rousseau letter to d'alembert summary

The most immediate result of Rousseau's vision that day in 1749 was the Discourse on the Sciences and Arts. By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. 35 Theseus is the only character in the play to use the word tratre, which occurs on six different occasions in the work, all concentrated in the first and second scenes of Act 4 and all applied to Hippolytus. In the early 1750s, Rousseau had a string of successes. You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at With Racine's Phaedra in mind, Rousseau denies that the theatre can teach morality: What do we learn from Phdre and pide other than that man is not free and that Heaven punishes him for crimes that it makes him commit? Rousseau too offers this very contrast in his treatment of the theatre in his Letter to d'Alembert, but in the case of English society, where Montesquieu raises objections, Rousseau offers praise. 69 Letter, 328 (5: 95). Rousseau refers to ancient Sparta, where the most virtuous and appreciated women were those who were modest and generally not spoken about. It may be important to note that the theatre was a far more powerful cultural force in Rousseau's day than today. The principle of the theatre is to please, it is not, Rousseau argues, functional because the characters are always distant from man. Dufour (Paris, 1924), i, 379-380,384.Further quotations from this work will be cited as "R." and will refer to this edition. Rousseau died suddenly on July 2, 1778. Because of the natural respect men have for the moral sense and timidity of women, for men to be amongst women as actresses will be a further threat to men's morality. Even though there are other forms of entertainment in Geneva that exemplify bad manners, Rousseau claims that none of these areas are more destructive to the people's good taste than the theatre. Christopher Kelly elaborates on a different aspect of Rousseau's critique of the theatre's moral obscurity, noting that whatever theatre does teach us about sympathy or morality towards one another, this emotional identification or fellow feeling is less pleasant once outside the performance hall because it demands that one take the trouble to help. Despite being treated unfairly, Hippolytus adheres to a steadfast set of moral principlesand the playwright makes sure that the audience is aware of this. In 1758, Jean Le Rond d'Alembert proposed the public establishment of a theater in Genevaand Jean-Jacques Rousseau vigorously objected. 50 Kapossy, Iselin contra Rousseau, 39. However, Muralt's focus is on the inverted character of each sex, which results in a society that replaces good sense and simplicity (masculine characteristics) with wit and beauty (feminine characteristics); see Muralt, Lettres, 246, 260. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. From 1742 to 1749, Rousseau lived in Paris, barely earning a living by teaching and by copying music. 74 Various scholars have touched upon aspects of one or both of these points: see Mostefai, Le citoyen de Genve, 5, 8082; Forman-Barzilai, Emergence of Contextualism in Rousseau's Political Thought, 45556, 442; Jensen, Rousseau's French Revolution, in The Challenge of Rousseau, edited by Grace and Kelly, 231, 238, 245; Rahe, Soft Despotism, 97; Michael Sonenscher, Sans-Culottes: An Eighteenth-Century Emblem in the French Revolution (Princeton, NJ, 2008), 15455. The Confessions used is the Gamier edition (Paris, n.d.). You can view our. In the process, he adopts Montesquieu's notion that the laws of a body politic must coincide with and be born from the mores and manners of that particular society. Careful consideration of Rousseau's Letter in light of Montesquieu's Persian Letters and Spirit of the Laws reveals a much more pervasive influence, however. Rousseau proceeds to explore the effect of theatre when decency is lost. Omissions? Their exchange, collected in volume ten of this acclaimed series, offers a classic debate over the political importance of the arts. The relation between art and society is . Summary. Although Rousseau in his Letter refers neither to Montesquieu nor to his works by name, he was certainly well versed in his predecessor's teachings. Emphasis added. Further, he praises the type of morality that can be conveyed through theatrical spectacle, claiming that moral lessons are more effective in this form because they speak directly to the passions. By focusing on his belief in the natural order and harmony of traditional sex roles and community, Rousseau writes to convince D'Alembert, and the public of Geneva, that a theatre is a threat to an ideal, natural way of life. Vous souhaitez acheter Encyclopedie: Eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 1754; Copper engraving from: Diderot & d'Alembert 'Encyc? Rousseau adhered to the belief that restrictions and censorship are often justified to maintain civil order. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from SparkNotes and verify that you are over the age of 13. Some six years later Saint-Preux returns from his travels and is engaged as tutor to the Wolmar children. Of course, none of this establishes that Montesquieu was not familiar with the work, given his wide reading and the work's wide circulation. Remarkably, in his Letter to d'Alembert, Rousseau himself transmits this same assessment of the women in England, employing the very adjective that Montesquieu applies to them: English women are gentle and timid [timides].Footnote65 Nevertheless, where Montesquieu perceives this as having lamentable consequences for the English, Rousseau finds admirable results. At one point, Rousseau states his concern simply as this: in a state as small as the republic of Geneva, all innovations are dangerous and [they] ought never to be made without urgent and grave motives.Footnote79 This passage mirrors Montesquieu's teaching throughout The Spirit of the Laws, which he encapsulates in its preface: changes can be proposed only by those who are born fortunate enough to fathom by a stroke of genius the whole of a state's constitution.Footnote80 Thus, with an inflection borrowed from Montesquieu, Rousseau warns any would-be proposer of improvements to Geneva that even seemingly small and well-intentioned, but ill-considered, changes can have significant deleterious consequences. Rousseau's letter can help to understand the distinction between lived-in culture and theoretical political order. Purchasing Rahe explains that it is not simply the case that the two thinkers were opposedtheir thought is much more entwined: For the arguments that Rousseau deployed against enlightenment and commercial society and those that he presented on behalf of ancient Sparta [] were for the most part borrowed from Montesquieu's Spirit of Laws; see Rahe, Soft Despotism, 77. [5] As an alternative to the theatre, Rousseau proposed open-air republican festivals, with a rich community atmosphere. [3], D'Alembert himself was moved by the response, even intimidated. The legislator's task is to make sure a society's women are in order. In such a case, theatre is useful [] for covering the ugliness of vice with the polish of forms; in a word, for preventing bad morals from degenerating into brigandage.Footnote88 In speaking somewhat sarcastically about the positive role of theatre in such a corrupt society, Rousseau reveals that he would not recommend the proscription of the theatre in Paris and thus he is not such a one as to venture to constrain its women, make laws to correct their mores, and limit their luxury.Footnote89 Here, Rousseau acknowledges that theatre may, in fact, at least prevent what he sees as the debaucheries of Parisian society. For example, when Aricia, Hippolytus's beloved, begs him to tell his father that Phaedra had deceived him, he responds: What more should I/ Have told him? Download Letter to D'Alembert and Writings for the Theater PDF . The theme of The New Eloise provides a striking contrast to that of The Social Contract. This awareness of presenting oneself to be viewed and judged by others fosters politeness, manners, and the joie de vivre that Montesquieu speaks so highly of in France.Footnote64. Cody Valdes provided perspicacious editorial assistance. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, (born June 28, 1712, Geneva, Switzerlanddied July 2, 1778, Ermenonville, France), Swiss-born philosopher, writer, and political theorist whose treatises and novels inspired the leaders of the French Revolution and the Romantic generation. Want 100 or more? Rousseau remains resolutely opposed to the theatre in Geneva, however. by Alan Bloom (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1968) [First published by Agora Editions, 1960]. His thought marked the end of the . He continues that a European spirit of gallantry that one can say was little known to the ancients grew out of this desire to please women. Second, while Muralt does comment on the debauchery of Englishmen, he does not describe such an asocial and austere climate between men and women as Montesquieu depicts, which Rousseau then adopts. All live together in harmony, and there are only faint echoes of the old affair between Saint-Preux and Julie. He also wrote Rousseau juge de Jean-Jacques (1780; Rousseau, Judge of Jean-Jacques) to reply to specific charges by his enemies and Les Rveries du promeneur solitaire (1782; Reveries of the Solitary Walker), one of the most moving of his books, in which the intense passion of his earlier writings gives way to a gentle lyricism and serenity. In the remaining 10 years of his life Rousseau produced primarily autobiographical writings, mostly intended to justify himself against the accusations of his adversaries. Rousseau writes that the theatre, at first glance, is a form of amusement. 63 See Spirit, 28.22, 56162, where Montesquieu declares that men's connection to women is related, in part, to the fact that women are quite enlightened judges of a part of the things that constitute personal merit. The letter attracted remarkable attention; over four hundred articles and pamphlets were written in response to it. Instead of a civil religion, Rousseau here outlines a personal religion, which proves to be a kind of simplified Christianity, involving neither revelation nor the familiar dogmas of the church. He met Madame des Warens, a noted Catholic lady of leisure, in Savoy. More generally, it is a critical analysis of the effects of culture on morals, that clarifies the links between politics and social life. An earlier version of this essay was presented at the Northeastern Political Science Association Conference in Philadelphia in 2013. By placing this particular discussion of Phaedra and what occurs in our theaters in the second of two successive chapters devoted to the topic of civil laws that are contrary to natural law, Montesquieu underscores the moral importance of the theatre for a society. See also Coleman's instructive discussion of Rousseau's proposal: Coleman, Rousseau's Political Imagination, 8389. As the Letter progresses, Rousseau comes to agree with Montesquieu that theatre, and hence the manners and mores that a people possesses, can be a decisive influence on the way of life of a given people. While he concedes that the exchanges and interactions which occur when men and women congregate in the theatre are often artificial and result in theatrical behaviour far from the stage, he refuses to criticise such a form of sociability. When, in 1728, Rousseau found himself locked out of Geneva at night, he decided to travel abroad to seek his fortune. for a group? Therefore, by examining first Montesquieu's treatment of theatre in the Persian Letters and The Spirit of the Laws, and then Rousseau's parallel treatments in Letter to d'Alembert, one discerns the degree to which Rousseau employs his predecessor's means in order to undermine his ends. The volume also contains Rousseau's own writings for the theater, including plays and libretti for operas, most of which have never been translated into English. Free trial is available to new customers only. Isaac left Geneva after an argument in 1722; Rousseau nevertheless had a high opinion of his father, referring to him in the dedication to Discourse on Inequality as "the virtuous Citizen to whom I owe my life." Thus, consideration of Rousseau's Letter helps to establish the formative character of the elder's thought on that of the younger. 26 Michael A. Mosher, The Judgmental Gaze of European Women: Gender, Sexuality, and the Critique of Republican Rule, Political Theory, 22 (1994), 2544 (42). creating and saving your own notes as you read. They imagine that a foreigner who speaks to them is looking for a leg-over. Jean-Jacques Rousseau (UK: / r u s o /, US: / r u s o / French: [ ak uso]; 28 June 1712 - 2 July 1778) was a Genevan philosopher (), writer, and composer.His political philosophy influenced the progress of the Age of Enlightenment throughout Europe, as well as aspects of the French Revolution and the development of modern political, economic, and educational thought. His First Discourse, on the Arts and Sciences, won first prize in a competition run by the Dijon Academy, and he had an opera and a play performed to great acclaim. 77 Rousseau proposes an alternative to the tribunal Louis XIV established to settle conflicts regarding honour without recourse to violence, which he argues would be much more effective as it would harness honour to quell the violence arising from perceived dishonour; see Letter, 6774. In this manner, one sees that Rousseau's engagement with Voltaire in his Letter is matched by a subtle, yet substantial, engagement with Montesquieu. Letter to Monsieur dAlembert on the Theatre. The essay reconstructs the socioeconomic and political context of eighteenth-century Geneva in order to explain the intended meaning of Rousseau's Letter to d'Alembert. Rousseau describes them as scandalous, hedonistic, and compares them to jesters, who were more blatantly indecent and obscene. 20% How she smirched their marriage-tie?/ How could I, by disclosing everything,/ Humiliate my father and my king?Footnote37 Later, Theseus expresses regret for the hasty and ill-considered judgement and punishment when, learning of the true worth of the son he had so recently reviled, he laments: O bring me back my son, and let him clear/ His name! Amusements are acceptable in moderation, when they are necessary, but they become a burden if they consume the minds of men enough to waste their time. Rousseau's essay critiqued the immorality of the Parisian theater and argued that a theater in Geneva would have a similarly corruptive effect on their society. While Montesquieu celebrates the mores of the French, Rousseau acknowledges his predecessor's observations but expresses a marked degree of regret about such a state of affairs.Footnote46 For example, Montesquieu's Book 19 brings into stark relief the contrast between the joyful social existence of French society and the much more grave and taciturn society in England where women have no part. 70 Letter, 325 (5: 92). His death caused a great outpouring of sentiment amongst his many readers and admirers. He also attached great importance to conscience, the divine voice of the soul in man, opposing this both to the bloodless categories of rationalistic ethics and to the cold tablets of biblical authority. We thank Matthew Mendham who, as commentator, offered insightful remarks on that occasion. Because Montesquieu understands women as the judges and bestowers of a man's honour, when women are placed in the public sphere, men adopt mannerisms and behaviour to win their approval.Footnote63 Thus, women enhance the theatricality of public life, putting men (and themselves) on display for each other. 28 Spirit, 19.8, 311 (2:560). 48 Letter, 270. See also Thomas, Negotiating Taste in Montesquieu, 8182. In October of 1758, Rousseau published the Letter to d'Alembert to refute Jean d'Alembert's suggestion that Geneva establish a public theater. See, for example, Clifford Orwin, Rousseau's Socratism, The Journal of Politics, 60 (1998), 17487 (180); J. S. Maloy, The Very Order of Things: Rousseau's Tutorial Republicanism, Polity, 37 (2005), 23561 (24142); Eric Nelson, The Greek Tradition in Republican Thought (Cambridge, 2004). [1] He praised Geneva for its moral women, and its ordered familial sphere, while criticizing the women of the salons in France for making men womanly and cowardly. 20 Montesquieu, Persian Letters, letter 28, 79. In Emile, Rousseau refers to the illustrious Montesquieu, but criticises him for being content to discuss the positive right of established governments, and not treating, therefore, the principles of political right. Rousseaus essay critiqued the immorality of the Parisian theater and argued that a theater in Geneva would have a similarly corruptive effect on their society. He reasons that even if comedy writers write a play that is morally acceptable, the audience will not find it funny. The particular play that Montesquieu selects for praise in this regard is Racine's Phaedra, which enacts many of Montesquieu's teachings and elicits the very sentiments he finds valuable. In this context, he declares: Men, rascals when taken one by one, are very honest as a whole; they love morality; and if I were not considering such a serious subject, I would say that this is remarkably clear in the theaters; one is sure to please people by the feelings that morality professes, and one is sure to offend them by those that it disapproves.Footnote29. He first tries to sway Geneva away from the idea of theatre by suggesting that it is not economically feasible, and that the population is too low to support a theatre. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! Il cite ce pour quoi il crit. [4], The trend of the Enlightenment among philosophers, since Descartes and Spinoza, was to move towards a society with minimized restrictions. What d'Alembert intended as an encomium, Jean-Jacques Rousseau regarded as an outrage.6 In 1758 Rousseau penned an open letter to d'Alembert expressing his indignation at the essay's claims regarding his beloved birthplace. for a customized plan. Despite laws and historical examples that attempt to overcome or deny those natural feelings, theatre offers the assurance that they continue to exist or can be recalled. Moreover, the double entendre he deploys here should not be overlooked, as he also illustrates that men's social interactions with women unleash the power of commercial exchange: Fashions are an important subject; as one allows one's spirit to become frivolous, one constantly increases the branches of commerce [on augmente sans cesse les branches de son commerce].Footnote25 Thus, both women and commerce foster the communicability and nurture the adaptability of a given people.Footnote26. Personnages principaux. But sometimes human beings forget themselves and their natural feelings. SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. The main letter is divided into three general areas: "A) The Theatre in Relation to What Is Performed in It"; "B) The Theatre Considered in Relation to the Stage and Actors"; and "C) The Establishment of a Theatre in Geneva". He felt, moreover, a strong emotional drive toward the worship of God, whose presence he felt most forcefully in nature, especially in mountains and forests untouched by human hands. 83 Spirit, 19.5, 310 (2: 559). Jean-Jacques Rousseau's passionate attack on inequalities political, social, and economic, his critique of reigning governments in the name of democracy, and his questioning of the authority of science or philosophy in defense of moral virtue shook the century of Enlightenment and the aftershocks are still felt today. Please wait while we process your payment. ROUSSEAU Letter to M. d'Alembert on the Theatre}.-}.Rousseau, Citizen ofGeneva TO M. d'A1embert, of the French Academy, The Royal Academy of Sci ences ofParis, the Prussian Academy, the Royal Society ofLondon, the Royal Academy of Literature of Sweden, and the Institute of Bologna; On his article Geneva in the seventh volume of fEncyclopedie and Them is looking for a leg-over SparkNotes and verify that you are consenting our! Contact Customer Support at custserv @ over the age of 13 's political Imagination 8389... Letters, Letter 28, 79 presented at the Northeastern political Science Association Conference in in! Imagine that a foreigner who speaks to them is looking for a leg-over copying music ( Paris, barely a! Or contact Customer Support at custserv @ Paris, barely earning a living by teaching by! Belief that restrictions and censorship are often justified to maintain civil order address you agree to receive emails from and... 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