japanese unit 731 experiments

I sanitised his whole body with disinfectant. The victims came from different nationalities, with the majority being Chinese and a significant minority being Russian. [28] Imperial Japanese Army surgeon Ken Yuasa suggests that practising vivisection on human subjects was widespread even outside Unit731,[31] estimating that at least 1,000 Japanese personnel were involved in the practice in mainland China. Unit 731 was set up in 1938 in Japanese-occupied China with the aim of developing biological weapons. [23], Nakagawa Yonezo[ja], professor emeritus at Osaka University, studied at Kyoto University during the war. It was around this time that Unit 731 began referring to confined research subjects as logs, or Maruta in Japanese. Ishii ran Unit 731 as his own personal house of horrors. One member of Unit 731 later recalled that very sick and unresisting captives would be laid out on the slab so a line could be inserted into their carotid artery. According to one eyewitness account, the limbs made a sound like a plank of wood when struck with a cane. Warning: Child-related post. November 1940. Unit731 and the other units of the Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department operated biological weapon production, testing, deployment, and storage facilities. It was surgery for most, autopsies for the rest. Flamethrowers were tested on people. Millions of inhumane experiments occurred in this research center. One element of the unit, called Maruta, took this research a little further than the usual bounds of medical ethics by observing injuries and the course of disease on living patients. [133] In April2018, the National Archives of Japan released the names of 3,607members of Unit731, in response to a request by Professor Katsuo Nishiyama of the Shiga University of Medical Science.[134][135]. Their deteriorating health was recorded. The 2001 documentary Japanese Devils largely consists of interviews with fourteen Unit731 staff members taken prisoner by China and later released. The author Seiichi Morimura published The Devil's Gluttony[ja] () in 1981, followed by The Devil's Gluttony: A Sequel in 1983. Finally, when a prisoners body was all used up, they would typically be shot or killed by lethal injection, though some may have been buried alive. However, according to a junior uniformed civilian employee of the Imperial Japanese Army working in Unit731, the project was internally called "Holzklotz", German for log. While Unit731 researchers arrested by Soviet forces were tried at the December1949 Khabarovsk war crime trials, those captured by the United States were secretly given immunity in exchange for the data gathered during their human experiments. Thousands of prisoners were killed in cruel human experiments at Unit 731, which was based near the northeastern China city of Harbin, north of the Korean peninsula and on a border with Russia. ", "Japan publishes list of members of Unit 731 imperial army branch", "Unit 731: One of the Most Terrifying Secrets of the 20th Century", Occupation censored Unit 731 ex-members' mail: secret paper, "The United States and the Japanese Mengele: Payoffs and Amnesty for Unit 731", Biohazard: The Chilling True Story of the Largest Covert Biological Weapons Program in the World Told from Inside by the Man Who Ran it, "Unit 731: Japan discloses details of notorious chemical warfare division", "Japanese Textbook Controversies, Nationalism, and Historical Memory: Intra- and Inter-national Conflicts", "Examining the Japanese History Textbook Controversies", , "Names of 3,607 members of Imperial Japanese Army's notorious Unit 731 released by national archives", "Hit manga My Hero Academia removed in China over war crimes reference", "My Hero Academia Manga Updated With Villain's New Name", "The English Fhrer by Rory Clements Historia Magazine", Orrori e misteri dell'Unit 731: la 'fabbrica' dei batteri killer, "Unit 731 and the Japanese Imperial Army's Biological Warfare Program", The Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group (IWG), History of Japan's biological weapons program, History of United States' biological weapons program, "US paid for Japanese human germ warfare data", The Unknown Victims of Japanese Unit 731 in WWII (19321945) and Known Experiments, Select Documents on Japanese WarCrimes and Japanese Biological Warfare, 19342006, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Unit_731&oldid=1149602900, Chief of General Division, 19391941, Head of Production Division, 19411945, Lieutenant general of the Medical Service, Lieutenant general of the Veterinary Service, Lieutenant colonel of the Medical Service, 400,000 or higher from biological warfare, Over 3,000 from inside experiments from each unit (not including branches, 19401945 only), Kazuhisa Kanazawa, chief of the 1stDivision of Branch673 of Unit731, Ryoichiro Hotta, member of the Hailar Branch of Unit731, Major General Hitoshi Kikuchi, head of Research Division, 19421945, Lieutenant General [unknown first name] Yasazaka, doctor, Yoshio Furuichi, student at Sunyu Branch of Unit731, Division2: research for biological weapons used in the field, in particular the production of devices to spread germs and parasites, Division3: production of shells containing biological agents; stationed in Harbin, Division4: bacteria mass-production and storage, Divisions68: equipment, medical, and administrative units. They spanned all the way to Singapore, as well, with Unit 9420.Unit 731 was just one out of several, but it became infamous once the extent and variety of its atrocities became known to the public. In one case, at least half a liter of blood was drawn at two-to-three-day intervals.[54]. They also were exposed to as much as 1,800rounds of yperite gas. The unit conducted cruel and inhumane . ", Prisoners were injected with diseases, disguised as vaccinations,[25] to study their effects. Its records were mostly burned, destroying any useful information the team had managed to generate in 13 years of research. [75][76][77] Vivisections were also conducted on native Filipinos in the Philippines. 13 Apr 2023 06:39:48 It was officially known as the Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department of the Kwantung Army (, Kantgun Beki Kysuibu Honbu). Inside Unit 731, Japans Disturbing Human Experiments Program During World War II. Members of Unit 731 were not immune from being subjects of experiments. [56] Ice was then chipped away, with the affected area being subjected to various treatments, such as being doused in water, exposed to the heat of fire, etc. Others were deliberately infected with plague bacteria and other microbes. Richard Stockton is a freelance science and technology writer from Sacramento, California. [67], After victims were infected, they were vivisected at different stages of infection, so that internal and external organs could be observed as the disease progressed. Since then, much more in depth testimony has been given in Japan. [127] The Japanese government hesitantly acknowledged the unit's existence in the late 1990s, but has refused to discuss its activities. While he was there, he watched footage of human experiments and executions from Unit731. [113] The lead prosecuting attorney at the Khabarovsk trial was Lev Smirnov, who had been one of the top Soviet prosecutors at the Nuremberg Trials. Beyond just the syphilis experiments, rape became a common feature of Unit 731s experiments. Feels sick. Unit 731 started out as a research unit, investigating the effects of disease and injury on the fighting ability of an armed force. After the Japanese invasion of China in 1937, sister chemical and biological warfare units were founded in major Chinese cities and were referred to as Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Units. And out of all the atrocities that Imperial Japan unleashed upon the Chinese people during this brutal occupation, probably none were as gratuitously hateful as the operations of Unit 731, the Japanese biological warfare unit that somehow plumbed new depths in what was already a genocidal war. [63] Although this article drew criticism, Yoshimura denied any guilt when contacted by a reporter from the Mainichi Shimbun. Estimates of the death toll from experiments performed on prisoners at Unit 731 range from 3,000 to 12,000. Hisato then tried different methods for rapid rewarming of the frozen appendage. [37] Some of these bombs were designed with porcelain shells, an idea proposed by Ishii in 1938. There are unit members who were known to be interned at the Fushun War Criminals Management Centre and Taiyuan War Criminals Management Centre after the war, who then went on to be repatriated to Japan and founded the Association of Returnees from China and testified about Unit 731 and the crimes perpetrated there. That was just playing around. The United States refused to acknowledge the trials, branding them communist propaganda. To this end, Unit 731 cycled through tens of thousands of captives at several facilities across Manchuria, which had been occupied by imperial forces for years. To this day, Japan has not apologized for, and China has not forgiven, the countless atrocities Japanese forces visited upon China between 1931 and 1945. "Terrorism and Weapons of the Apocalypse". The facility itself was built in 1935 as a replacement for the Zhongma Fortress, and Ishii and his team used it to expand their capabilities. This was all in a day's work for the surgeons, but it really left an impression on me because it was my first time. His reference to it at the trial is believed to have been accidental. [96] Unfortunately for the prisoners of Unit731, escape was an impossibility. [95] Seiichi Morimura in his book The Devil's Feast went into some greater detail regarding this escape attempt. "It was said that a small number of these poor men, women, and children who became marutas were also mummified alive in total dehydration experiments. The truth is that Japan's Unit 731 committed some of the most heinous war crimes ever. That staff member decided to enter the cell. To ensure effective transmission of the disease, syphilitic male victims were ordered to rape both female and male fellow captives, who would then be monitored to observe the onset of the disease. I cut him open from the chest to the stomach, and he screamed terribly, and his face was all twisted in agony. An expedition to Nanjing involved spreading typhoid and paratyphoid germs into the wells, marshes, and houses of the city, as well as infusing them in snacks distributed to locals. The Unit 731 complex. In April2018, the National Archives of Japan disclosed a nearly complete list of 3,607members of Unit731 to Katsuo Nishiyama, a professor at Shiga University of Medical Science. [96] One staff member, who was an eyewitness at this escape attempt, recalled: "spiritually we were all lost in front of the 'marutas' who had no freedom and no weapons. However, Unit 731 was likely the largest biological-warfare production facility in world history. Unit 731 was responsible for some of the most notorious war crimes committed by the Japanese armed forces. Estimates of those killed by Unit731 and its related programs range up to half a million people, and none of the inmates survived. The Japanese doctors and army commanders who had perpetrated the Unit731 experiments received sentences from the Khabarovsk court ranging from 2 to 25years in a Siberian labor camp. Ishii had proposed the creation of a Japanese biological and chemical research unit in 1930, after a two-year study trip abroad, on the grounds that Western powers were developing their own programs. Listen above to the History Uncovered podcast, episode 51: Unit 731, also available on Apple and Spotify. He made this unimaginable sound, he was screaming so horribly. Each cell door had a small window in it. MacArthur struck a deal with Japanese informants:[108] he secretly granted immunity to the physicians of Unit731, including their leader, in exchange for providing America, but not the other wartime allies, with their research on biological warfare and data from human experimentation. The unit was supported by Japanese universities and medical schools which supplied doctors and research staff. These books purported to reveal the "true" operations of Unit731, but falsely attributed unrelated photos to the Unit, which raised questions about their accuracy. [11] Japan decided to build Unit 731 in Manchuria because the occupation not only gave the Japanese an advantage of separating the research station from their island, but also gave them access to as many Chinese individuals as they wanted for use as human experimental subjects. It is suspected that the children of female prisoners were killed after birth or aborted.[68]. His brain would be extracted off to the pathologist, and then to the crematorium for the usual disposal. [103], While Tokyo courts acknowledged in 2002 that Unit731 has been involved in biological warfare research, as of 2011[update] the Japanese government had made no official acknowledgment of the atrocities committed against test subjects and rejected the Chinese government's requests for DNA samples to identify human remains (including skulls and bones) found near an army medical school. Xinhua via Getty ImagesThe frostbitten hands of a Chinese person who was taken outside in winter by Unit 731 personnel for an experiment on how best to treat frostbite. Weakness of all four extremeties. The prisoners brought to Zhongma included common criminals, captured bandits, anti-Japanese partisans, as well as political prisoners and people rounded up on trumped up charges by the Kempeitai. Takashi Tsuchiya. At least 12 large-scale bioweapon field trials were carried out, and at least 11 Chinese cities attacked with biological agents. In addition, gas chambers were set up at unit facilities and test subjects exposed to nerve gas and blister agents. [86][87] Then, the prisoners would be transported through a secret tunnel dug under the facade of the central building to the inner-prisons. [91] Prisoners were repeatedly reused for experiments as long as they were healthy enough. Study methods in these experiments were barbaric. From August1940 on, the units were known collectively as the "Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department of the Kwantung Army" () or "Unit731" (731) for short. In 2006, Toyo Ishiia nurse who worked at the school during the warrevealed that she had helped bury bodies and pieces of bodies on the school's grounds shortly after Japan's surrender in 1945. A Youth Corps member deployed to train at Unit731 recalled viewing a batch of subjects that would undergo syphilis testing: "one was a Chinese woman holding an infant, one was a White Russian woman with a daughter of four or five years of age, and the last was a White Russian woman with a boy of about six or seven. To name a few, prisoners were exposed to tetrodotoxin (pufferfish or fugu venom), heroin, Korean bindweed, bactal, and castor-oil seeds (ricin). The fleas were then packed in dust and sealed inside clay bomb casings. They show what humans are capable of when they are given free rein to experiment on other human beings. Eyelids edematous, swollen. A glass-walled chamber about three meters square [97sqft] and two meters [6.6ft] high was used. [86] No one could enter without special permits and an ID pass with a photograph, and the entry/exit times were recorded. November 1940. Genitals of female prisoners that were infected with syphilis were called "jam-filled buns" by guards.[68]. Based in Japanese-occupied . Date unspecified. Ishii ordered every member of the group to disappear and "take the secret to the grave". Ishibashi asked where she came from and learned that she was from Ukraine. Its true purpose was masked as the Epidemic Prevention Research Laboratory. The Russian lying on the floor suddenly sprang up and knocked the guard down. He infected prisoners with rickettsia and infected mentally-ill patients with typhus. That guard would then telephone to the "Special Team" in the inner-prison (Shiro Ishii's brother was head of this Special Team). Date unspecified. Prisoners were also repeatedly subjected to rape by guards. But when I picked up the scalpel, that's when he began screaming. The idea seems to have been to translate the teams findings into civilian medicine, but if Unit 731s researchers ever published these results, the papers seem not to have survived the war years. all the Japanese scientists immunity from war crimes prosecution in exchange for the germ warfare data gathered from experiments in Harbin. Low morale. [11] The majority of research subjects were Chinese, but many were of different nationalities.[1]. The Japanese defense counsel argued that the claim was vague and uncorroborated and it was dismissed by the tribunal president, Sir William Webb, for lack of evidence. Among those accused of war crimes, including germ warfare, was General Otoz Yamada, commander-in-chief of the million-man Kwantung Army occupying Manchuria. [20] In a further parallel, the corpses of "sacrificed" subjects were disposed of by incineration. However, the amount of effort devoted to BW was not matched by its results. Ultimately, inadequate scientific and engineering foundations limited the effectiveness of the Japanese program. Vivisection, for example, is the practice of mutilating human bodies, without anesthesia, to study the operations of living systems. Whenever prisoners died after the experiments they had been subjected to, a clerk of the 1stDivision struck their numbers off an index card and took the deceased prisoner's manacles to be put on new arrivals to the prison.[90]. "[68] The children of these women were tested in ways similar to their parents, with specific emphasis on determining how longer infection periods affected the effectiveness of treatments. World War II devastated the lives of more than 100 million people around the world. [6] The United States covered up the human experimentations and handed stipends to the perpetrators. After I had watched for about ten minutes, I could not stand it any more, and left the area. [32] Yuasa said that when he performed vivisections on captives, they were "all for practice rather than for research", and that such practises were "routine" among Japanese doctors stationed in China during the war.[21]. The two prisoners told Ishibashi that they had not seen their faces in a mirror since being captured and begged him to get one. There is such a thing as professional curiosity: What would happen if we did such and such? What medical purpose was served by performing and studying beheadings? Shiro Ishii ran Unit 731 and performed cruel experiments on prisoners until he was apprehended by the U.S. government and granted full immunity. reveals distressing evidence of Unit 731 experiments involving US prisoners and the use of British as control groups in Northern China, Hainau . The Japanese government has also failed to grant the OSI meaningful access to these and related records after the war, while European countries, on the other hand, have been largely cooperative, "Unit 731" (2011), Power electronic band Brandkommando, "And You Will Beg for Our Secrets" (2016), from the. Unit731 was divided into eight divisions: Unit731 had other units underneath it in the chain of command; there were several other units under the auspice of Japan's biological weapons programs. Most Japanese civilian scientists before their time at Unit 731 had never used science in an unethical and malicious way. Some prisoners had their stomachs surgically removed and their esophagus reattached to the intestines. Unit 731 was a biological warfare research division of the Imperial Japanese Army, which was founded in 1936. Date unspecified. This team wore white overall suits, army hats, rubber boots, and pistols strapped to their sides.[86]. [114] The sentences doled out to the Japanese perpetrators were unusually lenient by Soviet standards, and all but two of the defendants returned to Japan by the 1950s (with one prisoner dying in prison and the other committing suicide inside his cell). Throughout its history, Unit 731 produced research for biological weaponry. Human experimentation at Unit 731 was a well-known secret within the Japanese research community. Mucous and bloody diarrhea. [132], In October2003, a member of Japan's House of Representatives filed an inquiry. Then their general symptoms and damage to skin, eye, respiratory organs, and digestive organs were observed at 4hours, 24 hours, and 2, 3, and 5days after the shots. For example, one experiment documented the time it took for three-day-old babies to freeze to death.[57][58]. Skin of the face still weeping. Wound patterns and penetration depths were then compared on the bodies of the dead and dying inmates. Although publicly silent on the issue at the Tokyo Trials, the Soviet Union pursued the case and prosecuted 12 top military leaders and scientists from Unit731 and its affiliated biological-war prisons Unit1644 in Nanjing and Unit100 in Changchun in the Khabarovsk war crimes trials. [109] The Americans believed that the research data was valuable and did not want other nations, particularly the Soviet Union, to acquire data on biological weapons. The gruesome professionalism of Unit 731 included a touch of sardonic humor. The opening of the new Museum of War Crime Evidence by Japanese Army Unit 731 on Aug. 15 in Harbin in northeast China was timed to coincide with the 70th anniversary of Japan's surrender in World War II, part of commemorations across China that included a major Victory Day military parade in Beijing on Sept. 3. Other articles where Unit 731 is discussed: World War II: The horror of war in pictures: Unit 731 of the Imperial Japanese Army carried out horrific medical experiments on thousands of prisoners of war and civilians; men and women were subjected to chemical and biological agents and vivisected to survey the results. And as the concept of consent went out the window, so did the restraint of the researchers. [82] Author Seiichi Morimura estimates that almost 70 percent of the victims who died in the Pingfang camp were Chinese (both military and civilian),[83] while close to 30 percent of the victims were Russian. An attack on Changde in 1941 reportedly led to approximately 10,000 biological casualties and 1,700 deaths among ill-prepared Japanese troops, in most cases due to cholera. Witnesses to the raid recall a fine reddish dust settling on surfaces all over town, followed by a rash of painful flea bites that afflicted nearly everyone. Sixty minutes later the pulse was 106 per minute and the temperature was 39.4 degrees. Inside The Little-Known Story Of Linda Lee Cadwell And Her Marriage To Bruce Lee, Inside The Legend Of The Banshee, The Most Chilling Spirit In Celtic Folklore, What Stephen Hawking Thinks Threatens Humankind The Most, 27 Raw Images Of When Punk Ruled New York, Join The All That's Interesting Weekly Dispatch. As the war drew to a close in 1945, the Japanese demolished Unit 731 and most of the other research facilities in China to destroy . Associated Press/LIFE via Wikimedia CommonsA Japanese soldier uses a Chinese mans body for bayonet practice near Tianjin, China. However, conducting experiments without being bounded by ethical laws was appealing to most Japanese scientists. The Japanese unit 731 experiments are a dark part of our history. [59] The following is an excerpt of one of these reports: September 7, 1940, 6 pm: Tired and exhausted. [11] They viewed the Chinese as no cost research subjects, and hoped that they could use this advantage to lead the world in biological warfare. [106] Potassium cyanide vials were issued for use in case the remaining personnel were captured. Other sources suggest that it was the usual practice in the Unit for surgeons to stuff a rag (or medical gauze) into the mouth of prisoners before commencing vivisection in order to stifle any screaming. The history of Imperial Japan's human experiments was one in which Ishii and Unit 731 was the principal actor, but Unit 731 operated in a much larger context. [61] Naoji Uezono, a member of Unit 731, described in a 1980s interview a grisly scene where Yoshimura had "two naked men put in an area 4050 degrees below zero and researchers filmed the whole process until [the subjects] died. They also carried out biological wars by contaminating water and farmlands with disease-carrying germs. Japanese discussions of Unit731's activity began in the 1950s, after the end of the American occupation of Japan. [7][8] On 28 August 2002, Tokyo District Court ruled that Japan had committed biological warfare in China and consequently had slaughtered many residents. Williams, Peter, and Wallace, David (1989). Xinhua via Getty ImagesJapanese personnel in protective suits carry a stretcher through Yiwu, China during Unit 731s germ warfare tests. One thing is for certainno prisoner, whether man, woman, or child, got out alive. One element of the unit, called "Maruta," took this research a little further than the usual bounds of medical ethics by observing injuries and the course of disease on living patients. Human targets were used to test grenades positioned at various distances and in various positions. Despite innocent beginnings as a research and public health agency, Unit 731 eventually grew into an assembly line for weaponized diseases that, if fully deployed, could have killed everyone on Earth several times over. [123] Whenever he moved, a rope around his neck tightened. Evil is as evil does. A Japanese soldier uses a Chinese mans body for bayonet practice near Tianjin, China. They were strapped, unprotected, to wooden planks that were staked into the ground at increasing distances around a bomb that was then detonated. Carried out biological wars by contaminating water and farmlands with disease-carrying germs this article criticism... Criticism, Yoshimura denied any guilt when contacted by a reporter from the chest to stomach! Touch of sardonic humor learned that she was from Ukraine living systems also japanese unit 731 experiments on Apple and Spotify for! That 's when he began screaming different nationalities, with the majority of.. 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