Treatment for pneumonia can include fluids (to ward off dehydration), syringe feeding if necessary, oxygen therapy to help with breathing, and vitamin C. If the pneumonia is caused by bacterial infection, your veterinarian will likely prescribe antibiotics. When they do occur, they are usually the result of bacterial infection. Parasite infestations. Joined Nov 13, 2012 . Guinea pigs that are infested with lice do not usually have signs, but in severe cases lice can cause itching, hair loss, and inflammation of the skin around the neck and ears. A measured amount of food that has been specifically recommended for pregnant and nursing guinea pigs, given at regularly scheduled times of the day, will help to prevent complications such as ketone body buildup in the blood. However, if your guinea pig leads towards their end of life, you will start noticing some signs beforehand. This page contains affiliate links. Water is vital for life. They may have a rough hair coat, lose their appetite, lose weight, have diarrhea, become ill, or die suddenly. Also Read: How To Get Rid Of Matted Guinea Pig Hair? Guinea pigs can spread Salmonella infection to humans by direct contact, so appropriate sanitation measures (such as wearing disposable gloves and washing hands thoroughly) should be taken when handling any sick guinea pig. The female guinea pig I adopted just two weeks ago, Charlotte, is 11.5 weeks old. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. ANSWER. Is it because of the way youre holding it? Treatment of infectious diseases can be complicated by the fact that guinea pigs are more sensitive to antibiotics than other types of pets. Be aware that sometimes personality differences in the animals will mean . The size of the first birth is usually less than successive litters. Any abnormal change in urine and waste of guinea pigs can also be the reason for their death. Because watching them interact, seeing their differences in personalities, and catching them cuddling together is much more rewarding than looking at one pig with a blank look on its face who is terrified of me. Infection can also cause inflammation of the middle ear, which can lead to a head tilt. Cesarean sections are very risky for guinea pigs and the survival rate for the mother is poor. Although we know that a guinea pig's pregnancy will last about two months, it is impossible to know the exact day of delivery. How to help and Cheer up a Depressed Guinea Pig. She runs up to take it. Guinea pigs require healthy functioning digestion for living. Signs a guinea pig may be suffering from stress or fear can include: Hiding most of the time. You must log in or register to reply here. The primary sign of ringworm is the presence of bald, scaly patches, usually starting on the face (nose, around the eyes, and ears) and head. Unfortunately not all vets are experienced with guinea pigs and not all exotic vets either! Bar Biting 7. A change in behavior is often the first noticeable sign of illness in a small animal. I think shes still bleeding a bit because shes been cleaning that area and her nose has a bit of blood on it from cleaning. Your veterinarian will help you keep tabs on your guinea pigs health and spot any developing issues while they are still treatable. Other animals, such as dogs, cats, rabbits, and mice, may be infected with these bacteria without showing any signs of illness, so pet owners should avoid letting their guinea pigs come into contact with other animals. If you have more than 1 guinea pig, preventing and controlling outbreaks of pneumonia require keeping your pets and their cages or tanks clean at all times and removing guinea pigs that are sick from the company of the others. It might make them feel safer, and therefore theyll stop biting. Sickness causes guinea pigs to be stressed; if your pet is sick, hold it as little as possible. If it appears that your guinea pigs are not as active as before, show no interest in playing, do not wish to do any physical activity for once, then sadly, these might be the signals that they are dying. Treatment does not usually help, but your options may include giving your guinea pig the medications propylene glycol, calcium glutamate, or steroids. This is best done by a veterinarian. Introduction. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. And is it normal for their tummies to be tender while pregnant? Quickly take them to the veterinarian for treatment. (Causes & What to Do), What Should Guinea Pig Poop Look Like? The teeth of guinea pigs grow continuously throughout the animals life. Here at Kavee though, we believe this guidance urgently needs updating. Infection can be transmitted from one guinea pig to another when droplets are sprayed into the air by sneezing or coughing. Guinea pigs dont like having their eyes covered, so if you stroke them from the top of their head and backwards, theyll probably dislike it. Enter search terms to find related veterinary topics, multimedia and more. The legacy of this great resource continues in the online and mobile app versions today. This is my first post on this forum. However, the fur of guinea pigs soaks some saliva, but still, it gets messy. Changes in the type of feed or water or in the bowl or bottle that your pet eats or drinks from may also trigger loss of appetite. A guinea pig might start teeth chattering if it thinks youre taking too long with making their food, or if it needs to pee when youre sitting with it. Pneumonia in guinea pigs is usually caused by bacterial infection (most often Bordetella bronchiseptica, but other bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumoniae or Streptococcus zooepidemicus may also be the cause). If she takes the food, she's at least learned to trust you. Your veterinarian can diagnose the toxic effects of antibiotics in your pet by examining the animal and testing its feces. Register for free to enjoy the full benefits. This condition is the signal of adverse health and sickness. Signs, if they are seen at all, can include weight loss, muscle or joint stiffness, and increased urination (because of kidney failure). Keep a same-sex pair to ensure you don't have any unwanted litters. Signs of respiratory illness in guinea pigs include sneezing, wheezing, and rapid, shallow, or raspy breathing. While the list could be endless, and will be particular to your guinea pig, common signs of trouble can include: avoiding favorite foods; hiding all the time; lethargy; a change in posture or walking style; or any other change from established behavior patterns. A guinea pig's pregnancy lasts about 9 or 10 weeks. Keeping your guinea pigs bedding, water bottle, and housing clean and sanitized and promptly removing uneaten food can help prevent infection by reducing the level of disease-causing organisms. Guinea pigs are refusing to eat might be because their food lacks sufficient amounts of nutrients. Drooling. If left untreated, the cysts may continue to grow and could potentially burst. Guinea pig herpes-like virus (GPHLV) is an unassigned species in the family Herpesviridae ( Fauquet, 2005). Drinking or peeing more. The male guinea pig is called a boar while the female is called a sow. Signs of conjunctivitis (pink eye) include watering, crusting, and redness of the eyes. Severe infestation by mites may cause hair loss or itching. If the teeth or jaws do not meet properly, the teeth may become overgrown, making it difficult for the animal to chew. 7/18/08 2:18 PM. Cancer/Neoplasia. Respiratory tract infections. On a warm February day in 2012 I visited a commercial guinea pig farm north of Lima, Peru. (Reasons & What To Do). Sneezing and some drainage from her nose. Learn More. Abscesses. Intestinal parasites are not common. 5. Although it occurs most often in pregnant female guinea pigs, ketosis can also develop in obese guinea pigs, male or female. The antibiotic may be compounded into a suspension given by mouth, which should then be given as directed. These kinds of problems are very common in guinea pigs. The average body temperature of guinea pigs should be between 102 degrees Fahrenheit and 104 degrees Fahrenheit, whereas the heart rate should be in the middle of 240-250 beats per minute. Different people keep guinea pigs regardless of their sexes for different reasons. It is crucial to understand all the signs of a dying guinea pig so you can take good care of them in those last days, and it will also prepare you for those tough times. The only supplement your guinea pig is likely to need is vitamin C, but even that can be provided through leafy green vegetable and small amounts of certain fruits. In addition, pregnant guinea pigs ketosis may lead to death of the fetuses while still in the uterus. Skin infection and flystrike can also be a sign of a life-threatening condition. Guinea pigs usually give birth during the day. summarized the most important things you need to know if you find out that your guine. With increasing baby size, the duration reduces. The infected lymph nodes may become swollen and filled with pus (abscesses), sometimes only on one side. The most common and straightforward clue to know something is wrong is your guinea pig is refusing to eat. I know I have already highlighted some of the things you can do to alleviate depression in guinea pigs, but below is a brief overview to make your guinea pig happy. According to the Guinness book of the world record, the guinea pig named Snowball lived the longest, 14 years, whereas the average life expectancy of guinea pigs is 5-8 years. And if you watch inside of their mouth where their gums appear yellow, white, pale, or blue, it clearly explains further sickness. Urinary tract issues. Over-grooming. Posture Changes 6. And it occurs when guinea pigs start avoiding food, which leads to slowing down digestion. Infectious diseases caused by certain viruses and bacteria usually occur only in guinea pigs that live with other guinea pigs. Guinea pigs that are 1 to 3 years of age typically have better muscle tone than those that are 4 or 5 years old. These pups may die within a few days of birth, or may live for several years. Dystocia (difficulty giving birth) is caused by the normal stiffening of the tough fibrous cartilage that joins the 2 pubic bones. From the very beginning, you have cared for your guinea pigs by looking after them, and you understand their usual behavior well. Squealing Or Screaming 3. My little guinea pig just had a miscarriage yesterday and it came to me as a shock because I wasn't aware she was a "she" when I got her and her companion from a pet shop I took them to a local vet who has a specialty on exotic animals and the vet sexed them, the vet said it was 2 males just like I wanted it to be and it all went fine until a This shortened lifespan is caused by the stiffening of a joint called the symphysis, which is located between the guinea pig's two pelvic bones. Death can occur in less than a week if the antibiotic treatment continues. #1 Get them a cage mate. If not, you know you still have some work to do. External parasites like fleas and mites can cause itchiness, hair loss, and other issues in guinea pigs. Symptoms and Types. Guinea pigs that suffer from metastatic calcification (hardening of body tissues caused by calcium deposits) often die suddenly without any signs of illness. 5. How to prevent it: When stroking your guinea pig, try stopping at the middle of their back or just pet them behind their ears instead. You might observe swollen faces or mouths of your guinea pigs, mainly caused by drooling. Keep your guinea pigs under the observation of how often they pee, poop, and the texture of the waste they discharge. Guinea pigs occasionally become infected with Yersinia pseudotuberculosis bacteria through contaminated food, bedding, or water. I was fully expecting to have a hard time giving her the meds but she actually loves it. Its a natural instinct for animals to hide their illness so they dont show weakness around predators. Females can have estrous or fertile periods at any time of the year, but they are most common in the spring. Recommended treatment is usually a spay surgery to remove the ovaries. If it changes, it could be a sign your guinea pig is distressed, bored, ill or injured. All rights reserved. Scurvy. One way to increase dietary fiber is to provide hay in addition to commercial guinea pig feed. These eggs, after being hatched, set free some legless larva named maggots. If a guinea pig's loss of appetite is not treated, its condition may worsen very quickly, resulting in liver problems and death. If the infection spreads from the middle ear to the inner ear, your pet may show nervous system problems such as imbalance, head tilt, walking in circles, or rolling on the ground. The safest option is to prevent pregnancy altogether by housing male and female guinea pigs separately or by spaying and neutering them. Therefore, further studies are needed to address the specific role of guinea pigs raised as livestock in the ecology and epidemiology of influenza viruses in the region. If you've been exposed to LCMV, you may develop symptoms within a week or two, but not everyone exposed to the virus becomes sick as a result. Usually the teeth will stop right away. Antibiotics can be used to treat the infection and limit transmission to other guinea pigs, but guinea pigs that do not seem sick may still be infected. That way, if something happens, you may be able to get an emergency appointment sooner than if you werent already a client. These include obesity, large litter size, loss of appetite during the late stages of pregnancy, insufficient exercise, environmental stress, and underdeveloped blood vessels in the uterus (an inherited condition). One guinea pig can infect another by direct contact or by sneezing or coughing. They also shiver because the fear of death has frightened them. Follow the treatment program prescribed by your veterinarian carefully. GuineaHub may earn a small affiliate commission, if you click on a product and decide to buy it. To limit spread of the infection, the environment should be decontaminated regularly while the guinea pig is receiving treatment. Some types of mites cause no signs. I believe its been confirmed by a vet that she isn't pregnant. Guinea pigs are also prone to urinary stones or 'calculi' - a serious condition. Boot R, Walvoort H C (1986) Otitis media in guinea pigs: pathology and bacteriology. To prevent ketosis, make sure your pet eats a high-quality food throughout pregnancy, but limit the amount of food you give your pet to prevent obesity. Your veterinarian will be able to determine a diagnosis of ketosis by the results of the blood tests, which will show the number of ketone bodies that are present in the blood. The vet I took her to is exclusively an exotics vet. A guinea pig's coat can have textures like satin, curly, smooth, plush, or rosettes. If you gently touch the animal's belly and run your hand along the surface and look for small lumps and bumps. 1. She doesn't appear to be bleeding anymore. Glad Charlotte is ok - Sorry about the babies. Register for free to enjoy the full benefits. A way to know that if this laziness is considerable or not is that you can take your guinea pigs to a noise-free, pleasing environment, and if they seem more lively there, all this laziness occurred due to stress in them. The more you spend time with your guinea pigs, the more you become aware of how much they make you run and jump around them and how active they are. Find out more about the NEW, drastically improved site and forum! Tip 5: Establish a Routine. She seems to be pretty young herself, which might be why the pregnancy didnt make it, but Im not sure. Why Is My Guinea Pig Breathing Fast? Flinching 2. They seemed very knowledgeable. I find my local "normal" vets are particularly experienced so use them as a first port of call only visiting the exotics when my vets and me know that it is above their knowledge level. The diagnosis is aided by blood tests and examination of fluids from the lymph nodes or chest cavity. Several underlying problems can lead to hair loss, including infestations of fur mites or lice, ringworm, or fighting between incompatible animals. Even if your guinea pig seems healthy, its your responsibility as a pet owner to keep up with annual checkups. Guinea pigs need at least 10 mg of vitamin C per kilogram of body weight daily (pregnant females need 30 mg/kg daily). When guinea pigs die, mainly due to sickness, they might whimper or make a high-pitched sound unwillingly. Guinea pigs may also develop vitamin C deficiency even if the dietary level of vitamin C is appropriate. To confirm the diagnosis, your veterinarian may use ultrasonography or x-rays. When your guinea pigs deny eating these, then there is no doubt that something is not correct. Pigs infected with serovars Pomona and Bratislava can become chronic renal carriers. The lymph nodes around the neck often become enlarged or inflamed in guinea pigs. If your guinea pig doesnt usually bite and it suddenly starts biting you when you pick it up, theres a good reason to believe its sick. Most disease treatments should include extra vitamin C. Diarrhea and other illnesses may cause your guinea pig to become dehydrated. 2x6 C&C = 14 ft2. Guinea pig owners should take the time to learn about the most common health problems that affect guinea pigs so they can see the signs. Postmortem findings, like the presence of a fatty liver, and bleeding or cell death in the uterus or placenta will also help your veterinarian to arrive at a diagnosis of ketosis. Infestations can be minimized or prevented by making sure that living quarters are clean and sanitary and by minimizing your pets stress levels. The most common illnesses of guinea pigs include signs of low vitamin C (such as bone and teeth issues, bruising and abnormal bleeding), respiratory infection, dental issues, diarrhea, skin rashes and infection (such as ringworm), pregnancy-related issues, and arthritis. Change in activity level or lethargy. If your pet develops diarrhea or stops eating during treatment, contact your veterinarian immediately. Is Swimming Safe for Your Guinea Pigs? Lose their appetite, lose their appetite, lose weight, have diarrhea, become ill or... Are refusing to eat might be because their food lacks sufficient amounts of nutrients don #! Option is to prevent pregnancy altogether by housing male and female guinea pig seems,... Help and Cheer up a Depressed guinea pig is refusing to eat be why the pregnancy didnt make,! 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