improvement on the basic amplifications. You are adept at defending yourself during psychic duels. | Heroes and Monsters SRD Benefit: Twice per day when you shift mental focus from one implement to another, you can add the same number of points to the latter implement that you removed from the former. You can feint against nearly any creature. Shop the Open Gaming Store! Unfortunately, thats the only good bit that half-orcs offer. | Cepheus SRD Though most of the feats presented in this section are general and have no special rules governing them, some feats belong to a type or types of feats that share special rules. Your implanted trick hardens the body against damage. Phrenic Amplification Breakdown Prerequisites: Int 13, Linguistics 3 ranks. A feat may have more than one prerequisite. The Psychic's spell list overlaps with the Sorcerer/Wizard spell list quite a bit, but isn't quite as large. You have an extra wellspring of kundalini energy that you can use to open your chakras. You can cast this spell three times per day as a spell-like ability. (Randomly discovered items usually follow this rule.) one basic spellcasting feat, 2 archetype feats = 5 feats to get roughly 1.15 times damage than Fighter could do with critical FF Power Attack hit, Brutal Finish and Attack of Opportunity with D12 Maul as opposed to doing Crit AIW Spellstrike + Attack of Opportunity with d10 weapon. Against spells and spell-like abilities, treat a success as if you had counterspelled the effect using dispel magic. Prerequisite: Hypnotic stare class feature. When you are psionically focused, you can expend your focus on any single concentration check you make thereafter. If it doesnt, you to add extra points to your Phrenic Pool throughout the day, and several By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Prerequisite: Phrenic pool class feature. (Augmentation is a feature of many powers that allows the power to be amplified in various ways if additional power points are spent.) Spell Penetration. for your phrenic pool points is your phrenic amplifications, so be sure to Their spellcasting is Intelligence-based, but depending on your Psychic Discipline youll need either Wisdom or Charisma. Which you use it determined by your choife of Subconscious Mind. Your phantom remains partly immaterial even when fully manifested in ectoplasmic form. In addition, when you cast a touch spell to be delivered by your phantom, you can modify the spell as if you possessed the Ectoplasmic Spell metamagic feat. Copyright 2010, Dreamscarred Press. The soulknife is a psionically empowered martial class who uses their mind to create a blade of psychic energy. support a limited subset of Pathfinders rules content, average of 12.2 on CR 1 monsters to 16.4 on CR 20 monsters. | 5th Edition SRD You possess and can open a third eye that permits you to see things as they really are and gain greater insight into auras. Intelligence. When you are at a greater distance, the DC for the concentration check is equal to 15 + the spell's level. Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Prerequisites: Int 13, Psychic Adept, Psychic Sensitivity. Psychic Sensitivity Source Occult Adventures pg. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. The original alternate theme for the Archives of Nethys. The favored class bonus is terrible. Once chosen, this shape cannot be changed. Special: You can take this feat multiple times. You believe you are speaking your native language, and the listener believes you are speaking its native language; however, to everyone else able to hear you, you sound like you are speaking gibberish. The range of guidance increases to 120 feet. Benefit: The range of your hypnotic stare increases by 10 feet. You have opened your mind to the more advanced disciplines of basic psychic magic. cantrips!) You unlock the secrets of the occult world. Special: Additional unusual facts about the feat. It casts spells spontaneously, but it's Intelligence-based like a wizard. bonus Constitution, a penalty to your dump stat, and small size. | Open Fantasy SRD However, whatever metakinesis she applies affects the entire composite blast. By accessing these staggering vaults of mental energy, the psychic can shape the world around her, the minds of others, and pathways across the planes. These temporary hit points last until the end of the psychic duel. The classic look for the Archives of Nethys. You gain an additional focus power from your implements. If your saving throw fails, the spell functions against you as normal; if the spell normally allows a save, your previous failure doesn't count as a failed save against the spell's normal effects. (In other words, they either have a power point reserve or have psi-like abilities.) Its effects don't stack. Induce an irrational fear in a creature to the point of madness. The favored class bonus is tempting, but its hard to justify Using a psionic item creation feat also requires access to a laboratory or psionic workshop, special tools, and other equipment. Psionic Items and Metapsionic Powers: With the right psionic item creation feat, you can store a metapsionic power in a power stone, psionic tattoo, or dorje. special abilities. Prerequisites: Psychic Sensitivity or ability to cast psychic spells or use psychic spell-like abilities, character level 2nd. | 2d20SRD Cookie Notice Prerequisites: Int or Cha 21, Hidden Presence, Manipulative Presence, ability to cast possession or greater possession. Prerequisite: Psychic Sensitivity or the ability to cast psychic spells. as a whole is fine, and you only get three amplifications before you get Major Light theme with purplish hues and a simpler font. These spells are added to both your class spell list (if not already on that list) and your list of spells known; they are in addition to the normal number of spells known for your level. Hatred: 1stmurderous command, 2nddisfiguring touch, 3rdbestow curse, 4thdebilitating portent, 5thfoster hatred, 6thphantasmal revenge. Limits on Use: As with all powers, you cannot spend more power points on any power than your manifester level. Prerequisite: Touch treatment class feature. The caster gains a +2 circumstance bonus on concentration checks and caster level checks related to casting a furious spell if she is enraged. | Fudge SRD The default theme for the Archives of Nethys, forged on the fires of CSS3. The Hypertext d20 SRD TM is owned by BoLS Interactive LLC. Prerequisites: A minimum ability score, another feat or feats, a minimum base attack bonus, a minimum number of ranks in one or more skills, or anything else required in order to take the feat. You must have at least 1 rank in the skills associated with the chosen occult skill unlocks. When you maintain your chakras as a swift action without opening a new chakra, you can choose to attempt either the Fortitude save or the Will save instead of both. amplifications. Psychic feats are largely identical to Wizard feats, so Ill only cover In the interim, you can take a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity to cause the blast to take effect earlier than you initially selected. | Forge Engine SRD Your stare causes your foe to bleed out of its eyes. Sell at the Open Gaming Store! Psychic Class Features Key Ability: Intelligence or Charisma. | Cepheus SRD You can use Xenoglossy again to continue a longer conversation, and you gain a +2 on Linguistics checks to use Xenoglossy to communicate with someone with whom you previously communicated using this feat. Benefit: Select an implement school. Ultimate Psionics. Some classes can select combat feats as bonus feats. The host receives no saving throw, and the effect functions as if you had concentrated for 3 rounds. Get the complete Extinction Curse Pathfinder 2e print bundle (ONE bundle available) Psychic Magic Subscribe to the Open Gaming Network and get everything ad-free! The caster level for this ability is equal to your character level, and the save DC is equal to 10 + your Intelligence modifier. Members of other classes can take combat feats provided they meet the prerequisites. Sell at the Open Gaming Store! | PF2 SRD Charisma-heavy psychics also make excellent Faces. Psychic SourceOccult Adventures pg. You must attempt a Will save against the spell (even if it doesn't normally allow a saving throw). Like the Wizard, the Psychic can fill a variety of roles thanks to their expansive skills and spell list. Psychic Disciplines Breakdown You have a strong connection to a particular legend, which empowers the spirits you channel. Cha: If You can use two occult skill unlocks more often. Benefit: You gain a wild talent that's at least 2 levels lower than the highest-level wild talent you can currently use. This bonus doesn't apply on other checks using the base skillsonly on checks for occult skill unlocks. See the feats' descriptions for full details. fantastic spell that keeps your party in constant communication without giving Skills: Psychics only get 2+ skills, but you For example, if a pyrokineticist succeeds at her caster level check against a white dragon's breath weapon, she negates the breath weapon's effect in the entire area, and the dragon must wait 1d4 rounds to use its breath weapon again. As with my oracle guide, I'll be building this guide out more as I go. If you are a 3.5 native, go read Pathfinders rules for staffs because they have improved dramatically. Benefits: When you trigger your painful stare, the target must succeed at a Will Save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your mesmerist level + your Charisma modifier) or become shaken for 1 round. The Psychic is very MAD for a spellcaster. The Blackbird, also called the Black Stone Violin, is a full-size playable violin made of black diabase after drawings by Antonio Stradivari (Stradivarius), but with technical modifications to allow it to be played. never need to make an actual attack. You cannot take 10 on this check, nor can anyone aid you. You must satisfy any prerequisites before taking the feat. | FateCoreSRD If you have no ranks in the appropriate skill, you cant use the occult skill unlock, even if that skill can be used untrained. Psychic Feats - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder 2nd Edition Database Close Deck Character Creation + Ancestries Archetypes Backgrounds Classes Skills Equipment + All Equipment Armor Shields Weapons Feats + All Feats General General (No Skill) Skill Game Mastery + Afflictions Creatures Hazards Rules + All Rules Actions/Activities Time: The time to create a psionic item depends on the feat and the cost of the item. Manifesting Time: Powers manifested using metapsionic feats take the same time as manifesting the powers normally unless the feat description specifically says otherwise. Prerequisite: Mesmerist trick class feature. Wis: If Prerequisites: Mesmerist level 11th, painful stare class feature. One participant can provide a form infusion appropriate for the composite blast, and the other can provide an appropriate substance infusion. Benefit: You have greater control of the highly morphic qualities and wild magic of the Dimension of Dreams. | 4 Color SRD (Astonishing Super Heroes) The glittering hoard of a terrifying dragon! | Basic Fantasy SRD. Telepathy (Su): Telepathy doesnt require a | d20 Anime SRD | d20PFSRD The composite blast's caster level is equal to the average of the caster levels of both participants and deals damage as the appropriate composite blast created by a kineticist of that level (for example, if a 10th-level pyrokineticist and a 6th-level hydrokineticist worked together to create a steam blast, its base damage would be 4d6+4 points of fire damage and 4d6+4 points of bludgeoning damage). A creature can benefit from psychic healing only once per day, and can't benefit from both this ability and treat deadly wounds in the same day. | 13th Age SRD You can spend 1 point of mental focus from your implement to pass the effect to a new target, so long as both the original target and the new one are within 30 feet. for further guidance. Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Benefit: You take only a 2 penalty when feinting against a non-humanoid and a 4 penalty when feinting against creatures with animal intelligence, as long as the target is a subject of your hypnotic stare. Ovoid Compression: Your head takes on a larger, more bulbous appearance than normal. Normal: What a character who does not have this feat is limited to or restricted from doing. Each time, you must select a different implement school. Treating your Charisma bonus as Whether through sleep, self-hypnosis, or special exercises to empty your mind, you've found a way to access a deeper . Traveller SRD If my party is trying to be subtle in any way, I try to make The Psychics spell list overlaps with the Sorcerer/Wizard spell list quite a bit, but isnt quite as large. six levels of favored class bonus when there are already so few good 60 Within the mind of any sentient being lies power to rival that of the greatest magical artifact or holy site. | Heroes and Monsters SRD I'm starting a new campaign and for the first time ever and I'm trying a Psychic spell caster (Psychic, specifically.) When you expend your focus in this manner, your concentration check is treated as if you rolled a 15. While some of the feats presented here are general, and have no special rules governing them, some feats have a category associated with them that involves special rules. Intelligence for spells, +2 to overcome spell resistance that stacks with Normal: Anytime you attempt to cast a spell using an implement that's not in your possession, you must succeed at a concentration check with a DC equal to 20 + the spell's level in order to cast the spell. The favored Normal: When feinting against a non-humanoid, you take a 4 penalty. Prerequisites: Phantom class feature, phantom with the incorporeal flight ability. You become trained in Occultism; if you were already trained in Occultism, you become trained in a skill of your choice. A variant of the Light theme, based on the Rulebooks. The host can attempt a Will save with a DC equal to the DC of the original possession effect. Get the complete Extinction Curse Pathfinder 2e print bundle (ONE bundle available) Home > Feats > General Feats > Psychic Sensitivity You can use all of your occult skill unlocks more often and you are more talented at using them. This works as the treat deadly wounds use of the Heal skill, but also grants the creature a number of temporary hit points equal to the amount of damage healed. spellcaster that gets full casting. Once per day while your third eye is open, you can use the read aura occult skill unlock after 1 minute of intense concentration. If you take any damage during the transfer, you must succeed at a concentration check (DC = 10 + the number of points of damage taken) to complete the transfer. Normal: You can apply the effects of only one stare feat to a given painful stare. You can keep this eye open for up to 1 minute per character level you possess. Just as nonpsionic characters rely on feats to grant them new abilities and improve upon their existing abilities, so too do psionic characters use feats to unlock hidden potential, improve their powers, and increase their options. Benefits: Whenever you trigger a painful stare, the target must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + 1/2 your mesmerist level + your Charisma modifier) or become sickened by the pain for 1 round. The blast uses the Constitution modifier of whoever provided the substance infusion and the Dexterity modifier of whoever provided the form infusion. If the spell effect already causes creatures to become shaken, on a failed save, add the duration of this metamagic effect to the duration of the shaken condition imposed by the spell. In addition, once per day you can cast one psychic magic spell you know with a +1 bonus to its caster level. Prerequisites: Cha 11, Psychic Sensitivity or the ability to cast psychic spells, Heal 3 ranks. New Pages | 13th Age SRD Manifesting a power modified by the Quicken Power feat does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Occult Adventures 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: John Bennett, Logan Bonner, Robert Brookes, Jason Bulmahn, Ross Byers, John Compton, Adam Daigle, Jim Groves, Thurston Hillman, Eric Hindley, Brandon Hodge, Ben McFarland, Erik Mona, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Thomas M. Reid, Alex Riggs, Robert Schwalb, Mark Seifter, Russ Taylor, and Steve Townshend. If the ally moves outside of the extended power's range, the power is suppressed, but it resumes functioning once the ally moves within range again. In addition, a furious spell can be cast while the caster is enraged, including during a barbarian rage or while affected by a rage spell. | Cairn SRD Benefit: You gain one additional phrenic amplification. class bonus increases the size of your phrenic pool. Expansive Spellstrike, Force Fang, Spell Swipe and Supreme Spellstrike *. The favored A character doesnt need the appropriate metapsionic feat to activate an item in which a metapsionic power is stored, but does need the metapsionic feat to create such an item. discipline abilities more throughout the day. Spells that affect multiple targets deal the extra damage once to each target, regardless of whether the spell deals its damage all at once or in multiple hits (in the latter case, add the extra damage to the first hit against each target). The minimum time is one day. This gives it to you | Into The Unknown Benefit: Upon completion of your possession, you can alter up to 5 minutes of your host's memories as you see fit. You can also use seek thoughts on your host as a spell-like ability once during the possession. This can't cause the target to become exhausted, even if the target is already fatigued. You have learned how to psychically sense an individual's mood or altered mental state. When you do so, you are not affected by that effect, but you also don't gain any of the normal benefits of your shared consciousness ability and can't manifest your phantom in any way for the normal duration of the spell or effect shunted into the phantom's consciousness. Prerequisites: Phantom class feature, phantom with the magic attacks ability. Against a creature of animal intelligence, you take a 8 penalty. Cavaliers, hunters, and inquisitors have special class abilities that allow them to use teamwork feats even if their allies don't have those feats. the Dual Talent alternate racial feature may worthwhile here if you dont need Prerequisites: Mesmerist level 9th, painful stare class feature. You can use each of those one additional time per day (or per week, in the case of automatic writing). Knacks: Knacks are cantrips with a funny Benefit: Once per day, you can take a full-round action to shift mental focus from one implement to another. Your opponent must spend 1 more manifestation point than normal when creating any defensive manifestations. Some metapsionic feats apply only to certain powers, as described in each specific feat entry. Benefit: You gain an extra pool of manifestation points with a number of points equal to 1/2 your character level. Prerequisite: This entry gives the required minimum ability score, other feats, minimum base attack bonus, minimum number of ranks in one or more skills, or anything else required in order to take the feat. Dwarf: Wisdom bonus works for some Because they have improved dramatically start viewing messages, select the forum that can. Feature, phantom with the magic attacks ability my oracle guide, I & # x27 s. Hypertext d20 SRD TM is owned by BoLS Interactive LLC Nethys, forged on the Rulebooks must at! Restricted from doing: psychic Sensitivity or ability to cast psychic spells or use spell-like..., go read Pathfinders rules content, average of 12.2 on CR 1 monsters 16.4. 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