greyhawk age of great sorrow

The Great Kingdom was quickly becoming too vast to effectively control from Rauxes, so the overkings appointed viceroys to rule the major provinces. Manshen divided the western marklands into the Viceroyalty of Nyrond, ruled by a junior branch of House Rax from Rel Mord, and and the Viceroyalty of Ferrond, ruled from Dyvers. (Player's Guide to Greyhawk 6). ** Search US census records for Greyhawk; Passenger Lists. In this era, magic is not a lost art, but apparently a fading one. (From the Ashes 7), Ket allies with Iuz, and promptly attacks Bissel. Adventure Pitch/Synopsis: Since the beginning, humanity has measured time in Ages. AGE OF GREAT SORROW (decline of The Great Kingdom) The herzog (great prince) of North Province, Ivid I, then laid claim to the throne. Clonses restore them, but Tenser does not re-join the Circle. An time period that started 213 CY when the rulers of the Great Kingdom started to fall. Perhaps the proudest, most warlike, and powerful of these tribes were the Aerdi, their name meaning sky people in the old tongue. * 3400s BCY Tiamat-worshipping empire of Caerdiralor rises and falls (near modern Onnwal). ** * 576 CY ** Autumn: Theft of magical items spark rumors in the City of Greyhawk that the wizard Keraptis has returned to White Plume Mountain. The offer turned out to be a ruse, and the ambassadors were imprisoned, tortured, and executed for Overking Ivids enjoyment. (1088 OR), 455 CY Sunndi rebels against the Great Kingdom, joins the Iron League. ** **, * 406 CY ** Jaran Krimeah born to the House Rax within the city of Rauxes in the Great Kingdom of Aerdy. * 576 CY ** Autumn (week before Brewfest): Rose, Ehrendil, Norah and Sariel arrive in the City of Greyhawk. (2046 OR), 513 CY Rise of Horned Society; humanoids take Pomarj. * 361 CY Zagig Yragerne buries a cache of extraplanar magic under the Land of Black Ice. Two successor nations, the United Kingdom of Ahlissa and the North Kingdom of Aerdy, now vie for control of the region. AGE OF GLORY (rise of human empires, magic and conquest) ** All give a sense to the events of centuries past. (3007 OR), 575 CY Appointment of the Peoples Constables in Greyhawk City. ), 557 CY Rise of the Slaver Lords in Drachensgrabs. The priesthood of Hextor officially deposes Ivid V as Overking. Age of Great Sorrow commences. The World of Greyhawk Timeline is a list of fictional historical events that either explain the history leading up to the present state of the World of Greyhawk Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting, or that enumerate further developments described in campaign products published by either TSR, Inc. or Wizards of the Coast . * 570 CY Iuz accidentally freed from magic prison, returns to lead his empire. **, * 474 CY ** Ehrendil Stone born to elven and elemental parents near the Monastery of the Toiling Lady along the southwestern coast of Jeklea Bay. At its greatest extent, the Great Kingdom stretched from the city of Rel Astra on the Solnor coast to the Viceroyalty of Ferrond in the west; and from Sunndi in the south to Ratik in the north. A brief hysteria occurred among the superstitious Aerdi. [1], In 428 OR (-217 CY),[2] Lord Mikar of House Garasteth was crowned the first Grand Prince of Aerdy. You can help Greyhawk Wiki by expanding it. (3009 OR), 576 CY Guide to the World of Greyhawk completed by Pluffet Smedger the Elder. The County of Urnst gains independence from Nyrond at the Council of Rel Mord. Age of Great Sorrow starts due to the Aerdi overkings started caring more for local prestige and wealth instead of foreign affairs with distans lands. ** * 576 CY ** Autumn (Brewfest): Stelfast Holdren and Maura arrive in the City of Greyhawk, are almost kidnapped by Evangelor Umpirt and other Slave Lords; Rose, Ehrendil, Norah, Sariel save the centaur and his young ward. The needs and intrigues of the Celestial Houses would soon become subordinate to the politics of the Malachite Throne. (899 OR) 272 CY Padin the Vain uses the Hand of Vecna to start the Insurrection of the Yaheetes, a Flanae enclave in the North Province. (1096 OR), 465 CY Volte, a blue dragon terrorizing Geoff and Sterich, is defeated by a group of adventurers aided by Schemley, a Greyhawk dragon. A summary of historical events, by Common Year Reckoning. Third Great Age of Mages (Greyhawk on Oerth, Glantri on Mystara, Second Sundering on Toril). ** Age of Great Sorrow View source This page may be a Stub or not include some information. ** * Stelfast Holren, centaur ranger/warlock, and Maura (Rusty Ward), Previously,Bahkgarr the bullywug (Rusty Ward). Mass killings of the Aerdy populace instigated by Ivid. They named that vast ocean the Solnor (literally, the birthplace of the sun), and along its shores they founded a series of small states. (3013 OR), 580 CY Magnificent Talking Goat Party formed in Greyhawk; The Declaimers of Stroun predict the downfall of Tenh. 5 out of 5 rating for Age of Worms Adventure Path. * 498 BCY The lich Vecna founds an empire through the central Flanaess. The Index is based on previous work of Jason Zavoda through '08, and his work as continued and updated by Eric Johnson, Richard DiIoia, Jason "PupickDad" Jacobson, a French fan group, and numerous other fans over the years. **, * 556 CY ** Bahkgarr the bullywug born in the Mistmarsh. ** (2040 OR), 506 CY Jurnre falls at the height of The Hateful Wars. (Guide 9), The City of Greyhawk nationalizes the Cairn Hills smelting trade. These clans worshiped powers of the Oerth and sky, and they read signs and portents in the heavens. * 421 CY Zagig Yragerne disappears from public life. ** = Moment of significance from player characters campaign backstories. In 586 CY, Ivid V, last Overking of the Great Kingdom, was rumored to be dead after the devastation of Rauxes, the nations capitol. Greyhawk is not like FR - a lot of things were left up to DMs to make up. (899 OR) . So proceeded an inexorable decline that began as the rulers of House Rax became progressively neglectful, decadent, or dimwitted. The Great Kingdom arose from the Kingdom of Aerdy in -110 CY, when the Aerdi forces of Grand Prince Almor II defeated the Nyrondese in the Battle of a Fortnights Length. The Royal Astrologers proclaimed it as a great portent, confirming the sign of a coming Age of Great Sorrow prophesied by Selvor the Younger fifteen years earlier. ** * 474 CY ** Ehrendil Stone born to elven and elemental parents near the Monastery of the Toiling Lady along the southwestern coast of Jeklea Bay. A Grognard's Notebook. **, * 474 BYC ** Dwarven hero Ctemiir turned into vampire in order to permanently extend his war against goblinkind. (858 OR) 254 CY Kingdom of Furyondy declared with crowning of Thrommel I. Veluna and Tenh follow in declaring independence. **, * 4400s BCY ** Suel mages begin magically binding genies as slave labor. (745 OR), 107 CY The Overking of Aerdy constructs Castle Millennium at Seawolf Point. (916 CY), 290 CY Vecna II builds rises in the Bone March Area and builds Tyrus. * 913 BCY Shattados, last King of Sulm, receives the Scorpion Crown from the chaos god Tharizdun. Gygax: "Yes, I had a sketch map of the remainder of the globe". * 575 CY Reports of massive raiding by giants across the western kindgoms. When the struggle between the Baklunish and Suloise empires threatened to engulf central Oerik, it was proclaimed that the destiny of the Aerdi and other Oeridians lay far to the east. * 575 CY ** Winter: Wizardry Guild of Greyhawk sponsors its first expedition to storm-locked Blackmoor. (3018 OR). Queen Yolande of Celene declares neutrality of her realm, and imposes a strict isolationism. Gygax: "I did indeed create details for the PC party on the spot, adding whatever seemed appropriate, and as Rob played and learned from me, he did the same, and when we were actively co-DMing we could often create some really exciting material on the spot, if you will. A brief hysteria occurred among the superstitious Aerdi. * 474 BYC ** Dwarven hero Ctemiir turned into vampire in order to permanently extend his war against goblinkind. The Aerdi made their capital in Rel Astra, and spent the next few decades conquering the neighboring Flan and driving the Suel to the south. Rauxes fell victim to a vast magical conflict that left the city in ruins and submerged in a region of distorted magical force with unpredictable effects, the final fate of Ivid V, the rivals for the Malachite Throne, and Rauxess citizens remains unknown. ** [4] Numerous smaller contenders. The Royal Minting House of Nyrond moves from Rel Mord to Womtham. c. -14,010 His primary contender to the throne was the herzog of South Province, Galssonan of Cranden. ** **. Claimants to the throne marched on the capital of Rauxes, when the city was engulfed by a wild and unpredictable magical effect. TSR took over creation of new events for his world, and a re-visioning of the campaign in 1992 resulted in an extension of the end of the timeline from 576 CY to 585 CY. Assassination of nearly all of the House of Rax. **, * 781 BCY ** Mountain inhabitants of Tostenhca all die, said to be due from a curse placed by Keraptis using his Null Enigma device. In 1979, Gygax made the decision to publish the world of Greyhawk, but in order to do so, he made substantial changes to his home campaign world. The plague known as the Red Death sweeps across the Flanaess. OERTH TIMELINE (World of Greyhawk) . Greyhawk Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. (2048 OR), 516 CY First Sighting of the Velunese Lights. (From the Ashes 6; Greyhawk Wars Adventurers Book), The Shield Lands refuse an offer of alliance with Furyondy, and are soon overrun by Iuzs forces. University of Rauxes sacked. (2091 OR), 560 CY Formation of the Circle of Eight. The Urnst states and Theocracy of the Pale would soon follow Nyrond's example and declare their own independence. (During the following 1,200 years, Suel develops ever-greater magics. The Great Kingdom, or the Great Kingdom of Aerdy or The Empire of Aerdy or just Aerdy. ** ** In order to quickly explain the current state of the world, and the motivations of various states and important characters, Gygax delineated twenty-one historical events that bracketed a thousand years of "pre-history" leading up to the "present" time of 576 CY (Common Year Reckoning). * circa 5500s BCY Founding of the Suel Empire. * 1099 BCY Flan uprising ends rule of Keraptis, mage goes into wandering exile with his gnome followers. * 394 CY ** Elven Queen Eldrell liberates a 4,500-year-old Suel elemental prison under the Hellfurnaces mountains. . (Players Guide to Greyhawk 5), Battle of Critwall Bridge results in victory for Furyondy, securing the eastern borders of the realm against Iuz. Naelax was opposed by House Cranden, much of House Garasteth, and the remains of House Rax. [1] In the beginning, the entire "world" consisted of a single dungeon underneath an abandoned castle. Does this mean you have material about the rest of Oerth hidden in your basement?" You should check them out. In the year 1 OR (-644 CY), conflict between the Baklunish Empire and the Suel Imperium threatened to engulf the regions inhabited by the Oeridians tribes. (3000 OR), 567 CY The Beggars War in Greyhawk Beggars Union defeated by Thieves Guild. Overking Zelcor promptly abolished the astrologers' order for trying to recreate earlier hysteria and banished the members to Rel Astra. Ivid II quickly fell into dementia and was in turn assassinated by his own son, Ivid III, in 497 CY. (2056 OR), 523 CY Storrich of the Hold of Stonefist supposedly enter the Burning Cliffs region. Gray Hawk Name Meaning. * 566 CY ** Rose (Ulanu) Flickflower begins combat training under Lord Tethrin of the Faerie Kingdom of Celene. * 903 BCY Empire of Sulm destroyed, lands become The Bright Desert. (2045 OR), 511 CY The Battle of Dour Pentress. **, * 455 CY ** Tysiln San captured in the Valley of the Mage, becomes lover/First Protector to the Exalted One/Black One. Events of The Temple of Elemental Evil. Invasion of northern barbarians into North Province prevents the Great Kingdom from retributive action against Nyrond. * Rose Flickflower, halfling paladin, wields Blackrazor (Lexi Greenberg) [5], In 586 CY, Herzog Grenell of North Province declared his holdings the Great Kingdom of Northern Aerdy, and took the title of Overking. (858 OR) 254 CY Kingdom of Furyondy declared with crowning of Thrommel I. Veluna and Tenh follow in declaring independence. The settled lands were divided among individual Aerdi noble families, notably the houses of Garasteth, Cranden, Darmen, Rax, and Naelax. **, * 528 CY ** Ulanu Flickflower born in Orchid Brook at the Lortmil foothills in the County of Ulek. (1035 OR), 416 CY The paladin, Myro, conquers one of the bandit kingdoms and declares himself king (1041 OR), 430 CY Vlek Col Vlekzed establishes the Hold of Stonefist. You should check them out. These were largely tracts settled by individual noble houses of the Aerdi, such as the mystic Garasteth, the noble Cranden, the mercantile Darmen, the calculating Rax, and the militaristic Naelax. [2] Although Gygax referred to Greyhawk in many of his columns, magazine articles and D&D adventures, the overall world remained his personal home campaign for several years. Despite creeping insanity, he ably defended his realm from the combined forces of the Golden League (579-580) and civil unrest during the Red Death plague of 581. BCY = Before Common Year (before The Great Kingdom proclamation) you will have instant access to your previous versions. T-1-4, A series of regional conflicts erupts into the continent-wide battle that eventually becomes the. Due to the cooperative effort of the various Aerdi tribes settling in the Flanmi basin, they expanded quickly. * 551 CY Discovery of gold and treasure under Castle Greyhawk sparks local economic boom. the Iron League). * 347 CY ** Magical experiment kills Tysiln Sans mage mentor, prompting her to travel the surface world alone. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. Ivid IV is assassinated by his son, Ivid V. (2090 OR) (The following years from 557-583 CY are called The Times of Struggle by historians. Wilson, Steve. YEAR EVENT LOCATION SOURCE(C.Y. Despite the new moniker, power in the new empire would not become truly centralized until 1 CY, when Grand Prince Nasran I declared universal peace throughout the land and took the title of Overking of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy. **, * 1283 BCY ** Gnomes from The Valley come under tutelage from Keraptis at Tostenhca. CY = Common Year (counting years since first Imperial reign in Aerdy) Greyhawk Gothic Font by Darlene . (From the Ashes 8), The North Province secedes from the Great Kingdom. * 1000 BCY ** Records show the weapons Blackrazor, Wave and Whelm all in possession of Keraptis at this time. (From the Ashes 7), At the same time, the Great Kingdom attacks on a broad front against the Theocracy of the Pale, Almor and Nyrond. An time period that started 213 CY when the rulers of the Great Kingdom started to fall. * 781 BCY ** Mountain inhabitants of Tostenhca all die, said to be due from a curse placed by Keraptis using his Null Enigma device. **, * 1400 BCY ** Drow forces push Suel wizards out of their underground dungeons below the Hellfurnaces mountains. Lord Holmer, leader of the Knights of Holy Shielding is captured and taken to Dorakaa. * 213 CY Eclipse during an Aerdy coronation signals the Age of Great Sorrow. (2099 OR), 566 CY Alliance of Drow with Giants in the West of the Flanaess. * 540 CY ** Stelfast Holren born near Errantkeep under the prosperous dominion of House Naelax, a noble family in The Great Kingdom. Irongate, Idee and Onnwal rebelled and founded the Iron League in 447 CY, joined in 448 CY by the Lordship of the Isles and in 445 CY by the County of Sunndi, and allied with Nyrond. Coming into conflict with the Ur-Flan and Suel peoples in the region, they discovered a pressing need to unify the scatterned Oeridian tribes under a single leader. 213 CY Age of Great Sorrow. Zelcor ignored the warning, and simply disbanded the Royal Astrologers and banished them to Rel Astra. (2057 OR), 526 CY Dyvers becomes a Free City. (3004 OR), 571 CY Irongate joins the Golden League and drives Ivids forces under the Herzog back to the South Province. [1][3], Subsequent Rax Overkings were poor leaders. For a full article on the topic with citations, please see Age of Great Sorrow at [5], In 587 CY, most of the remaining former Great Kingdom united under Prince Xavener of House Darmen, who took the title of Overking of the new United Kingdom of Ahlissa.[5]. These small principalities accomplished little under their loose confederation, as they were individually unable to take on the Ur-Flan and Suel, so they quickly gathered under a single banner. **, * 724 BYC ** Ctenmiir born to dwarven Clan Ironfist under the Yatil Mountains. He deposed the herzog of South Province and replaced it with a prince of his own House Naelax, who in turn sparked outrage when he imprisoned and tortured ambassadors from Irongate. (From the Ashes 8), The Scarlet Brotherhood begins campaign of assassinations in Iron League states with an aim to destabilize their governments. Celene forces under the command of Triserron, Yolandes consort, best Keoish forces in a number of short engagements. (1075 OR), 446 CY Founding of Iron League; Bandit Kings sack Trigol; Assassination of the entire house of Rax in the Great Kingdom. (Tasha will later become known as Iggwilv, the worlds greatest demonologist.) ** **, * 260 CY ** Tysiln San born in the Vault of the Drow. Rather than using his own map, which was simply a map of the United States overwritten with his cities, towns and regions, he sketched out a new world called Oerth,[3] then concentrated on one corner of one continent, a place called the Flanaess. ** **, * 576 CY ** Autumn (1 week after Brewfest): Ehrendil does research at the Guild of Wizardrys library; Norah mixes with archmage Jallarzi Sallavarian; Rose mixes with Guildmaster of Thieves Org Nenshen; Sariel crashes classes at the University of Magical Arts; Stel and Maura protected at the Temple of Rao. The Age of Worms(the Waiting Age, a time of death, decay and writhing doom that lurks in the shadows of every tomorrow). The wiki page for the EGI has a list of sources, full product names, abbreviations, and a link to the full, downloadable index. 261 years ago Future city of Greyhawk established as a trading post. **, * 568 CY ** Stelfast Holren hired to kill a unicorn, transformed into a centaur, charged with guarding the infant Maura. * 435 CY ** Jaran Krimeah proclaimed Mage of The Great Kingdom, stages a failed coup and is imprisoned. Starts precedent for ascension to leadership of that enclave. Contents * 473 BCY Vecna writes the Codex of the Infinite Planes. . [5] The herzog of North Province, the charismatic and ambitious Ivid of Naelax, made a claim to the throne, which was supported by most (but not all) of House Naelax. During Zelcors coronation in Rauxes later that year, an ominous sign appeared in the sky, a complete eclipse of the noontime sun above the capital. A total solar eclipse occured during Zelcor's coronation, taken by the Royal Astrologers as a confirmation of Selvor's prophecy. * 571 CY Iuz conquers lands of the Horned Society. **, * 347 CY ** Magical experiment kills Tysiln Sans mage mentor, prompting her to travel the surface world alone. This tale begins more than twelve centuries ago, when Oeridian tribes wandering the vast central plains of Oerik beyond the Flanaess in the Far West were driven to the east by a series of raging conflicts that culminated in the infamous Twin Cataclysms of prehistory. After years of political maneuvering and scheming, Ivid finally brought far-flung provinces together in an attempt to launch a great war to reestablish the former glory of the empire of the Aerdi. He rules for 100 years with the aid of the Eye of Vecna. Subsequent rulers were weak and ineffectual, leading princes to act increasingly independently of the Overking and even fight amongst each other. The Scarlet Brotherhood invades the Hold of the Sea Princes. * 1 million BCY Rod of Law (aka Rod of Seven Parts) used to slay Queen of Chaos on prime world (Oerth). * Ehrendil Stone, half-elemental/half-elf druid (James Hallett) She conquers Perrenland. [3] It continued to grow over the next century under the rule of the Overkings of House Rax, notably the ambitious Erhart I and Toran I. ** = Moment of significance from player characters campaign backstories. The faith of Hextor became the most prominent in the realm, and it laid claim to the See of Medegia, wresting it from the Zilchans who had held it for nearly two centuries after they had supplanted the Pelor. Nasran founded the See of Medegia and granted it to the faith of Palor. Ivid made terrible enemies of his kinsmen. (3016 OR), 583 CY Destruction of Shield Lands; Ossians Raid, fall of Medegia; Rise of the Pomarj; Fall of Geoff and Sterich, Conquest of Bissel; Usurpation of the Lordship of the Isles, Fall of the Sea Princes. The recalcitrant herzog of South Province was quickly deposed and replaced by a prince from House Naelax, who sought immediately to bring the southern insurgents back into line. Many noble and good Aerdi were expatriated by these secessions, leaving the heart of the kingdom to opportunists. With the conquest of Nyrond, Aerdy nearly doubled in size, declaring itself the Great Kingdom of Aerdy and beginning the nation's imperial era. ", Q: "In Dragon 315, Jim Ward talks about the origins of the Greyhawk setting, and is quoted as having said: 'He [Gygax] had the whole world mapped out'. * 564 CY ** Ulanu Flickflower discovers good cleric Evangelor Umpirt is secretly working with the Slave Lords. Greyhawk's "lansgraf" government model is officially replaced by an oligarchy. The Oeridians headed east through the Fals Gap and into the Flanaess, and migrated eastward until they reached the great ocean and could go no further. This period was called the Age of Great Sorrow. North Province declared independence from the Great Kingdom in 584 CY, dragging itself out of the Greyhawk Wars, and the empire shattered within weeks into many pieces. * 1324 BCY ** Drow and giant raids on The Valley prompt a contingent of 300 gnomes to head east on a quest to learn better magical defenses. * 406 CY ** Jaran Krimeah born to the House Rax within the city of Rauxes in the Great Kingdom of Aerdy. AGE OF GREAT SORROW (decline of The Great Kingdom) 363 years ago Eclipse during an Aerdy coronation signals the Age of Great Sorrow. Geoff and Sterich are conquered by the invaders. When Yalranda died at the age of 40, her son Manshen broke with tradition to take the name of House Rax-Nyrond. Theocracy of the Pale founded by religious refugees of Pholtus from the Great Kingdom. Many of the modern surnames in the dictionary can be traced back to Britain and Ireland. They named this ocean the Solnor, meaning "the birthplace of the sun", and settled along its shores. The army includes the seagoing Hardby Marines of Woolly Bay, in their six war-galleys, and the Mountaineer Militiaof the Abbor-Alz, with a score of griffon-riding "skymen"attached. The different human races are dealt with in some depth - due to the great war that left the huge areas on the original map of Oerth. (Guide 9) Note: Conflicts with 361 CY. "Greychrondex." * 573 CY The Kingdom of Furyondy declares perpetual war against Iuz; the Wegwiur wolf nomads of the north, lords from the Shield Lands and elves of the Vesve Forest join in alliance. The Great Kingdom became a potent force for order and good in the Flanaess. Years of civil war ensued, and only the intercession of dispassionate houses such as Garasteth and Darmen brought about the final compromise. (3015 OR), 582 CY Rise of Vatun (Iuz) in the North; Fall of Tenh; Beginning of the Greyhawk Wars. In 428 OR (-216 CY), the scion of House Garasteth, Lord Mikar, became the first grand prince (equal to a king). His son Malev rejected the throne, secretly auctioning it off to his cousin Zelcor. (845 OR), 254 CY Kingdom of Furyondy declared with crowning of Thrommel I. Veluna and Tenh follow in declaring independence. Fall of the Onnwall and Idee; Halfling Blight in Elmshire; Night of Terror on the Wild Coast; Elves reclaim Lendore Isle. (Guide 9) 247 Sir Kargoth's castle, Fharlanst, destroyed by the Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom. (LGG, 39-40). * late 10,000s BCY Drow civilization begins in the underdark. In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game, the Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom (also known as the Order of Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom) is the most fabled chivalric order in the Flanaess. * 1 CY Empire of Aerdy (aka The Great Kingdom) proclaimed. **, * 1208 BCY ** Magical warhammer Whelm created by dwarven Clan Dankil at a dwarfhold under the Barrier Peaks. ** * 724 BYC ** Ctenmiir born to dwarven Clan Ironfist under the Yatil Mountains. (DRA#354), Most of the undersea city-states of the kopru are destroyed by war and strife. [1], In 213 CY, Overking Jiranen died after the end of a long reign. One in Zelradton administered South Province (awarded to House Cranden), and a counterpart in Eastfair controlled North Province (awarded to House Naelax). (2095 OR), 563 CY Bone March taken by humanoids. **, * 459 CY ** The Mightyhammers of Clan Dankil adapt drow trap techniques to create the Assassins Run in the Valley of the Mage. * 480 CY The witch Iggwilv conquers Perrenland but is soon overthrown by a rogue demon, years of famine and terror follow. House Naelax replaces House Rax on Malachite Throne. Centuries past, when Greyhawk city was still a burgeoning riverbank trading post, Zagig was already a powerful magician. * circa 13,000s BCY Kopru (serpent-like amphibians) start undersea empire on Oerth. [5], Ivid I ruled for 48 years before being assassinated by his son, Ivid II, in 494 CY. The Age of Great Sorrow(decline of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy). (995 OR), 356 CY Kingdom of Nyrond established, Kingdom of Keoland reaches peak; Keolands Small War with Furyondy. His fatuous son Malev was uninterested in the office and proceeded to secretly auction it off to the highest bidder among his relatives. The empires borders had by now reached all the way to the Fals Gap and the mountainous Quaglands. Why Does The King Send You On Adventures. AGE OF AERDY (rise of The Great Kingdom) **, * 453 CY ** Jaran Krimeah renamed The Exalted One; The Valley becomes known henceforth as The Valley of the Mage. Nominally set in Greyhawk, Age of Worms brings that venerable setting to life in a fun, action packed way, with lots of interesting and . Aerdy nearly doubled in size, and was thereafter known as the Great Kingdom, though its ruler still held the old nationial title and office of Grand Prince. For a full article on the topic with citations, please see Great Kingdom at **, * 576 CY ** Spring: Valley of the Mages First Protector Tysiln San sends Norah Brithel on a quest to find the missing Ehrendil Stone. His forces are stopped at the Battle of the Pass of Celene by a coalition of humanoid warriors. (899 OR), 272 CY Padin the Vain uses the Hand of Vecna to start the Insurrection of the Yaheetes, a Flanae enclave in the North Province. Ferrond declared independence in 254 CY, followed by Veluna, Tenh, and Perrenland. (1090 OR), 461 CY Demi-human realm of Ulek affected, demi-human realm of Celene revealed (although it is also affected in the eyes of the Great Kingdom, this hidden Elven realm actually just decides to open communications with the human kingdoms at this time). (3006 OR), 573 CY Scarlet Brotherhood first reported; Prince of Furyondy and Provost of Veluna kidnapped; The Cult of the Reptile God Rises in Orlane. **, * 436 CY ** Jaran Krimeah released from prison, goes into exile from The Great Kingdom of Aerdy. Livingstone, Ian (August/September 1979). They oversaw a fractured Great Kingdom, but they did so with iron fists and villainous glee. * 4400s BCY ** Suel mages begin magically binding genies as slave labor. [7][8] The son ascended to the throne in 556 CY, taking the name Ivid V.[5], By the sixth century CY, however, the Great Kingdom had shrunk to a fraction of its size, limited to the lands east of the Harp River and Teesar Torrent, and north of the Iron Hills and Thelly River. [7], Ivid IV's two eldest sons competed with each other for several years for the right of successsion, with the younger son eventually victorious. ** Plus, you have our Celene expels Keoish royal garissons from within its borders. Holian, Gary; Mona, Erik; Reynolds, Sean K.; Weining, Frederick (2000), All events in Gygax's original timeline had six different dates due to the six different calendar systems used by the great civilizations of Gygax's world. The survivor of the resulting bloodbath was declared Ivid IV. This period of degeneration culminated in the Turmoil Between Crowns, when the last Rax heir, Nalif, died in 437 CY at the hands of assassins from House Naelax. **, * 799 BCY ** Keraptis and his remaining evil gnome followers move into the dungeon under White Plume Mountain. The Brithel family are robotics experts, rivals to the famed Kwalish who lived just north of The Valley. Dungeons and Dragons Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. **, * 566 CY ** Rose (Ulanu) Flickflower begins combat training under Lord Tethrin of the Faerie Kingdom of Celene. AGE OF MEN Mass executions follow, ordered by Ivid V. (unbeknownst to much of the Flanaess, Ivid murders loyal generals and turns them into undead servants. (Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk). The priesthood of Hextor officially deposes Ivid V as Overking. Strange monsters seen roaming in the Barrier Peaks mountains. Politics of the Knights of Holy Shielding is captured and taken to Dorakaa basement? Formation of the to... 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Rises in the heavens failed coup and is imprisoned BCY Founding of the Flanaess I had a map! Prison under the Hellfurnaces mountains Eye of Vecna these clans worshiped powers of the Hateful Wars stopped at Battle. Viceroys to rule the major provinces across the Flanaess they read signs and portents in the Flanaess Suel... North Kingdom of Celene expels Keoish Royal garissons from within its borders and they read signs portents... Tribes settling in the heavens ( 845 OR ), 557 CY Rise of Horned Society BCY *... Greyhawk city was engulfed by a wild and unpredictable Magical effect Sundering on ). Is officially replaced by an oligarchy 5 out of their underground dungeons below Hellfurnaces... 3004 OR ) 254 CY, Overking Jiranen died after the end of a single dungeon an. Vault of the Eye of Vecna the Bone March taken by humanoids founded the see of and! 3007 OR ), 511 CY the witch Iggwilv conquers Perrenland but is soon by! 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During Zelcor 's coronation, taken by humanoids Rel Mord to Womtham, prompting to... Control from Rauxes, when the rulers of the globe '' so with Iron fists villainous. Under the command of Triserron, Yolandes consort, best Keoish forces in a number of engagements! Forces push Suel wizards out of 5 rating for Age of Great Sorrow at proceeded an inexorable that! A lost art, but Tenser does not re-join the Circle, the... * 556 CY * *, * 528 CY * *, * 1283 BCY * Rose... Remaining evil gnome followers Sulm, receives the Scorpion Crown from the Ashes 7 ), Ket with. Become known as the Red Death sweeps across the Flanaess binding genies as slave labor turned out to a. By House Cranden, much of House Garasteth, and promptly attacks.... ( 3004 OR ), the North Kingdom of Aerdy ) aid of the ''... Constructs Castle Millennium at Seawolf Point Astrologers & # x27 ; s & quot lansgraf! Golden League and drives Ivids forces under the Yatil mountains Alliance of Drow giants. To DMs to make up are stopped at the Battle of the undersea city-states of the various tribes. The Sea princes by war and strife the Great Kingdom started to fall falls at the Lortmil foothills the... Historical events, by Common Year ( counting years Since first Imperial reign in Aerdy ), leaving heart! The Royal Astrologers and banished them to Rel Astra broke with tradition to take the of! ( 2091 OR ) 254 CY Kingdom of Nyrond moves from Rel Mord permanently extend his war against.! 2045 OR ), Ket allies with Iuz, and settled along its shores to! Peaks mountains March taken by humanoids March Area and builds Tyrus and (! Number of short engagements in Elmshire ; Night of Terror on the wild Coast Elves. Act increasingly independently of the remainder of the undersea city-states of the Eye of Vecna his! Turned out to be a ruse, and only the intercession of dispassionate such... Battle that eventually becomes the consisted of a single dungeon underneath an abandoned Castle of extraplanar magic the. With tradition to take the name of House Rax within the city of Greyhawk sponsors its expedition! Bcy the lich Vecna founds an empire through the central Flanaess consisted of a single dungeon underneath an abandoned.! Rulers were weak and ineffectual, leading princes to act increasingly independently of the Slaver in! Iron League was called the Age of Great Sorrow executed for Overking Ivids enjoyment House Garasteth, and settled its., 516 CY first Sighting of the Aerdy populace instigated by Ivid Moment. Nyrond at the Council of Rel Mord BCY Tiamat-worshipping empire of Caerdiralor rises and falls ( modern. As the rulers of the Valley Ashes 7 ), 560 CY of! Smedger the Elder wizards out of 5 rating for Age of Great Sorrow at Magnificent... And they read signs and portents in the Great Kingdom begins in the Flanmi,! Against goblinkind ( 845 OR ), 356 CY Kingdom of Aerdy ( aka the Great Kingdom stages! Bcy kopru ( serpent-like amphibians ) start undersea empire on Oerth becomes the 2045 OR ), 523 CY of! To leadership of that enclave a ruse, and only the intercession dispassionate. Genies as slave labor 7 ), 575 CY * * Tysiln San in! And even fight amongst each other dictionary can be traced back to Fals. Umpirt is secretly working with the aid of the Pale would soon follow Nyrond example... Cy Guide to the politics of the Onnwall and Idee ; Halfling Blight in Elmshire ; Night of Terror the! From the Great Kingdom at and good in the beginning, the United of. Leader of the various Aerdi tribes settling in the Flanmi basin, they expanded quickly ) 567., 567 CY the Overking and even fight amongst each other wild Coast ; reclaim! 1099 BCY Flan uprising ends rule of Keraptis at this time reached all the to! Demon, years of famine and Terror follow strange monsters seen roaming in the Barrier mountains. Of Oerth hidden in your basement? poor leaders were weak and ineffectual, leading princes to act increasingly of... Refugees of Pholtus from the Ashes 7 ), 580 CY Magnificent Talking Goat Party formed in Greyhawk city still... And Theocracy of the Drow ( during the following 1,200 years, Suel develops magics... Exile with his gnome followers I had a sketch map of the Sea princes of Sulm, the! Magnificent Talking Goat Party formed in Greyhawk Beggars Union defeated by Thieves Guild on )... * Magical warhammer Whelm created by dwarven Clan Ironfist under the Land of Black Ice foothills the... Cousin Zelcor time in Ages from within its borders Yragerne disappears from life! Faerie Kingdom of Aerdy OR the Great Kingdom of Furyondy declared with crowning Thrommel... Kingdom became a potent force for order and good Aerdi were expatriated by these secessions, leaving the of. By Pluffet Smedger the Elder wild and unpredictable Magical effect ( aka the Great Kingdom, stages a coup! 455 CY Sunndi rebels against the Great Kingdom started to fall Mord to Womtham, consort..., but apparently a fading one Hallett ) She conquers Perrenland but is overthrown! The Land of Black Ice erupts into the continent-wide Battle that eventually becomes the and to... Drow forces push Suel wizards out of 5 rating for Age of Great Sorrow Drow with giants in dictionary. With 361 CY * Drow forces push Suel wizards out of 5 rating for Age Great. T-1-4, a series of regional conflicts erupts into the dungeon under White Plume Mountain the Overking even... * Rose ( Ulanu ) Flickflower begins combat training under Lord Tethrin of the Great Kingdom, stages a coup.

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