cleric of asmodeus 5e

This distinction keeps him wholly separate from beings like Orcus or Yeenoghu. Though he was not above pretending otherwise, he was capable of being surprised, feigning foreknowledge and acting as if all was going according to plan either way. [198][199], Asmodeus was a figure long shrouded in mystery, surrounded by brutally repressed rumors suggesting there was more to him than he cared to admit. [171], Another was Malkizid, an exiled former solar under the employment of Corellon. The two ripped each others tails off, and Ahriman fell into Nessus in the Nine Hells. Simply named Greater Deitys Will, this allows Asmodeus to do just about anything within reason. They gradually came to suspect however that demonkind was infinite and became weary of the conflict, seeking to move on to other projects like the creation of worlds and intelligent beings. Greater deity Asmodeus to Geryon in the Codex of Betrayal. Physically, it was impossible to hurt him with anything less than +4 enchanted weapons, [29] and even if injured the wounds immediately heal unless it was holy or otherwise blessed. ASIs are not synergistic but the Asmodeus tiefling comes with useful spells. It would mean that not only were his own schemes used to cloak Asmodeus's designs, but that he would need to watch his behavior going forward. The form of Asmodeus that youll almost always be encountering is an avatar of the archdevil, not the real thing. Maximize Wisdome for DnD 5e's Grave Domain Cleric Wisdom is the dominant stat for all Cleric abilities, meaning it determines their spell-casting modifier and spell save DC. Merciless lord of the Ninth Hell, keeper of all things forbidden and unknown, master of all you encounter, Asmodeus, I call on your dread name. 1e [45], The pleased gods had their intermediaries spread knowledge of the punishment for sins, truly believing no one would actually violate their laws, only for transgressors to arrive in their domain and Asmodeus, allegedly aided by Dispater, Mephistopheles and others, to enact their lawful punishment. The downside is that it only has 2 slots (until very high level). These two gods sought to create order within the multiverse, eventually biting each others tails and forming a circle that bordered the first plane, the neutral plane of the Outlands. A lot of Asmodeuss justifications fall back to doing what needs to be done, but what exactly does that mean? Both he and his vassals had forged dark pacts with various evil gods long ago, such as Bane, Gruumsh, and Vecna. [71][74], Asmodeus came to the conclusion long ago that the Blood War was, from a military standpoint, an utterly senseless and wasteful enterprise that consumed a huge amount of resources and killed millions of fiends, sometimes daily. Of course, devils also hunt souls and lead them down a path of Lawful Evil if they can do so before they are claimed by another plane. [30], The myth of He Who Was was known as such because the name of the god around which it revolved had been lost, even from the Codex of Betrayal written by their last remaining worshiper. He countered any displeasure taken with his unsightly appearance as a sacrifice made to keep others pure, refusing exile on account of his lawfulness. [45], Asmodeus argued that criminals had to suffer as a warning to others, a few made to suffer so that the majority saw the consequences. Subservient deities Lawful evil [187], Since attaining his divinity during the Spellplague, Asmodeus's mortal follower base had been ever-expanding. At the top of the caste system, below Asmodeus, are the archdevils. Multiattack. [19] In following him they saw their way to great power, a path providing access to the otherwise unattainable. In societies devoted to him, all advancement whether political, social, or economic was tied to membership of the cult. [82][5], With his fall complete and dominance over Hell established, Asmodeus set into motion his innumerable plans and schemes for reality-spanning authority. It was at this point, however, that the two disregarded the importance of law, unwilling to concede to the other in its best interests. [111], To avoid the advent of this scenario, Asmodeus plied his skill in diplomacy and intrigue to carefully foster rivalry, distrust, and feuding across the Hells, always managing to seemingly align himself with the winning side in any conflict. Favored weapon [32], According to legend, Asmodeus attributed his wicked deeds to necessity and the mandates of law, alluding to the rules of Hell in his defense and arguing that his contracts were never broken. Asmodeus targets a devil within 200 feet and changes their form to a different devil of equal or higher CR. [2][190], Asmodeus also mantained several unconventional mortal casters. [45], Asmodeus slew more demons than anyone, whether angel or deity, but as the eons wore on he and his company became ugly and fearsome, taking on demonic traits to better combat them[45] (thus in a way devils could be said to have come from demons). At some point in history, he angered Asmodeus and was banished. Instead, he broke away and became a demon lord himself. Again in 2nd edition, Hellbound: The Blood War and Faces of Evil: The Fiends present another version of Baator and Asmodeus's history and origins. Afterwards, most tieflings living in the 15th century DR were of the Asmodean lineage, all having a similar devilish appearance. [71][72], That war had long faded into ancient history, the greater conflict deescalating into an uneasy truce between opposing philosophies, but peace was not in the nature of all planar beings. The next rule they spawned was the Rule of Three, which stated the importance of their three aspects, Law, Good, and Evil. Still, while these are all options, the best route is to slowly build up to Asmodeus, making a long campaign that deals with him as a lingering threat until, if our heroes survive, they can really stand face to face with a god. He was charged with fighting the Blood War, invading the Abyss, and getting the shard of evil for him. [144] He had a special hatred for Asmodeus, for his curse was not simply an impediment, but an intolerable humiliation. [241] Asmodeus and Azuth began to struggle for control of their shared body and as a result the hierarchy of the Nine Hells was jeopardized. [195], After the Spellplague, Asmodeus and a coven of warlocks known as the Toril Thirteen performed a ritual where the Lord of the Nine marked all tieflings in the world as his descendents. So, who is Asmodeus? At some point in his history, which well touch on in a bit, his true body suffered grievous wounds. According to him, mortals always had the choice whether to accept an infernal bargain, devils always held up their end of a bargain, and a mortal who nullified a contract by finding a loophole was respected. [5][99] However, Asmodeus could simply take powerful beings, even mortal ones, and first transform them into archdevils to add them to his roster before appointing them to archdukedom. [28], If one asked other fiends, for all their word was worth, they were responsible for Asmodeus's existence. [234][235], Even after the Reckoning, the archdevils continued to experience upheavals. The standard tiefling. [35] This was assuming that the avatar wasn't in Hell, in which case he could cast essentially any spell he wanted by sheer will. In this way, the nine hells are an infernal machine, constantly supplying a chain of fuel and new soldiers for its army. It discusses older kings of Hell such as Lucifer or Satan whom Asmodeus deposed. Since Asmodeus is the ruler of the nine hells, he will often be little more than a threat in the background pulling the strings, which means DMs will set up plots centered around other devil lords, cults, or any sort of Lawful Evil lesser villain. Devils Handshake. A creatures form may only be reverted through a Wish spell or similar magic or by Asmodeus himself. The Blood War, the eternal battle between the fiends of the lower planes, was often described as a kind of philosophical war over which form of evil would reign supreme. [121], It was unclear how exactly the relationship started, whether Asmodeus was using the unsavory Mammon to punish his daughter or if Glasya was using him to annoy her father (or even if there was some degree of twisted, genuine passion and romance), but at one point Glasya was the consort of Mammon. This plan, if true, ultimately failed, because the tool to control the yugoloths, the four Books of Keeping, got lost over time. Since you are the DM running a god-level encounter for your players, Im assuming you have enough experience to meddle with a stat block and get it to your liking. Drawing forth a ruby rod of power he produced a document alleged to ensure that he and his forces would carry out divine will, specifying the fate of the damned and allowing his forces to draw magic from the souls. For example, before souls became proper petitioners in Toril's case, they arrived in Kelemvor's realm, and he took those of the truly faithless and incorporated them into the great wall around his city to undergo a similar painful process of dissolution. [19][60], In predominantly lawful evil societies, Asmodeus's temples dominated the landscape and typically operated openly. He would provide cleric spells (for example by having other gods grant spells on his behalf in exchange for aid) to new cults his agents created on the Material Plane. Effectively exempt from the soul quota other devil lords had to meet, he concentrated his corrupting efforts on figures of cosmic significance such as angels or demigods, occassionally managing to lure such beings into contracts to add new unique devils to Hell's roster. However, after conquering three Abyssal layers, he could not advance further because of the resistance he faced from Demogorgon and Orcus. My intent this game is to convert my party as an LE cleric of Asmodeus to his worship. [230], Zariel started off as an observer of the Blood War under celestial orders. The more extreme members of the cult, rather than turn to a new religion, might reject the concept altogether, but the greatest success cases for this scheme in Asmodeus's eyes were when they became suicide cults, its members having lost the will to live. Asmodeus knew the laws though and won every case brought against him. [34] As important as an influx of spirits was to his purposes, every damned soul in Hell was so condemned under his name and therefore beholden to him. [83], The second was caused by the sudden bloating and death of Malagarde around 1372 DR. Malbolge was reformed and Glasya became an archdevil. Asmodeus can take any combination of 5 actions. [87], Aside from weakening the faith of mortals, Asmodeus also smeared the perceived greatness of the gods. Basic information However, after looking him up a bit it says that he actually promotes atheism. Avernus, for example, was originally created by Asmodeus as an obscenely beautiful paradise, a wonderland of infinite, alluring, enrapturing delights designed to tempt and ensnare mortals. Unable to ignore the horrors, Asmodeus was once again charged, once again pointed out he was only enacting the rules they agreed on, once again met with no counterargument, and once again proposed a solution. 4e 32 While some may still try to prove themselves against him, none have succeeded in all of history. A campaign centered on one of these cults could see the partys favorite NPCs being secretly part of the cult the whole time. [187] Mortals who drew their power from infernal sources ultimately drew power from him,[27][100][99] and he was the final authority on what benefits an archduke was allowed and even mandated to provide. However, the players could definitely be tasked by some good deity (or a demon posing as a good deity, for a twist) to destroy Asmodeus. Asmodeus himself confronted Laduguer after the temptations and attacks of his minions prove fruitless, yet he remained unfazed in the face of even Asmodeus's charm. A large, white-hot flame appeared in front of her, the heat so intense she wiped sweat from her brow. A devil literally changes forms when they change ranks. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). [19][60] All temples were full of his symbols; his ruby-tipped rod emblem was used for subtlety while his skull-gripping clawed fist was used in devil-dominated societies, but sometimes an inverted pentagram would suffice. [168], Gargauth saw Asmodeus as the most capable archdevil, and reported on the loyalties of devils on the Material Plane. So, if youre up for the challenge, beyond just running a god with the foremost tactical mind in the multiverse, I would like to suggest one more thing. He was often the first choice of all civilized, prospective devil worshipers,[19] with those known as such almost always being his followers,[60] and had by far more cultists on the Material Plane than any other archdevil,[19] arguably even combined. In this version, he served as an exarch for a long-forgotten god who is known simply as He Who Was. This body was kept secret, and while many knew that they only came into contact with avatars of the Reigning Serpent, no one living knew his true location. To those without great ambition, alive or dead, they offered reprieve from the torturous wait for a god's response through delights, distractions and company and, if at a price after death, the possibility to hide their transgressions from divine eyes. [145][151] Yet the slug archduke still burned with undying ambition for Asmodeus's throne just as he did with undying anger towards Asmodeus himself. [213], In any event, it was by the goodwill and kindness of He Who Was that he allowed his archangels to rise to nearly equal exarchs and demigods in power. [174], Asmodeus was so powerful that he feared no individual archdevil, but his position was not invincible. [33][85], It was not clear exactly why these souls were reborn in Nessus,[33] nor did this rule seem to apply in all cases. He managed to imprison her for a time before Asmodeus reinstated her again, declaring Bel's defensive tactics inadequate for fending off demonkind. You could be enlisted in his services, which gives the DM a lot of wiggle room to create a god and their motivations. [227], His intra-Baator politics revolved around keeping his position. [197], Since Laduguer's death (and after his revival), Asmodeus was known to impersonate him and other duergar deities, convincing many duergar to swear oaths to the devils in this guise to heighten their desire for vengeance and tyranny. How Temporary Hit Points Work in D&D 5e (With Examples), Torm: the True and Loyal Fury - DnD 5e Deity Guide, Tyr: Lawful Good God of Law and Justice - 5e Deity Guide, Water Weird 5e: Stats & Guide for Players & DMs, Back From the Dead! Asmodeus can take 6 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. There is no stat block for Asmodeus in 5e, but that certainly shouldnt stop you from pitting your adventurers against him. Asmodeus is a unique and powerful archdevil and ultimate ruler of the Nine Hells, realm of devils. , the heat so intense she wiped sweat from her brow the employment of.! Started off as an LE cleric of Asmodeus that youll almost always be encountering is an avatar of the.! 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