Here are our top female elf name picks from A-Z. Elven Kingdom Names From Fiction The only three surviving elven kingdoms where elves from 'Lord Of The Rings' live are Lindon, Lothlrien, and Rivendell after leaving Middle-Earth. Rainrauth Qinnala. Your partner in parenting from baby name inspiration to college planning. When it comes to forging a new hobby, pastime, or goal, however elves are relentless. It means most holy.. They are pessimistic, and thus are likely to be spies, negotiators, or advisors. However, how can you settle on one when there are so many adorable names to choose from?! WebThis booklet has three sections for the three names your elf might have: Chosen Name, Child Name and Surname. WebElf Names DND. Theyre not necessarily interested in fancy jewelry, mind you; just interested in showing the world how powerful and confident they are. lfur: Meaning elf in Icelandic. You may randomly generate an Drow name by rolling on Table 1. Sometimes called wild, green, or forest elves, wood elves were among the most prolific elven races in all of Faern. The actual meaning and origin of the name Elenwen is unknown. Aesar. The name Anethra is thought to be of Tamil origin and means Queen., Anwen is a ranger elf character featuring in both the Heroes of Might and Magic V and Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes games. Gandalf the Brown 3. Carries an amulet with a black opal in it, said to contain terrifying magic which allows him to transform into a giant snake. Their hair tends toward browns and blacks, but it is occasionally blond or copper-colored. The fey race from the Players Handbook, eves are slim and fit, with angular faces. Natural healers, autumn-attuned eladrin make great friends with Halflings. WebAbadda. What are wood elves? The most noteworthy high elves reside on Eberron and Toril. Elvinia, Alvina, or Alvinia is a cute female elf name of Old English origin. You can expect an elf to perform each, with exceptional prowess. Looking at the definitions, you decide her name will mean Spider-Mage. This results in the name Geldriina" or G'eldree, If you dont like a particular combination, try some of the alternate suffixes listed, or add an a, e, i, l, r, s, sh, or an apostrophe. Outside of the forest, elves rarely make friends with humans. Get more names than you could ever need with our D&D Sun Elf Name Generator! Dalish is an elven mage who features in the Dragon Age: Magekiller, Dragon Age: Inquisition, and Heroes of Dragon Age games. The name Raewyn means beautiful, graceful, and white doe.. The actual meaning and origin of the name Liallan is unknown. Those on Eberron have separated themselves between the Aereni and the Tairnadal. Arivey, Arivae Pronounced: ar-ee-VEY Meaning: Sunlight A great name for a High Elf, this name means sunlight. If youre a fantasy lover, there are few better options than a mystical elf name, though! Superior Darkvision: Your darkvision has a radius of 120 feet. Drow Magic: You know the dancing lights cantrip. Your Wisdom score increases by 1. Taarie is an Altmer high elf tailor who appears in the Skyrim game. WebThis booklet has three sections for the three names your elf might have: Chosen Name, Child Name and Surname. This post contains affiliate links. The name meaning behind each pick also comes from Irish, English, Latin, Italian, German, and other global sources. Since Eladrin are fey, their names tend to be more natural and extravagant than standard elf names. Ainsilver. High Elf Names High elf names should carry the feeling of nobility and grace. In fantasy games, like Skyrim, dark elves go by the name Dunmers which are dark-skinned elves with a vicious streak to them. Ellia is an Ocedhel elf from the land of Midkemia in The Riftwar Cycle book series co-authored by Raymond E. Feist. In many of the worlds of D&D, there are two kinds of high elves. from current fan faves such as Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, and Lord of the Rings can help inspire your own lore and generate creative names for both DnD games, and maybe your actual baby, too! Originating from the Feywild, Eladrin are much more spontaneous and nature-bound. Eladrin are slightly different from elves. Your email address will not be published. If you dont fancy using the generator and would rather look at the lists, here are the 100 best female and male half-elf bard names available. Your email address will not be published. Each Drow name consists of a prefix (from Table 2) and one or more suffixes (from Table 3),and then a house name consisting of a prefix (from table 4) and one or more suffixes (from table 5). Afamrail . . If only they could slow down and learn some refinement.. To make a name memorable, make sure it is easy to understand and say aloud. You may randomly generate an elven name by rolling on Table 1. Gimli son of Gloin 9. 100 Elf & Fantasy Names For Your Baby (or DnD Character! Ashalle is a Dalish Elf who appears in the Dragon Age: Origins game. All to help you write your own stories in no time. Sunlight Sensitivity: You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight. The namesake comes from their position as self-appointed guardians of the world's most sprawling and captivating forests. Aglaranna is an Eledhel elf and Queen of Elvandar from the land of Midkemia in The Riftwar Cycle book series co-authored by Raymond E. Feist. If you didnt like Reithar, try a name that means Bear-Sister instead. The actual meaning and origin of the name Alachia is unknown. Get Male Names Get Female Names. In addition, every elf bears a family name, typically a combination of other Elvish words. Acer - Latin name for a maple tree Ash - Both a type of tree and a name that invokes fire Boreas - Greek god of the north wind and winter. WebFamily Names (Common Translations): Amakiir (Gemflower), Amastacia (Starflower), Galanodel (Moonwhisper), Holimion (Diamonddew), Ilphelkiir (Gemblossom), Liadon (Silverfrond), Meliamne (Oakenheel), Nalo (Nightbreeze), Siannodel (Moonbrook), Xiloscient (Goldpetal) Subrace Our elf surname generator can give you yet more ideas. Selveni Nethri is a Dunmer dark elf necromancer who appears in the Skyrim game. 151. Sauron the Black 6. I decided to map out all the elf family names along with their common translations so that I could have more options that are "canon" because for some reason I care about that, and maybe you do too. But then you look at what they have accomplished, and you have to appreciate their achievements. Tassarion, one of the female elf names, which is also used as wood elf names. guide to figure out what changes from their elf peers. Yet one drow, at least, broke the mold. There are traditional D&D last names, and Sun Elf Clan names. Minaeve is an elf mage scholar character who appears in the Dragon Age: Inquisition game. This is especially true for a GM who may find himself trying to come up with a large number of such names on short notice, yet without appropriate names, non-human characters often loose their unique flavor. These tend to have, And thats it! These male elf names and half-elf names are inspired by nature, magic, and wisdom. Captured by orcs almost a year ago, recently he managed to escape. They come in the flavor of each season. If you cant make a particular name work, try one with a similar meaning. Acer - Latin name for a maple tree Ash - Both a type of tree and a name that invokes fire Boreas - Greek god of the north wind and winter. The actual meaning and origin of the name Alengwen is unknown. Merry Brandybuck 12. The name Clothild, Clothilde, Clotilde, or Clothid is of Germanic origin and means renowned battle or famous in battle., Cullich is the Moredhel dark elf sister of Liallan from the land of Midkemia in The Riftwar Cycle book series co-authored by Raymond E. Feist. To make a name memorable, make sure it is easy to understand and say aloud. Elves dont feel fear, because nothing can match the fear of the past. Some parents prefer nature names. Although they can be haughty, elves are generally gracious even to those who fall short of their high expectations which is most non-elves. Galadriel is the the Lady of the Woods of Lothlrien in the Lord of the Rings books and movies. Ysayle Dangoulain or Lady Iceheart is a heretic elf leader in the Final Fantasy XIV game. As members of the Feywild, Eladrin take some elements of the fey and some of the Elves. The name Ariane is related to the Welsh name Ariane and the Greek name Ariadne. Information on our advertising guidelines can be found. The mostrare type of names refer to fighting, weapons and struggle. To someone who sees them for the first time, all elven names simply sound exotic. The Seldarine are led by the greater deity Corellon Larethian. Mihris is a Dalish elf mage who features in the Dragon Age: The Masked Empire and Dragon Age: Inquisition games. Yvraine is an Eldar emissary elf character in the Warhammer game. Elves are ancient and wise. As DM and a Storyteller, I very much enjoy all of the aspects of D&D. WebMale Adult Elf Names: Adran, Aelar, Aramil, Arannis, Aust, Beiro, Berrian, Carric, Enialis, Erdan, Erevan, Galinndan, Hadarai, Heian, Himo, Immeral, Ivellios, Laucian, Mindartis, Paelias, Peren, Quarion, Riardon, Rolen, Soveliss, Thamior, Tharivol, Theren, Varis Female Adult Names: Adrie, Althaea, Anastrianna, Andraste, Antinua, Bethrynna, Birel, Simply click Generate to create new names. These trending baby girl names are whimsical and creativebut thats not all. WebD&D Sun Elf Name Generator For Dungeons & Dragons Roll4 Network Options Current Save List Name Grouping Last Name Name Length Order Randomness Miro Molot' Jannii Morta' Halath Fedra Belstr Berto Mereth Albern Krolit Susk'n Aithri Agust Kyrtal Arethi Belda Ear'in Shavar Ramn Ilitra Erl'ri Isa Allus Hubyra Dae'ha Evindr Ivared Giilma Pau'ar Alf: Meaning elf in Old Norse. Gandalf the Brown 3. WebElf Names DND. Many bards learn their language so they can add Elvish ballads to their repertoires. Aglanthol. So much so, inequality isnt even contemplated. In Some Cases a formal house name can be generated as well by rolling randomly on Optional Table 1B. Bilbo Baggins 16. According to The Complete Book of Elves, the elven language is so full of subtlety and nuance that only native speakers fully understand it. WebThis DND Elf name generator generates thousands of great DND Elf names for your DND Elf character. Join the Scoundrel Game Labs Mailing List. / Hasbro, Inc. Battle Smith 5E Guide | Artificer Specialist Breakdown, Dex Fighter 5E: The Ultimate Guide to Dexterity-Based Fighters, Swashbuckler 5E Guide | Rules, Tips, Builds, and More, Assassin 5E Guide | Rules, Tips, Builds, and More, Phantom 5E Guide | Rogue Subclass from Tashas Cauldron, Eladrin are strange creatures, starting as a monster and becoming a player character. WebAarakocra Aasimar Bugbear Centaur Changeling Deep Gnome Deva Dragonborn Drow Duergar Dwarf Eladrin Elf Fairies Firbolg Genasi Githyanki Githzerai Gnome Goblin Goliath Grung Half-Elf Half-Orc Halfling Harengon Hobgoblin Human Kalashtar Kenku Kobold Leonin Lizardfolk Locathah Loxodon Minotaur Orc Satyr Shadar-kai Shardmind Shifter Liallan is a Moredhel elf and leader of the Snow Leopards from the land of Midkemia in The Riftwar Cycle book series co-authored by Raymond E. Feist. Alternate spellings have also been provided in some cases. Winter eladrin are cold and distant. Alachia is an immortal elf and Queen of the Kingdom of Spires in the Shadowrun fantasy game. Aragorn son of Arathorn 7. The biggest difference is their intentions or motives. Their eyes are golden, silver, or black. lfur: Meaning elf in Icelandic. Ludmilla Reanka is part of the powerful House of Reanka in the Shadowrun fantasy games. Our motto is Legolas Greenleaf 8. These male elf names and half-elf names are inspired by nature, magic, and wisdom. Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Elvish. A DND Elf is an Elf from the game Dungeons and Dragons, or DnD for short. Agis. The most noteworthy high elves reside on Eberron and Toril. WebElf - DND 5th Edition Elf Table of Contents Elf Features Dark Elf Eladrin (MToF) Eladrin (DMG) High Elf Sea Elf Shadar-Kai Wood Elf Pallid Elf Mark of Shadow Elf Avariel Elf (UA) Grugach Elf (UA) Bishtahar and Tirahar Elf (Kaladesh) Vahadar Elf If you dont fancy using the generator and would rather look at the lists, here are the 100 best female and male half-elf bard names available. The name Alisaie is of Gaelic origin and means joyfulness, reliability, refreshing, and newness., Allisara is a wood elf character who is the sister of the Mage Queen Ariel in the Warhammer games. Check out this post on over 500 male elf name ideas. For more baby name inspiration check out these popular baby name lists: Considering one of these names? Aermhar. Once they do commit to something, they are dedicated and tenacious, putting a great deal of care into it. Arathel is the Elven Queen of Norwood in the Magic the Gathering card game. In the case of suffixes, male and female endings have been included where appropriate. In this post, weve collected together the best female elf names, including mystical dark elf names. Each click generates 10 new DND Elf names! Elvinia, Alvina, or Alvinia is a cute female elf name of Old English origin. Aelrindel . This site is not affiliated with the game publishers. Lthien or Tinviel is the Princess of Doriath and the daughter of the Elf King Thingol in the world of Middle Earth. Drow Weapon Training: You have proficiency with rapiers, shortswords, and hand crossbows. Need an interesting fantasy name for girls, boys, or your DnD character? Roll once on Table 5, add an apostrophe, then roll once on Table 4 and once on Table 5. Aduce. As a child, their parents name them. Male Elven Names Adran Carric Galinndan Himo Paelias Riardon Folas Nualyn Thamior Varis Female Elven Names Adrie Antinua Drusilia Enna Daedris Duelthyn Solioril Keyleth Meriele Naivara Theirastra Family Names Amakiir (Gemflower) Holimion (Diamonddew) Miliamne (Oakenheel) Nailo (Nightbreeze) Xiloscient (Goldpetal) Saruman the White 5. Arianni is a Dalish elf who appears in the Dragon Age II game. These Elves are known for their intelligence, grace, and beauty. An expert burglar and a thief, Makaela is seen only when she wants to. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Agis. Vicdal Zumgolor. Moon elves (also called silver elves or gray elves) are much paler, with alabaster skin sometimes tinged with blue. Then be sure to save them to your Saved List which can be viewed again from the same computer! Theyre not necessarily interested in fancy jewelry, mind you; just interested in showing the world how powerful and confident they are. This category includes the wild elves (grugach) of Greyhawk and the Kagonesti of Dragonlance, as well as the races called w ood elves in Greyhawk and the Forgotten Realms. Below we have listed more of the kingdoms of elves from the 'Lord Of The Rings' series. 150. Saruman the White 5. Elves prefer names that flow off the tongue like wind through the trees. Introduced in Mordekainens Tome of Foes, Eladrin are elves that are perfectly in tune with the seasons. Required fields are marked *. These names have a bit of a dark edge to them for a dark girl's name that is both mysterious, and beautiful. Those on Eberron have separated themselves between the Aereni and the Tairnadal. Yrauos, funny elvish name for your character. The name Apolline is of Greek origin and means belonging to or of the God Apollo.. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Anenfel could mean The Hand of Autumns Lake, Lake of Autumns Hand, Autumns Hand, or just Autumn Lake. Dont worry about two names sharing the same meaning or having two definitions for one name. Try finding one from The Gigantic list of D&D Elven Names! Unbeknownst to many, she and the remaining two alive are still fighting for their lives. And consider even taking 4 names, if their connection to seasons are important to them! This method is fine, but we took another approach. Most of these names come from popular movies, series, games, and shows that fantasy lovers will be familiar with! It is also possible to use the definition as just a starting place for the names meaning. Samwise Gamgee 14. Their eyes are green, brown, or hazel. Each name has a meaning! DNDWiki may use the trademarks and other intellectual property of Wizards of the Coast LLC, which is permitted under Wizards', Misty Step | Spell Guide for D&D 5th Edition, Keys from the Golden Vault Pdf | Download PDF | Free PDF Download |, Xanathars Guide to Everything PDF free Download, Fizbans Treasury of Dragons PDF Free Download. Elf Last Names Elves have rather close families, though it depends where they come from. Aglanthol. The elves in Critical Role have very different lore compared to those in Faerun. An excellent name for a Wild Elf. WebSome elf surnames are: Amarillis (flame-flower) Auglathia (winter-breeze) Galanodel (moon-whisper) Holimion (diamond-dew) Ileleste (falling-rain) Nalo (night-breeze) Xiloscient (gold-petal). Join the Scoundrel Game Labs Mailing List. WebAarakocra Aasimar Bugbear Centaur Changeling Deep Gnome Deva Dragonborn Drow Duergar Dwarf Eladrin Elf Fairies Firbolg Genasi Githyanki Githzerai Gnome Goblin Goliath Grung Half-Elf Half-Orc Halfling Harengon Hobgoblin Human Kalashtar Kenku Kobold Leonin Lizardfolk Locathah Loxodon Minotaur Orc Satyr Shadar-kai Shardmind Shifter When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the faerie fire spell once per day. WebFamily Names (Common Translations): Amakiir (Gemflower), Amastacia (Starflower), Galanodel (Moonwhisper), Holimion (Diamonddew), Ilphelkiir (Gemblossom), Liadon (Silverfrond), Meliamne (Oakenheel), Nalo (Nightbreeze), Siannodel (Moonbrook), Xiloscient (Goldpetal) Subrace They dont enjoy most societies, so they prefer to travel freely, setting their own pace. Although this could not possibly represent all the possible names for a race as old and diverse as the elves, this list can serve as a starting point and quick reference to create a large and consistent list of names. In the case of a three or more syllable name, try dropping one or more of the definitions. Tathdel, one of the funniest elven surnames. Conrad - German name that means brave counsel Fergus - The former French orphan from the Outlander series. Groups of elves will always attempt diplomacy before violence. You can randomly generate the place names by rolling dice (uses a d100 table) or simply pick out the elements you like! In some worlds, these subraces are divided still further (such as the sun elves and moon elves of the Forgotten Realms), so if you wish, you can choose a narrower subrace. Arivey, Arivae Pronounced: ar-ee-VEY Meaning: Sunlight A great name for a High Elf, this name means sunlight. Eladrin make for absolutely crazy, Half-Elf 5E Race Guide | Tips and Builds for Half-Elves in D&D, A Review of the Wildemount Subclasses | Critical Role Subclasses Guide, Wild Magic Barbarian 5E Guide | Tashas Cauldron Subclass. The name Zelda is short for Griselda or Grizelda, which is a Germanic name meaning dark battle.. The Seldarine are led by the greater deity Corellon Larethian. Did you enjoy this guide? aether21 5 yr. ago Just noticed I doubled up on Galakiir and Likiir. The name Sera is of Hebrew origin and means princess., Shaera is a red-headed elf character who appears in the Heroes of Might and Magic games. To most, they are a race of demon-worshiping marauders dwelling in the subterranean depths of the Underdark, emerging only on the blackest nights to pillage and slaughter the surface dwellers they despise. Which dark elf name is your favourite? If you dont fancy using the generator and would rather look at the lists, here are the 100 best female and male half-elf bard names available. Save 10% on the Academia Theme printables. 2022 Sandbox Networks Inc. All rights reserved. Elven Kingdom Names From Fiction The only three surviving elven kingdoms where elves from 'Lord Of The Rings' live are Lindon, Lothlrien, and Rivendell after leaving Middle-Earth. Your elf character has a variety of natural abilities, the result of thousands of years of elven refinement. You can randomly generate the place names by rolling dice (uses a d100 table) or simply pick out the elements you like! Celebran is the elven mother of Arwen and daughter of Galadriel in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Whatever youre looking for, youll find it! Katriel is an elven bard character featured in the Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne, Dragon Age: The Calling, Dragon Age: Origins, and Dragon Age II games. Bilirubin 2. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Game materials and content are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publishers and its licensors.All rights reserved. Eladrin make for absolutely crazy Bards and Warlocks. The name roughly translates as "the fellowship of brothers and sisters of the wood." Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma score increases by 1. Many other generators will create patterns of words that can be mixed and matched together to create thousands of names. Imagine Forest makes writing stories easy and fun. And Elf teachers are one of the Elves most valuable exports. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Male Eladrin Names Bentus Galiess Irahorn Javan Brannis Xandan Lieaf Quarie Wiefin Female Eladrin Names Auto mn Birel Ulqis Beneth Vaxis Quezane Gruvara Lia Shava Thia Family Names Galanodel (Moonwhisper) Meliamne (Oakenheel) Siannodel (Moonbrook) Amastacia (Starflower) And that wraps up Eladrin names! Launch sale! The name Ellia is a variant of the French name Ella, which means little cinders, bright one, shining one, and goddess.. Roll once on Table 3, add an apostrophe, then roll once on Table 2 and once on Table 3, {1} -a}-agh : Breaker, destruction, end, omega, {51} -nitra/-net : Kicker, returned, risen. Ability Score Increase. Today, she is a member of an elven tribe, living deep inside a forest, enjoying the natural life without politics and similar occupations. They live in complex and unique societies with an elegant sense of fashion. Eladrin see names slightly differently than elves, thanks to their season-oriented style. 149. The origin and meaning of the name Taarie, Taari, or Tarie is unknown. Saruman the White 5. Nigenian Orihice. I decided to map out all the elf family names along with their common translations so that I could have more options that are "canon" because for some reason I care about that, and maybe you do too. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep. Every iconic fantasy series has a great villain. An excellent name for a Wild Elf. As a wood elf, you have keen senses and intuition, and your fleet feet carry you quickly and stealthily through your native forests. Tassarion, one of the female elf names, which is also used as wood elf names. They still have trade, but its almost exclusively between natural creatures or elves. the Qualinesti of Dragonlance, and the m oon elves of the Forgotten Realms) are more common and more friendly, and often encountered among humans and other races. The name Lthien means daughter of the flowers in the elf language. Creating characters, dialogues, plots, and stories are some of my passions and I'm very happy being able to share some of them here, at Codex Nomina. Aermhar. WebThe Seldarine (Tel'Seldarine in the elvish language) is the name of the pantheon of the good and neutral elven gods in many campaign settings for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game. The woodlands of any standard Forgotten Realms campaign are dominated by Elves. In Some Cases a formal house name can be generated as well by rolling randomly on Optional Table 1B. What is a DND Elf? Merry Brandybuck 12. It is also possible to use the definition as just a starting place for the names meaning. Click here to see our name suggestions & backstories ! Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic cant put you to sleep. If anyone knows horses, its Inarie. A Spring eladrin is singing, dancing, and drinking their life away. Theyre actually typically shorter than humans, contrary to popular interpretations. The actual meaning and origin of the name Selveni is unknown. The most noteworthy high elves reside on Eberron and Toril. Never again will you be lost for inspiration or The name Failla is a popular Italian surname that means spark., Faralda is an Altmer High elf mage character from the Skyrim game. Syltumal Joran Venwarin Ravavaris Fengella Omarie Zinyra Shazorwyn Araric Zylroris Inajeon Qinrel Farrie Aesatra Fenmenor Female Elf Names Below we have listed more of the kingdoms of elves from the 'Lord Of The Rings' series. Wingglide, funny name to give your character. Others pick outnames with an ideal attached. Adresin . Aithlin. If your character is a ranger who is fond of bears, you might decide her name should reflect this. And thats it! Dnd half-elf names that are short and sweet are usually memorable too. Below we have listed more of the kingdoms of elves from the 'Lord Of The Rings' series. Here are some of our favorite dark and deadly boy names. Here are our top Elvish boy names: Aelfraed: Meaning elf counselor in Old English. Eladrin are also significantly more fluid personality-wise; its not uncommon for Eladrin to wish to be called different things in their seasons. Elves gain four names over the course of their lives. 151. The name Atara is of Hebrew origin and means crown., Queen Ayara (the Shadow Queen) is an ancient elf who appears in the Magic the Gathering card games. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Often the definitions can be combined in a poetic way for better results. The Name Grouping is where you can change from Gender Neutral, Masculine, or Feminine names, which are all built with completely different lists! Our elf surname generator can give you yet more ideas. You can randomly generate the place names by rolling dice (uses a d100 table) or simply pick out the elements you like! WebThis DND Elf name generator generates thousands of great DND Elf names for your DND Elf character. WebHigh elves have existed for centuries throughout many of the worlds and realms of Dungeons & Dragons. Your DND elf character then roll once on Table 4 and once on Table.! For their lives of high elves reside on Eberron have separated themselves the! 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