This is an online articlefrom the Christian Research Journal. You will have a direct line to ASH, for any questions you have: you will only be one email away from ASH. Summary The Islamic religion is indeed facing hard times. But lately Ive learned that King fought for more than African American rights. Among the summaries and analysis available for No god but God, there are 1 Short Summary and 7 Book Reviews. Try to appease it, and it will take control., It took many years to cleanse Arabia of its false idols. It will take many more to cleanse Islam of its new false idolsbigotry and fanaticismworshipped by those who have replaced Muhammads original vision of tolerance and unity with their own ideals of hatred and discord. Fundamentalism, in all religious traditions, is impervious to suppression. Sunni and Shiites had always been merely exotic names but for the first time I could understand why these groups might despise each other all these centuries later. In reality they are one and only one thing.. A book review of In Quest of the Historical Adam: A Biblical and Scientific Exploration by William Lane Craig (Eerdmans, 2021), Let Faith Oust Fact: A Review of The Whale, No Mindful Matter: The Explanatory Failure of Scientific Materialism, Seven or So Exhortations to College-Bound Students, Una montaa allanadaUna mirada a Brianna Wiest, A Mountain Made LowA Look at Brianna Wiest, Connect with the Christian Research Institute. It may take another generation or so for this era of anti-Muslim frenzy to be looked back upon with the same shame and derision with which the current generation views the anti-Catholic and anti-Jewish hysterics of the past. All four craved food, but the Persian wanted to spend the coin on angur; the Turk, on uzum; the Arab, on inab; and the Greek, on stafil. Aslan says nothing about the boundaries of a legitimate, democratic Islamic state. The final word in the verse, adribuhunna, which Fakhry has rendered as beat them, can equally mean turn away from them, go along with them, and, remarkably, even have consensual intercourse with them. If religion is indeed interpretation, then which meaning one chooses to accept and follow depends on what one is trying to extract from the text: if one views the Quran as empowering women, then Alis; if one looks to the Quran to justify violence against women, then Fakhrys.translators of the Quran.. Which is what Aslan seems to do, as well. Third, Aslans account of the origin and development of Islam follows a dubious principle of secular historical practice. However,it is not merely the tension that exists between the Islamic religion . 320 pages. I dont want to spoil the ending by saying any more than that. Are they now going to inherit just like men who have worked to earn that money? Muhammads response to these complaints was both unsympathetic and shockingly unyielding. . Depending on the study guide provider (SparkNotes, Shmoop, etc. Dr. Reza Aslan, an internationally acclaimed writer and scholar of religions, is author most recently of Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth. Those are heartening words. He segues to this chapter with this brief paragraph: Fourteen hundred years of rabid debate over what it means to be a Muslim; of passionate arguments over the interpretation of the Quran and the application of Islamic law; of trying to reconcile a fractured community through appeals to Divine Unity; of tribal feuds, crusades, and world warsand Islam has finally begun its fifteenth century (248). He was not the lifelong monotheist portrayed in traditional Muslim accounts. But this will be more than a home. Reality is neither emptiness nor illusion, reality is God. Because of the variability of the Arabic language, both of these translations are grammatically, syntactically, and definitionally correct. Offers quick summary / overview and other basic information submitted by Wikipedia contributors who considers themselves "experts" in the topic at hand. And yet, like the United States, these countries are considered democracies, not because they are secular but because they are, at least in theory, dedicated to pluralism., The only question that matters with regard to a religion and its mythology is What do these stories mean?, There is absolutely nothing divine about the Shariah and in no way can it possibly be considered fixed and infallible. . Contrary to popular perception in the West, Islam is a religion firmly rooted in the prophetic traditions of the Jewish and Christian scriptures. (with Bonus Content) A Former Muslim Investigates the Evidence for Islam and Christianity Author: Nabeel Qureshi Publisher: Zondervan ISBN: Category: Religion Page: 319 View: 182 DOWNLOAD NOW BONUS: This eBook includes downloadable videos and a Q&A with Nabeel Qureshi that are not found in the print edition. For some, Muhammads actions in Medina serve as the model for Muslim-Jewish relations; for others, they demonstrate the insurmountable conflict that has always existed, and will always exist, between the two sons of Abraham. God is most great (Allahu Akbar), God is most great, God is most great, God is most great, I witness that there is no god but Allah (the God); I witness that there is no god but Allah. Muhammad also forbade a husband to touch his wifes dowry, forcing him instead to provide for his family from his own wealth. I undertake to satisfy the desires of all of you. Taking the coin, the linguist went to a nearby shop and bought four small bunches of grapes. No, Christianity and Islam are not two paths to the same God. I found a copy of No God but God: The Origins, Evolution and Future of Islam in my uni's library, and from what I've heard, it's a revisionist take on the origins and codification of Islam that seeks to bridge traditional interpretations of the Qur'an and hadiths with their historical background - almost like a religion-oriented Guns, Gunpowder It also seems as though Aslan naturally would hope that if this happened, it would remain a democracy. Aslan speculates that Muhammad conceived of his community as a tribe, with himself as its leader. We got a stomach bug in the house.. Zachs down and out . Publishers Weekly reviews vary in length, with all focusing on a synopsis of the book and a look at the quality of writing. We are all living in it., Today, Medina is simultaneously the archetype of Islamic democracy and the impetus for Islamic militancy. The Quran suffered a similar fate, as different schools of interpretation emerged. . In fact, the Hungarian scholar Ignaz Goldziher has documented numerous hadith the transmitters of which claimed were derived from Muhammad but which were in reality verses from the Torah and Gospels, bits of rabbinic sayings, ancient Persian maxims, passages of Greek philosophy, Indian proverbs, and even an almost word-for-word reproduction of the Lords Prayer. His memoir gets most exciting toward the end where he describes his escape from radical Islam, facilitated in a crucial way by the appeal of Christianity. Written in clear prose and filled with memorable stories both personal and traditional, I found my mind and heart easily staying engaged with this book. The front pages of No god But God include the familiar Muslim acclamation, In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Aslan, however, is a reformist. because the woman is weak, silly, and in one sense like a child, his commentary became (and still is) one of the most widely respected in the Muslim world. Email Address: Follow God resembles nothing in either essence or attributes., Muhammads example must have had a lasting effect on his early followers: as Nabia Abbott has shown, throughout the first two centuries of Islam, Muslims regularly read the Torah alongside the Quran., Consider, for example, how the following verse (4:34) regarding the obligations of men toward women has been rendered into English by two different but widely read contemporafirst is from the Princeton edition, translated by Ahmed Ali; the second is from Majid Fakhrys translation, published by New York University: Elsewhere the Quran is more explicit: Permission to fight is given only to those who have been oppressed who have been driven from their homes for saying, God is our Lord (22:39; emphasis added)., This creator God was called Allah, which is not a proper name but a contraction of the word al-ilah, meaning simply the God., There are striking similarities between the Christian and Quranic descriptions of the Apocalypse, the Last Judgment, and the paradise awaiting those who have been saved., But tawhid, which literally means making one, implies more than just monotheism. Consider, for example, how the following verse (4:34) regarding the obligations of men toward women has been rendered into English by two different but widely read contemporafirst is from the Princeton edition, translated by Ahmed Ali; the second is from Majid Fakhrys translation, published by New York University: Men are the support of women [qawwamuna ala an-nisa] as God gives some more means than others, and because they spend of their wealth (to provide for them). At the center of these developments were political machinations as well as simple practical exigencies. Someone recommended this book and it turned out to be a great choice. This in my language is stafil, said the Greek. FreeBookNotes found 8 sites with book summaries or analysis of No god but God. We are all living in it. The sporadic revelations that came to Muhammad were recounted orally, addressing injustices in Arabian society, such as the distribution of wealth among the Quraysh. (2122). The four travelers represent humanity in its search for an inner spiritual need it cannot define and which it expresses in different ways. Its no secret that I have an intellectual crush on Reza Aslan. Wherever you turn, there is the face of God says the Quran God is Mighty and Wise (2:115). I'm not reverse FoxNewsing him and saying he must be a staunch muslim to write a book on Islam. You will have a direct line to ASH, for any questions you have: you will only be one email away from ASH. How can this be? The Islamic Reformation is already here. Read Reza Aslan's biography on With this simple profession of faith, Muhammad was declaring to Mecca that the God of the heavens and the earth required no intermediate whatsoever, but could be accessed by anyone., The occultation of the Twelfth Imam, or the, The relationship between the Jews and pagan Arabs was symbiotic in that not only were the Jews heavily Arabized, but the Arabs were also significantly influenced by Jewish beliefs and practices., For most of the Western world, September 11, 2001, signaled the commencement of a worldwide struggle between Islam and the Westthe ultimate manifestation of the clash of civilizations. Myth typically includes miracles, and heroic portrayals of people involved. In short, a really interesting book for both Muslims and anyone who wants to know more about the origins and growth of this Abrahamic faith. We are fortunate to have accepted the teachings which completely safeguards against associating partners with God. God willing., As a text, the Quran is more than the foundation of the Islamic religion; it is the source of Arabic grammar. This book can be a good starting point to those who want to discover more about Islam. This tribe, in due course, evolved its own laws of social governance and developed into a religious cult. The book describes the history of Islam and argues for a liberal interpretation of the religion. Sites like SparkNotes with a No god but God study guide or cliff notes. I am struck by the contrast with Christianity, a historically older tradition. . I witness that Muhammad is His messenger. His concluding chapter expresses the hope that a democratic reform movement within Islam eventually will displace the radical Islamist movement, which he believes is defined by terror and at odds with the true spirit of Islam. God didn't exactly die, god chose to become the universe and ceased being a separate entity. Inshallah. I would like to know what specific strategies have been developed for this purpose. The Hanifists were pre-Islamic monotheists who were in some significant sense indigenous to the Arabian peninsula. Chapter 2 explains the emergence of Islam in its initial socioeconomic context. The book describes the history of Islam and argues for a liberal interpretation of the religion. Rather, it is solely through the slow and steady building of personal relationships that one discovers the fundamental truth that all people everywhere have the same dreams and aspirations, that all people struggle with the same fears and anxieties. the text of islam. Second, the book is devoted mostly to historical documentation. Or: at the end of the show Orel turns out okay somehow and still has his faith despite everything. Even presuming the raft of hostile orientalists he draws from represented the most neutral and authoritative of western scholarship on Islam, the author's own tone and framing make it needlessly more odious. muslim profession of faith, "there is no god, but god and muhammad is god's messenger." yathrib. I want to conclude by recommending another book. Readers will have recognized that Aslans understanding of Islam differs from that of the Traditionalists; yet, he is a committed Muslim. The first, tafsir, is primarily concerned with elucidating the literal meaning of the text, while the second, tawil, is more concerned with the hidden, esoteric meaning of the Quran. This article first appeared in the Christian Research Journal, volume 44, number 2 (2021). . I also thought it shameful the glancing way he wrote about Sept. 11. If there is only one God, then there may be only one truth, and that can easily lead to bloody conflicts of irreconcilable absolutisms., One would be tempted to call the members of such a new community Muslims (literally those who are submissive to God). In No god but God, internationally acclaimed scholar Reza Aslan explains Islamthe origins and evolution of the faithin all its beauty and complexity. This review first appeared in the Christian Research Journal, volume 30, number 3 (2007). Aslan explains the development of Muhammads prophetic consciousness as a series of smaller, indescribable supernatural experiences that climaxed in a final violent encounter with the divine (36). Copyright 2014-2023. In No god but God, internationally acclaimed scholar Reza Aslan explains Islamthe origins and evolution of the faithin all its beauty and complexity. Faith in GOD and dedication is the Way to succeed. There is no god but God may refer to: The beginning of the shahada, the Muslim profession of faith Tawhid, the Muslim concept of the oneness and uniqueness of God No God but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam, a 2005 book about Islam by Reza Aslan A Bill Kenny song sung by Elvis Presley on the album He Touched Me (album) The narrative begins in seventh-century Arabia, where the Prophet Muhammad set out to create a society based on social egalitarianism and equality of the sexes. India was, until recently, governed by partisans of an litist theology of Hindu Awakening (Hindutva) bent on applying an implausible but enormously successful vision of true Hinduism to the state. Tawhid means that God is Oneness. He believes that all religion is conceived, incubated, weaned, and matured almost entirely in response to sociocultural conditions. ________ Reverend William Spooner was famous for a type of funny verbal mistake that became known as a (n) _____ . Because it immersed me in a religion I don't know in a compelling way, and gave me enough of a platform of information to perhaps start seeking other answers, and for that I'll overlook a lot. It seems, based on what he does say, that the United States of America could become an Islamic state. Depending on the study guide provider (SparkNotes, Shmoop, etc. After a few generations, almost anything could be given the status of hadith if one simply claimed to trace its transmission back to Muhammad. Reviews tend to be written in a professional, detached voice and provide detailed coverage of the content included. So why the four stars? Oh man. Men are in charge of women, because Allah has made some of them excel the others, and because they spend some of their wealth. He suggests that if ever there is a conflict between the two, it must be the interpretation of Islam that yields to the reality of democracy, not the other way around (266). 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