Does your email sound similar to what other brands are sending out? First off, you dont have to respond to a bad collab offer. We have email accounts, policies, and ways to contact us. If youre interested, Id love to chat more to go over the perks of our program and how it works. Brand work is you getting paid to promote a product. Just how short, though? I'm so glad this post was helpful. See exactly how your alliance will work jointly. Win-Win. Instagram. Thats why its so important to level up with a proven pitching strategy. Influencer Tips. We also handle the rest of your influencer marketing campaigns from A to Z. It's nice to hear things from a different perspective. Our advice? Theres a good chance your outreach message is going to be read on a smartphone screen. Let's say that an influencer on your radardoesn't state a preference between emails and DMs. You also need to have a formal contract stating all of this. ove to talk with you about the details of our giveaway and products! Your time and content is worth so much more. My name is Kristen and I work for Flex. Lets work together in a partnership. These Instagram collaboration brands try to lead you on. My name is [insert name here] and I work for [insert company name]. This really depends on your bandwidth and goals. Any hint that you have to purchase a watch, a pair of shoes, and sunglasses that you never asked for and dont want is a NO! The smaller the audience = the bigger the IG scam. balcony overlooking a sponsors infinity pool may seem to be what an influencer of them will ever care about your business at all. They keep this document up to date by adding new metrics and collaborations every few months. What exactly are you supposed to write in a brand collaboration email? So much of how to ask about a collaboration on Instagram is doing so on the creators terms. I love your post(s) about [insert topic here] on Instagram. You'll also learn best practices for writing and sending Instagram collaboration messages. You also dont want your emails to get buried in a spam folder or left unread. It was last updated November 21, 2022. A good IG brand collaboration will be upfront immediately, have a workable contract, and will answer your questions openly and honestly. As a standalone feature, Instagram Direct Messages do not include the option to mass DM segmented lists of followers. Uncorked Pro Tip: What if you no longer want to review the product? Below weshare our easy-to-use pitching templates that can help. Over the past few years, with more Instagrammers and bloggers wanting in on the action, the market has changed a bit. They are the creative director, not you. Want to learn more? While the concept of influencer marketing is just a repackaging of what we once called celebrity endorsement, it has got a very seedy underbelly. At no additional cost to you, you may find affiliate links to products that I love. Check out The Ultimate Checklist to Hosting an Instagram Giveaway or Contest! 2. I also refer brands to my Work With Me page on my blog. 4 Instagram Collaboration Email Templates & Samples, love to talk with you about our ambassador program and what. Thanks, Jen n. Generally, I will never hear back, or they'll let me know they have no budget. Would love to work with you!" on Instagram posts that fit their criteria. Influencers are not, in or of themselves, a bad thing. My name is Kristen and I work for Dusk. For large corporations and global brands, the people at the top will never actually have contact with the influencers who are ambassadors for their brands. My pictures are fun vs professional, I rarely theme my content, and quite frankly, I want a more realistic account for my blog. Often, brands collaborate with a print media partner or sometimes a brand influencer to curate targeted branding campaigns. To stay on my game, I am in at least 4 different Facebook groups where women and the occasional male ask if they should agree to influencing deals where they buy expensive products to ultimately promote them. Send an Email. Looking at our list of influencer pitches that actually worked, many are between 100 and 150 words. Brevity can grab the influencers attention and reduce needless back-and-forth. Jalyn Baiden, an Instagram influncer with about 5,700 followers. Im reaching out because [insert what you saw in their feed, posts and what they are passionate about and relate it to your brands purpose]. Hi Sweetie. Keep in mind there are multiple ways to reach influencers and ambassadors. With the templates and tips above, you can ask for collaborations without second-guessing yourself. An influencer's inbox whether it's email or direct messages on social media is often where that process begins. Templates also organize your pitches to make them more direct and benefit-driven. And so some influencers are already on the defensive when they get a cold email from a brand they dont know. So when you partner with an influencer, you need to understand Plus, knock off the cost of their $200-400+ watch that you just bought, all of your time, and the countless posts they requested. By the way, your cat, Rey, is so adorable! Often they'll promise social sharing or "good karma" (yes really) for your post. Nobody wants to read a novel in their inbox. She shared the 200-word email pitch she uses to reach out to brands. DMs encourage you to be brief and get right to the point. Step 4: Close the Deal Assuming your influencer has responded, it's time to close the deal. Click here to chat with one of our influencer marketing specialists to see how we can help! BUT I recently had a brand reach out and ask to collab. Estimate the amount of time, effort, and any actual costs you may incur in the production/fulfillment of the collaboration on Instagram. Ughhhh, you just wanna throw the computer out the window and call it a day. We believe you would be a great fit as a Dusk brand ambassador! PEtty) and my favorite celebrity crush Dwayne Johnson. By clicking Sign Up, you also agree to marketing emails from both Insider and Morning Brew; and you accept Insiders. The left was sent via email and the right was adapted and sent via DM. I dont feel honored. 4. You can always just quickly email a brand back saying, No, thank you; I am not interested at this time. You might also find their preferred form of contact in their bio link (via Linkt.ree or Even your 80-year-old grandma is probably scrolling Facebook right now. So say these companies reach out to you, and you now have to contact them. Whilst the marketing department in a corporation has the ability to see the real result of the careful placement of a bottle of sparkling water beside an influencer in a bikini sitting on a rock ledge overlooking the ocean, youre going to be struggling to see how using your business as a backdrop or an afterthought could ever help your business grow. Hi Kelli, If they are asking for 6 photos but no requirements to post, do they just want the photos themselves for their own company usage? I never recommend working or posting for free. At [insert brand name here] we [insert summary sentence of your product/service and unique selling proposition]. Basically, promise me to comment on all my posts and Ill promise to comment on all yours so that we look more popular and influential than we really are. We'd send you a package of our products to try and then a few more to host a giveaway for your Instagram followers. I am a minor Instagrammer and influencer2+ years, as of 2019who does extremely selective affiliate and Instagram collaborations with brands. These sample influencer subject lines tick those boxes. What's a collab (i.e. Even if you immediately follow up with your "real" message, the recipient gets . No matter what approach you take, your subject lines should reflect your brands voice. But for every spoiled, entitled brat who mobilises thousands of fans to pour bad reviews upon a caf that dared to reject them, there is a traveling family who creates amazing content and leaves smiles on the faces of every client that they connect with. In situations where emails or DMs are fair game, use your best judgment. So why is it that we accept this baby talk from brands? Need more inspiration for your messages? We [insert what you do or your mantra]. We also break down best practices for outreach and examples of successful brand pitches. What would a customer or client think when they read this email? They were very professional & contacted me through email. We believe your followers would love the chance to win [insert product here]. a collaboration) anyway? that you are inserting your business in to their world. If you want to work with the brand and they havent offered to pay you, you can respond back with your Media Kit attached and let them know how much you charge per post and story. Here's a quick win: Never send a direct message that just says "hey" or "hello.". 2. Still, you need to personalize each of your messages before you send them. But if an influencer approaches you respectfully, explains clearly what they offer and how that may be of assistance to your business, and they are giving you time to ask questions and decide if they are a good match for you, then you may have found one worth considering. I provided one social media post on IG and Twitter, and my PayPal burped. And in many cases, youll be absolutely right. I sincerely think you'd make an excellent fit and I really hope to hear back from you on this!!! This gives you access to an influencers dashboard so you can share your custom link and discount code. I'm currently working with RMC Mike on his tape with trapaholics. Are they upfront in their offer and Instagram collaboration plan? They have a contract drawn up with all the terms and a pay rate of 720.00 for 6 photos, creative freedom etc. This DM accomplishes a few key things. Ramping up your messages and personalizing each one is a big commitment, though. I watch as IGers pay brands to market their products freely for them. Here are four Instagram collaboration email templates to nail your Ready to step up your TikTok outreach strategy? We love your [insert topic] content and think youd enjoy our [insert brand name and products]. Subject lines can be make-or-break for your collaboration messages. If you're interested, I'd love to talk with you about the details of our giveaway and products! Most aren't even legit accounts, and they are pretending to act on behalf of these large brand names. Start off on the right foot. As soon as you issue a !join command in the #bot-commands channel, it will send you a direct message. However, it isn't pushy and follows the golden rule. Did anyone watch the Fyre documentary? I just report those messages as spam and delete. As I work in sales for the past 3 years for a major corporation and getting rejected by strangers is a daily routine.I remember in the beginning when I was getting started in sales, I put all my sweat into reaching people and it killed me every time they said no to me. This is especially true when its an email from someone youve never heard from. There's been plenty of times when I've reached out to a dream brand and didn't get a response. It's great that you emphasize self-care through each and every post in your feed. Here's how 21 influencers pitch brands, from email templates to media kits. Are They Not Even Following You? Im reaching out because we have been following your Instagram and love your honest thoughts on clean ingredients in everyday skincare products. This isn't a bad thing. Trust us: influencers can tell when youre sending one-size-fits-all emails. Assuming youre personalizing your emails (and you should be! Here's how they pitch brands, including several email templates they use. If you're down here's how a collaboration would work: 1. Consider that most recipients will see your subject line before they can review your pitch. Instagram message templates are a great way to save time and scale your campaigns. Low-effort emails reflect poorly on your brand. Many legit companies will have a contract for you, but sometimes smaller businesses expect a contract with terms of the agreement from you. You want free products. They would need to follow both of our accounts and tag two friends in your Instagram post featuring our products. Ive been following your profile on Instagram for a while and love your posts on [insert topic here]. I asked them not to contact me again unless they had a budget for me, but they felt the need to respond: We have collaborated with many influencers in a previous time and they all cooperate with us at 60% discount code off, however, theres a few influencers we have sent the free watch in thepastbut the effect is not good for a long-term collaboration. Let me know if youre interested and Id be happy to chat to go over the details! New IGers think this treatment is the norm. My name is [insert name here] and I work for [insert company name]. When to Use This Template: Our standard collaboration email template is a general message that you can adapt for any type of creator. Most of my bad experiences are from brands who make you ask questions. You need to perfect your pitch! I was there too, trust me. You need creativity, personality and a strong pitch to make your messages count. Keep in mind, these emails are fairly straightforward and definitely straight to the point. DM for a collab [Insert 10 feminine obnoxious emojis].. Not by a long shot. Ramping up your messages. We think your belief in using organic products to live a healthy lifestyle really aligns with our companys mission to help women reach their wellness goals with products made just for them. Less messages means more efficient collaboration. Now, the product is not pricey, especially after 50% off and the difference is still over my current rates. Thank you so very much for this information. If you don't want to be an influencer, these comments are annoying. Instead, focus on emphasizing your value and gauging their interest in a collaboration. Still, there is no right way to write a collaboration email subject line. No the other way I personally prefer to promote other small businesses and bloggers, too. I get DMs every day with 'brands' trying to get me to be a customer. So how do you beat ugly Instagram collab scam tactics and false influencing promises to protect your brand? Influencer or Collaborator Templates 5. If this is the case, youll likely find an email address for collaborations in their Instagram bio. 6 Email and Instagram DM Templates for Influencer Outreach, We also break down best practices for outreach and, Subject lines are crucial when it comes to. Ive only accepted two free products EVER when I was first starting out or if its a blogging friend. Many times, the most active followers commenting on their posts are other wannabe influencers participating in what is described as cloud squads, clout circles or clout groups. bed, a pool or a location that they want to be photographed in. Know what to say when reaching out to influencers for collaboration. Fact: will open an email based on the subject line alone. We all know that brands want user generated content (UGC) and that influencer marketing isn't going anywhere. The influencer outreach process sets the tone for your partnerships. Then an Instagram DM (direct message) might be the way to go. The brand will never notice. I'm reaching out because of yourpassion for sharing the latest clean and gentle skincare productswith others. Many new and young influencers are quickly falling for these IG collab scams. I would never work with any company who treats me like a little girl or anything less than a professional. 1. Why, though? This shows how truly expendable and not worth their time you are. Once Upon a Brand: Crafting Impactful Brand Narratives for Your Website and Social Media, Check the personality type. Companies approach me (I can also pitch to them) with offers of free products or overnightswith little or no obligation to promote if I wasnt satisfiedand then send out contracts including commission on sales, per diem, or flat rates. You want to protect yourself and get paid. Be clear about your intention to collab. Say you do. Hey there. We'd love for you to test our [insert product] and share your thoughts. This includes requests for product feedback and reviews. It's a great way to introduce your brand to an influencer and let them know you are interested in working with them. We've been following your Instagram account and really love your post(s) about [insert topic]. Chances are youll reasonably be able to reach out to reach anywhere from five to ten creators per day. In fact, relying on both makes sense if you need to send a follow-up message. It introduces you and your company, letting them know you're not just another fan. This can increase your chances of a speedy reply. Eager to contact TikTok brand ambassadors to promote your products? This small snippet of text can determine whether or not your messages get seen. The goal of your subject line is two-fold: Below are some sample influencer collaboration email subject lines you can swipe. I know, sometimes, there are circumstances (alcohol is one and fresh food products are another) where you might have to purchase something but then get reimbursed - just due to laws, age limits, and logistics. Thankfully, there are a few basic steps every team can take to reduce notifications while keeping communication open. If you got anything just DM, solid placement opportunity btw Edit: IG is sumdudeig. This post breaks down four ways to get in touch with the right creators ASAP. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(2507045, '540ef26b-7b55-4961-b3d6-3a3960c26031', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Reaching out to influencers may seem daunting. Influence is encouraging consumers to purchase highlighted items. I wanted to personally invite you to join our brand ambassador program! Some influencers will start building relationships with brands by cold-DMing them on social media, like Instagram. // Be the envy of your buddies on your next hunting trip when yo." Messages that require recipients to scroll are too long. Influencer Tips. How to Pitch Yourself to a Brand for an Influencer Collaboration. Im reaching out because we have been following your Instagram and saw one of your most recent posts about your favorite night-time self-care products. Its just the reality of dealing with someone who seeks attention The right format and details will result in pitches that will actually get a response. This lack of care shows that you are just another random pick. She shared the DM she used to get her first sponsorship deal. Here is a PDF copy of EVERYTHING . Where they are located. Thank you for your consideration.. If you want to leave a lasting impression, your messages need to hook and engage them ASAP. Roberto Blake, a business and tech influencer with 572,000 subscribers on YouTube. A DM confirmation won't cut it. Research says that emails up to 100 words receive the highest response rate. Just imagine how many comments these brands write in less than one second on many pages. We think your [insert a reference to a topic they post about] really aligns with our companys mission to [insert sentence about your brands purpose]. Note: Need inspiration for your next Instagram giveaway? And yes, lets brag about how other influencers agreed. Not Consider how referring to the influencer by name or using emojis can have a positive impact. You may buy the product and realize its just poor quality. Your goal is to find a balance between grabbing someones attention and being clear about your intentions. My team and I loved your post about your favorite pre-workout essentials. What is Instagram influencing? That is laughable. Bloggers work hard on their content and social media accounts. We'dlove it if you were open to collaborating with us and testing out one of our products! Jalyn Baiden, an Instagram influncer with . jadedness when dealing with clients, an overestimation of the value of a We run businesses and are professionals. I do a happy dance too. If you already own a product and want to influence for that company, that is a different partnership than above. Gigi Kovach, a food and family influencer with about 13,000 Instagram followers. Think about how your message is going to look on a smartphone screen. The short answer: it depends! For reference, this message is ~150 words. The brand aligned perfectly with how I see myself In the case of bloggers and photographers, it usually means one models in return for photos, and one photographs in return for modeling and styling. 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