In April 1866 the justices ruled that trying civilians in a military court was unconstitutional while civilian courts were open. Six generals and 1,750 soldiers were lost in Pickett's Charge at the Battle of Gettysburg. Why did the North enjoy a numerical advantage over the army of the South? Most Copperheads were more interested in maintaining the existence of the Democratic Party and defeating Republican opponents for public office than they were in participating in any disloyal activities. Second were immigrants, especially Catholic Germans and Irish. The very few historians to write about themall in the mid-twentieth centurymarginalized them. Bloodshed, violence, and endless losses caused many Northern civilians to give up hope that summer and urge Lincoln to settle for peace at almost any price. At least one office had to be set up in every congressional district in the North. Slaves could not legally marry, but unofficial marriages were common. There would be no cease-fire as long as these two men were in office. The party, too, recognized the publics support for peace and the Copperheads great and growing power. Permission to reproduce and distribute journal material for academic courses and/or coursepacks may be obtained from the Copyright Clearance Center ( The copperhead is a poisonous snake, which is what Republicans meant by the word. Mayors in many parts of the North feared their cities would follow suit, especially in areas near New York City. of a Copperhead. , ted States refused to support the Nationalists People suffered from many diseases-not to mention grief, homelessness, and all sorts of supply shortageslong after that fateful day. In others the Provost Marshal Generals Bureau had trouble hiring men to enroll draft-age men, the job was simply too dangerous. I saw an exhibit of paintings by the mexican artist jos orozco. His jaunt was not over, though. After Sheridan broke Earlys army at Winchester, Virginia, Congressman James A. Garfield wrote, Sheridan has made a speech in the Shenandoah Valley more powerful and valuable to the Union cause than all the stumpers in the Republic.[16], The twin victories sent the War Democrats into crisis mode. In what areas did the Indian Removal Act of 1830 affect Native Americans the most? Other newspapers received visits from uniformed troops who destroyed their presses or just locked the door and shut down operations. They left Chicago on August 31 thinking the presidency was theirs. It was a fantasy. 23Neely, Lincoln and the Democrats,155. Write the letter of the choice that gives the sentence a meaning that is closest to the original sentence. How did the end of the war change the political landscape of the United States? A tsunami is a series of waves often caused by powerful movements in the earth's crust, including underwater earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. This study, taking its cue from the work of historian Arthur Shankman, defines a Copperhead as any virulent opponent of the Lincoln Administration and its war policy.7 Historians, immediately following the war and into the early twentieth century, essentially echoed the Republican view of a Democrat-Copperhead conspiracy. The Detroit Free Press announced: Proclaim the old watch cries of Peace, and Union, the Constitution and Freedom. The St. Paul Daily Press chortled in a headline, Old Abes Reply to the Chicago Convention: Is the War a Failure?[15], Shermans success was followed later in September by General Phil Sheridans romp through the Shenandoah Valley, a victory that finally brought that part of Virginia to heel. [13], Democrats were delighted with their platform and adopted it almost unanimously. C. communists had more technologically advanced weapons a. Jackson was totally out of the touch with the common people of the United States. a) California b) Kansas c) lands gained from Mexico d) Wisconsin b Their positions were mutually exclusive. Worse was the decision to load the platform committee with a number of less well-known antiwar advocates. . Public unrest was growing acute. A blow to the forehead could damage the _____________ part of the brain. Each sentence below refers to a numbered sentence in the passage. Throughout the war, even as Confederates insisted on independence, Jacksonian Democrats and other Copperheads believed that the war would end immediately if the North would give the South what it had wanted before it seceded, including an unalterable amendment to the Constitution protecting slavery. Because roads, railways, clinics, power sources, and communications networks were destroyed, it was often impossible to get water, food, medicine, and other aid to people who urgently needed it. Frederick Douglass. Shortly after this 2004 tsunami tragedy, scientists, engineers, emergency services experts, and other leaders began working on an early warning system for the Indian Ocean. Republicans early in the war labeled the Peace Democrats as Copperheads, and by 1862 the term was in widespread use. Horace Greeley, editor of the New York Tribune, privately pleaded with Lincoln: Our bleeding, bankrupt, almost dying country . Finally, they thought, they had a general tenacious enough to crush Lee. How did the leaders of the free black community in America respond to colonization efforts aimed at sending them to Africa? The majority wanted to effect change at the ballot box, not at gunpoint. In this instance, though, prejudice outweighed reason. Some were. When the injured Confederates slipped out of their trenches at Spotsylvania and headed south, Grant chased. A Pacific Ocean monitoring service, centered in Hawaii, sends out tsunami warnings after tremors are detected. Copperheads or Peace Democrats were people who opposed the Union's attempts to reunite the nation during the American Civil War. Echoing public sentiment, the platform accused the administration of intentionally trying to prevent the restoration of the Union. A. Uni (a) Recall What role did Rachel Lincoln resisted clamorous calls for a cease-fire, but he and many others thought it would cost him reelection that fall. Question 16 60 seconds Q. Lincoln could not enjoy the dual victories for long. They lived in the North and openly sympathized with the Confederacy. It brought no small measure of satisfaction that Sheridans foe was Early, whose army had run through the North so brashly in July. Dodd was arrested in August when authorities raided his shop and found 400 revolvers and a considerable quantity of ammunition. 2. Catholics from Germany and Ireland, arriving in the 1830s, were often attracted to the policies of the _______ party. Others ran straight into the crater rather than around it. Many Northern men responded to this proto-conscription effort by running to Canada or the West, or by faking illness or injury to obtain medical waivers. Lincolns opponents were relatively quiet the first year of the war. Campaigns along the James River and in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia foundered in May, prompting Lincoln to fire one of the responsible generals, Franz Sigel. Gray, The Hidden Civil War, 18994; New York Herald, September 12, 1864; New York Times, September 3, 1864. Why did the annexation of Texas take place during neither Andrew Jackson's nor Martin van Buren's presidency? This was an unprecedented intrusion on individuals lives, and the Provost Marshal Generals Bureau, without quite realizing what it was doing, became a domestic intelligence agency, one of the first in U.S. history. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography,quotedinNeely, Lincoln and the Democrats. In LaCrosse, Wisconsin, Brick Pomeroy, the editor of the Democrat, took to calling Lincoln the widow maker. Pomeroy refrained from employing the term only when he used orphan maker instead. Moderates thought this would buy the loyalty of the peace men, and at virtually no cost. Commanders not directly involved in this enterprise were to tie down the rebels so that reinforcements could not be sent to the main armiesor, as Grant put it, borrowing a phrase from Lincoln, the armies not directly involved in the skinning can hold a leg.[1], Northerners were right to believe that Grant was a different kind of general. They lived in the North and openly sympathized with the Confederacy. Copperhead Democrats were Northern Democrats who were against the Civil War. They had become increasingly powerful that summer as more Northerners had joined their call for an end to the war. The Emancipation Proclamation transformed Lincoln's war to preserve the Union into a crusade to end the institution of slavery. According to the textbook, by 1860 more than __________ of the slaves in the South worked in cotton production. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Seymour was elected governor of New York in 1862, and Vallandigham ran (unsuccessfully) for governor of Ohio in 1863. Freed blacks became eligible for the first time to serve in the Union army and were aggressively recruited after the Emancipation Proclamation. If they stake their lives for us, they must be prompted by the strongest motiveeven the promise of freedom. C. Western territories would outlaw slavery D. Slavery would be permanently allowed in the south. b. Sam Houston c. Jim Bowie. Advertisement Advertisement That is the wrong question. b. Slave life expectancy. We use AI to automatically extract content from documents in our library to display, so you can study better. During the nineteenth century, many American Christians embraced a more __________ religious outlook than in the past. b) California, Arizona, and New Mexico. (b) Compare Recall what you . Public reaction on the Union side was swift and stunning. But they can not be expected to suffer that such massacres as this at Fredericksburg shall be repeated. In Boston, an attorney wrote, My confidence is terribly shaken. Though it may seem like something from a horror movie, a scene like this can be all too real when a tsunami (tsoo NAH mee) hits. Northerners buzzed with hope that the war would be over before the end of the year. Information about dissidents was sent directly to Washington, D.C., to the Provost Marshal General. __________ was a plantation mistress in South Carolina who complained that plantation wives were treated no better than slaves. In the South, a man could get out of being drafted by, In late 1864, Gen. Sherman took 60,000 troops on a __________ through Georgia in order to. One of the biggest centers of activity during the Second Great Awakening was located in the __________ portion of the United States. a. stained or ruined It reorganized as the Order of American Knights in 1863 and again in early 1864 as the Order of the Sons of Liberty, with Vallandigham as its commander. Northerners looked forward to a happier and more militarily successful 1864, and morale received a huge boost in March when Lincoln appointed Unconditional Surrender Grant as general in chief of all the armies. Ohioans worried about a civil war in their state if Vallandigham won. W.E.B. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word from the previous. They were influential members of Congress who formally declared war in the South. 24CliordDowdeyandLouisH.Manarin,eds., The Wartime Papers of R. E. Lee Let the giant awake and burst his bonds. Republicans were nearly apoplectic in their response. In Virginia, Union troops were routed in a humiliating defeat at Chancellorsville, even though they had a 2-to-1 manpower advantage over the rebels. For more information, read Michigan Publishing's access and usage policy. Why did Jackson veto the Maysville Road Bill? Updates? Away with the gag, with all the manacles with which the present administration has endeavored to bind Liberty. Issues related to economics and power, race and slavery dominated Indiana politics during the Civil War. for, 1.Which of the following statements about slave life in the antebellum South is NOT true? , ted States refused to support the Nationalists Unlike the rest of the country, the Copperheads were practically gleeful. Our planet is not \rule{1cm}{0.15mm}. Who was the president of the Confederate States of America? B. Battle of Fredericksburg begins. Even Lincolns allies were wilting with weariness. D. communists had the support of the peasants. The draft was a serious impingement on the liberties of eligible Northern men. Omissions? It is hoped that their important work will prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future. For nearly all of the war, African Americans could not join because of the Militia Act. A variety of new weapons were used in battle that could kill more accurately and at greater distances. For permission to reuse journal material, please contact the University of Illinois Press ( answer choices. And every man who gives a dollar or moves his finger to aid [it] is an aider & abettor of murder, a New York Copperhead wrote. Opposition to the war, to the administrations policies, and to the president himself waxed and waned, depending on how wellor poorlythe army was doing in the field. On July 30, the same day Early burned Chambersburg, another Union disaster took place, in Petersburg, Virginia. __________ contended that the Second Great Awakening was intended to reform human society as well as promote individual salvation. Using this information, define the italicized word. Confederate General Jubal Early romped almost unimpeded through southern Pennsylvania and western Maryland in July. In the following sentences, cross out each word that contains an error in capitalization. D. communists had the support of the peasants. No slave state prohibited a husband and wife from being separated. Three of Dodds accomplices, including Lamden P. Milligan, were found guilty and sentenced to death. Not much had changed since colonial times. The Declaration of Sentiments was written at the. C. Washington and Oregon. Democrats performed well in the off-year elections six weeks later, but Republicans held their own. It was a local matter, outside of Congressional authority. The final version of the Compromise of 1850 proposed to. Copperheads had an enormous effect on the Democratic Party, nearly taking control of it in 1864. On July 11, Early got to Silver Spring, Maryland, which is at the very edge of the capital city. The term tsunami is a combination of the Japanese words for "harbor" (tsu) and "wave" (nami). Which of the following led to the Texas War for Independence? They need not have worried. Agricultural diversity in the Old South was practically nonexistent. Copperhead, also called Peace Democrat, during the American Civil War, pejoratively, any citizen in the North who opposed the war policy and advocated restoration of the Union through a negotiated settlement with the South. The president had employed extraordinary and dangerous powers that the Constitution never granted the executive branch, the platform said, hinting at the standard Copperhead charge that Lincoln was a tyrant. The most controversial and ultimately damaging plank pronounced the war a failure and called for immediate efforts to end hostilities, including a peace convention. Democrats were outraged, and Republicans were more than a little uncomfortable with an arrest that appeared to have taken place for little more than a prominent man exercising his free speech rights. The situation was grave enough in the summer of 1862 that the federal government began demanding that states meet manpower quotas for the army. -printing paper money Bruce Catton, Never Call Retreat (New York: Pocket Books, 1967), 369. Which of the following was a destabilizing factor in the U.S. economy in the mid-1830s despite a balanced federal budget? NARRATOR: The Copperheads wanted not just to negotiate peace and bring the Confederacy back into the fold, they wanted to return to an earlier America. Debacle hardly begins to describe the outcome. A. Uni Women were not immune to prosecution for harboring deserters, even if the men in question were husbands, sweethearts, or brothers. Indeed, he might lose every state. Northern Democrats who opposed the Civil War in 1860 and wanted a peaceful resolution were referred to as Copperheads. Francis Brown, Raymond of the Times (New York: W.E. . Democrats were also much more likely than Republicans to mention COVID-19 in the context of the country and where they live (23% vs. 6%) - suggesting that for Democrats, the pandemic has more of a societal dimension than for Republicans. His plan, as laid out to his generals in early April, seemed to validate Northerners hopes. Identify the main advantages the North had during the Civil War. They hoped to capitalize on antipathy toward African Americans, and the centerpiece of their campaign was asking why white men were dying for the black race. a) It was made up of all the southern slaveholding states. In 1862 the Copperheads organized the Knights of the Golden Circle, which successively became the Order of American Knights and the Sons of Liberty. Republicans started calling antiwar Democrats "Copperheads", likening them to the venomous snake. Which statement MOST ACCURATELY describes the political situation of African-Americans in the period of Reconstruction? Mexico claimed the Nueces River as its northern border. "Popular Sovereignty" was the concept that citizens of a territory should regulate their own internal affairs, such as slavery. Lincoln, of course, did go on to win reelection, and the North did go on to win the war. So he split the difference and had Vallandigham released . So why dont we hear more about these dissidents? Lynda Lasswell Crist, vol. What did the Supreme Court decision in the Dred Scott v. Sanford case do? True The treaty that ended the Mexican-American War was the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo While some Southerners supported the Confederate cause, most Southerners fought as Union soldiers during the Civil War. Which of the following parties supported federal spending for internal improvements to foster economic growth? Copperheads came to the movement generally from three different backgrounds. (10) But since the most common cause of these potentially cataclysmic waves is earthquakes, tsunamis can be predicted with some accuracy. Raymond blamed Lincolns problems on military losses and the general belief that we are not to have peace in any event under this Administration until Slavery is abandoned. Many Americans, he said, thought emancipation was all that was standing between them and peace. Finally in July, Lincoln and the Unionists got a break as the main armies of the East and West scored major victories. In that environment Peace Democrats became bolder and more vocal in their complaints about Lincolns handling of the war. Despite President Jackson's attempt to get a federal law passed that would censor certain publications, his efforts actually strengthened __________ movements. He was a vocal opponent of President Abraham Lincoln and his policies during the Civil War. He also advocated assassination if Lincoln were reelected. Permissions: Copyright Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. In the 1860s, the Copperheads also known as Peace Democrats , were a faction of Democrats in the Union who opposed the American Civil War and wanted an immediate peace settlement with the Confederates. The southern economy by 1860 could be fragile because it was so dependent on, Because slavery was so central to southern culture, it was referred to as. There is not a word in it that can cheer any soldier or sailor fighting for his country; not a syllable that stirs the blood of a patriot, Harpers complained. e. Texas and Arkansas. those fighting the British during the American Revolution. Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, introduction by William S. McFeely (1897; reprint, New York: Da Capo Press, 1986), 6970. Which of the following statements regarding the lives of male and female slaves is accurate? The New York Times, a Republican vehicle, was even more fulsome. Sending a commission to Richmond would be worse than losing the Presidential contestit would be ignominiously surrendering it in advance, he told Raymond. The Emancipation Proclamation transformed Lincoln's war to preserve the Union into a crusade to end the institution of slavery. Detroit Free Press, September 1, 1864; Harpers Weekly, The Chicago Convention, September 10, 1864. Work to get candidates nominated and elected to a political office. Assuming they would easily take the soldier vote was not the War Democrats only, or even biggest mistake. One Republican reported: McClellan stock is not quoted at all. For the full platform, see C. communists had more technologically advanced weapons Common sense suggests that this would be a relief to antiwar men because it reduced their chances of being drafted. At the 1864 Democratic national convention, Copperheads gained control of the party platform and inserted a plank calling the war a failure and advocating immediate peace negotiations. Advertisement emilyliter2010 Answer: Northerners who opposed the war. (7) The blight of the 2004 tsunami continued long after the waves hit. The most important prisoner of war taken by either side during the war for Texas independence was: a. William.B. Is it butchery, orwar? Even members of Lincolns cabinet were shocked. Accepting the Copperhead name, many opponents of the war began to use the portrait side of copper coins as badges and tokens for identification and promotion of their cause. Congress would have strict control of the slave trade. The tribe most affected by the Trail of Tears was the. When the Army of the Potomac failed to win the gruesome Battle of the Wilderness in early May, Grant followed Lee rather than stopping or pulling back. On December 26, 2004, a tsunami caused by an underwater earthquake destroyed much of the coastline surrounding the Indian Ocean, killing hundreds of thousands of people and causing immeasurable destruction. Instead, they argued, it had been a war of emancipation from the very beginning. 10 (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1999), 15255; Robert Churchill, The Sons of Liberty Conspiracy, 18631864, Prologue 30 (1998): 295, 30102; Emma Lou Thornbrough, Indiana in the Civil War Era, 18501880 (Indianapolis: Indiana Historical Bureau, 1965), 21518. Which of the following were attracted to the Democratic party during Jackson's administration? Instead, black men serving in a blue uniform merely reinforced the Copperheads preexisting belief that this was not a war for reunion and never had been. The Confederate soldiers at Vicksburg were determined to face horror and hardship rather than consider surrender to the Union. Which of the following statements accurately describe the Emancipation Proclamation and its impact on the Civil War? Lincolns terms were reunion and emancipation. (6) The waves wreaked havoc indirectly, too. Sidney Blumenthal excoriated the movie in the Atlantic Monthly as "propaganda for an old variation of the neo-Confederate Lost Cause myth." Blumenthal rightly pointed out that the film minimized the importance of race and slavery to northern Democratic political thought, but he wrongly implied . The principal dissidents were known as Copperheads, conservative Democrats who harkened back to Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson as ideal presidential role models. He sought to develop a military strategy to try to persuade Copperhead Democrats to end the war. B. nationalist KMT had suffered massive casualties during WW2 by japan The Peace Democrats tried to turn the meaning on its head. Just before the Mexican-American War, frontiersmen in California organized forces, encouraged American settlers to declare independence from Mexico, and formed the, The treaty that ended the Mexican-American War was the Treaty of, By 1830 the majority of the population living in Mexican Texas was, At the time of the Mexican-American War, the U.S. military. 1, vol. Lincoln strongly encouraged the participation of freed slaves as soldiers. At his front he had one enemy, the Confederates. Which of the following statements regarding the domestic slave trade is accurate? The spring continued to go poorly. Kenneth M. Stampp, Indiana Politics During the Civil War (Indianapolis: Indiana Historical Bureau, 1949), 21518 and 23149; Jefferson Davis, The Papers of Jefferson Davis, ed. 7, Library of Congress; George E. Baker, ed., The Works of William H. Seward (New York: AMS Press, 1972), 128. They were Democrats in southern states who supported the Union. No deal, Davis told them. The answer is that they had significant influence, especially as the war wore on and the financial and human costs mounted into the stratosphere. By March 1863 the situation was so dire that the government was forced to take a more direct approach to raising men. The copperhead is a poisonous snake, which is what Republicans meant by the word. Three days before Raymond pitched his plan, Lincoln had sworn again he would not abandon the freedmen to sue for peace, saying that he would be damned in time & in eternity if he did. He was born in Titusville, Pennsylvania, was educated at the Erie Academy and graduated from the law school of Louisville University in 1851.He removed to New Albany, Indiana, in 1852, and was a member . The rebels bankrolled Dodd in exchange for a promise to cooperate with the Southern army and free Southern prisoners of war. to the Confederates. As in the Dodd case, word leaked out, and the Union army showed up in force in Chicago. Raymonds plan was the primrose path. (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 19531955):7:435 and n. 1. "The first great age of American literature". Even in Indiana, ground zero for the antiwar movement, support for the party plummeted. Copperhead strength was mainly in the Midwest (Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois), where many families had Southern roots and where agrarian interests fostered resentment of the growing dominance of industrialists in the Republican Party and federal government. Scientists in Hawaii actually knew about the Indian Ocean earthquake in December of 2004, but, unfortunately, there was no effective way to warn people in time for them to prepare for what was coming. It quickly turned into a race riot, and it remains the most deadly civil disturbance in American history. The main debate among those historians was whether the Peace Democrats were trying to overthrow the government, either state or federal. Although Morton claimed that he . Vallandigham went down in flames, receiving only a fraction of the soldier vote. Forming secret societies, including the 'Knights of the Golden Circle,' Copperheads forged links to the Confederacy. Skeptical that the agents even had the authority to engage in such discussionsthey did notLincoln sent Greeley and a presidential secretary to Niagara Falls for the meeting. I am not oversanguine in my temperament, but really it does look just now as if we would carry everything before us, like a whirligust. With victory seeming ever nearer, the summer of 1864 ended.[17]. In what case did the Supreme Court rule that Native American tribes did not have to give up their land involuntarily? was not well prepared for a major conflict. Banning slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico. The most common report was that Confederates based in Canada were teaming with Copperheads to overrun a prisoner-of-war camp near one of the Great Lakes (Johnsons Island, near Sandusky, Ohio, was most frequently cited), free the prisoners, and lay waste to the nearest metropolis. He essentially held the Maryland communities of Hagerstown and Frederick hostage, agreeing to spare them only when they had paid him a total of $220,000. The word teetotaler originated with a temperance society's use of the letter T to signify total abstinence. They led the initiative to enact the Habeas Corpus Act of 1863. 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