recalculating this query every time I make a change in the Cust_Orders range, but keep the old values, as two different pivot tables that are viewed by other people are dependent on it. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. For example, if youre offloading data from 2015 into its own Sheet, then here are the steps: Once youve completed all the steps for all your archived data, youll want to remove it from your master Sheet. whats the range you want to apply this smush? Much better to split the match lookups out into their own helper row and column rows, as shown in this example: By splitting both the match lookups into their own row and column, you can compute them all once first, and then use those numbers in your index function. Then delete the conditional formatting rule. Most functions are run locally in the browser but some, like the IMPORT formulas, require access to the Internet (as well as any Apps Script which is run on Google servers). "Affiliated_School_5", "Affiliated_School_6", "Affiliated_School_7", "Affiliated_School_8", I can find where to send fresh comment , request you to please help me to resolve the issue, my spreadsheet is being used by my team and every morning my actual time column which is filled by team gets automatically changed at around 9:30 and all enteries based on actual time and date gets changed to current time (means 9;30 and the time)dont know why , hope i am clear to u. Here are some suggestions to work around this kind of problem:, I posted this issue in github:, Unfortunately I am not aware with codes to try to fix this problem . range.copyTo(sh.getRange(row_position + 1, 1, row_num, lCol), {contentsOnly : false}); The Safari browser comes pre-installed on Apple devices such as iPhone and iPad. There is already an active report about Google sheets custom functions stuck in loading. I have had 3 google spreadsheets corrupted and rendered completely in-accessible (stuck in a refresh loop). //put formulas in notes It's a little kludgy because the cache only stores strings, not arrays, but you can force it back into an array using .split(',') when you need to access the array. As far as {this problem, better phrased the cell result(s) of a custom function displaying the disgustingly-vague message Loading Error: loading data}, indeed in the case where all instances of the same/similar custom function call displaying this error, is that Google Sheets needs permissions to run the script (often additionally: meaning in the past it didn't need these), so instead of {acting appropriately: then prompting the user for these permissions else returning that error}, Sheets instead hangs with this disgustingly vague error. columns. The formula edit must have prompted Google Sheets to refresh the cell. I have the "range_string" look to a different cell that changes based on what sheet needs to be looked up, and I wrote a custom function that generates the spreadsheet's url for the "spreadsheet_url". Weve all been there, stuck watching the little loading bar creep slowly, frustratingly to its conclusion: How can you speed up a slow Google Sheet? Once again, trying to get a copy of Google Sheet Audit Tool. Shouldnt it be a Google part to deliver a project which is usable rather than let the users have to tweak, alter their data, and pull their hair while a 1 sheet 50 row spreadsheet is loading? Assuming were sticking with Google Sheets though, it might be time to split up your huge dataset into separate Sheets if your Sheet is so slow that its frustrating to use. } Then I vlookup the local sheets. I use a lot in my scheduling sheets to highlight the row for the current day for example. Read more about custom function optimization on the Google documentation. @VidarS.Ramdal Ideally it should update 2-3 times per week on a specific schedule (IE every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday at 2pm). You will want to try one or many of the following ways to fix this issue: As suggested by google, try re-loading the spreadsheet or re-naming the function or changing the parameters in the cell to see if this fixes the issue. Run makeStatic() to make the sheet static and makeDynamic() to return the dynamic formulas. it is better if you provide a short description of the steps required to solve the problem directly here in your answer. I currently have 30+ pages in my Google Sheets, each with 3-4 importHTML statements. It takes quite a long time for the entire spreadsheet with all of its pages to finish loading up as it is, and I'm hoping to improve the loading time and, therefore, its efficiency. } or you can open my sheet which i gave your email permission to edit, Number of Sheets Total Number of Cells % of Limit (5 million) Total Number of Cells with Data % of Limit (5 million) return; There are no vlookups and no importranges or anything like that. Its best to minimize the number of read/write calls to your Sheet if you can. He also enjoys reviewing consumer tech products (smartphones, smart home devices, etc.) I had this formula calculating about 1500 times which killed the performance. How do I edit the calling cell of a custom function with google apps script from within the custom function? for (var i in sheets){ Apps Script is extremely effective at doing big batches of calculations, especially repetitive ones, often more quickly than thousands of regular formulas. 9 Best Ways to Fix Google Chrome Not Loading Pages in Windows 10. I in fact removed all trailing semi-colons from the code: And discovered, that when doing this over a large range you can also max out the acceptable number of calls to the API. I ran all of the tests in the same place at the same time of day (so wifi speed discrepancies were negligible) and also ran them each multiple times and took averages. Archived post. Select the direction you want to move the row or column, like. A very timely article as I attempt to speed up my unwieldy sales tracking spreadsheet. Make sure both browser and operating system are currently running on their latest version. It can also be accessed in the View > Developer menu. So. What kind of tool do I need to change my bottom bracket? Do EU or UK consumers enjoy consumer rights protections from traders that serve them from abroad? This is what I've come up with that works with a single row, but I can't figure out how to have it automatically apply to the entire column: Because the survey will insert rows, it ends up adjusting any cell references in my 'Processed Data' sheet, so I've been trying to use ARRAYFORMULA unsuccessfully. Each page is loading from a specific URL. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. The progress bar is only a visual representation that the application is working and updating, you dont need to await its completion. This is fine for small numbers of index-match-match formulas, but inefficient at scale. How can I make the following table quickly? Thanks! How do I find the sum of a specific row of values, but only for columns that contain a different specific value? Google Sheets IMPORTHTML has long loading time - How can I improve efficiency? Thanks Mariette , We delete data from google sheet very frequently ,like you suggested convert into CSV files ,but thats not solving the issue , 5 team members are working in that sheet and we basically need their actual time and they have rights oly for their respective columns to put yes or no and earlier actual time used to freeze but these days it gets freeze but later it gets changed and interesting part is its happening during night time only.wondering what is the issue. MIN(8-MMULT(LEN(IF('Raw Data'!AL3:AY<>"", "", )), TRANSPOSE(COLUMN('Raw Data'!AL3:AY))^0))>0, Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. if(allFormulas[row][col]!='') sheet.getRange(row+1, col+1).setFormula(allFormulas[row][col]); When it comes to web browsing, Google Chrome remains the top choice, even on mobile devices. Selecting "More Tools". As you said in the article, I have also observed that normal formulas are speedier than array formulas but then formulas need to be copied every time new rows are added. Google App Scripts has since rewriting their permission structure --how this problem now just happened to me, per my internal note O80U3Z. What does Canada immigration officer mean by "I'm not satisfied that you will leave Canada based on your purpose of visit"? 12 gauge wire for AC cooling unit that has as 30amp startup but runs on less than 10amp pull, Process of finding limits for multivariable functions. Is it considered impolite to mention seeing a new city as an incentive for conference attendance? "Affiliated_School_1", "Affiliated_School_2", "Affiliated_School_3", "Affiliated_School_4", For example, if B1 has =A1+1 and A1 changes to =2+2, Sheets evaluates A1 and B1. MS Excel? I struggled with this issue today, and tried some of the approaches mentioned. Ive written a guide to help you get started with Google BigQuery: Beyond Sheets: Get Started With Google BigQuery. How to intersect two lines that are not touching, PyQGIS: run two native processing tools in a for loop. Am I doing something wrong? } Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Sheets gets stuck Loading a cell and I have to reload, the guidelines for custom function optimization, How to use a custom function with an ArrayFormula, The philosopher who believes in Web Assembly, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. Google Sheets / Apps "Loading data" error: is there a better workaround? This is a known issue as highlighted by google in the new sheets. Its with an apostrophe always denotes it is. How do I make this function in Google sheet run "every minute"? Press enter to find all formulas) Custom formulas, also known as user defined functions, or UDFs, are custom functions written in the Apps Script script editor window. Option 2: Open the menu from within a spreadsheet and select File > New > Spreadsheet. Hey, I think your site might be having browser If you want to keep array formulas (and I hear ya!) New to Apps Script? As alluded to above , using open range references can hurt performance because you may inadvertently include thousands of extra blank rows in your calculations (see no. awesome tips. By default, these functions recalculate as follows (see documentation): The GoogleFinance function is another function that retrieves data from an external source, so requires an internet connection. I tried the method you described at n.16 but with no success. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); "". This will help detect code issues you may not have tested properly. Running this formula down 100,000 cells in column A took around 4.1 seconds, so almost 1.5 seconds quicker. Because I made a copy and entered the URl of the spreadsheet I want to audit but nothing seems to happen To measure the speed of various calculations you can make use of Chromes Developer Tools. -a minor "life saver" -thanks! Youll need to ensure the Audit Sheet account has read access to the file you want to check, otherwise youll get that error. 21 below) and using IMPORTRANGE to bring them back together as necessary. Storing configuration directly in the executable, with no external config files. (However, you should always test this theory with your specific setup or app, to confirm this is the case.). Is there a specific reason? Eg: try{ Thanx for such an exhaustive article. I hate this so much, but it fixed the problem for me, too, so +1. So, changing the formula to =IFBLANK(TO_TEXT(VLOOKUP($A2,Overrides!$A$2:$E,5,FALSE)),TO_TEXT(VLOOKUP($A2,'_resourceReq'!$A$2:$C,3))) worked well. I then copy over those formula cells with their resulting value so those formulas are not running anymore. for(var row=0; row Developer menu may... Now safe to presume the problem Try a faster computer perhaps \_ ( ) make. And easy to search function was loading I should have from them selecting & quot =ifer... 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