But with 2 damage AOE attached to a ton of your spells makes it very difficult for your opponent to establish a board. Hyperblaster can kill anything across multiple turns, which will make your opponent hesitate when they would otherwise play a highly statted minion. If you arent super reliant on keeping powerful minions on the board (or better yet using a Murloc deck), its a great comeback card that also reloads your whole hand! The infinite value from The Juggernaut after completing Raid the Docks can stand out more than in normal Hearthstone games. Loyal Sidekick is a simple large taunt minion, that is pretty much always a tempo play, but doesn't usually do more that block some damage and maybe attack once or twice. Its hard to test this to find a pattern when the Warrior Location is hard to run itself to place on the right and the opponent doesnt always play one themselves. All of Renos Hero Powers consist of some form of damage, so pick the one that best suits the play style youre going for. Use the checkboxes to compare up to eight decks! Scourge Strike and Greatsword of the Ebon Blade are probably the more recommended choices for most decks in general. Your value from Ancient Reflections depends on what you end up targeting, preferably things with persistent effects like Deathrattles. supplements the lack of most other tools sacrificed to build such a deck. In its final form, it's a cheaper Wand of Disintegration! But since the payoff is so huge that it can get you 12 wins on its own, it might actually be worth trying to do if you accept the challenge! A lot of Death Knights better cards either need those corpses, or dont make more of them, so its challenging to make this Hero Power super impactful. While I'm not a fan of the druid class as a whole in duels right now (The class is cannibalism/double time or bust), the class certainly has shown more promise through token builds than the old versions before the new hero power was released. Starting Treasure: Scrapmetal Demolitionist. It also includes a few cheap Overload cards to have Totemic Power have its good effect active a fair amount of the time. Created: 9/29/2022 (Castle Nathria Druid & Mage Nerfs) KEEP IN MIND YOU CAN HERO POWER YOUR OPPONENTS THINGS!!!! Be the first to create one down below! Basically, you have to plan around being able to make the most of these third costs (1) effects. Not only is this super mana efficient, its lets you play huge minions so much earlier than theyre supposed to. Greedy builds with Rattlegore are the current kings of the format. Soulcial Studies gives your Soul Fragment generators additional tempo. If you play it right, Gift of the Legion can deal a Pyroblasts worth of damage by itself. Firehearts Hero Powers vary quite a bit in what they do. Even Laughing Sister and Emerald Drake are still decent since you dont have to spend a ton of mana to dump them out of your hand and actually are above average minions for their cost. Overpowered can duplicate anything, even other Treasures! Most legendary minions have stats that will at least match the Mana you pay for Astral Portal. Tier 5 - Treasures that can easily backfire unless you have nothing to lose. Beckoning Bicorn is actually still good with Pirates. Meek Mastery is fairly limited in its uses outside of all-neutral Drekthar (or Vanndar on rare occasions) builds since most decks run class cards. The Treasure used to be just Murloc Holmes. However, they share a couple problems in common that may make them hard to use. I recognized like a third of them from the Which Wood, if not mor. During each Duel run, the player can only suffer up to 3 losses, with the number of losses so far displayed as "lost lives" on the "box" screen. But if you have extra efficient ways to generate or summon neutral minions, this can definitely be a powerful option. AAEBAaIHD7QBsgLtAogH8rACkrYClLYCqssDpNED2dED/tEDq9ID390D6t0Dw+EDAAA=, Hero Power: Roguish Manoeuvers Mages have plenty of good Elemental buckets, as well as a Hero Power that can consistently supply them for you should you happen to run out of Elemental-last-turn triggers. They both encourage you to play two cheap minions/spells then follow it up with a big one that acts as a giant mana cheat. You might also be interested in. Enjoy this deck guide? With Rogues becoming so effective at mowing you down in a few turns, they rendered aggressive Demon Hunter strategies redundant (at least until the launch of Madness at the Darkmoon Faire). Glaciaxe is definitely the go-to starting Treasure for Sai Shadestorm. Tier 5: Amalgamate is an inefficient way to get a big minion on the board. Its just not enough to have it take up most of your turn. AAEBAZ8FD57NA4wOjAHUrgL1DbEIitQDp8sDytEDrwfcA8PRA88Gv9EDlgkAAA==, Hero Power: From Golden Light * Call of the Void got its cost reduced enough to become an annoying source of minions and damage that your opponent is either forced to deal with or take more hits than they can handle. The main thing holding this back is having a deck with enough Arcane spells to have it be offered as a draft option and to fully abuse it. Much like Warriors, Mages can also get a lot of mileage out of Scattered Caltrops thanks to the ping. The third version of these cards are the only ones really worth being called treasures. PeepoLeaveBoth are really good in Miracle druid, which is best deck. Those that can do much better with this snowballing weapon. If you drafted sub-parr cards, youll either end up with too many weak minions or have to lose tempo by playing them to free up hand space. Several will be grouped up as the reason for their level of usefulness maybe be similar, and some are effectively negligible and dont really need its own separate explanation as to why its as good/bad as it is. The Exorcisor is fantastic at a way to deal with removing problem minion effects, buffs, or just general damage. Scepter of Summoning is a good discount treasure so long as you have enough expensive minions to use it with but still have cards that keep you in the game until you reach the turn you can start playing them. What this deck lacks in viability it makes up for in absolute chaotic fun after getting the Treasure finding Hero Power! Skeleton Mage is helped out by Treasures like. But if that's the case you're already in a pretty good spot and don't really need it. Tier GG: Quel'Delar is a treasure on a whole other level. Bans in Hearthstone instead of Nerfs: A good decision? Budget Hearthstone Decks. Not all the treasures in Duels are passive effects; many are individual playable minions and spells. As mentioned before, Seabreaker Goliath is simply a vanilla minion, granted one of the biggest there is. A Duels round or game Play in Duels consists of a series of rounds between Arena players, with each player using their specially constructed deck. Creator Notes: Corrupted Felstone turns Lady S'theno and Coilskar Commander into absolute monsters! Instead, wielders of the Light are forced to study the dark arts of aggression to survive early encounters. Creator Notes: I chose to take the Sr. Tomb Diver route for Secret Reno. Just be careful. However, those deck would much rather spend such a large amount of mana on buffing what they have and push for game instead of giving them a Deathrattle with no immediate impact with Canopic Jars. Creator Notes:This is built with the better Totems and support for it (mostly like an Even Shaman). Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). Warmaster's Frenzy is mostly just synergistic with Warrior, but it thankfully has Warrior as its starting allied class. Heres how it works. Hearthstone's Best Arena Hero Class Tier List, Questline Druid #7 Legend (baopaiyu) Wild S109, Tony Druid #136 Legend (Shame) Festival of Legends, Tony Druid #81 Legend (BongDaCity) Festival of Legends, Mechathun Druid #1 Legend (OTZaixia) Wild S109, Tony Druid #20 Legend (NoHandsGamer) Festival of Legends. | Karl the Lost) March 11, 2023 Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Demon Hunter (7494 MMR) (Illidari Strike | Gift of the Legion . Phaoris Blade will scale to lethal damage in just a few turns, though its not as great as it used to be, having been nerfed to five mana LOCUUUUSTS!!! And there arent a lot of minions where having a giant copy of it is super good either. Wish looks like the ultimate comeback card, and in some ways it is. Druidic Teaching is a very potent draw engine. Same goes for the Menagerie shenanigans. Late game, Grimmer Patron can combo with buffs to create a massive self-duplicating minion. Can you sink five mana into activating the effect? But even in the most optimal deck, its not much compared to the other secondary passives. The next best is centered around legendary minions and use From Golden Light and Royal Greatsword to gain massive advantage. While Unlocked Potential has the possibility of decreasing you minions Attack, youll most likely be offered it as an option if most or all of your minions would gain Attack. Unholy Embrace is a little too expensive (both in terms of mana and corpses) and makes it hard to use in Duels. Loyal Henchman and Clockwork Assistant are no more than slowly scaling cheap beatsticks, but they can get pretty big late game/run. Remembrance of Ice and Gluth-sicle can be reasonably usable board reloads, though the former wants you to use your spells to kill instead of going face like Frost Death Knights tend to do and the ladder requires specific deckbuilding or luck to be a big swing. Use the checkboxes to compare up to eight decks! The Legendary Invitations created by Be Our Guest are so cheap, they can easily dominate the early game. Deck code: Crimson and Contagion Concoction are fairly situational. is fairly unique amongst the first passives. It also has limited ability to snowball due to Demon Hunters lack of minions that directly scale with being handbuffed. Paladins (and to an extent Priests) have a decent amount of Holy spell support. Any major changes to the previous version of this guide will have a * in front of it. Take a second to tell us how you feel! Help others find it and show your support to the author by giving it an upvote! AAEBAR8PudIDnssDuK0Clwi5tAL7AfoNtM4D/gyoAtsJj+MDks0DuuED+uEDAAA=, Hero Power: Death Games Mech Druid - Charon - Festival of Legends. Most generic Secondary Passive are better at this point. Decks that pick Shadow Mend usually run C'Thun, the Shattered as something theyre trying to build into throughout the game. Edge of Dredge and Forgotten Depths arent bad on paper, but it requires you to run a few Dredge cards, and most classes only have access to 1 good one. You can also try to drown your enemies in resources using Connections, with the near-infinite Combo triggers and cheap removal options it provides (each Informant deals 1 damage to a random enemy minion when played). Plaguebringer is one of those things that REALLY works when it works, but the Overload can fuck you up especially when you need to play smaller spells that don't need the discount. Given the straightforward nature of Hearthstone, players can have a. The Blood and Frost deck examples will resemble the builds a lot of players have been seen using. Since Duels games can go on for so long, the most common Treasure is Infinite Arcane. updates must be a pain in the naga but thank you. Iron Roots and Spreading Saplings work really well with what Druids are capable of right now, especially when a lot of spells that support aggressive strategies like token Druid are Nature. If you manage to get their corresponding Secondary Passive, then you actually have a solid strategy. Shaman - Just like any other powerful spell at Shamans disposal, Warlock - Despite not being known for running lots of spells, even Warlocks can use Harness the Elements to gain the value of their, Mage - It should be no surprise how well Mages can use Harness the Elements. Ctrl to select multiple classes. Scales of Justice is also a great tool for dealing with a troublesome enemy board. Some of the links and other products that appear on this website are from companies Hearthstone-Decks.net will earn an affiliate commission, compensation (Guest post or ads), or referral bonus. Missing these, you can lean further into the tempo approach of the starting deck, keeping an eye out for Wax Rager as it can be an insta-win play in the early turns. But in Duels, if all youre doing is summoning really big stuff, youre gonna wanna do it much earlier than turn 9. Shamans were the pacesetters in Duels early on. The most important aspect of this is the fact that it works against the enemy hero as well. Sometimes it can work in ways youd never expect. The Health gained from Invigorating Light is too minor. Check out our Friends & Partner Page (link) or use the links below: We always look to work with new companies, whatever you like, such as: Sponsored Articles | Direct Ads / Ad Placements | Affiliate | Giveaways | etc. Tiny Thimble is a regular Rush minion with vanilla stats, but gives you a Regular-Size Thimble, which is just a better Darius Crowley. Instead of giving an example deck list for each class, well highlight some of the stronger combos that the treasures can have with starting cards. Creator Notes: Pirates are usable, but not as abusable since it lacks a Secondary Passive to maximize value on. Home Duels Decks (Duels) Druid Forest Warden Omu (Duels) Invigorating Bloom - Druid. Both decks usually pick Shadow Word: Void as their Starting Treasure. Archmage Staff is a free mage spell every turn, so long as you dont equip any other weapons or attack with your hero. Concoction Miracle Rogue - #16 Legend (ViperMateo) - Return to Naxxramas. There's enough Big Demon support to allow this archetype to hold its own in Duels. Realistically, Mages are the only ones who can pull this off. Why is Murloc Holmes showing the new expansion card there (Solve 3 clues about your opponent's cards to get copies of them) instead of the actual Duels Murloc Holmes (Whenever your opponent draws a card, add a copy to your hand)Also; why is Old Militia Horn in tier 3 but the card is explained in the tier 4's text. Warlocks Discard synergies received a bunch of serious buffs, but its the cheap Demon package from Madness at the Darkmoon Faire that made them so competitive. Optimized Polarity doesn't generate much advantage as there are very limited minions and not all that impactful unless manage to handbuff them. England and Wales company registration number 2008885. To maximize value on can also get a lot of mileage out Scattered... Soul Fragment generators additional tempo to study the dark arts of aggression survive. 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