azure service principal vs service account

The first thing to get is the ID of the VSE3 subscription. Once youve made sure that the certificate is in the personal user store, lets connect to the Microsoft Graph with the following PowerShell cmdlets: Import-module Microsoft.GraphConnect-Graph -ClientId {applicationID} -TenantId {TenantID} -CertificateThumbprint {CertificateThumbprint}, Connect-Graph -ClientId d27624ba-040c-426f-bdd8-d57761c710c6 -TenantId ad7aaf9d-e478-4d3f-99aa-ce450535d9cc -CertificateThumbprint AB791BD89E1714732D22663C0103B9933CB7076E. 83% of compromised passwords satisfy password length & complexity Select a supported account type, which determines who can use the application. Please hit Yes to confirm the admin consent approval. Of course, it is! A service principal is an instance created from the application object and inherits certain properties from that application object. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Why do humanists advocate for abortion rights? When you run the code above in PowerShell, you should see the list of VM names and IDs, similar to the screenshot below. Since this is a service account that won't see interactive use, presumably we can generate a strong random password for it, so the level of security should be the same. When you create service accounts for automated use, they're granted permissions to access resources in Azure and Azure AD. Then click Register. This means that an additional step is needed to assign the role and scope to the service principal. What I mean is that a service principal has app permissions, which aren't restricted by user roles/privileges like delegated permissions. Once the friendly name has been determined, please select Intergrate any other application you dont find in the gallery and hit Create. The certificate should be available on the machine, or Automation Account which you are using. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Now you have the ApplicationID and Secret, which is the username and password of the service principal. i see a lot of people parroting this line, but I have never seen any argument in favour of it. This as we first need to generate a certificate. your resource group/subscription/a VM). In the above code GeneratePassword(20, 6), the first value means the length of the password, and the second value means the number of non-alphanumeric characters to include. And why couldn't you also apply it to service accounts? An important take away, as also mentioned before, is the advice to always prefer a certificate above a client secret as thats more secure. The biggest difference between a service account and a service principal is that it cant be used for regular web based sign-ins. Withdrawing a paper after acceptance modulo revisions? It only takes a minute to sign up. How can I make the following table quickly? Our security auditor is an idiot. Then, you should see the ResourceID of the resource group that is now stored in the $Scope variable. The password would have also been listed when you created the Service Principal. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Want to support the writer? Not really anything special. There are four models families available at the moment: GPT: Generative Pre-trained Transformers are powerful generative models which are best suited for understanding and . Let me show you the command syntax out of Azure CLI to achieve this: Copy this information aside; in the example of an Azure DevOps Service Connection, this information would be used as follows: where you just need to copy the correct information in the corresponding parameter fields: And using a Terraform deployment template file (or terraform.tfvars variable file) as an example, would use this information like this: NOTE: The best recommendation I can give, is to store the Service Principal credentials in a safe way, like using Azure Key Vault, instead of a clear-text Notepad document or file. Use Conditional Access to block service principals from untrusted locations. Project BICEP! Once you or the script has finished you can easily run the following command to disconnect the PowerShell session. The ApplicationID represents the global application and is the same for application instances, across tenants. Azure AD App Registrations, Enterprise Apps and Service Principals - YouTube 0:00 33:43 Azure AD App Registrations, Enterprise Apps and Service Principals John Savill's Technical Training. In (almost) all cases this will be the Application ID. This name is displayed as well in the logs so make sure its recognizable for others as well. This isn't about what random users do, it's about what attackers can do when the compromise any part of your system. How can you use a privileged credential with a limited scope that doesnt have to be excluded from multi-factor authentication? For that, you can utilize the .NET static method GeneratePassword(). What makes them different though, is: They are always linked to an Azure Resource, not to an application or 3rd party connector They are automatically created for you, including the credentials; big benefit here is that no one knows the credentials. However, they are two representations of applications in Azure AD. Since this is a service account that won't see interactive use, presumably we can generate a strong random password for it, so the level of security should be the same. A multi-tenant web application or API requires a service principal in each tenant. Apart from password credentials, an Azure service principal can also have a certificate-based credential. For that please change the bold marked variables below (TenantID, ApplicationID & ServicePrincipalClientSecret). Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. In this case, one could create a read KV Managed Identity, and link it to the web app, storage account, function, logic app, all belonging to the same application architecture. The credential validity period coincides with the certificates validity period. Once the certificate is selected we can see the Thumbprint of the certificate in the Azure Portal as well. why do we need full access to service principal. Notice the Managed Identity you just created. Therefore hit Grant admin consent for . An application instance has two properties: the ApplicationID (or ClientID) and the ObjectID. Access to a computer that is running on Windows 10 with PowerShell 5.1. If you've already registered, sign in. Once selected we can see all the permissions we are able to select, as you can see there are a lot, but in our example we will only use UserAuthenticationMethod.ReadWrite.All and User.ReadWrite.All. Youre in luck because thats what this article will teach you. Azure has a notion of a Service Principal which, in simple terms, is a service account. The following sections cover how you monitor, review permissions, determine continued account usage, and ultimately deprovision the account. This blog might help too: tutorials by June Castillote! Again as in this example application permissions are used we can only use it based on the certificate or client secret configured beneath the service principal. Why are service accounts considered harmful? Set an expiration date for credentials that prevents them from rolling over automatically. Happy Friday everyone. Grant the service account permissions needed to perform tasks, and no more. To create a managed identity, go the Azure portal and navigate to the managed identity blade. The person I have in mind is someone with admin access (or who can create users/app registrations, which often amounts to the same thing). Still, they will make creating an Azure service principal as efficient and as easy as possible. Please note that after this time this secret cant be used anymore. The first command to issue is one that gathers the password for the Service Principal: The next command takes the Service Principal ID and password and combines them into one variable: The last command takes the inputted information and logs you in: Make sure that you use good password storage practices when automating service principal connections. On the right side of the screen make sure you give the application a friendly name, which you can easily refer to. The fact that there is administrative overhead (and potential security risk) involved is probably the biggest one. Once the certificate is generated on your machine, please export it from the Personal User store from the computer where you just generated this certificate. OpenVPN vs. IPsec - Pros and cons, what to use? ;). For example, an app that has the User.ReadWrite.All application permission can update the profile of every user in the organization. The validity of the certificate is set to two years. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. We looked into implementing these a while back for our web app, but the documentation seemed to suggest that only system managed identities were supported with the key vault. Read more You protect by only allowing those permissions from specific places. Enter a name for the application (the service principal name). For that we first need to provide the service principal the right access permissions. I would imagine it's because user accounts can do things you don't want service accounts doing, like log in. There are many authentication and. And like with passwords I wouldnt recommend to use the Never value as this means the client secret (password) will never expire. A Service Principal could be looked at as similar to a service account-alike in a more traditional on-premises application or service scenario. These service principals also serve as the application's identity in Azure DevOps, where we track what permissions it has in each organization, project, team, etc. Which is correct as I didnt provide the permissions. Now that the service principal is created in Azure AD, lets make sure we can make use of it. With Key Vault references you are essentially only changing the App Settings to point to Key Vault instead of containing the secret directly. Specify the Resource Group, Azure Region and Name for this resource. When using Microsoft Graph, check the API documentation. Creating a Service Principal can be done in a number of ways, through the portal, with PowerShell or Azure CLI. Most relevant to Service Principal, is the Enterprise apps; according to the formal definition, a service principal is An application whose tokens can be used to authenticate and grant access to specific Azure resources from a user-app, service or automation tool, when an organization is using Azure Active Directory. You need to add one of the built-in RBAC roles scoped to the storage account to your service principal. We recommend collecting the following data and tracking it in your centralized Configuration Management Database (CMDB). An Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) service principal is the local representation of an application object in a tenant or directory. Major issues with service principals are: The only real benefit I found for using service principal, is that you don't need a license to access Office 365 data, like files or emails. I am trying to get my head around service principal vs. service account. Otherwise, register and sign in. There is one major exception to this RBAC rule, and that is Azure Key Vault, which can be extended by using Key Vault Access Policies to define permissions, instead of Azure RBAC roles. (taken from, C:\WINDOWS\system32>setspn -L WebserverServiceAccount. You are using an out of date browser. Before we are actually able to do something with this service principal, we need to provide it with the permissions we require. Additionally, provide the scope for the role assignment. For security purposes, Service Principal passwords are created with a default lifespan of a year, so dont forget to make a note in your diary to renew the credentials or you may hit errors! Important to know is that, in the background, an App Registration has been created as well for the service principal, whereby the application ID is matching and the Objectids are different. That is because of the -Role and -Scope parameters cannot be used together with the -PasswordCredential parameter. That's fair enough, but the point is that if we're talking compromised servers, then a client secret and ID can just as easily be stolen as anything else. Service Principle Names (which I think you're asking about) are kerberos names for services. Now that we know what a Service Principal is, lets create one. Your email address will not be published. Lets first gather the required crucial information from the service principal itself. Each application you see in the Enterprise Applications overview in Azure AD can therefore be referred to as a service principal. Once created, switch back to the Azure Virtual Machine, select. For example, access to a resource. Select App registrations and + New registration. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. You can create service principals either within the Azure portal or using PowerShell. The code below uses the New-AzRoleAssignment cmdlet to assign the owner role to the VSE3 subscription of the service principal. But they could also use the MSAL libraries to authenticate with client credentials and obtain an OAuth token for the service principal. Now lets connect using the certificate. For that, go to the Azure Portal, open the Azure Active Directory blade and go to the Enterprise Applications section. Why is there such a strong recommendation against user accounts as service accounts in AAD? In this article, youll learn about what Azure Service Principal is. Avoid creating multi-use service accounts. When you create automation service accounts, or service principals, grant permissions for the task. This object will contain the password string stored in the $password variable and the validity period of 5 years. These include using the Azure Portal, Azure Active Directory Admin Center, Azure AD PowerShell, Azure CLI, and Azure PowerShell. The Service Principals access can be restricted by assigning Azure RBAC roles so that they can access the specific set of resources only. The terms application and service principal are used interchangeably, when referring to an application in authentication tasks. You also know how to give permissions to a service principal and how to make use of it via PowerShell. Reason for that is that a certificate is something you need to know (Thumbprint) and something you need to have (the actual certificate) to run. Even thought Microsoft has a doc on that. In this example, a new service principal will be created with these values: As you can see, the scope of this new service principal is only for the virtual machine named AzVM1. Azure Service Principals is the security principal that must be considered when creating credentials for automation tasks and tools that access Azure resource. Grant the owner permissions to monitor the account and implement a way to mitigate issues. One instance of Azure AD associated with a single organization is named Tenant. Now an attacker guesses a service account name and password and logs in to the webapp. Now when looking at certificate it becomes a bit more complex. Use one of the following monitoring methods: Use the following screenshot to see service principal sign-ins. I know what youre thinking that is a horrible idea. It all starts with a name, and an Azure service principal must have a name. When you create a Service Principal via PowerShell you do not get a copy of the password displayed, so you need to input a couple of lines of code to retrieve the password, as you can see in the code below. What do you mean by "pass the hash on the service account to get an interactive shell"? Azure Managed Identity, Service Principal, SAS token and Account Key Usage When to use which authentication service to access Azure resources. As I provided access to read and write authentication methods, Im able to delete these as well as you can see with the command: Remove-MgUserAuthenticationWindowHello -UserId -WindowsHelloForBusinessAuthenticationMethodId o8ylNeQ0a071RsrlyWdOn3zaDzOm4LyPNQ-DZgMMEcs1. Labels: Access Management Azure Active Directory (AAD) Identity Management Yes, they can login via the GUI with the service account if they really want to (which might actually be a useful thing sometimes). Whereby you need to know these 3 values and on the other hand need to have the private key available on your machine which is connecting based on these 3 values. What we are able to do, however, is retrieve the users and check their authentication methods, i.e. After running the code above, you should be logged in to Azure PowerShell using the ATA_RG_Contributor service principal and password credential. ermissions. And for sure, your IT Sec will give you a lot of grief if you did all that. Go to and open the app registrations service. Now when we go back to the App Registration of the service principal we have created and again go to Certificates & Secrets we can hit Upload Certificate. Select new registration. The code below uses the New-AzRoleAssignment cmdlet to assign the scope and role of the Azure service principal. The tenant ID would also have been listed, if you dont have a note of it you can run the command to get a note of it. Here is a link to our documentation, describing Managed Identity integration to connect to Cosmos DB: When authenticating using that certificate you will (likely) provide the thumbprint of the certificate to authenticate. requirements of regulatory password standards. via the certificate or client secret which we have just created. You can check the resources access control list using the Azure Portal. Although you can connect as the Service Principal by filling, for example a PowerShell credential with the AppID and client secret, you cannot simply go to and provide the values to interactively log in as the Service Principal. Share Improve this answer Follow From here go to the Certificates & Secrets section, as you can see no certificates and secrets have been added yet. An Azure service principle is like an application, whose tokens can be used by other azure resources to authenticate and grant access to azure resources. How to retrieve these object Ids via powershell? Let me show you the command syntax out of Azure CLI to achieve this: az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "pdtdevblogsp" resulting in this outcome: A single-tenant application has one service principal in its home tenant. Instead, you will use the certificate that is available in your computer as the authentication method. The most straightforward approach is the Azure portal, which requires these steps: Log in to the Azure portal. This is all we need to do to prepare the connection with a client secret. The "difference", when there is one, is that Service Accounts are typically identities belonging to machines or applications, while "Service Principal" includes real humans. Really well written . Automation tools and scripts often need admin or privileged access. Therefore go to the App Registrations in Azure Active Directory, select the application which the service principal is connected to and select API Permissions. Im curious, why do you think a service principal is more secure than a regular service account? Sure you give the application object should see the ResourceID of the VSE3 subscription of the built-in RBAC scoped! About what random users do, it 's about what random users do, it 's about attackers... Created, switch back to the webapp an instance created from the application a friendly has! ) and the ObjectID the global application and service principal the right side the! To add one of the built-in RBAC roles so that they can access the specific set of only. 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