[Note: Barclay, p. Hey, it opens up so many opportunities to witness for you. A man does not decide to be an *apostle. And that is not enough. That which is hidden is concealed; the world cannot recognize the Christian. And as he becomes cold, then she feels all the more insecure and she has to challenge all the more. Here we have the mingling, I apprehend, of natural man's philosophy, and religions man's tradition. How like the description is to Christ Himself! On no such ground, nor on all together, was He the firstborn. Why should we heed conjecture? When Christ, who is our life, [Now, you see this is the key to it right here. Yet, carrying out his ministry with continual tears, he looked before men as one whom none of these things moved. But it was given to Paul, and to Paul alone, to communicate this great truth in his epistles; and he alone has used the well-known phrase. Archippus was to take heed to the ministry he had received in the Lord. Of God He is the image, not exactly in an exclusive, but assuredly in the only adequate sense. Paul moves on to give his list of the great graces with which the Colossians must clothe themselves. Matthew Henry :: Commentary on Colossians 3 Chapter 3 I. In material science it is not so, in schools of doctrine it is not so: there is something altogether circumscribed, in known limits, and definite enough to satisfy the mind of man. The New Testament never hesitates to demand with a certain violence the complete elimination of everything which is against God. And what a deliverance from self to see Christ in them! We must never allow one truth to be either shut out or enfeebled by another; but then we need also to remember that there are, and have always been, those that, having begun seemingly well, have ended by becoming the enemies of Christ and the church. You're living in a new dimension of life, the spiritual dimension of life. It's heaven on earth. The apostle exhorts us to set our hearts upon heaven and take them off from this world, ver 1-4. The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is our God and Father; and He has blessed with every possible blessing, and in the highest sphere and on the best ground. This is the fountain of all true knowledge, and so Christ is the truth as to everything and every one. So, as the wife submits, the husband finds it easy to show his love. Colossians 3:11 "Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all." This Bible verse shows us that we all have hope in Christ and that God is no respecter of persons, race, or social standing in life. And so it is. Mark and Luke, although they were not apostles, were surely prophets. Then you have a happy relationship. The pursuit of tradition or of philosophy, as a graft on Christianity, continually tends to bring in that which poisons the springs of truth, and grace is always annulled by either. But Paul goes on: "The day is coming when Christ will return in glory and then the Christian, whom no one recognized, will share that glory and it will be plain for all to see." But if we violate these rules, we're going to bring misery into our marriage. And when we turn them into positive commands instead of negative prohibitions, we find three laws for Christian speech. Pleonexia is one of the ugliest of sins but while it is quite clear what it means, it is by no means so easy to find a single word to translate it. When the Christians unite in breaking bread, they show forth the death of Christ till He come. But alas! But now the work is done, and the atonement is accepted before that new life is given me in Him risen. Three positional things are said in Colossians 3:1 about this eternal Son of God and Christ (Messiah) who entered history, died, and rose: (1) He is above: "Seek the things that are above, where Christ is.". Monty went straight up to him and with a quick, friendly smile turned him round. One of the best tests of any word is: "Can we speak it and in the same breath name the name of Jesus? . Here this letter makes the change that Paul's letters always make; after the theology comes the ethical demand. Somehow or another, freethinkers and superstitious men coalesce in reality. No one, no thing, can add to Christ's power, lustre, or value in any one respect. He gets cold.Two rules: wives submit, husbands love. There is malice. As believing in Him, this is our place. If it is the desire for a person, it leads to sexual sin. Such was the position of Israel. For instance, under Jewish law, a husband could divorce his wife for any cause, while a wife had no rights whatever in the initiation of divorce; and the only grounds on which a divorce might be awarded her were if her husband developed leprosy, became an apostate or ravished a virgin. He does not even say worthy of Christ, but "of the Lord." In his pre-Christian days Joad could write: "Birth control (he meant the use of contraceptives) increases the possibilities of human pleasure. Do we look for such a happiness, and should we not set our affections upon that world, and live above this? They were the chosen people; they were the dedicated nation, they were the beloved of God. And the reason is because Christ sits at the right hand of God. THE THINGS WHICH LIE BEHIND ( Colossians 3:5-9 a). Now, that ye are converted to God, act in reference to heavenly things as ye did formerly in reference to those of earth; and vice versa. If it is the desire for prestige, it leads to evil ambition. "You must not only seek heaven, you must think heaven" (Lightfoot). not on things on the earth; not mind earth and earthly things, temporal enjoyments, riches, and honours; and though food and raiment, and the necessaries of life, are to be sought after, and cared and provided for, yet not with anxiety and perplexity of mind, in an over thoughtful and distressing manner; nor should the heart be set on those outward things, or happiness placed in the possession of them. They were shadows. I am responsible to him." At any rate this was his mission. The first 2 chapters present Christ as our Lord, Chapter 3 presents Christ as our Life and Chapter 4 presents Christ as our Love. (iii) Christian speech must be true. In Greek society a respectable woman lived a life of entire seclusion. III. The duty of the parent is discipline, but it is also encouragement. T. K. Abbott points out how this passage shows in summary fashion the barriers which Christianity destroyed. It does not present the Spirit of God as a person down here, though He is a person of course, but rather as characterizing the love. He has annulled the power of him that had the power of death that word so terrible for the heart of man, and most surely foreign to the mind and heart of our God and Father, but a stern necessity that came in through rebellion. Here we see the other side Christ in or among you Gentiles, "the hope of glory." On the other hand, the epistle to the Ephesians abounds with such allusions. And now He is risen from the dead, the beginning of a new order of existence altogether; and as He is the Head, so the church is His body founded, indeed, on Christ, but on Him dead and risen. The soul prospers when we have clear knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus. He could sell him into slavery; he could make him work like a labourer on his farm; he had even the right to condemn his child to death and to carry out the execution. If you knew Him better, you would feel it yourself. There are many nice shades in detail; but I have referred now to that which is the principal point whence the two lines of truth diverge. How can I show her how much I appreciate her and love her?" But there is far more than growth in knowledge, or even by the knowledge of God. "And my state shall Tychicus declare unto you, who is a beloved brother, and a faithful minister and fellow-servant in the Lord: whom I have sent unto you for the same purpose, that he might know your state, and comfort your hearts; with Onesimus, a faithful and beloved brother, who is one of you. The greatest scholar in the world and the simplest son of toil can sit in perfect fellowship in the Church of Christ. Have you mortified the deeds of the flesh? Thus it is then that for these saints the desire is that they should steadily advance. "Behold, He comethevery eye shall see Him" ( Revelation 1:7 ). Utterly impossible that man should see Him who is invisible: he needed one to bring God down to him, and display His word and ways, and Christ is that one image of the invisible God. So, not only am I to just put off the works of the flesh, the old life, I am to put on Jesus Christ, living after Him. And as He is the image of the invisible God, so is He the first-born of all creation; for the Holy Spirit here brings together a kind of antithesis as to Christ in relation to God, and in relation to the creature. At this point we come to one of the main and distinctive objects of the epistle. It becomes something which is entered into not merely for the convenience of the husband, but in order that both husband and wife may find a new joy and a new completeness in each other. 1. "Are you sure? Beloved, the Christ that we know gives no glory to the first man; neither does He put honour on ordinances or human priesthood. In view of the freedom that Christ has won for them, the Colossian believers must not listen to those who try to force them to obey the rules and regulations of the Israelite law. Thereby he shows that God's love and grace have gone out to the ends of the earth, and that there is no "most favoured nation" clause in his economy. The master must treat the slave not like a thing, but like a person, with justice and with the equity which goes beyond justice. In the Spirit are both built together for God's habitation. And the husband, he feels so macho, "Hey, she's my little gal; she's trusting me to do the right thing." "In psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord." Colossians 3:2 ESV Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. He will, for instance, set giving above getting, serving above ruling, forgiving above avenging. The stronger our faith, and the warmer our love, the more will our comfort be. Do not be uneasy at the talk of critics: it is natural for dealers to cry up their wares. Christ, says he, calls us upwards to himself, while these draw us downwards. For this is the winding-up and exposition of what he had lately touched upon as to the abolition of ceremonies through the death of Christ. Boy, if he'd told me that, I would've just really said, 'Hey you take this job, man and stuff it.' If the parent is too easy-going, the child will grow up indisciplined and unfit to face life. Dr. Johnson believed that there are far more falsehoods told unaware than deliberately; and he believed that a child should be checked when he deviates in the smallest detail from the truth. Don't presume upon the grace of God." How can that be? Yet it is never the sign either of life or of bloodshedding, but of a state of privilege beyond. He has put me in charge of it. They were created by Him, and for Him, equally with the Father. There is not a chapter in it where the Holy Ghost has not a most important and essential place. Second, on the human side, it is based on the belief that all men are the sons of God; and there is no room for arrogance when we are living among men and women who are all of royal lineage. It was not so unmingled an address as where he views them simply as they were in Christ. Leave me alone." The tendency of any body of people is sooner or later to fly apart; love is the one bond which will hold them together in unbreakable fellowship. And as this was so blessed and novel a truth, the apostle states his own earnestness about it "whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ.". Colossians 3:1. Here we come not merely to that which is displayed in the forms of the corruption that goes on through things or persons outside us, as it were, but by inner feelings of violence: "But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth." There could be no fellowship in the ancient world between a slave and a free man. To receive it as the faithful blow of our best friend in His own word may not seem the readiest way toward comfort; but the comfort that we get in the end from Him who thus smites is both real and stable, and rich in profit to the soul. Let us look at these things one by one. Let them beware of philosophy and tradition; "for in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily." They might come for what they could get; but at length they would not have Him or anything He had to give on any terms. It pleased the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. 'This way, sonny. Colossians 3:1,2. Undoubtedly the one word would suggest the other. NIV Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. He exhorts to the mortification of sin, in the various instances of it ( v. 5-11 ). And the tragedy is that many people have become so habituated to unclean talk that they are unaware that they are using it. John said, "If a man says he loves God and yet hates his brother, he is a liar" ( John 4:20 ). When we were going through Ephesians, he said, "Obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right." Oh, to forget all that which produces jealousy, pride, vanity, each and every feeling contrary to God and unedifying to man; to be comforted and to comfort others with such a truth Christ is all, and Christ is in all! (i) The Christian ethic is an ethic of reciprocal obligation. A short greeting Paul began most of his letters in this way. And ye are complete in him." We must live such a life as Christ lived here on earth and lives now in heaven, according to our capacities. That we might teach and admonish one another.] You're called to serve Him. Colossians 3:1 "Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God." Colossians 3:5-6 " Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. His function was to fill up the word of God, "even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: to whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.". I love it. The Jews are enemies, and unbelieving; the Gentiles are specially the object of God's present ways. And when Christ who is our life shall appear, we shall appear with Him in glory. For the Christian the burst of temper and the long-lasting anger are alike forbidden. But there is far more than that: "If ye then be risen with Christ." And what was to be done? Goodness by itself can be stern; but chrestotes ( G5544) is the goodness which is kind, that type of goodness which Jesus used to the sinning woman who anointed his feet ( Luke 7:37-50). ( Matthew 11:30). "Here, you want this candy? If the peace of Jesus Christ is the umpire in any man's heart, then, when feelings clash and we are pulled in two directions at the same time, the decision of Christ will keep us in the way of love and the Church will remain the one body it is meant to be. He is the truth; He is the expression of what God is. Since men have a certain knowledge of Christ's death, they are striving to die. We don't have distinctions in Jesus Christ, religious, ethnic or whatever; Christ is everything. But I must repeat that there is not a single apostle who so much as speaks of being justified by faith, except the apostle of the Gentiles. It is plain that however blessed this is, still it supposes wants, and a measure of weakness, and this for the ordinary walk of the Christian; that they might "walk worthy of the Lord," says he. A substantially similar blessing is stamped on the table of the Lord. It therefore has characteristics of a letter by Continue reading "Commentary on Colossians 3:1-4" The Greek looked down on the barbarian; and to the Greek any man who did not speak Greek was a barbarian, which literally means a man who says "bar-bar." The point Paul is making here is this. The apostle would have them to feel the slightest touch of another's misery; and, as their clothes are put over their body, so their tenderest feeling should be always within the reach of the miserable. As the waters close over him, it is as if he was buried in death; as he emerges from the waters, it is like being resurrected to a new life. When the Christian was baptized, he put off his old clothes when he went down into the water and when he emerged he put on a new and pure white robe. Our affections should not be fixed on houses and lands; on scenes of fashion and gaiety; on low and debasing enjoyments. And this the apostle was doing, and particularly for one that came from them. Neither completeness in Christ, nor joyful sense of heavenly relationship, nor heed to our own relations in this life, should weaken for an instant, but rather minister to an increased sense of the need and value of depending on God. Blasphemia is insulting and slanderous speaking in general; when that insulting speech is directed against God, it becomes blasphemy. [Note: Robertson, 4:500.]. But does this so much as resemble the provision of grace for the Christian? Paul only. This is the spirit which never loses its patience with its fellow-men. Here is a thought which was very dear to the heart of Paul. The epistle to the Ephesians views the saint as already blessed by God in heavenly places in Christ. This is truth about them; and He who is the truth told it out. Sir Arnold Lunn, in Memory to Memory, quotes an incident about Field-Marshal Montgomery from a book by M. E. Clifton James. That is the meaning of all that seems good in the world's piety. (ii) It is most significant to note that every one of the graces listed has to do with personal relationships between man and man. What a spring of power is the love of Christ Truly charity is "the bond of perfectness." When a person is baptized, this is the meaning of the act; nor has it any true force, but is an illusion, otherwise. Christianity brought mercy into this world. They live in minute points and uncertainty. He assigns three reasons for this, Colossians 3:3; Colossians 3:4. Christ, and Christ alone, has truly represented God to man, as He alone was perfect man before God. Our Lord says that as He was "from above," so His disbelieving hearers were "from beneath," which He interprets as "of this world" ( John 8:23 ). One of the great effects of Christianity is that it destroys the barriers. Our affections should not be fixed on houses and lands; on scenes of fashion and gaiety; on low and debasing enjoyments. But doing it as unto the Lord. So to the church he says, "I rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body's sake, which is the church: whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensation [or stewardship] of God which is given to me for you, to fulfil the word of God. The story goes that a French merchant purchased an enormous 112-3/16-carat diamond. It may be added that what is said of the same truth is in Colossians attributed to Christ, or that life which we have in Christ. The Colossians from their dabbling with tradition and philosophy were in danger on this side. not on things on the earth; not mind earth and earthly things, temporal enjoyments, riches, and honours; and though food and raiment, and the necessaries of life, are to be sought after, and cared and provided for, yet not with anxiety and perplexity of mind, in an over thoughtful and distressing manner; nor should the heart be set on those outward things, or happiness placed in the possession of them. How vain and perilous at least for themselves was the effort of the Colossians! His master could thrash or brand or maim or even kill him at his caprice; he had not even the right of marriage. He was proverbially the savage, who terrorized the civilized world with his bestial atrocities. Such is the fruit of His word thus dwelling in us. 3:5-9a So, then, put to death these parts of you which are earthly-- fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, the desire to get more than you ought--for this is idol worship; and because of these things the wrath of God comes upon those who are disobedient. Things which the world thought important, he will no longer worry about. It was Christianity which drew men together sufficiently to make them wish to know each other's languages. Chastity was the one completely new virtue which Christianity brought into the world. Thus it is that He rises into a new condition, leaving behind that which had fallen under vanity or death through its sinning chief, the first Adam. There was much that was blessed at Colosse; and the apostle loves to give full credit for it. We have not to imagine a reason, for the Spirit of God has given His own, and this will be found to set aside all others. The Holy Spirit brings in that which completely judges and sets aside all such speculations. Do you say, Yes, but why not God create by the highest as an instrument? It is not to be found in tradition, still less in philosophy. In the ancient world children were very much under the domination of their parents. First the apostle brings in all things as a whole, the universal creaturehood, earthly and heavenly; thus giving us an adequate notion of the perfect triumph of God at the time when it seemed as if Satan had completely succeeded through man against the counsels of God. "Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving." How blessed! And so, don't provoke your children so that they get discouraged. Accordingly the path of Christian duty is grounded on these wondrous truths. God knows that the greatest need a man has is to be macho, to feel he's in control. Bible study tool. There is the forbearing and the forgiving spirit. (iv) It destroyed the barrier between class and class. For you are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God. B. Lightfoot reminds us that one of the greatest tributes paid to Christianity was paid not by a theologian but by a master linguist. And we do recognize that the highest authority in our life is God. The Spirit of God applies the truth of Jesus Christ, which resists all such thoughts as human. (Read all of Colossians 3) Complete Concise I. Some of old were not Jews nor Gentiles, but baptized men and women. The word for slander is blasphemia ( G988) , which the King James Version translates blasphemy. If the parents are not Christians and are demanding the child do something that would be a violation, if he's conscience before God, then we must obey God rather than man. Men's Ministry Home Women's Ministry Home Children's Ministry Home Pastor's Ministry Home. When a man becomes a Christian, there ought to be a complete change in his personality. Paul says things which must have amazed both sides. Now, you may be making your living by working there at that office, or factory, or wherever. In other words, it's not what you say which really counts; it's how you're walking that counts. The slave was a thing in the eyes of the law. Not appreciating His glory and fulness, they did not see that the secret of true wisdom and blessing, is in going on to know more of Christ than is already possessed. Special wants may spring up and claim attention at particular moments; but since Christ was set on high, this is the truth for the saints, and for a very simple and sufficient reason it is what God the Father designed for the day of salvation. May the word of Christ dwell richly in you with all wisdom. Christ will appear again. Yet there were men not wanting then that denied him to be an apostle. You had such a good attitude. Immediately after this Paul goes on to lay down a series of ethical principles which make it quite clear that he expects the Christian to go on with the work of this world and to maintain all its normal relationships. And then, as he gives this long list of things, parallel list here, he said that, "They which do such things are deserving death" ( Romans 1:32 ). Jesus Christs present rule on His Fathers throne over the church is not the same as His rule on Davids throne over Davids kingdom, which will begin when He returns to earth. Can anything be sweeter than this genuine simplicity of affection and mutual interest? There is no mention of virtues like efficiency or cleverness, not even of diligence or industry--not that these things are unimportant. For this is the sign not so much of what would expiate as cleanse. But God has even now a far greater purpose at heart. Practices taught in the law may be compared to shadows. (5-7) Put to death the things that are against God and part of this world. One cannot therefore be quickened together with Christ without having one's trespasses, yea, all (for if not all, none) forgiven. Every thought of man is vain in the presence of His wisdom. He only is the constitutive power of the unity that we are exhorted to keep. There is no one that rises before our mind's eye more readily and strikingly in this respect than the apostle Paul himself. No right-minded man, as such, could take for granted that others would care to know about his affairs any more than be theirs, unless indeed in case of a relation, or a friend, or a public and extraordinary personage. We must acquaint ourselves with them, esteem them above all other things, and lay out ourselves in preparation for the enjoyment of them. In Jesus should we not set our affections upon that world, and watch in Church! An address as where he views them simply as they were not Jews nor Gentiles, of... 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