names of prophet's wives and daughters

[19] All the same, it is said that the Prophet (s) had multiple wives as part of his prophetic mission (propagation of Islam). He was left alone to raise a small family and found that he could not devote enough time to calling the people to Islam so he decided to marry again. Indeed, they were Khadijas daughters who were raised in their house.[18]. [7] When the Prophet (s) passed away, all his wives were alive except Khadija (a) and Zaynab bt. : She was an elderly widow of a fallen Muslim who was known for his kindness and generosity towards the poor. [60] There are verses in the Quran to the effect that he deprived himself of certain permissible things in order to please his wives. [4][5] Muhammad also had a foster son, Zayd ibn Harithah. Sawdah had the great honor of being an immigrant for the sake of Islam on two occasions, to Abyssinia and then to Medina. [59], According to Muhammad Husayn Haykal (d. 1376/1956-7), an Egyptian author, the Prophets special treatment of his wives was unknown to Arabs at the time. Prophet Muhammad sought approval for their marriage from Sawdahs non-Muslim parents. The parents agreed and then directed him to seek approval from Sawdah herself. Reinforcing the social status of vulnerable women, such as widows and captives (most of the Prophets wives were widows). The mahr determined by the Prophet (s) for his wives, and according to al-Shaykh al-Saduq, for his daughters, is called "mahr al-sunna" (the mahr of the tradition). Umm Kulthum remained childless whereas Ruqayya gave birth to a boy Abd Allah, who died at the age of six. The following two tabs change content below. Ruqaiya could be derived from Ruqia, means rise, ascent, or from Ruqyah meaning spell, incantation or charm. Muslims believe that the Prophets wives were chaste. It was Hafsah who had the great honor of being the custodian of the first Mushaf which came into her possession after the death of her father. A beautiful name with a classic feel, Jumanah means silver pearl. [7] Fatima married Ali ibn Abi Talib, Ruqayyah and Umm Kulthum married Uthman one after another, and Zainab married Abu al-As ibn al-Rabi. It does not store any personal data. Later, he returned to his wife`s home in Madinah, where he fell ill for several days. These women's lives were considerably better after converting to Islam and becoming part of the Prophet's family. They not only devoted themselves to Islam but they also boasted of socio-political and educational achievements. Nusaybah bint Kaab, an early convert to Islam, was a member of Banu Najjar tribe residing in Medina. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. She is regarded as one of the favorite wives of the prophet. Muhammad lost his mother when he was 6 years old, after which he was passed into the care of Abd al-Muttalib, his paternal grandfather. The name Aminah means truthful and trustworthy. With the exception of Aisha, Muhammad only married widows and divorced women or captives. Kulthum, daughter of Ahmad bin Ali al-Asiwatiyah, was one of the first women to memorize the Quran. Accordingly, if the Prophets wives wanted the Prophet (s) and the Hereafter, then they had to adopt a simple way of life; and if they wanted life in this world, then the Prophet had to divorce them and pay their mahrs. Aminah bint Wahb, a member of Banu Zuhrah clan, was the mother of Prophet Muhammad. She was married to Utayba ibn Abi Lahab. Barakah means blessing, benediction, and abundance. She married Muhammad after she was freed by him. There was one Sahabiyat with this name, Jumail bint Yasaar. Yazid Kilabiyya, and Asma bt. She helped convert several men, including her husband, to Islam. Nevertheless, there have criticisms against Aisha for her practice after the Prophets demise, including her role in waging the Battle of Jamal. With nearly four years of experience, she specializes in writing baby names articles as she loves to help new parents find a name for their child. Mary, the daughter of Imran, was the best among the women (of the world of her time) and Khadijah is the best amongst the women (of this nation). She was a valiant woman and even accompanied her husband to the battle of Uhud. Habibah is a classic name, meaning beloved or dear. His father died before his birth. Dr. Omar Ayoub is a tech enthusiast and a part time researcher and accounts authorship of several international publications. The children of Muhammad include the three sons and four daughters of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. But if you desire Allah and His Apostle and the abode of the Hereafter, then Allah has indeed prepared a great reward for the virtuous among you[31]. He died just after three years of marriage. He loved, missed and remembered Khadijah for the rest of his life. Aishah was the daughter of Abu Bakr, one of Prophet Muhammads closest friends and supporters. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Umm Rumn Zaynab bint mir ibn Uwaymir ibn Abd Shams ibn Attab Al-Kinaniyah was Abu Bakrs wife and Aishas mother. It was Hafsah who had thegreat honor of being the custodian of the firstMushafwhich came into her possession after the death of her father. A name with more clout than others, Maymunah, means auspicious. The meaning of Arwa is agile, beautiful, or gracefulness and beauty. [4][9] According to Abbas, most Shia Muslims hold that Fatima was Muhammad's only biological daughter,[4] whereas Fedele limits this belief to Twelver Shi'ism. The disagreement goes back to whether the Prophets handmaids count as his wives or not. This name entered the US Top 1000 list in 2013 and is going steady ever since. The graveyard carries an immense significance as it has graves of the Prophets wives, daughters and relatives. Habibah binte Ubayd-Allah was one of the companions and relatives of prophet Muhamad. 2) Simeon was next, and he was also a son of Leah. Prevention of any disgrace for the Prophet (s): some people had decided to marry the Prophets wives after his death, so as to humiliate him. Jahsh. And learning about their human qualities can make them more real to those of us who strive to imitate their character nearly a millennia and a half after they walked the earth . She was the 20 years old daughter of the chief of Banu Mustaliq and her marriage brought about an alignment between her tribe and the Muslims. Sumayyah bint Khayyat was the first woman from prophet Muhammads Ummah or community to become a shahidah or female martyr. Khadijahwas the first wife of Prophet Muhammad, whom she met as a widow of a wealthy merchant but had become prosperous in her own right. : She and her first husband were early converts to Islam. Ibrahim ibn Muhammad was the only child of Muhammad (PBUH) and] Maria al-Qibtiyya. Her husband passed away in exile and she was left a poor widow with small children. Lubaba means the innermost essence. She married Mus`ab ibn `Umair after converting to Islam. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Thus, if the Prophets wives acted righteously, their rewards would be doubled, and if they committed an indecent act, their punishments would be doubled,[27] because they serve as role-models for other women on account of their relation with the Prophet. The meaning of Zainab is beauty, derived from the word Zayn. With nearly four years of experience, she specializes in wri more. The meaning of Asiyah is one who tends to the weak and heals them. Ab l-Qsim Zdih, Majd and Kim Nizhd, Mihr. We bring you some of the best Sahabiyat names for your little one in this post. [28] Furthermore, Quranic exegetes appeal to the Quranic verse, O wives of the Prophet! Aishah was widowed at the age of 18 or 19 years old and went on to teach and play a significant role in the dissemination of Islam for more than 40 years. According to most sources she was about 40 and Muhammad about 25 when they married. Before this marriage she had earned the title of Mother of the Poor due to her work with the poor and her generosity to them. She accompanied the Prophet on many of his expeditions and was married to him for seven years until his death. With this union, Sawdahs and the Prophets households merged and the Prophet had more time to carry out the prophetic mission. Aishah was the daughter of Abu Bakr, Muhammad's close friend and companion, and she married Muhammad at a very young age. uses cookies for proper & secured functioning of the site, and personalizing its content & advertising to ensure a superior user experience. Hafsah was able to both read and write and, like Aishah, memorized the entire Quran. [40], According to the verse, Maintain the prayer and pay the zakat, and obey Allah and His Apostle[41], the Prophets wives should say prayers, pay the zakat, and obey God and the Prophet (s). [20] While there is evidence that Fatima was the favorite daughter,[21][22][9] Sunni traditions that place Ali in a negative light should be treated with caution as they mirror the political agenda of the time, according to Buehler. Bareerah, one of the most well-known Sahabiyats, was a slave freed by Sayyidina Ayshah RA. Maymunah lived with the Prophet for just over three years, until his death. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. Hafsah was married to the Prophet for eight years, and after his death she lived for another thirty four years. Khadijah bore him sixchildren, including two sons who died in infancy. Among her notable attainments were that she was the only wife that was with the Prophet when he received revelation and it was in Aishahs arms that the Prophet died. His interests include traveling, writing, and exploring trending technologies. The names and details about each of the wives of Prophet Muhammad are as follows: The family of Prophet Muhammad also include his seven children. Learn Religions, Sep. 8, 2021, She pledged allegiance to Islam directly to prophet Muhammad. She died less than one year after her marriage and as a consequence very little is known about her. Three of them had children. Aishah was thedaughterof Abu Bakr, one of Prophet Muhammads closest friends and supporters. She died at the age of sixty-five. Meaning Prophetess, Ramla is an Egyptian name. According to Islamic beliefs, their sacrifices earned them a place in paradise. Hafsah bint 'Umar 5. afah bint Umar, also called the Mother of the Believers, was one of the wives of prophet Muhammad and one of the first people to memorize the Quran. Umar, Umm Salama, Zaynab bt. Khadeejah bint Khuwaylid (may Allaah be pleased with her). [35], According to the Quranic verse, speak honorable words[36], the Prophets wives had the obligation to speak in ways that were satisfactory to God and the Prophet (s)in right and just manners. However, some Wahhabis have claimed that the Shias accuse some of the Prophets wives of unchastity. Polygamy was common in the Prophets time. She was a widow and the prophet married her with the intention of rescuing her from a difficult life. The meaning of Umama is three hundred camels, which makes it an unusual choice for a name. He died in 600 or 601 AD (before the start of his fathers prophethood in 610) and before his second birthday and is buried in Jannatul Mualla Saudi Arabia. Answer Praise be to Allah. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. [17][9][18], Muhammad's attitude and treatment towards his children, enshrined in hadith literature, is viewed by Muslims as an exemplar to be imitated. Sahabiyat or Sahaba were the female companions of Prophet Mohammed, the founder of Islam. Ghufairah is basically the Arabic word for a type of tulip. Safiyya is one of the most used Muslim names, meaning pure. Bushrah is an Arabic name that means good news or good omen. Abbas was the Prophet's paternal uncle. So what is there in that to be scornful about?. Answer According to 1 Chronicles 23:14-15, Moses had two sons, Gershom and Eliezer, who were counted as part of Levi, the priestly tribe dedicated to the responsibilities of worship in the tabernacle. She was the first person to embrace Islam. Instead, he tried to save women from humility and slavery. The Wives and Daughters of the Prophet Muhammad. Fkhitah bint Ab Tlib was Abu Talib ibn Abd al-Muttalibs eldest daughter and Prophet Muhammads cousin. Umm Salamah and her husband were part of the migration to Abyssinia. Afraa: There were two Sahabiyats named Afraa: Afraa' bint al-Sakan and Afraa' bint Ubaid. Sawdah had a reputation for being a kind, charitable and jovial woman. Lubaba bint al-Harith, also known Umm Fadl, was a prominent early Muslim woman and the second woman to convert to Islam. He was younger than Qasim. In Muhammad's case, he was monogamous with his first wife, remaining with her for 25 years until her death. Bushrah was the name of Safwan bin Nawfals daughter. Biography of the Prophet Muhammad's Later Life, The Stages of Hajj, the Islamic Pilgrimage to Mecca (Makkah), Prophet Nuh (Noah), the Ark and the Flood in Islamic teachings, B.S., Child Development, Oregon State University. There are accounts of how he equally divided his possessions among his wives. Jahdamah This translates into English as the Mothers of the Believers and this is a title that refers to the wives of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It is an additional rulings, specific to the Prophets wives:[48] there had to be a curtain between them and men, to prevent faultfinding about them[49] and to protect their honor.[50]. Lubaynah, or Lubena, is an endearing name, meaning pure milk or just purity. She was very good natured and her nephew, Ibn Abbas, who later became the greatest scholar of the Quran, learned much from her knowledge. Zaynab died in 630 A.D. Ruqayyah was the fourth child and the second daughter of Muhammad and Khadija. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Whoever of you commits a gross indecency, her punishment shall be doubled, and that is easy for Allah. : She was the daughter of a Jewish chieftain and was captured after her first husband was killed by Muslims in battle. Sahla bint Suhail, the wife of Abu Hudaifah ibn Utbah, was also a sahabiyat of the prophet Muhammad. Haniya is a business graduate from York University and an Islamic Information news correspondent. 5. However, some authors believe that the Prophet (s) married all these women just out of his desires. But whoever of you is obedient to Allah and His Apostle and acts righteously, We shall give her a twofold reward, and We will have in store for her a noble provision[26]. Though Sahabis are called Companions of the Prophet, the meaning of the word varies slightly in Shia and Sunni Islam. Khadija bint Khuwaylid. Khadijah bint Khuwaylid 2. It is performed on the seventh day of the childs birth by both parents. Zaynabwas the first of Prophet Muhammads wives that did not come from the tribe ofQuraish. [58] It is said that Imam al-Baqir (a) referred to this mahr as an exception case, which was paid by al-Najashi, the ruler of Abyssinia who served as the Prophets representative in asking Umm Habiba for marriage, although the Prophet did not object to that mahr. It means righteous.. Jamila bint Thabit, the wife of Umar and daughter of Thabit ibn Abi al-Aflah and Al-Shamus bint Abi Amir, was also one of the converts to Islam in Medina. "The Women in the Prophet Muhammad's Family." Srn bint Shamn, an Egyptian Coptic Christian concubine, was sent to Prophet Muhammad as a gift from Sassanid official Muqawqis. According to the Shia community, she was the only child of Muhammad (PBUH). Her life was filled with examples of patience in the face of trials and tribulations. 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