can nutrisystem cause stomach problems

I completed my first day of nutrisystem today and am suffering from gas and stomach cramps. I guess Im one of the fortunate for whom NS did exactly what they said it would. What is funny, is that they will tell you they do not have any artificial ingredients in their foods (which I think is unbelievable). Today, I felt quite ill after consuming their meals and snacks. Nutrisystem came off as not caring and now Ive had to shell out 180$ to my doctor to figure out what is going on. Stress: You may not intuitively equate stress with an upset stomach, but research tells us that millions of neurons in your gut communicate with the billions of neurons in your brain along something called the gut-brain axis. You see, when you start Nutrisystem, you make the switch to foods that are generally low in calories and high in fiber. If you subscribe to only one CNET newsletter, this is it. Cheese. Occasional digestive symptoms usually aren't an issue -- maybe you just ate too much in one sitting or you've got a virus that will pass -- but chronic digestive issues can indicate an underlying issue. After week of Diarrhea, I googled Diarrhea Nutri System. This stuff isnt food. I cant get a refund because I purchased it from WalMart and have eaten half of its contents before pinpointing where my pain was coming from. Does Nutrisystem have side effects? Nutrisystem customers are strongly encouraged to consume at least four servings of non-starchy vegetables daily. Had it broken loose, I could have bled to death. I tried several of the products in the 5day box and didnt connect the dots to NS rather thought it was additional veggies causing stomach and gass issues. tightness, churning, cramping, knots in the stomach. All antibiotics can potentially cause stomach problems like nausea and pain. Issues are as followed: The person on the phone stated some folks have a hard time with the sugar alcohols. (aka burping and farting) For help identifying your specific type of flatulence, click here. According to the Mayo Clinic, adding too much fiber too fast can cause these. This shows that you are simply not going to be taking in all of the necessary vitamins and minerals while on the program due to the restrictive nature of any plan that is based on a reduced-calorie diet. She didnt even need to lose much weight. Finally had to stop I got on weight watchers and buy their meals. Ive experienced the exact thing with additional problems. A queasy stomach is a common experience for people experiencing anxiety, but anxiety may also contribute to other GI issues as well. Her mission is to share the most accurate and up-to-date information with her readers. Ill be happy to work with you to customize your next shipment based on your likes and dislikes as well as any intolerances. If you wish to exchange foods or need help editing you order please call our customer service at 1-800-585-5483. Consult your doctor before starting any weight-loss diet. Simply you eat it by the teaspoon full. Very disappointed and very concerned after reading these comments. There are many different spots along the way where your system can become inflamed, injured, or blocked. Not knowing it was related to Nutrisystem, I continued to eat their foods while closely monitoring what I was eating. If you do experience any side effects while following Nutrisystem, you should consult with your medical doctor, and also check in with Nutrisystem support staff, as theyre there to help on your weight loss journey. Nutrisystem was not for me. Make more sense to take the time to make and eat food without artificial sweeteners and the like. On you may find links to products and services. Today by lunchtime my stomach was cramping horribly, I was nauseous, and the gas was extreme. What's left unabsorbed travels to the large intestine, where it begins to ferment. So I started another course 3 days ago. While these side effects are typically minor, you should still be aware of them. Fortunately, I am somewhat tolerant of these ingredients- and will sub my own caloric equivalent snacks for the worst offenders which seem to be the sweets, which I dont really like anyway. Notice your abdomen area while on this should you still decide to give it a try. How that works: When you eat food, it travels to your small intestine where most of it is absorbed. Do you happen to know of any websites to try? Nutrisystem protein shakes also offers a Money back guarantee within 14 . I attributed the extreme bloat to juice. I tried everything to gain access and was then required to use CAPTCHA. However, before starting any diet or changing your eating habits, its important to consider the potential problems, symptoms, and side effects that might occur. After all, a study conducted in 2013 by the American Journal of Hypertension came to the conclusion that Nutrisystems diet program was not only effective at reducing weight and fat, but it was also good for reducing unhealthy blood pressure levels [2]. For three weeks, I have been experiencing severe stomach pain, agonizing gas pain, and alternating constipation and diarrhea. It just says sugars. I canceled the program immediately. Im a fairly well known crisis management consultant who is extremely active online two blogs, a full slate of social media accounts, lots of activity there. I cancelled, I did not want to send back any packages for my own convenience and I was told to trash everything. Jayme. After reading your review/blog, and all the comments from people who experienced the same symptoms, I consider myself very lucky. The diet is based on sound weight loss principles that include incorporating a diet consisting of high amounts of lean protein, high fiber, and low-glycemic carbohydrates in order to shed excess fat. Jonathan, you may never see this reply because its now 2020 and I see most of the replies are from a much earlier time. I was put on 2 very intense antibiotics for 12 days. Tiffany, thanks for your comment and Im sorry that, like me, you had to learn the hard way! Thank You It is a shame, because there are tons of these alcohol sweetened items in each shipment, and if you are susceptible to the ingredients, you can get sick easily. Love the weight loss. Your new diet is too low in fat. Too much undigested food can cause high levels of fermentation, which can lead to digestive discomfort. Can be very embarrassing when out in public or with friend. These can irritate the stomach and may cause pain after eating. PLEASE RESEARCH prior to going on this program. Vomiting undigested food eaten a few hours earlier. Perhaps not the easiest option, but definitely the most accessible, food journaling is a tried-and-true way to understand your body. Megan Ayala is a passionate blogger, and parent of two. I was reading your story and feeling a bit sheepish; you sound as though you approached this in much the way I did when I had a bad experience last October with the airline Virgin America. Nutrisystem Side Effects? It looks like its about 15% of the total menu, and as I expected, mostly snacks and sweeter breakfast items. Whether it's constipation, diarrhea, gas or the dreaded bloat, everyone deals with digestive discomfort at one point or another. Meredith, Im bypassing customer service because (a) you have a PR problem centered in customer service and (b) I figured youd get it better, clearly, than Stephanie Johnson did. Thanks to everyone that posted their experience. So how do people loose weight well with it? Many consumers relying on NutriSystem as an easy way to lose weight have been left with a bad taste in their mouths. or skin breakouts. I think I am just going to throw this stuff out because I cannot keep it in me more than 30 minutes. I can tell you that, in my case, roughage is not the issue I am very used to large quantities of roughage. I agree, more needs to be done on NSs end to warn customers of potential effects of the food. I was planning to go to the doctor, because I have always had a cast iron stomach and never experienced anything like this before. Gee, Stephanie, thank you for your sympathy regarding the physical discomfort I endured unnecesarily. So how did you loose the weight after stopping Nutrisystem? . Unlike food journals or food-logging apps, digestion-tracking apps help you log components other than food and reactions to food. I made a grand pronouncement on Facebook, earlier this month, that I was starting the Nutrisystem program with the goal of shedding 20 pounds. Also, my account was not canceled. If you feel overwhelmed about digestion, GI disorders and understanding symptoms, know that there are a handful of products, apps and services available to make it all a bit easier. Jonathan Bernstein is president of Bernstein Crisis Management, Inc. and author of Managers Guide to Crisis Management (McGraw-Hill). I just started NS today, I was perfectly fine yesterday no cramps, dizziness or anything! [May 18 Receiving no further assistance from Ms. Nelson, I take a different tack, researching the name and contact information for Nutrisystems designated contact for media and bloggers, Meredith Bandy, and sending her the following email]. This allows the natural bacteria in your digestive system to adjust to the changes you've made. 25 Year Emergency Food Supply: Food List, Where to Buy, 6 Week Plan for Ozempic Weight Loss and Results, A+ Rating with the Better Business Bureau,,,,, I researched it a bit, and the brown sugar oatmeal that I was eating contains an ingredient called lo han. While there are plenty of possible causes of GI issues, when no medical . Fatigue. Since I never was able to gain access to my account, I called NutriSystem ready and willing to cancel my subscription/plan due to the frustration and increasing anger. Because of this, you have to sacrifice certain foods in order to maintain a caloric-deficit. Nutrisystem's weight loss program is designed to be high in fiber and proteinnutrients that help you feel full. Trying 17 day diet. I think they had no choice other than to help me, but (a) their help was uncompassionate and inadequate and (b) would have been completely unnecessary if they had simply disclosed, up front, a known issue with their products. My husband was on Nutrisystem for one year. When choosing groceries to supplement your Nutrisystem meals, check the labels for toxic ingredients like high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, refined grains, and sodium nitrates which may be linked to cancer risks. I decided my health is the most important thing and nutrisystem clearly put that in harms way. At first, I lost a few pounds, but then I stopped caring. Food allergy or intolerance. Nutrition and Dietary Services Department, [Well, at least she agreed that their email response was uncaring. But, since they STILL hadnt explained why customers arent informed, before their first order, that there are KNOWN and COMMON side effects from eating Nutrisystem meals, nor why Id never even been asked if I had food allergies, I informed Mary Gregg that I wanted to cancel my plan. [A final authors note: The good news is that Ive been able to continue dieting on my own, now down six pounds. That being said, the results are very well worth any short term discomfort. The good news is that maintaining a healthy weight is great for both your physical and mental health, and can even reduce your risk of cancer. This could be from a lack of fiber, not enough water, or a host of other issues. All three of us started reading labels of all our food purchases and are doing everything we can to avoid all sugar alcohols. thanks for sharing everyone. If you wish to avoid maltitol or other sugar alcohols, you can edit your order to remove them from your menu. I am a new customer who was supposed to be on the sixth day of his Nutrisystem plan, but I have had to revert to eating easily digestible foods today until the extreme gasiness Ive been experiencing subsides. The other day I tried to gain access to my account to no avail. Hi Jonathan! When you're stressed, you also produce excess cortisol, which can trigger a handful of digestive reactions. You can also drink low-sodium vegetable juice as an alternative. After going carefully thru all that I was eating the light went on! Mr. Bernstein, thank you so much for using your fame to expose Nutrisystem. Then my younger daughter joined the conversation affirming she, too, had a problem with Malitol. Instead, increase fiber gradually in your diet over a few weeks. Severe gas This meal plan is both customizable and proportioned. DO NOT EAT NUTRISYSTEM! I started NS about 4 weeks ago. Started using the system yesterday with a breakfast muffin, and was instantly tootilicious. I should have known to look at the ingredients before ordering any of their food! I really want to give NutriSystem a chance to redeem themselves after the callousness and ignorance of this representative. If you're not used to eating fiber, these foods may cause gas pain. When she's not busy writing she enjoys spending time with her family, usually doing something active and fun. Weight changes that have no explanation. Jonathan, . I finally hung up after she put me on death hold, called back spoke to a nice man and cancelled! Found vs Noom: Which Weight Loss Approach Works Better? . Both . SHE ALSO TRIED TO TELL ME THAT NUTRISYSTEM WAS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR WEBSITE!!!! While the Nutrisystem does pack in a lot of satiating nutrients including a lot of lean protein and fiber to help keep you feeling full, you are bound to experience some hunger pains during the early going. I walk about 14K steps or more a day so thats the only thing working for me right now. I have become a full-blown farting machine! Always talk to a doctor if you think you have a food allergy. Its funny in hindsightno, maybe thats not a good word to use right hereanyhow, read the following thread of email which ensued between me and personnel at Nutrisystem. I decided to look up other issues people have posted and wow shocking. Some of the other symptoms that you can experience when you consume too much fiber can be caused by the fiber limiting the absorption of essential minerals. This thread has helped me tremendously! Your digestive system includes your gastrointestinal tract -- your mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and anus -- along with your liver, pancreas and gallbladder. If the bad bugs outweigh the good ones, your risk for all kinds of digestive issues increases. Ive been put on a BRAT diet doctors orders and am taking pantoprozol for stomach cramping and IBS and diahrrhea. Especially those who have been diagnosed with cancer and those whove had to be hospitalized. Your body may need time to adjust to this healthy change in your diet; specifically to the increase in fiber. The use of certain antibiotics, especially penicillins and cephalosporins, can cause an overgrowth of Clostridioides difficile bacteria . Which foods affect stool color? Im not willing to proceed and end up in the hospital with worse symptoms. Jonathan Bernstein Ditch sugar-free sweets, jams, and canned fruits that are made with saccharin, and dial back your intake of the sweet stuff with the help of these 30 Easy Ways to Stop Eating So Much Sugar, instead. Over the weekend I bought other items to offset the NS with, such as applesauce, chicken salad, prepackaged jello, etc., and will be doing a combination of NS and other foods. Have you had any tweets regarding this? Then I started researching on line to see if anybody else was having this issue, and thats when I found this forum. Unlike competitors, NS does not list sugar alcohols in the top box nutritional summaries as a type of carbohydrate, so they dont make it easy for consumers to find out if there is a risk. SIBO generally presents as bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain, although there are asymptomatic cases. 2023, 5 Nutrisystem Promo Codes: 50% + $25 Off Code 2023, Costco: Nutrisystem Gift Cards on Sale ($20+ Off!) If an at-home test claims to report back true food allergies, it may be false advertising, as there's no scientific consensus that supports these methods. This is nothing to be alarmed about as it is completely normal. Slight case of diarrhea. I started program 8days ago and have had nause, diarrhea, extreme bloating since day one. I have already sent an email to their customer service and would call them tomorrow. I will post again once my results are in. We will also add a $25 coupon applicable to your next shipment for your inconvenience. Your first week or two will be priming your body to enter a fat-burning state. If your GI tract is chronically inflamed, it may lead to inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticular diseaseor other conditions. Then the nutritoots started which was followed by very loose bowels enough of an issue that I went to my doctor who immediately told me it was the Maltitol they use as a sweetener. Thank you all for sharing your experiences eating NS. Hope, I will be refunded because its not worth the trouble or health risks. Let me tell you all. Heres the #1 User Complaint! Ordered from qvc. Because of this and combined with the water weight, you will shed, you can expect to experience fairly substantial results within the first few weeks. In her apologetic reply, assuring me I could return the product at no cost to me, she made a statement which reflects the companys apparent belief that a customers well-being with regard to consuming Nutrisystem meals is, apparently, entirely up to the customer!]. Hate the side effects! When you change your diet, your body needs to adjust. . The email address you have on record is (redacted), and the phone number is (redacted). For the best results, make sure to log how you feel before, during, immediately after and a couple hours after a meal or snack. However, once your body becomes accustomed to the diet itself, the weight loss will stall and slow down. A cast iron stomach. Many of the meals are easily portable so they can be eaten on the run and packed well in a lunchbox. I said OK but when TEN MINUTES PASSED AND SHE DID NOT COME BACK ON THE LINE. This is due to the fact that fiber can bind directly to them which can cause you to become deficient in them. I used Nutrisystem sucessfully about 8 years to lose 10 pounds and decided to try it again recently. This will primarily be dictated by what kind of diet your body is used to. I have been so sick and I live in the bathroom!!! If things are really off, you might experience nondigestive issues, such as brain fog, fatigue, mood swings, poor I dont want to assume peoples intentions, but because the doc exists and given its contents, its clear that they know this is a problem for people. In all, I did find it easy to do, the foods were not that bad. I decided at the beginning of the year to start Nutrisystem around the beginning of May, in time for summer. Ive always loved to cook and have maintained a healthy weight. That's because high blood sugar can lead to gastroparesis, a condition that affects how you digest your food. I searched the web on NS and food-borne illness and found your blog. If things are really off, you might experience. While the Nutrisystem does pack in a lot of satiating nutrients including a lot of lean protein and fiber to help keep you feeling full, you are bound to experience some hunger pains during the early going. One of the biggest flaws associated with the entire program itself is the abundance of preservatives that you will be taking in on a daily basis. Here's why NSAIDs can cause stomach upset and more. [May 17 email from Me to Nutrisystem Dietary Services]. I noticed after two days of eating from its Fast Five box I purchased from Wal Mart some discomfort. I was up reading it at 3:00 am as I had the most severe heartburn ever. Extreme gas, bloating. Wise words brought to you by the microbiome. As I am a widely published author, I wa already planning to write about my Nutrisystem experience it makes it a tax deduction amongst other benefits. Sometimes the severity of a food sensitivity depends on quantity. The weight of it was pulling on the wall of my uterus near a main artery. Stomach cancer may cause symptoms similar to GI disorders. Nutrisystem is a popular diet built around the monthly delivery of their packaged, pre-portioned meals. Here are five great ways to take control over your digestion. I did some online research and discovered, to my dismay, that this condition is so common for Nutrisystem customers that its even been given a name Nutritoots. That food has completely torn me up. I will see how it goes I am choosing the foods with no lactic acid, and definitely no lo han! Now second day that I am not eating Nutrisystem but my stomach is very painful and still I have migraine. It was $34 to join for three months, and I get free shipping and a 20% discount on anything I order. Antibiotics can upset the natural balance of bacteria in your stomach. Since I started nutrisystem last month, Ive been having stomach cramps and a lot of gas. About 10 months later I began having unusual bleeding with my cycle, then excessive bleeding, then one day I was admitted for emergency surgery to remove an elongated dense tumor from my uterus that my doctor thought could have been growing for about a year. While fiber is an essential component of a well-optimized diet, getting too much of a good thing is rarely a good thing. I have been on the plan for 2 1/2 months, and not only am I having stomach issues but also having muscle cramping and pain that I never had before starting the program. The brain has a direct effect on the stomach and intestines. I am a vegetarian, and granted I would have a wider variety of foods were I not a vegetarian, but I was eating a lot cleaner before starting the program. Get editors' top picks of the day, the most interesting reviews, news stories and videos. Ditch the dairy and go with a dairy-free alternative instead. the only good thing that has come out of this is that I know I can do this without Nutrisystem, same as I knew that before. After reading all of these comments, I realize what it is. Dear Mr Bernstein, Please know that I am in the process of looking into this further with the heads of our contact center and will be sure to reach back out to you as soon as we can with an update and resolution. Im switching to Weight Watchers. Yes, I have gassiness but no bloating or cramps. And when I took the large quantity of Nutrisystems meals to my local private postal service, the clerk there said, Oh, we see this stuff getting shipped back very regularly!], [OK, I lied, that wasnt my final note. Sadly, as maddening as this is, it seems to happen more and more to us as consumers. EverlyWell and other companies offer food sensitivity tests, but be wary if they claim to identify true food allergies. I will have the results of the camera views in a few days but I will not be eating any more NS AFTER READING THESE BLOGS. I also have a friend from high school that was on Nutrisystem and she has the same diagnosis. This is an embarrassing subject for most, but is a topic weve seen related to possible Nutrisytem side effects. When people make dietary changes like giving up meat, dairy, switching from eggs to egg whites or adopting a fully plant-based diet, it can result in a whole . My husband did Nutrisytem for a year. Mary Gregg, R.D. These preservatives are common in prepared foods, and while they are FDA regulated, their presence, along with higher fiber content, may cause side effects in certain people. Menstrual irregularity or changes. Causes an allergic reaction, such as hives and swelling, shortness of breath or wheezing. For me Id simply stick to the small portions, but for the money I can afford quality non processed food. Nima makes devices that look similar to the Aire, but they test food itself instead of your reaction to food. I called and spoke to a counselor and told me it could be from the Sugar Alcohol and avoid certain foods. Author, Keeping the Wolves at Bay & Managers Guide to Crisis Management I will have these items shipped out right away. QVC is great, no hassle to return and cancel but still find the fact that NS representatives didnt disclose the sugar alcohol potential sensitivity during the long sales pitch. It happened to both of us and many of our acquaintences. I called and they said give it a couple of weeks. In fact, clinical data show that obesity is clearly linked to an overall increased risk of cancer. If one tiny component goes wonky, you may experience a range of symptoms, including gas, bloating, cramping, constipation, diarrhea or acid reflux. It was no worth it..the cost for the doctor visits, hospital, scans and medications way exceeded any benefits. While youre right that they werent exactly sympathetic, they did at least try to help you. Day of Nutrisystem today and am taking pantoprozol for stomach cramping and IBS and diahrrhea side effects typically,! You eat food, it travels to the fact that fiber can bind directly to which! Can upset the natural bacteria in your diet, your risk for all kinds of digestive issues increases bacteria. Upset the natural balance of bacteria in your diet over a few pounds, but they test itself! Tightness, churning, cramping, knots in the hospital with worse symptoms give Nutrisystem chance! Diseaseor other conditions and packed well in a lunchbox physical discomfort I endured unnecesarily vegetables daily like... Customer service at 1-800-585-5483 foods in order to remove them from your.! Lose 10 pounds and decided to look up other issues people have posted and shocking. Well worth any short term discomfort to throw this stuff out because can. 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