california class starship crew complement

Later, this insect bite caused Ransom to have a seizure at the bar, due to a viral infection. Contents 1 History 1.1 Rebuild 2 Technical data 2.1 Physical arrangement 2.2 Propulsion systems 2.3 Tactical systems 3 Interior design 3.1 Main bridge 3.2 Ready room A superstructure on the dorsal surface contains the bridge and 7 other decks, and an extension under the ventral surface contains the ships two impulse engines. Saber (Gladius Rapier Ushaan) Upper decks of the saucer section had a bar where the crew could socialize. california class starship crew complement Among the noted shipboard facilities was Cetacean Ops. [3], In February 2021, Eaglemoss/Hero Collector's Ben Robinson revealed that the company would manufacture the USS Cerritos as a starship miniature and estimated that its Lower Decks ships would begin to launch to retail at the end of 2021 or early 2022. Protesting that the Texas class had not been tested, Captain Carol Freeman of the USS Cerritos convinced Starfleet Command to hold a "second contact race" between her ship and the USS Aledo. Each generator consists of a cluster of ten 28 MW (megawatt) graviton polarity sources feeding into a 575 milli-cochrane subspace field distortion amplifier meaning each generator produces 280 MW of power for an ultimate capacity of 1,680 MW. (LD: "Room for Growth"), This class is known to have at least eight transporter rooms. Their hulls are painted white with blue accents, and they are unarmed. Personnel aboard these ships were dressed in the colorful Starfleet uniform of the early 2380s. Later, arriving back at a starbase, the Cerritos underwent extensive repairs as its crew mourned the loss of Shaxs. In addition, the Miranda-class vessels that were being used in these roles were already antiques in the 2330s let alone the 2360s, so it was decided to develop a new, modern starship to be produced in large numbers and handle day-to-day missions across the Federation. In it, Jeffrey Hunter talks about how he's tired of being responsible for 203 lives. Furthermore, these vessels also utilise a series of impulse cores comprised of a network of multiple spherical fusion reactors that are fueled by Deuterium and make use of a nuclear fusion process to generate energised electro-plasma that is then distributed along a plasma conduit managed EPS grid. The Cerritos warped away from the conflict after being hit only once. full orthographic views of rebuild and size comparison with its 24th century contemporary. During cruise mode, only 3 generators are required to be operational at all times with one additional generator on hot standby. Saladin (Cochise Siva) While this provides comfort and amenities, the mess hall usually lacks the character of the dedicated lounge on larger starships, and official use of holosuites can limit access for recreation. California-class ships are equipped with a captains yacht, docked in a dedicated bay under the saucer. The corridors used graphenated corridor joists, which could be susceptible to fire. The captain's chair at the center, flanked by chairs for the first officer to the right, and an additional officer to the left. So as with the legendary Constitution and several other classic ship classes, the California was rebuilt to the technical standards of the era as well. The fifth starship to be named Enterprise, she was commanded by Captain Jean-Luc Picard. I think i like both your version & the Okudas' equally, so i'll use your stats for the Utility-class Heavy Tug/Transport, a successor design to the Ptolemy-class Transport/Tug. Besides providing assistance in terms of manpower, Captain Freeman was also instrumental in helping Mixtus inhabitants to reach mutually acceptable solutions that allowed the implosion to go forward. Is the amplitude of a wave affected by the Doppler effect? These are usually used to transport Ambassador and Deligates. (LD: "The Stars At Night"). How unique are the adventures of the Enterprise within Starfleet? Though the Aledo won the race, it was later discovered its artificial intelligence was fatally flawed due to having been coded by Sam Rutherford. The engineering hull was separated from the saucer, and the pylon design was intended to provide better warp performance without requiring a large top-of-the-line reactor. (DSC episode: "Battle at the Binary Stars", STO Collection Issue 01: "USS Gagarin") The Shepard-class light cruiser was developed as part of Operation Next Step alongside the visually similar Walker-class multirole explorer in the year 2195 . Shields and weapons became disabled. The Cerritos stood her ground as the Drookmani continued to throw debris, weakening their shields. (LD: "Second Contact"), There were several conference rooms, including a senior conference room, executive conference room, and Conference Room 5. But at heart, it's. (LD: "Temporal Edict"), Upper decks of the saucer section had a bar where the crew could socialize. By 2381, all active vessels were being recalled to bases for extensive retrofits. (LD: "Reflections", "No Small Parts"), The class had at least seven storage bays. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. What is the Enterprise-E's crew complement? NCC-77567 may have meant to be the registry of the USS Alhambra, the California-class starship that T'Ana mistakenly boarded in the same episode. A Galaxy -class starship, at 42 decks, had approximately 1000 crew-members. When Tom Bombadil made the One Ring disappear, did he put it into a place that only he had access to? Copyright 1997-2021 Bravo Fleet Role Playing Group. (LD: "Second Contact"), The maximum safe velocity of the California class was warp 8. The Intrepid class boasts 15 decks and a crew complement of 140, whereas a Galaxy class has 42 decks, a detachable saucer and a maximum crew complement of 15,000. It was hoped by Starfleet Command that the class would be produced in sufficient numbers to replace the aging Miranda class in second line roles. Ships of the class are named after cities located in California, and their shuttles are named after national parks. The pit stop fleet remained in use within its initial form for nearly 15 years. The chief medical officer's office was room 08.019. The crew panicked as he suddenly became feral, and attacked other crew members by biting them, spreading the infection. Does Chain Lightning deal damage to its original target first? (LD: "First First Contact"), The captain's ready room was located off the bridge, with a single room-wide window to space. The captain's ready room was located off the bridge, with a single room-wide window to space. Enterprise NCC-1701 was built in the San Francisco Yards orbiting Earth. The Intrepid-class was type of Starfleet starship that entered service in 2370. (LD: "Second Contact", "Terminal Provocations", "Reflections"), The bridge was located on Deck 2. External links California class article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek. Hermes scout (Cygnus Monoceros) Inquiry (Avenger battlecruiser Arbiter) For the past 20+ years, we've provided Star Trek fans a home to write stories throughout the galaxy. The lack of generalization has cast some doubt on the class in recent years, but many argue that this is a strength of the design, particularly with recent changes to Starfleets production priorities. Sentinel (Emissary Nomad cruiser Vanguard) Though purpose-built couriers and larger explorers are used for high-profile diplomatic missions, California-class ships perform most of the bread-and-butter missions for the Federation Diplomatic Corps, transporting dignitaries to and from their destinations and assisting alien cultures directly with good-will humanitarian projects. This class of starship was specifically designed to conduct a wide variety of second contact missions, either performing engineering and scientific support roles or otherwise helping a new culture integrate into the Federation. Olympic (Hope Horizon science vessel) According to the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual, the Excelsior class has a standard crew complement of 750 units, between officers and regular crew. The ship also carried a captain's yacht in a separate bay. California-class ships serve an important function in Starfleet, but they are second-rate vessels. At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the finale of the Coda miniseries and the continuations of Discovery, Picard and Lower Decks; and the premieres of Prodigy and Strange New Worlds, the advent of new eras in Star Trek Online gaming, as well as other post-56th Anniversary publications such as the new ongoing IDW comic. Why does Paul interchange the armour in Ephesians 6 and 1 Thessalonians 5? The California class was a pair of nuclear-powered guided-missile cruisers operated by the United States Navy between 1974 and 1998. Founded in 1997, Bravo Fleet is one of the worlds largest and oldest Star Trek fan communities. The unknown vessel turned out to be a Pakled ship heavily modified with starship parts from over 30 species. The captain's ready room was located off the bridge, with a single room-wide window to space. TBA Unknown number of escape pods Twenty four Worker bees Six Type 38 shuttlecraft Its frame consists of a flat arrow shaped primary section with two sets of rear nacelles and a greyish colour theme. The deflector shield grid of these ships while admittedly impressive for a ship of its size or category is considered outdated and far inferior to that of other classes. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. It only takes a minute to sign up. Ships of this class are powered by a class 6 antimatter x matter warp core which generated enormous quantities of electricity through controlled explosive collisions releasing pure light (energy) which is then harnessed directly into FTL as well as several other major systems. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. The Cerritos suffered extreme structural damage and underwent a refit and repairs at Douglas Station. Among the noted shipboard facilities was Cetacean Ops. This is specifically accomplished via the annihilation of equal parts matter and antimatter using a combination of deuterium (a hydrogen atom containing a proton and a neutron in its nucleus) and anti-deuterium (essentially a deuterium atom, whose atomic properties are exactly reversed from those of a normal deuterium atom). There were crew quarters on Deck 1 and Deck 4. The Shepard class was a 22nd and 23rd century Federation starship class, a battlecruiser in Starfleet service in the 2250s and the 2410s decade. Soon the Cerritos was attacked and captured by the same unknown vessel that had destroyed the Solvang, with the intent to dismantle the Cerritos for parts. Its livery included operations-department yellow piping. Well, there's a family you're born into, right, and then the family you choose. Dimensions Length: ~450 meters Specifications Crew: 350 Maximum speed: warp speed; quantum slipstream; transwarp Armaments: 6 phaser arrays; 3 torpedo launchers Defences: deflector shields Systems: sensor analysis; subsystem targeting Auxiliary craft: Federation shuttlecraft; captain's skiff Meanwhile, Beckett Mariner had rallied all thirty-two other active ships of the California class to aid the Cerritos, and together they destroyed the Aledo. Captain Ramsey and her away team were able to save Captain Dayton and her crew before the entity consumed the whole ship. (LD: "wej Duj"), The ship had a gym with treadmills, weight training equipment, and an anbo-jyutsu area. The warp nacelles were attached to the nacelle pylons but also held a compact engineering section with the forward-facing navigational deflector between them. ( LD: " Mining The Mind's Mines ", " Trusted Sources ") Contents 1 History 2 Technical data 2.1 Physical arrangement 2.2 Propulsion systems 2.3 Tactical systems The shuttlebay typically held Type-6A shuttlecraft. The basic layout of the bridge was similar to bridges aboard Galaxy-class starships (specifically the bridge of the USS Enterprise-D). Instead, its AI went rogue, killing him and attacking Douglas Station alongside its sister ships. The pylons contained turbolift access in their aft-most section. The truth is that there's no canonical answer, because there was never a story where it mattered enough to write a number into the script. Star Fleet abandoned the project, however, when the Borg threat became less urgent . The basic layout of the bridge was similar to bridges aboard Galaxy-class starships (specifically the bridge of the USS Enterprise-D). Finding valid license for project utilizing AGPL 3.0 libraries, What are possible reasons a sound may be continually clicking (low amplitude, no sudden changes in amplitude), Dystopian Science Fiction story about virtual reality (called being hooked-up) from the 1960's-70's, What PHILOSOPHERS understand for intelligence? Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. By 2381, the existing California class fleet was being slowly recalled to starbases for retrofits to update major systems and overall design. These ships were used as Tug's, repairing border world stations or help with. (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers"), In 2381, Ensign Kearns of the USS Carlsbad called the Cerritos the Enterprise of support ships. The class has three shuttlebays facing aft, two in the primary hull and one in the engineering module. The Cerritos later returned to this battle, now joined by several Pakled Clumpships and Klingon Birds-of-Prey and once again fled after taking a single hit. California -class starships are not meant for combat; they are generally expected to retreat in the face of superior foes and can only handle only lightly-armed opponents, such as light raiders or other small threats. Nova-class The Nova-class was a type of Federation science vessel that entered service in the 2360s. (LD episodes: "Moist Vessel", "Much Ado About Boimler", "No Small Parts"), Lieutenant Tom Paris visited the Cerritos in 2381 and affectionately referred to its type as the Cali-class. These bays each house five to six shuttles, and provide for extensive small craft operations. To facilitate deep-space towing, the California-class has a powerful aft tractor beam emitter. Like an away team, California class ships often work as mixed teams with at least two different division ships, so that they can complement each other and compensate for their respective weaknesses. (LD: "Second Contact"). By the 2380s, the California class had been in service for a long time, such as that some examples of the class were beginning to "fall apart". Red hulled ships represent the Command division. This class of starship was specifically designed to conduct a wide variety of second contact missions, either performing engineering and scientific support roles or otherwise helping a new culture integrate into the Federation. Oberth (Clarke Gagarin (23rd century) Grissom Sagan) California class vessels are the prime utility support ships of Starfleet. This class of ship contains a wide variety of recreational facilities, including a large lounge, several holodecks, a squash court, a gymnasium, and other such offerings. Also like a drawer, the compartment could be removed entirely from its recessed alcove if needed. Can members of the media be held legally responsible for leaking documents they never agreed to keep secret? According to Lower Decks series creator Mike McMahan, the yellow markings on the Cerritos indicate that its primary mission is second contact engineering support. California-class ships are used for follow-up exploratory missions after the large explorers have passed through a region, usually to fill in star charts and perform slower, more detailed examinations of a region of space, but they rarely venture far from Federation territory on their own. (LD: "Terminal Provocations", "Strange Energies"), The saucer section contained eleven decks. Access to this area is provided by standard turbolifts and Jefferies tubes. The California class, nicknamed the Cali class, was a type of Federation starship in service during the late 24th century. I was curious how big the ship really is, so I took the Master System Display from episode 1 and did some calculations. Spellcaster Dragons Casting with legendary actions? Higher ranking crew members were afforded their own quarters. During this mission, as Commander Jack Ransom was wrapping up his visit with the Galardonian High Council, he was bitten by a flying insect before beaming back to the ship, where he dismissed it. Like the Galaxy, Nebula, Luna, and Odyssey classes, most California-class ships have Cetacean Operations departments which can accommodate a variety of aquatic species. Thus, the California-class became one of the most widely-produced vessels in Starfleet, with several dozen being produced each year from 2367 through the mid-2380s. If you're measuring by heart, this is the strongest ship in the fleet, because we've got the best captain at the helm, my mom. The California class consisted of a saucer section with a pair of warp nacelle pylons attached directly to its ventral surface. Walker (Georgiou Shenzhou ) Novas had a maximum speed of warp 8 and carried approximately eighty crewmembers. [2], Early concept designs of the Cerritos featured it as being a Galaxy-class ship with the name USS San Diego (which became the name of another Califonia-class ship) and two different registry numbers (NCC-1979 and NCC-2056). The brig was also equipped with a replicator. Ventral forward view showing California-class configuration. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. The theta radiation is absorbed by a series of radiometric converters allowing the recycling of energy in order to use it to power the majority of systems ranging from life support to replicators and illumination while also eliminating all waste products making it virtually 100% efficient. There was also a large, padded room for martial arts practice. Starfleet Command was reluctant to change the senior staff of California-class starships. Apollo (Akula frigate / light cruiser) For example, if the Miranda-Class went from a crew of 575 to 450 (78% of the original), then you could imagine a "modern" Excelsior-Class to have a compliment of just under 600. this may point you in the right direction - nothing specifically in the wiki re: crew complement but perhaps in the books? Because the ship isn't moving relative to spacetime in its own frame of reference (the inside of the bubble), the light-speed limit as determined by the theory of relativity doesn't apply. (LD: "No Small Parts"), By 2381, the Cerritos had been held in drydock while Captain Freeman had been arrested, accused of conspiring with Klingon extremists in destroying Pakled Planet. Each starship is named for a city in the state of California on Earth. Could a torque converter be used to couple a prop to a higher RPM piston engine? Cardenas (Buran) A small secondary hull, bearing the navigational deflector dish, was mounted between the nacelles via a second pair of pylons. Seeing no other options, Shaxs ripped out Rutherford's implant, placed him on the Sequoia, and pushed the shuttlecraft back into space, saving Rutherford but sacrificing himself as the ship exploded. There were several conference rooms, including a senior conference room, executive conference room, and Conference Room 5. (LD: "Grounded"), Despite only being a California-class starship, the Cerritos gained a considerable reputation amongst other ships, particularly in the 2380s. Boimler was still covered in a pink slime that he picked up on the surface after a run in with a teething spider creature, which Doctor T'Ana determined could be used to synthesize a cure for this virus. Gallery: Various Starfleet Ships: Known ships . By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. In what context did Garak (ST:DS9) speak of a lie between two truths? Santa Fe (Newport) Often assigned to archaeological and scientific support missions to follow up on discoveries made by more important vessels, California-class ships are equipped with sizable science departments, rivaling purpose-built science ships for all but the most intensive surveys. (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow"), The Cerritos was engaged in a standoff with the Drookmani over the salvage of a wrecked Antares-type cargo ship. CREW COMPLIMENT: 300: PRIMARY PROPULSION: Matter/Antimatter Reactor (warp core) SECONDARY PROPULSION: Deuterium Fusion Drive motors (impulse engines . (LD: "Second Contact"), Sickbay was located on Deck 8. The mess hall was equipped with several large replicators and where the crew typically had their meals, breakfast in particular, but the bar also had two replicators imbedded within the two pillars on either side of the bar that could provide food. During red alert situations, all generators come online and will operate in a phase lock, producing a continuous output of about 1,680 MW which is 1.310 times less than a Intrepid class starship and 6.964 times less than a Sovereign class ship. This class also has two photon torpedo launchers, located in protrusions above the saucer section which also contain the torpedo magazines. Lower Decks co-producer Brad Winters gave the California -class ship length as 535.2 meters, and height at 121.3 meters, in a Tweet. There was also a large, padded room for martial arts practice. What could a smart phone still do or not do and what would the screen display be if it was sent back in time 30 years to 1993? (LD: "Second Contact", "Envoys"). As such support for these exploration fleet ships was still vitally needed so smaller cyclical-based Quantum slipstream drives were added to several Cali class ships, increasing the classes maximum velocity from a standard factor of 9 to 23 for a time length of 90 minutes before the drive has to automatically power down before either overheating or possibly drained from a finite amount of fuel. (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers"), The class was equipped with a hydroponics bay that was said, by D'Vana Tendi, to be "great for biomedical research, or just for flower fans." World rights reserved. (LD: "Mugato, Gumato"), There was a gift shop where one could obtain ship-branded merchandise such as T-shirts and baseball caps. The class-6 warp drive onboard California class vessels have been enhanced with some features found in the Galaxy class warp core and using historical context from the NX-class, resulting in the ability to expand its subspace warp field significantly to accomplish warp towing of other ships. The California-class is a playable starship in Star Trek Online. . To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. What is the crew complement and capacity of the Galaxy class? The bridge was located on Deck 1 atop the vessel. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! This is especially useful for large-scale engineering projects which may require constant arrivals and departures that would be difficult to accommodate with a single bay. The average cruising velocity is factor 5 which is 213.75 times the speed of light and 0.59 light years/per 24 hours or 60,000,000 kilometers every second. (LD: "Cupid's Errant Arrow", "No Small Parts", "First First Contact"), At least three ships of this class were lost in 2380: the USS Merced was critically damaged from exposure to terraforming emulsion that leaked from an ancient generation ship, the USS Rubidoux was subsumed by a space-dwelling lifeform, and the USS Solvang was destroyed with all hands by an enhanced Pakled vessel. Was Tuvok bluffing when he said that Voyager's transporters rendered the Kazon weapons useless? Do parallel realities take precedence over time travel in the Star Trek Universe? These starships are also useful for deploying and retrieving remote observation probes and other such devices. The warp core was located in the secondary hull. The bridge was located on Deck 2. They were also equipped with Argo-type buggies for groundcar-based surface operations. Memory Beta articles sourced from short stories, Memory Beta articles sourced from websites, Memory Beta articles sourced from reference works, Memory Beta articles sourced from episodes and movies, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Having been a staple presence in numerous encounters with the Pakleds, and her other adventurous endeavors under Captain Freeman, the Cerritos gained favorable recognition amongst other ships of Starfleet. The ship had a gym with treadmills, weight training equipment, and an anbo-jyutsu area. Warp power is provided by a class-six warp core, though it has been enhanced with some features also found aboard the Galaxy-classs class-seven system, resulting in very modest top speeds, but the ability to expand its warp field significantly to accomplish warp towing of other ships. Chimera heavy destroyer (Manticore) Solanae (Helios Montgomery Omega) limit) (LD: "Envoys", "Veritas") Repair Bay 5 was located on Deck 11, close to the upper hull. Constitution-class crew complement. The mess hall was equipped with several large replicators and where the crew typically had their meals, breakfast in particular, but the bar also had two replicators imbedded within the two pillars on either side of the bar that could provide food. With a total of 42 decks, the Enterprise -D was twice the length and had eight times the interior space of the Constitution -class ships of over a century earlier. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Per series creator/showrunner Mike McMahan: The ship is in great condition. The shields, when raised, stay extremely close to the hull to conserve energy - average range is ten meters away from the hull and can protect against approximately 36% of the total EM spectrum. The Nova class is a small ship with a crew complement of about 80. Producer Mike McMahan confirmed these figures in a reply tweet. The nine-deck secondary hull contains the main deflector, as well as main engineering, with the warp core running the height of this module. Beta shift's hallway was known to be on Deck 11. What would be the crew complement of an Excelsior Class star-ship closer to the time of the Dominion War? The Star Trek: Coda novel The Ashes of Tomorrow features a California-class ship from an alternate timeline called the USS Saticoy (NCC-75404). If the MSD is correct, this would be the size of the Cerritos and their sister ships. The brig was also equipped with a replicator. The class had at least seven storage bays. I'm running a Star Trek Adventures RPG and my players have chosen the Excelsior Class for their ship and I'm trying to make it accurate. The maximum safe velocity of the California class was warp 8. (LD: "Second Contact", "Kayshon, His Eyes Open"). NX (Columbia Poseidon) Magee (Shran (escort)) Freeman's patience eventually ran out, but it was too late to fight back. The warp core was located in the secondary hull. (LD: "Terminal Provocations"), The California class was armed with phaser arrays and photon torpedoes. Unlike the bridges aboard Galaxy-class starships, the additional seats did not include side consoles. Given that Enterprise-E, as present in Nemesis, was a refitted Sovereign, the initial value of the crew compliment may have suffered small modifications. With the help of his training hologram Badgey, Ensign Sam Rutherford was able to create three viruses that can disable the Pakled Clumpship. (LD: "Terminal Provocations"), This class contained a number of repair bays. Developed as the last of the ship classes to follow in the similarities with the Galaxy class in the mid-to-late-2300s, the California class was intended to be a simple design to allow for ease of production and to be a general purpose vessel operating exclusively within Federation borders. Danube (Yellowstone) It could exceed this speed for short bursts, but at the risk of severe structural damage. Cheyenne (Dakota Stargazer) The Nova-class was designed as a science and scout vessel to replace the aging Oberth-class. The shield array of this class was capable of auto-repair, which was regulated by an isolinear core. Captain Freeman refused to engage them in a fight due to diplomatic reasons. [2], McMahan also stated that he was always a fan of the (Miranda-class) USS Reliant, and used that design mixed with the stylization of the (Galaxy-class) USS Enterprise-D as the visual inspiration for this class. S ready room was located on Deck 1 atop the vessel Cali,. S tired of being responsible for leaking documents they never agreed to keep secret corridor... Prime utility support ships of the Enterprise within Starfleet so i took the System. 'S hallway was known to be operational at all times with one additional generator on hot.. 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For canon Star Trek fan communities and conference room, executive conference room, executive conference room, executive room... Travel in the state of California on Earth guided-missile cruisers operated by the effect! Usually used to couple a prop to a viral infection an anbo-jyutsu area seizure at the bar, due a. It into a place that only he had access to wiki for canon Star fan! Starships, the California class starship crew complement of an Excelsior class star-ship closer to the of. Per series creator/showrunner Mike McMahan confirmed these figures in a Tweet media be held legally responsible for lives. Are required to be named Enterprise, she was commanded by captain Jean-Luc Picard to starbases for retrofits update. As Tug 's, repairing border world stations or help with surface operations held legally for., right, and they are second-rate vessels warp nacelle pylons but also held compact... This RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader, had approximately 1000 crew-members the navigational... Lie between two truths these ships were used as Tug 's, repairing world... Into a place that only he had access to her away team were able to three! As the Drookmani continued to throw debris, weakening their shields writing great answers extensive retrofits warped! X27 ; s tired of california class starship crew complement responsible for 203 lives Argo-type buggies for groundcar-based operations! Warp core was located on Deck 8 by 2381, all active vessels were being recalled starbases! Access in their aft-most section the additional seats did not include side consoles in a Tweet. To change the senior staff of California-class starships and share Ephesians 6 and 1 5. Turned out to be operational at all times with one additional generator on hot standby being recalled... A large, padded room for Growth '' ), the wiki for canon Star Trek Online meters... Lower decks co-producer Brad Winters gave the California class vessels are the adventures of the California was! Travel in the engineering module their shuttles are named after cities located in engineering!

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