white scars 1d4chan

Leaving a trail of fire and plasma in their wake, the Death Guard entered the Warp, abandoning local space to the control of Jaghatai Khan. The exact Brotherhoods involved change with each telling, and the nature of the White Scars' record-keeping makes it difficult to establish which accounting is correct, but the one fact that never changes is that the Great Khan himself was at their head. From space it had been pristine, untouched by the industrial hyper-sprawl that had turned the throneworld of Terra into a grey-tinged ball of rockcrete and iron. A cold and solitary child, he rejected all attempts by Dammekos to bond with him while devouring all manner of scholarly learning. With a lurch of recognition, he saw Hasik Noyan-Khan occupying the dais, fighting hard to repel a surge from Jemulan's warriors. Lupercal is also the name where Romulus and Remus were suckled by a she-wolf. As a result of their Primarch's disappearance, the White Scars hold a particularly savage grudge against the Drukhari and will gladly seek out any opportunity to make war upon those sadistic aliens. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Nearly all of his Legion went with him, ranked in their various Brotherhoods, eager for the hunt. He ignored Eldrad Ulthran's warnings about the weapon and Horus, and encouraged his legion to turn to forbidden methods to improve themselves until the Emperor's Children became just as devoted to the God of Excess. Ironically, the former Sons of Horus have embraced this as well. In the beginning, Magnus had not wanted the Librarius integrated into the Legions. The Magnus-apparition explained that it was glad that the Khan had come to see him -- they had always seen eye-to-eye. Perhaps that had always been a foolish hope. Jaghatai had been in pursuit of a mighty Drukhari lord, likely the Archon of the Drukhari Kabal that had attacked Corusil V and perhaps even Chogoris itself. As more bolts exploded against the circlet of columns, she frantically punched in a series of codes, and the apparatus began to hum with building power. Worse still, they counselled that this domination was being exerted upon the human population of Drune via a series of extradimensional portals, each centred upon one of the major mesa-top cities. If he had managed to rein himself in, and acknowledge that his Legion needed to reform and that they understood that they needed to be more careful in their use of the Warp, then the outcome of the Council might have been very different. Qin Xa explained that they would make one more final attempt to find their Primarch. Jaghatai Khan confronted him there, armour slick with the blood of the slain and coated in the ashes of his empire. Now it grappled with those who would challenge its supremacy. Horus was the greatest soul of them all, and so his was the furthest fall. For four decades the Word Bearers hid their new allegiance while subjugating worlds to the Dark Gods and spreading the taint of Chaos throughout the other Space Marine Legions. The White Scars coordinated to perform a standard zao (known in Low Gothic as "The Chisel") manoeuvre -- full-fleet, enacted on a single command from the Vth Legion's flagship Swordstorm. Khan took the head of the enemy tribe leader and mounted it on his tent. As the ruler of his world, Jaghatai ended the wars that had wracked Chogoris, keeping the peace with the threat of utter ruin for those who transgressed his simple laws. Magnus argued that it had kept his brother away. Appointments 216.444.5725. His flesh was somehow bleaker, his stance a little more crabbed, and yet the aura of intimidation around him had been augmented. "You have chosen the doom I could not. Following a particularly devastating ambush by the Iron Warriors at Iluvuin, the Khagan was determined to make his way to the Imperial Throneworld, to stand by the Emperor's side when the Warmaster and the Traitors would inevitably invade the Sol System and lay siege to Terra. Skulls dangled from chains around his belt, some human, some xenos. The Khagan now began the long process of conquering the rest of the planet, which possessed only a single continent. Finally, at the end of the conclave, Stormseer Targutai Yesugei, at the time a junior Librarian of the White Scars Legion, presented the Council of Nikaea a third option in regards to the use of psychic abilities and the maintenance or abolition of the established Legions' Librarius. Suddenly, every Warrior Lodge member within the Vth Legion received a relayed Augur-reading from the Swordstorm. Angron was the first through the breach of the walls of the Imperial Palace, and the last Primarch to leave when the Siege of Terra failed. Jaghatai fought alongside his White Scars for another 70 standard years following the end of the Heresy, eventually disappearing in 084.M31 into a region of space known as the Maelstrom, a large Warp rift in the Ultima Segmentum that is a smaller counterpart of the Eye of Terror. The Alpha Legion fought alongside the traitors at many key battles, but for the most part Alpharius pursued his own objectives, and seems to have gone out of his way to test his skills against other Space Marines. The Khan had thought back then that they were empty threats, but he should have known better. See Horus Heresy for tropes applying to that series, and the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Gaiden Game, which isn't mentioned in the main tabletop game. Romulus started Rome by killing his brother. Impressed with the child's ferocity, the slaver implanted Angron's cerebral cortex with archeotech devices that enhanced his aggression, and raised him as a gladiator. Inspired by this success, the Loyalists also tried to seize the Eternity Wall Spaceport, but were driven back by the Chaos forces without difficulty, as they had reinforced their garrison following the loss of the Lion's Gate. One of Abaddon the Despoiler's first acts when he took command was to destroy the Warmaster's corpse and stop its near-worship, then rename the force the Black Legion. In stark contrast, the Vth Legion seemed to have a very poor relationship with many of the other Space Marine Legions, most of all with the Death Guard and their equally mysterious Primarch Mortarion. To seek out the answers they sought, the Khagan ordered his Legion to head for the source, to find the architect of the chaos engulfing the Imperium. The Dark Glass, like its counterpart on Terra, could access the Webway through the use of a central throne controlled by a psyker of enormous power to operate. Khan fought hundreds of battles against other tribes and defeated hunting packs of nobles sent by the Palatine. That same night, his Legion razed the unnamed city to ruin. An ancient Remembrancer's sketch of the Primarch Jaghatai Khan. There was no benefit to it whatsoever, he just wanted to spite Dorn for being picked over him to build the Palace by proving he could break whatever Dorn built. Mortarion planted the heel of his enormous scythe into the dust. The standard breakout response was a full-scale assault on the containment net, aiming to drive it back through a massed volume of concentrated ship-to-ship fire. These conquests were complete but slow, and the Emperor harshly rebuked the Word Bearers for their unwanted worship, destroying the temple-city of Monarchia, forcing Lorgar and his soldiers to kneel in its ashes, and ordering them to follow the Ultramarines' more secular example. Torghun's forces had lost too many warriors to hold the ground, and soon struggled to keep them back. This subreddit is for anything and everything related to Warhammer 40k. He dispersed the Keshig he had raised from Chogoris, the core of his new White Scars throughout the various companies, warriors whose names would only grow with the passing of years: Qin Xa, Targutai Yesugei, Hasik Noyan-Khan and others besides. He stood, rigid, as though suddenly listening for something. In episode 17, Lord Inquisitor Torquemada Coteaz, a character from original canon and getting his own fanfilm The Lord Inquisitor, shows up for a moment before . Ironically, this gets bounced right back at the Emperor's Children in the novel. The Great Crusade commenced again, though this time with a Warmaster at its apex, not an Emperor. When the Psychneunin struck, they angled their swollen abdomens to sting. They were merciless and sometimes cruel on the attack and often seen as insolent or fractious, but such rumours were founded on misunderstanding. Everything quickly changed as the Vth Legion's fleet formation morphed in an instant, suddenly switching from an aimless drift-pattern into an arrowhead shock assault of astonishing precision. But it was made clear that the topographic interference might make it impossible for the flagship to extract the Primarch, or even make Vox-contact. The stakes were too high to leave things hanging unresolved -- the invaders were going to charge again. Such was the way of the old plains: grievances would be heard, penance would be meted, bonds restored. Indeed, of all of his new brother Primarchs, only Roboute Guilliman and Rogal Dorn objected to the all too brief period of induction that Jaghatai received. A lone White Scars Brotherhood posed no real risk -- they had run the calculations. Behind them all stood Horus, the Lord of Primarchs. Swirls of drifting cloud, as thick and dark as those that swept across Ullanor, covered the ravaged planet. The blinding iridescence of a teleportation beam burned brightly for a few moments. Where it's hinted that the White Scars Primarch, Jaghatai Khan, is being held captive, and that the Ultramarines will be going to provide aid. Hasik ordered a Vox-link to be opened with the flotilla, and to prevent any of their vessels from opening fire on them. His main character trait was his perpetual envy of Rogal Dorn as one of the Emperor's favourites. His dao felt heavy in his grasp, still slick with Mortarion's blood. Resulting in massive losses and massive slogs that could have been resolved in other ways. Scholars of war might ponder what force might test the powers not just of one, but of three of the Emperor's gene-sons, and in the contest that ensued they might find one such possible answer. Hasik explained that the Khagan would return. That being said, with the Fall of Cadia and the close of the 41st Millennium, it has been rumored that Lorgar has ended his retirement and is now leading armies of Word Bearers himself. As with Horus, the behemoth was unable to batter down Mortarion's defences, but resisting it drove the Death Lord to his very knees. The best Imperial naval officers could not have performed such a manoeuvre in less than five solar minutes, and it would have required hundreds of course-correction warnings and solar hours of preparation to bring off. As he swept through the heart of it, some of the fighting broke down. If Magnus had not already made up his mind on which side of the conflict he would be on, then he soon would, and then Mortarion would be surrounded. Before he died, Yesugai's astral form imparted a final message for his friend Arvida -- he asked him to utilise his vast psychic abilities to guide the White Scars' fleet to the Throneworld. I'll post a link below. Within a short span of time, the Great Khan's emissaries were returned to his camp in pieces, slaughtered by the guards of the Pale Emperor who ruled this small realm. Hey yall I was wondering if anyone might know what happened to 1d4chan this time and whether or not it's gone for good now. It flew free of the great power blade and crashed into the warship's command throne, cracking it lengthways, before rolling down the steps of the dais. The Great Khan is a figure who stands apart from his Primarch brethren, never content to meekly follow his father's will like many of his siblings. Horus and Jaghatai had always seen things the same way. Once more, Mortarion heard and sneered his derision of the psyker's arts, but this time the Great Khan interjected, insisting that his brother Horus heed the Stormseer's words. Arvida worked hard, throwing bolt after bolt at the emerging horrors. The glowing tips of their long proboscis passed through the Terminators' Ceramite with ease. Fragments of armour flew like shrapnel. Now it had become complex, far more complex. But in the end, his eyes were drawn up to the observation arch, out through the enormous real-view portals towards Prospero's orbital space. The whole city reeked of burning metal. Lorgar has no reason to follow the Emperor since he himself said he was just a man. The Space Wolves were known to boast of theirs as the Emperor's executioners. There were bodies buried beneath the ash and metal: human bodies, mortal in stature. The White Scars' vanguard began to drift spinwards, pulling clear of their jump-point trajectory and dragging the centre of the engagement back towards Chondax's gravity well. As the Primarch and his warriors explored the ruined capital city, they observed the scene of devastation stretching away under the darkened sky. But Magnus explained it did not work like this. Perturabo wore the Logos, a Cataphractii pattern suit of artificer-quality Terminator armor that incorporated many advanced features such as a teleport homer, and could link Perturabo to all his forces in the field, acting as a mobile command center. He felt that Imperium was standing upon a precipice. By the combined efforts of his last remaining Stormseers, the Great Khan was rendered unseen to the behemoth, so that even as it concentrated its assault upon Horus and Mortarion, Jaghatai was able to work his way around the creature's vast, bloated form and thereby locate a weak point upon its underside. The woman crawled free, darting into the relative safety of the chamber's inner mechanisms. Like his sister points out, he wants people to acknowledge his pain, but he doesn't want to actually talk to them. Ten summers after his arrival on Chogoris, as his tribe moved to their winter settlements, the Primarch was traveling on a mountainside with a group of his followers. Such ceremonies have been employed for centuries as tools to enforce solidarity and loyalty among the most brutal of warrior societies, those tasked with the most onerous of duties and the harshest of sacrifices. When he led the Great Crusade after the Emperor, he sincerely believed that Humanity only needed to embrace, Attempted. Jaghatai's campaign of global conquest ended less than six solar months before the Emperor came to Chogoris in 865.M30 as part of His Great Crusade. The Brotherhood of the Storm followed their commander into the corridors beyond. I would like to kill you, to have your blood join that of all the others you have forced me to kill, but I will not. A few smaller vessels never made it to the muster, either destroyed by the Death Guard during the engagement or disappearing quietly, presumed unwilling to accept the rejection of their planned accord with the Traitors. But before his friend Qin Xa died, he told Arvida to do everything in his power to find a cure for the Flesh-Change. Despite these objections, whose foresight was to prove unfortunate, the full authority of Legion Master of the Vth Legion was invested in Jaghatai, known among his brothers as "the Khan" and among his own as the Khagan, the Khan of Khans. For a moment they stared into one another's eyes -- one face white with shock, the other rigid with anger. An interesting contest. Skilled at playing people, both mortals and even his fellow Primarchs. What, if anything, happened to Omegon is still not known. Most acrimonious of all is Operation Chronos, in which a venerated Raven Guard Chaplain fell to Enslaver domination in circumstances where a nearby White Scars force might have been able to intervene. Magnus had tried to warn the Emperor. Other defending White Scars occupied strategic points in the observation deck beyond. He told Magnus that he had always been his friend. It grappled with those who would challenge its supremacy Wolves were known boast. Intimidation around him had been augmented, Magnus had not wanted the Librarius integrated the! Corridors beyond technologies to provide you with a better experience of battles against other tribes and defeated packs... Flotilla, and to prevent any of their vessels from opening fire them! Some human, some human, some of the slain and coated in the deck. As one of the planet, which possessed only a single continent the ground, to! Follow the Emperor 's favourites or fractious, but he does n't want to actually talk them. 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