The thing is: I DON'T USE ANY. A - 5 However with Major Tom as a compainion the player gains "Monkey Mojo" + 25 to sneak and if Major Tom uses his "Monkey Dance Distraction" The player gains an addional sneak bonus for a total of + 50 while Pick pockets gains + 20, Lock pick gains + 10 and science for hacking terminal gains a +5 for up to 5 minutes as Major Tom dances or untill the player moves to far out of that area or through a door into another zone. This is pretty much a V.A.T.S. They can also be paired with a stealthier build to really maximize damage. Unarmed skill is practically the best way to horde ammunition. You have 100 skill in Unarmed and you do 28 damage with this baby. Always target the weakest enemy first, and aim to kill through, I didn't actually take this perk once. If the player destroyed the Aerospace Institute without recruiting Major Tom. There should be a dead guy in that room so search him get the book leave and go back to megaton wait 73 hours repeat for another book Secondary Skill - Repair ( Just like Three Dog claims, repairing your weapon is vital, with this skill you can keep your gun in tip top shape, perfect for killing. ) With this build there is no point in having Puppies! There's no need to be an aspiring brain surgeon with this archetype. Divide your skills into primary, secondary, and tertiary categories. If addicted to chems, Major Tom may carry random chems. Level 4: EDUCATED. Energy weapons, particularly those that utilize plasma, can shred through certain enemies like tissue paper. ;). One that's hopped-up on illicit narcotics and wielding a hefty melee weapon to boot! The player is then introduced to Major Tom. The Combat Shotgun is one of the best options for a shotgun in Fallout 3. +10% DR, Poison Res, Rad Res, and +10 to Energy Weapons, what's not to love? *Ending 4. Level 11: Scrounger. x1 58.2(66.4) This is build for Small Guns VATS combat. These are just a few of my favorite weapons that are one-handed small guns. Tip: if you're going melee build, invest in perks like Ninja and Pyromaniac.These two perks make the Shishkebab your trump card. system, when using melee . P - 5 If Major Tom decides to leave the player forever. Of course being raised by "Human Folk" Major Tom dose understand the meaning of a great many words, a basic sign / body language and common gestures. Plus with your high Medicine, you can use a few and take it down. Yes it's easy and I suppose it did prove its uselessnessbut what the hay? A brawler must choose at an early stage of the game whether he/she wants to be a melee or an unarmed "brawler". You know you don't want to find the schematics, just take this perk. At level 20, I only ever took damage from traps/mines, which is why I went back and rebuilt using Light Step. Major Tom would die a fiery death without ever tasting freedom. STMUSMG with Robotics Expert and all of the perks mentioned previously (w/ exception of Pyromaniac) makes this baby a powerful small arm against machines, such as Sentry Bots and Mr. Gutsys. When given the option, an evil playthrough tends to be a lot of fun in an RPG. +10% damage to Males, dialogue choices that bypass difficult speech challenges. Players need to be cognizant of their surroundings in confined spaces to avoid an embarrassing death. child at heart. Your critical's do 50% more damage now. Becareful not to start trouble on the home front on accident although you cant anyway just dont forget the medicine bobblehead in the near future.You probably want me to shut the hell up and give you the perk list so here you go: Once you have the almost perfect perk you can collect all the bobbleheads and become king of fallout3. Notes: This build uses higher intelligence to allow for more skill point early on, and makes it so finding ALL the books is unnecessary (Let's be honest, you'd rather be doing something else). Level 29: Robotics expert? can gain you additional followers; however they are just not necessary. Randomly appears and instantly kills any enemy not killed after exiting V.A.T.S. Speech: 60 Or Gunslinger if you prefer, we'll have both by level 11 though. Playing as a Clint Eastwood-esque gunslinger looking to clean up the Wasteland is definitely a viable archetype. If you kill an enemy in VATS, this will immediately refill your Action Points upon exiting out of VATS, allowing you to target and fire on another foe in VATS with full AP. It will be wasted after using the Broken Steel add-on perk, but guarantees max skills and S.P.E.C.I.A.L. I'm going to try this, where is the lucky 8 ball anyways? As far as weapons go, a silenced 10mm Pistol or bladed knife are excellent choices. If at level 18 you took Law Bringer then now is the time to take CF, however if the Law Bringer perk is useless to you then take PP. I'm the one who should be learning the Russian language. Shotguns are one of the least popular weapons in Fallout 3, and the main reason is that there aren't many unique shotguns to be found throughout the Capital Wasteland. The Power Fist is a useful weapon for this build too. Your secondary skills are nice skills you use a lot, but not quite as frequently as your primaries- whichever two damage skills you didn't choose for your primary, Big Guns, repair, medicine, explosives. Players using this style will find sneak, lockpick, and science skills particularly useful. The skills to tag are: RELATED: Every Fallout Game In Chronological Order. Major Tom dose not actually speak any human language but pictograph symbols and word buttons on his monkey pipboy, when linked to some computer operating systems and other pip boys, can roughly translate "Monkey Speak" as it's called, into vocal clips and phrases for basic communication. Here, I wanted players to feel they had choices for a wide selection of useful firearms and melee weapons, as well as unarmed weapons, and not be geared to one thing. I'm just naming perks now. The player then has the choice to aid the Commonwealth to send Major Tom to his doom in exchange for possitive Commonwealth reputation or he can link his Pip boy with Major Tom's, thus allowing a basic communication and begining the quest " Can ya hear me Major Tom " If the player chooses to show Major Tom the danger he is in Major Tom can then be recruted with an intelligence challenge of 6 or a Charisma challenge of 6 or If the player already has the Animal Friendship perk. Light armor or clothing is preferred to remain stealthy. Another benefit of this build is the discounted goods and auto-completion on many tedious or difficult quests. The myriad weapons that can go "boom" in Fallout 3 are extensive. It's hard to suggest now the developing of this character further because of its variability. Going unarmed will leave a nice crit-rate in addition to armor-ignoring (if you have a Deathclaw gauntlet), and going melee will raise your crit chance further still (and possibly maximize it to 100%) and instead of armor-negation, you will gain a fire debuff on the target per attack. UPDATE1: I removed Nerves of Steel from this build and replaced it with Quantum Chemist on the account that NoS doesn't live up to its reputation on the Xbox 360 console. The Shotgun Surgeon Build for Fallout 4! There is a lot of flexibility in perks at levels 2, 3, 8, 9, 18, and 19. Makes looting easier, just find a body part. Sign Off Tuskani:). If you are a hoarder like myself, you will collect everything you can from dead enemies and steal everything possible (cracking safes, registers, etc.) Another example of NOT gaming the system is that good character won't the most likely steal bobbleheads and books from NPCs possesion (yes, I don't want spoil here, but not all bobbleheads will good character collect) and so on. My build focus mainly on chances to do critical strikes as the damage boost upon critical can never be underestimated. Tag these skills: RELATED: Fallout 3: Best Followers In The Game (& The Worst). Where can I find the key for the cell in vault tech HQ? 240 Major Tom would discover too late that his rocket ride was no "Flying Game", but rather than crash into the Commonwealth's choosen target, Major Tom would pull up hard on the controls to the best of his monkey might. So I got myself a build. Here are the three essential skills for this archetype: Useful perks include Daddy's Little Boy/Girl, Swift Learner, Educated, Robotics Expert, Cyborg, and Computer Whiz. With this, you will be a SPECIAL Spaz and will be good all around. All this accomplishes is getting 10% extra XP when going from level 2 to level 3 and everything else would be the same. Montage Mayhem (All 30 Levels) -- Revised thanks to Chrsghoyt, Character Build: Chrsghoyt's Ranged Build (with Broken Steel), Character Build: Geminis True Assassin (Stealthy, One-shot Killer), Character build: Mikkelmunk's build (without Broken Steel), Character Build OROC/Nano5002's Biker Build/ 'Chester', Character Build: Werewolfhell's Jack Of All Trades(Davidus), Character Build: TheMagnus's Android/Gynoid Survivor, Character Build: Dordledum's Ultimate Sniper Build (lvl 30), Character Build: [Torpedo Reno's] Slaver Enforcer, Character Build: Hawx's Leon (Levels 2-30), Character Build:teckel's Maxed Out Character, Character Build: Sigan's Stealth 1st, Cheat 2nd, Character Build: window's easy near perfect ninja/grenadier, Character Build: JasonBreen's Weapon Alpha, Character Build: DarkEternal's Death Dealer, Character Build: James Ocogner's Specialist, Proposed companion: Space Monkey Major Tom, Quest ideas yet to be put in final format. Note, Excalibat is only available through Console Commands. This build relies on explosive weapons like Rocket Launchers, the Fat Man, and various types of grenades. Endurance 7 I removed Swift Learner for convenience; so that I have the bobblehead available to me for achieving 10 Strength after acquiring Almost Perfect. After wandering through the wastes you find things you want to pick up and store in your inventory, this allows you to pick up an extra 50 pounds in items. If you're really the impatient type, take Swift Learner at levels 2 and 3 and take Here and Now at level 19. A state-of-the-art subreddit from Vault-Tec. At level 30, with almost perfect, Lucky 8 ball, winterized helmet, and perception bobblehead you'll max all SPECIAL except endurance. I have not attempted to increase Charisma as the advantages it brings are not substantial enough to justify it (Increased disposition is not worth it with 100 speech), This build is aimed towards those who use VATS, if you never use VATS then some perks can be swapped out (Gunslinger and Commando etc) for other perks such as Scrounger (you will need more ammo if you don't ever use VATS) or you could invest more points into SPECIAL (though I believe it is not worth it), If you go for a melee character you could get the Ninja and Paralyzing Palm Perks. Just make sure these are your stats when you reach 20 and you should be fine. with 2 handed weapons (Hunting Rifle, Assault Rifle, etc.). skill Stealth (Wait, what was that noise?!). All main SPECIAL stats are raised to 9. Be professional in these reports people Project Admin. There is however an alternate method to this. one little mistake, perception would be 9. not sure if its important enough, but if you really want it completely maxed out you could always to out pyro or paralyzing palm. I wanted to put my build somewhere where I could reference it and I'm really confident this is as close to a flawless build as you're going to find, so if anybody wants to read it or comment on it, that's great. * Take your gun to the FPS game and modify your . Level9: Level5: Level 5: Comprehension. Best do the shalebridge big book of science glitch to get the Entomologist perk. Brtr, Spch, MlWp, and Unmd will vary by priority. Intensive Training (2): +1 to SPECIAL could be useful if you need to make requirement for another perk, but that seems silly. The Railway Rifle weapon is affected by the Small Guns skill, so make sure to upgrade this stat regularly. The bonuses that come with Intelligence, Charisma and Perception are not that powerful, so I have not tried to maximize these. I love overpowering characters, but despise the tedium of min/maxing and book hunting- this build is designed to achieve the former without resorting the latter. With the focus on V.A.T.S., you'll want to plan for the following perks: Concentrated Fire, Action Boy/Girl, Sniper, Commando and/or Gunslinger, and Grim Reaper's Sprint. You can resolve many of Fallout 3's quests without killing others. Combined with Better Criticals and a few points in Luck, you can quickly defeat most enemies with only a few punches. The way damage threshold works, much of the shotgun damage can be absorbed if you're using spread fire on enemies with high damage. +50% damage against all insects. Though, you miss out on the advantages of this perk - 10% damage to males, along with some funny/useful dialog options. Try this build with different playstyles, it's fun. Enemies can't retaliate since they can't see you. They may also wish to use silent weapons; a list of these can be found further down this article. Major Tom's Intelligence is listed as a 6 in human terms but for a monkey, there is no doubt his cunning would tip that scale to a devious and mischievous genius. Once enough information has been gathered, Major Tom will use his monkey pipboy to relate the idea that he would like to rescue his father ( Space Monkey Pilot, Lieutenant Albert ) and the other research monkeys that would be killed when the Institues rockets are set to explode. With this as your advantage, you have a greater chance of taxing less ammunition on your expidentures. THIS IS A MUST. I thought of taking Lady Killer/Black Widow earlier on so that I have room for other perks. Really, anything that increases your healing or smashing abilities will be useful. This model of shotgun was deployed as a close assault fire team's primary weapon (supplemented with explosives, an N99 pistol and a power fist) during the Anchorage Reclamation, and many working units have been scavenged by raiders, slavers and Talon Company mercs in the Capital Wasteland. Weight In the end it is going to be the same but I was just trying to suggest a minor efficiency improvement. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). I'll fill in some more info as I progress in the game using this pwnage build! Real-time combat in Fallout 3 can be less satisfying than using the V.A.T.S. You notice we're picking a low level perk. You could be straight away from beginning not exactly smart brawler with low speech and high repair as well as decent son or doughter of your dad with tagged speech and science and no combat skill. Maxed everything. Small guns:17 It is recommended that you make Intelligence the highest since it controls how fast your skills increase, and skills have a significant impact on gameplay. All rigged shotgun traps, when disarmed, will yield a low-condition combat shotgun plus 4 shells. Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. UPDATE2: Also, Swift Learner has been taken from the build and replaced with Intense Training. The less you use it, the closer to 40 you should leave it. --TheMagnus 08:57, 15 July 2009 (UTC)Yeah im proud to be the first and only one that finds it great -_-, --KarmaDog214 '' Major Tom. Fallout 3 Skills Overview. Iron Fist does not increase skill points for Unarmed (like the Tag perk); however, it raises the damage you do with Unarmed. It's good to see a build with Nuclear Anomaly. besides endurance is the base attribute for the big guns skill. On the bright side of this character is extremely satisfying and enjoying gameplay. You will like a weakenesses of this character same as strengths. Shotgun shell Ammo & Reloading Remember DO NOT get any attribute bobbleheads before taking almost perfect. Can obviously be replaced by Contract Killer. * Gun Building 3 let you create your own weapon in 3D, all the way down the inner parts. When using V.A.T.S. Fallout 4: Which Game Is Better? You better have the requirements by now, or else you need to learn to distribute skill points better. SPECIAL stats raised to 9. Three Dog's head wrap, Yourself, your eyes and ears, controlling reflexes WeapShotgunCombat Attack statistics Speak to the Sheriff's son to get your reward after disarming the bomb and then go into the Sheriff's house to grab the Strength bobblehead. Edit - Oct. 20, 2009: I'm happy to relay that this build is the best I've made or used to date. Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. you do it that way and sure you can probably make the same character and have more strength and endurance, but strength and endurance don't matter much at all for small guns and the game would be sooooo boring if you played it that way maxing out the last half of all your stats with books and bobbleheads. It can be fun to blast enemies with high-damaging weapons, but it's equally as satisfying to tank all of the damage they deal to you. Do you really find Fast Metabolism to be that useful? At level 5 you may have collected several skill books. Feel free to explore!. Boards. You don't need to carry a lot of weapons because you're good at everything (Both rifles and pistols, energy and small guns). 1.5 The main focus of this build is to use stealth and the unarmed skill to save you as much ammunition as possible. Project Union Admin, We all know Major Tom's a MONKEY? Having Nerd Rage! This is another perk to take for fun. Invest in this once your reach lvl 4! When using. I'm The Janitor and I'm here to wipe the floor with mops. Never set off a floor based trap, pretty handy. Tip: Make sure to take advantage of the skill books that re-spawn, Tip: Do not use any skill books prior to getting the. Tag skills: Unarmed, Sneak, choice of Speech or Medicine. BOOM HEADSHOT! "Lover, Yes, Fighter, No. Do NOT take Intense Training or Swift Learner. Pre-War baseball cap, A3-21's plasma rifle I recommend fast traveling to Megaton and acquiring a house (Megaton or Tenpenny, whichever flavor you decide upon) at this point for the storage of your goods. Kill people while they're asleep. Level 27: Master Trader. SPECIAL stats raised to 9. C - 5 Charles Burgar is an expert on all things tech and gaming. My advice is to start reading every book you come across as soon as you acquire the Comprehension perk. +4 LK, +1 CH, +5 AP, +10 Small Guns, +10 Speech, +42 DR, Please Dont edit the names Thanks Reload time Demolition Expert is a must-have perk, as it grants a massive 20 percent damage increase with explosives that affect all of your weapons, even including the Fat Man mini-nuke launcher. Well, do ya, punk? These are my personal weapons of choice and they're cool in my opinion. '' Major Tom Or "Sneaky, sneaky'' Major Tom, "Look, a shadow !'' Final Stats: And of course you'll want to dump lots of skill points into Speech to make sure your attempts at diplomacy are mostly successful. Worthwhile perks include Gun Nut, Scoundrel, Gunslinger, Commando, and Impartial Mediation. Am working on getting a picture for you all. P - Perception - 5 - Bobble Head. The core of the following three Fallout 76 Shotgun Build Ideas is: Perk Cards: Shotgunner, Expert Shotgunner, Master Shotgunner, Scattershot, Enforcer, and Taking One For the Team. If the player decided to aid the Commonwealth or just allows the launch to go off for any reason. Of course, you will want a 100 stat in the Unarmed skill to make your fists deal as much damage as possible. Your character will be powerful as is and with the Broken Steel Add-on, Dogmeat and Fawkes will be sufficient followers to have due to their large health pool. The second bit is the reason its here. You just have to be very careful when investing points into certain skills and do a lot of book grinding. After you shut them down, you can crouch down and nail them with your fist to land Sneak Criticals, netting you XP. Well you'll need the Ant Sight perk to raise your Perception to 6 so you can get the Sniper perk. One of the worst things is not being able to lug back all of your loot, this makes life easier on you. The Fallout universe is a lot like the Wild West from American history. Feel free to make suggestions. Chinese Stealth Armour, Perforator (Gun), Victory Rifle (Gun), _____________________________________________________________________________________________________. I didn't mean take a second level of swift learner. Some people call him a space cowboy, some call him the Robosexual of love - Spider Raff. An extra 5% for critical hits may not seem like much, but its a nice bonus to have. This would be the reason why Scrounger was not included in this build. Higher chances of hitting head when using V.A.T.S. Perks like Finesse and Better Criticals turn the damage output on these weapons to incredible heights. The traditional Fallout sniper will want to make extensive use of V.A.T.S., and should have an appropriately high Agility attribute. Intense Training6x divided amongst all except Charisma Ninja Black Widow or Lady Killer Infiltrator (perk) all special perks A.K.A. By far the BEST perk. Limbs only receive 50% of the damage they normally would. Deathclaw gauntlet, ST 5 PE 8 EN 9 CH 1 IN 3 AG 9 LK 5 Charisma | 1 | 2 --> She's a bitch, remember. I don't see any issues substituting Silent Running for Sandman if you prefer. Yeah its written all over your face J. now in order to get the perfect character you will need a SPECIAL of: "I know what you're thinking. It is worth noting that Finesse, which increases the chance to crit, is not that important to this build since the majority of attacks will be sneak attacks which automatically crit. Skills Good to have in combination with the level 20 perk. Setting Strength and Perception to above-average values is recommended for this build. The level 20 perk is also up for discussion. The perks listed for 18, 19, and 20 are really your choice, but those are I ones I have. A useful perk. NEXT: Fallout 3: Mods That Make It Feel Like A Brand New Game. Science:25 Adds 10 points to the, Do an additional 50% damage with fire based weapons like the. As far as evil actions go, cannibalism is at the top of the list in Fallout 3. LV12 Sniper, Gotta love a beautiful headshot. Perks (dam.) Why tangle directly with a Super Mutant anyway? Whoops. Xuanlong assault rifle, ST 5 PE 5 EN 6 CH 6 IN 7 AG 6 LK 5 Well, it requires some assembly first. res. Better Criticals adds more to your Critical Hits, which makes it a must with luck being one of this build's aspects. ). See Fallout 3 gameplay. AND I don't have enough Strength for this perk. Still should be somewhat of a priority. Because your build description is more . This is so you have 10 Intelligence at level 2, allowing you to gain the maximum amount of skill points. Quest:Ant might perk from those! A good, old-fashioned RTS title will always bring him back into the fold. Regarding perks, Size Matters, Toughness, Bloody Mess, Demolition Expert, and Strong Back are good choices. For players venturing out into the wasteland, what are some of the best builds to keep them alive? Caps and Bad Karma for the Ear of the Weak and Good Perfect, Become more efficient with Energy Weapons and dehumanize your self, Raise Your Science, Melee or Medicine/ or Small Guns if less than 60, Paralyze your Enemies when fighting unarmed, Extra Strength in the Sun and Slow Health Regen, No Effects From your Constant Rad Poisoning, Time To Roam the Wastes Killing Everything that pisses you off for being nice. Allocating points into your favorite weapon type will make this all the better. Law and order is nearly nonexistent,and people eke out a living while relying on nobody but themselves for protection. Also, while you are able to obtain any of the unique weapons and armor that you want/enjoy, I built this character with a specific weapon list because I didn't like having to make a choice about which toys to play with, I set out guidelines for the Assassin build and stuck to them, which makes life a lot easier when you have to decide what to keep or disgard when lugging around all of your loot deep in a mission/quest. The beginning of the build concentrates upon obtaining the gear and, Upon exiting Vault 101, you should first make your way to the Alien Crash Site and pick up the. "I go this way. Shots/rel. Hah I said PP. Otherwise, there's no need for Scrounger. intelligence is really important, because the only other way to get what you get with intelligence is to just put everything between around 40-50 and get all the bobbleheads and books to max out all your attributes. Fallout 3 weapon Combat shotgun Requirements Skill Small Guns Attack statistics Dmg/attack 55 ( 62.8) Dmg/proj. Using an unarmed attack in VATS will make the enemy immobile for 30 seconds. Fallout 3 doesn't get much more fun than that! As you can guess, I enjoy lighting things on fire, so I chose the Rapid Torch Flamer for it's increased damage over the normal Flamer. Several parts of the early game you will want to win speech challenges without having to reload numerous times. This ends booth the " Ashes to ashes " quest and the " Monkey Messiah " quest, rewarding the player with experience points, good Karma and some negative reputation with the Commonwealth. The Wild West from American history from the build and replaced with Intense Training Scrounger was not included in build... 'S easy and I 'm Here to wipe the floor with mops a build. And I suppose it did prove its uselessnessbut what the hay looting easier, just find a body part also... Many tedious or difficult quests focus mainly on chances to do critical as. 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