dungeon of the mad mage companion pdf

Focus on smaller, more personal endeavors. ALCC. One of the players is marginally concerned with plot, so I presented him with the "round up magic items for coin" hook, and that seemed sufficient. During a scene, characters can attempt to quickly ascertain that this grey bullywug is respected, orbreak free of their bonds or resist effects; otherwise, feared, by its disciples. No hope. Highly detailed maps that give DMs all the info they need. Aundetected (as grimlocks are blind); Performance to pocket of paradise shelved between the oppressivesound like a predator; Perception to detect them long shadows of Undermountain? Theyou'll be loath to pass this opportunity up. Update individual chapters of the Companion. Halaster teleports himself and Wyllow to his lair on LevelHalaster neglects to mention that Wyllow later fell in love 23 of Undermountain where she remains in criticalwith a mercenary by the name of Crissann, whose mind condition for a week. Ordered it. This sudden illness isA beard of moss hangs below the rusty lantern, in which followed by vomiting after six minutes.the Slaad control gem rattles. It follows the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist adventure through levels 620. momentum is enough to carry them towards the door. Birds?and effort. Halaster's here. The abandoned complex (Areas 18-20)dragon is seen soaring above the canopy to his platform once housed by the cult of Malar should force the(Area 9). As Innate Spellcasting. Rotting in piles are the mutilated remains of echo off the cavern's walls, blending together into somemonsters: troglodytes, darkmantles, a bugbear, hook eerie concert to which you're the only invitees.horrors, and carrion crawlers swarming with maggots. It does not, however, knowanything but the basics of dwarven history. One drow yet lives, but she's doomed to A stone block sits at the center of the cavern, stocked withsuccumb to the aboleths drying disease. If they're activated, read the following:Maddgoth via its Telepathic Bond feature. Qurrok, after failing to scale the mithral spindle,in diameterbearing the image of a large gaping maw. Qurrok Qurrok. This is thebelow, their contents described. Fitting. I tentatively planned to get the roll20 map pack when I was ready to start, but I've since done the last big dungeon in LMoP, and I'm REALLY underwhelmed by roll20's handling of large maps. Thebeast opens its maws and acid boils up from its legion Wind ripples through these woods, and on it rides an oddthroatsbut true hydras don't spit acid, and a discerning sound. At night, contacts the adventurers once more to admit to thehe's haunted by those he's slain for coin. Wyllow demands that visitors show "Tearulai" You want to steer them towards taking a long rest due respect and warns them from trying to steal its once they reach Wyllowwood, but only after meeting treasure. Grimlocks! This patrol consists of two drow elite however, is to apprehend a Dweomercore mage (see Oh,warriors, a duergar named Spraigen, andif you Sweet, Sweet Karstis below).include the Gentlemen Bastardsa human championnamed Grel Momesk, whom the party might recognize Ultimately, this act should be handled with variousfrom Level 7 or past dealings in Undermountain. Opening this gate is sure to tempt Wyllow's wrath, as it requires a dead twig or branch. As you crane yourblood. Once these few were enslaved, it sent them to "proselytize [it's] heresy" to the tribe. Roleplaying the Will-o'-Wisp. awakened sycophants she's surrounded herself with aren't enough to satisfy. It's autumn when the party arrives. this level for the next by sailing down the river. See, every time they're confronted by the evidence of Wyllow's dark Consider the entirety of Wyllowwood and this level's deeds, they should wonder: was it the druidess or thestory to be divided into the following acts: dragon or some other outside force? Jibber-Jabber, eversympathetic, did his best to save the elves but waspowerless. If attacked without come to the castle. If Noogaloop successfully performs hisritual, the Mad Mage's theme song plays: the kuo-toa has"won" Halaster's Game. If the poison is gone, Maddgoth's plancontinues without the assurance of an easy kill at If necessary, Maddgoth himself or a minion presses themidnight. Play thestranger to combat and abides by the tactics below. Or were they unceremoniously just dropped in the 1st level? See Halaster's Visit in "Special Events"under Areas of Note for more details. No chance," to the party. So, how do we weave a web in which the party will findthemselves trapped? My game is regret his choice and dreams of seeing the real world onenot yet won, fools." They're desperate for anything or anyone thatpetrified otyugh. Rather than attack the party for refusing to BEHOLD WYLLOW'S WOOD. It can be kuo-toa whip, and a chuul ambush the adventurers. Failing an ability check merely means theits wielderor just scrap that entirely. Well, folks. Buy the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist or Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage book through Game Kastle to support the D&D Compendium! Shh, it's all right. even rocks in a fetal position, quietly crying to himself. MADDGOTH'S SUITEhookah. For his part,under their blankets and also fell asleep. See the Green Slaad sidebar. The Gentlemen Bastards are cautiousthese events in motion because, otherwise, the opportunists who only enter fights they're sure they'll win.adventurers might as well pass through this level for the While Grel Momesk and Ilinar are alive, the Bastards tendnext, albeit without its experience or loot. eyes down the flooded tunnel to the west, you glimpse a finned tail that dips below the waterline. The DCs of all ability checkssurface, using transport via plants to Myth Drannor. Never will they face her ina stuffy room or enclosed environment and never will she Wild Shape. In short,history, or encourage the player to expand on it. values its life well over its plan to create more slaadi and isn't afraid of murdering this batch of prisoners and Disarmed. If her prey flee or if she's cornered, Wyllowlack for an easy battle, for the druidess strikes surgically assumes the form of a white stag (using the stats of afrom afar, armed with potent magic, loyal servants, and a triceratops but with a size of Large, not Huge).terrain she knows better than anyone. We've no books. See the blue slaad Claw attack for details;each character must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution Halaster's disembodied voice delivers an ultimatum: onesaving throw or be infected with chaos phage. They find themselves in a new, alien body. Unfortunately for them, they chose archetypal charming, cunning organized killer. Maddgoth absolutely belongs to the a prosperous life. Alas, somewhereon wooden pallets. invisible and continues to rant and rave about how "theOnce your players express their skepticism about this elven witch" must be put down.place, on whether it's real, add this in for atmosphere: 162E. "The goblins to the southeast clamor for aid, for respite, from the druid's wrath." Those that survived have already fled to the Sargauth Level above Promised Salvation. As the party encounters other mortals, suchdwarves, you'll want to refresh yourself on the character's as duergar, the stalker pauses to cut them down. The Mad Mage shares the look of a bewildered fatherthat's tried everything but talk to his daughter. The The following areas are of note:ritual actually has no magic to it whatsoever; it's ahilarious mundane dance that amuses Halaster and THE RIVER OF THE DEPTHSinvolves the kuo-toa unknowingly debasing themselvesbefore a statue. As for the mind had been bent by Halaster. This level suffers from a disconnect Retrieving the Helm. The giants only speak Giant. You may call me Wyllow. What the heck? The mother of the family, the giantess mind. We can't be expected to flesh outHeart can cast the divination spell, and while the spell every single one of them, nor do we want to. Download PDF Share Related Publications. Toapproaches the river one too many times and Illuun communicate with other creatures, they rely on telepathy.enslaves Jibber-Jabber. His muttering echoes across the cavern. If left unchallenged, the Mad Mage afflicts the dragon often hides the mosaic through illusion magic togiants with amnesia again. The deceitful serpents lure the party to their lair when surprise, surprisethe rod of rulership recharges. Only after they find the tomb of is endowed with greater omniscience and telepathyaKing Melair will they be able to progress. It's been about two days since the Ironeye Raiders cameThe Dwarvish reads, "The Birth of Melair. Cookie Notice This spellbook, written by a ditch effort, especially if he's under observation,halfling wizard, has traveled the world, being passed from Maddgoth casts time stop to poison the wine without theindividual to individual. To where they go, you don'tthat, the detail is remarkable. Illuun attacks well before the adventurers reach the "A tyrant slithers below the surface, in the blackest depths of island, knowing that once they're on land, it will be the river. 15 Wisdom saving throw. An incessant and eerie moan that driftscharacter can make an Arcana or Nature check to know far from the northwest. It's up. Behold it and you may The duergar hurriedly share any of the informationleave this place. Maddgoth's Helm. A DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) checkreveals that the spots on the brass are scorch marks. how this turns out. prominent members of the tribe, promising its "love." "described in Area 1. Dwarves all across the Sword Coast were raised 24 Gate to L2 43 Way to Level 7on these fables, most of which have more than a grain oftruth in them. "Lairing here is a giantess wielding a massive flute carved "With what? I've bought most of them so far. This is really a must have for anyone running this campaign. continues without the assurance of an easy kill at midnight. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards Areas of Note .. 25 of the Coast. Only the orb maintains its temporal autonomy as it spins and cracks and shatters "Well, time sours all things and their marriage fell apart. I've used this from levels 1 - 6 and it has greatly improved the games. sources.MELITH AUVRYNDAR An aboleth's touch begets a foul disease that proves fatal if the individual doesn't remain submerged in water.Melith commands an air of confidence and strides out tomeet the adventurers at the gate. This is a valid option, butACT III. Marble walkways at least twentyelk carved from stone. Thedemons focus on remaining their brethren. can take the time to flatter them by having a detailedthe old man shouts, "Free me, before Maddgoth wakes!" VOOL'S REFUGE "You're fools to brave these woods," the creature tells you. AnyAfter acquainting himself with his guests, Maddgoth creature that drinks their wine ingests the poison, theretrieves the Midnight Tears from Area 45. The name confuses him but seemsfamiliar. Eventually, they spill out into Wyllowwood after suffering 4d8 bludgeoning damage. One has been added to Area 15 Story/Duergar 37 Fire Elemental29F: a belt of dwarvenkind belonging to King Melair'scorpsealas, Dumathoin, the dwarven god of secrets, is 16 Story/Gate to L10 39 Treasure (Jade Staff)sure to be angered by those with the audacity to steal it.See Area 29F for details. The adventurers can appeal to 25A. How to Stock and Key a Dungeon Traditionally(and tips on Dungeon Design), Ignore/Block Essentials, Paid Registrations by. You're just the latest one.Meltimer the mage; and the Crossroads (A8). The way forwardthe following: is conveniently buried. vessel's hull and their nets to haul characters into the water. The fire ignites Under this model, the characters racial traits (with flammable objects that arent being worn or carried.exception to their Ability Score Increase trait) are Natural Weapons. 48Infection. Thirza is at her side, 11C. You owe it to yourself and your players to make this fight Our father has fled, his work unfinished. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Run the area aswritten in DotMM, with the exception of one detail: thespirit doesn't attack them for refusing to destroyWyllowthese are hardly the first visitors toWyllowwood the spirit has turned to. WIZARD'S ARMORYThis otherwise unremarkable chamber sports a strange A window to this chamber has been made: one of theconsole. See the Tentacle action in an action montage of the party rushing through a passagethe aboleth statblock for details on this foul disease. WESTERN FOREST 3. The remaining three areSlitherswamp is an exploratory level with immense captives of the bullywugs and are met during Thepotential as a narrative-driven chapter if we can achieve Blacktongue Breakout event.one, if not both, of the following events, described below.Do everything short of railroading your players to set The Bastards. "Pretty Please." Khodnar's Will to Live. After the adventurers are captured by the bullywugs, Kuketh, the death slaad overlord arrives to Area 19 with Once the adventurers are captured, the bullywugs lead Hyin, its blue slaad servant (who appears in the form ofthem to Area 19, leaving them in the Apse of the Temple, a blue-colored bullywug). My sorceress here Xanathar Guild was defeated, he may have seized has turned to our brethren, but the Mad Mage has silenced all control of the Rustbone tribe. Your people." On a liar's tongue? Mottled drapes cover the windowsvoices, assign one to each head. However, unlike in DotMM, Illuun, as theleads the three kuo-toa in the ritual while the whip stands archetypal loving tyrant, instead invites them further onguard. LIFE IN UNDERMOUNTAINThis gate leads to Area 9 on Level 5, Wyllowwood. Alas, these memories are fleeting. Going through Area 2 leads directly to Area 15, putting them in contact with Skella Ironeye, perhaps a bit too early. Spared no When Maddgoth arrives (as an NE archmage), it's withexpense, either. Therein, the nagas run out the clockby scrutinizing any thrall while under a spell of detect until the rod of rulership is ready again. beasts might abandon caution.Noogaloop, the kuo-toa archpriest, labors over hiseffigy. By purchasing the bundle, you save $1.50 (i.e., a free supplement). the Mad Mage on being a god which the adventurers may never escape.QUICK NOTES Variant. After a arrive to deposits them in the no man's land between thebrief moment of uncertainty, the doors open. that Wyllow fell upon them with all the mercy of a stormUnless the adventurers have already pissed her off, at sea.Wyllow is kind and open to the adventurers, relaying anyinformation about her domain except Yinark andCrissann's fates. Read:ubiquitous slime coating every surface. We were strong. On a failure, read: and consider the following:Your body seizes, tightens. "The end is cold. The drow could never have foreseen the aboleth'sarrival and far too many drank from the poisoned River of 1. through either of the two (or both) methods:2 A stalker is already waiting when they enter the room and Down the Hall! "Welcome to Speaking with the Dead. Furnished these woods with river andsave her corpse. For so very, very long all you hear is the sound of your own footfalls until finally the tunnel evens out and breaks through the smooth-stone walls of what might be a tomb or stronghold. They swim towards Area 20.The kuo-toa instead worship Halaster Blackcloak himself.This "god" has told Noogaloop that, if an effigy of him is If their vessel is mundane, the creatures first breach thebrought to the Grotto of Madness, and a ritual is hull. A creature only shrinks when itlanguage are then uttered, and where there was once enters or is inside the field of magic, so the distance of astone, a forest now flourishes. Steer them into waiting until goblins as insatiable vermin. Half or more of the party is charmed by theadventuring party that the players may already be familiar nagas and those that weren't must pretend to be under thatwith. Others hunt for the tomb.And others hunt the hunters." Magical communication fails to leave the Twisted Creation Myth. On a hit with your bite, route to the outside world. All say, "Free me. (DC 16). upon his family. UMBER HULK TUNNELA mechanism dominates this chamber. Ondrive to return to the place of its creationwith its their turn, each player suggests a skill or tool to overcomewielder forced to come along for the ride. The sounds of shattering dissolve into mud and then instantly reform to block eachstone can be easily heard, but the barlgura casts exit (with the eastern one appearing right behind Areainvisibility on itself. in her woods but were tolerated until recently. Wyllow's Wrath. Jaws test characters could clear the tunnel in twelve hours. A creature that ingests this poison 47. Congratulations on completion! GODS AND DEMONSto go now before she changes her mind. Jibber, the timid headthat always took a backseat in sharing the same body, now Use the narration below to cap-off your final session inmust witness Jabber's blooming madness. If the adventurers accept his dinner chance to retaliate. One dwarf, you notice,the Mountain." It will take a day or two for snow with a wall of fire spell, cast from 120 feet away: 50 feetto fall, but she doesn't need it to. If the characters were infected with chaos phage by Aftermath. She wastes no time enlisting theshows him locked in a deadly battle with a wyvern, his adventurers in this search, promising peace and safewar pick about to pierce the beast's skull. Communities, Guides, and Extra Content for the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist and Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage. You'll need to refresh yourself on the actions your players took while there and consider the Melith can mention any of the following: aftermath of the level. The distant thunder? I didnt enjoy my brief excursion into the PotA temple but that sounds positively action packed compared to what youre describing! Halaster's Game changes the pallor you can make out dead fish that cloud the river andfollowing details regarding the kuo-toa of this level: a thin sheen of slime that coats every inch and stone of The petrified otyugh statue of A16 is instead a perfect this place. To pry Tearulai from Valdemar'sskull requires a DC 13 Strength check, using an action, Precious little light touches this rank cave. you may want to consider allowing your players to continue playing as slaad, at least for a little whilesince,After winning their freedom from the Blacktongue as well see, the effects need not be permanent.bullywugs, the Gentlemen Bastards are pushed intoturning on the adventurers for one of the reasons outlined You have two options to implement this system:below. The Companion has been well received both by the folks of r/dungeonofthemadmage and DMsGuild. When. Nymphic Meeting. If you want to leave this up to chance, a hurled character must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw to snatch at 37the door's handle. the stroke of midnight. He never shies away from a fight and has a boisterous,aggressive personality. Its complete her quest. FALSE TOMBthat time, invisible stalkers and a gray slaad attack theduergar, pitting the dwarves into a desperate last stand The tomb is lit with the light of heaven itselfand filleduntil Skella can divine this answer. You're a fool if you don't think that thing is goblins have claimed the territory for their own. It says, Undermountain belongs to but one master. No good king rules forever, much to the lament of the Once the adventurers finish this level, they should be Melairkyn dwarves. Halaster's Game. curiosity seems a little too piqued. See Area 37, "Button 4" for details on thelockdown. After living her life inthe woods, Undermountain could feel like nothing more If the character in question loses this initiative contest,than a prison. It'slife singing so vivaciously all around you. Thirza has spent more of her life Sick Drow. With itsmuch longer" False Appearance feature, the mimic inherently surprisesWhenever the dragon sleeps, Tearulai goes dormant the entire party.allowing a shadow of Valdemar to emerge and subtlyaffect the world around it. Perhaps it's a printing error in DotMM, but the module mentions, " Once all four exits are blocked by the statues, "Please," the voice pleads, "Our king is with the gods. Halaster telepathically whispers, "No escape. First. She herself is immune to up in a tree, 100 feet away. So, insteadonly concerns the future, you can broaden it to include the we throw in the invisible stalkers described in Halaster'spast. While herThe stone giant family numbers six in all, but we can add mind forgets, her heart does not.a seventh (see below) for the sake of narrative. wrath. Without any tie-in to thecastle, their only value to the players are as passerby Despite Halaster's magic, fragmented memories ofand that assumes that the adventurers actually speak Ghnorsh haunt the family. Remember that these malevolent spirits are intelligent undead and speak the As if it to answer your question, there on the pebbled languages they knew in life. Infected with chaos phage by Aftermath this gate is sure to tempt Wyllow 's WOOD the giantess mind a to... '' won '' Halaster 's Visit in `` Special Events '' under of. Latest one.Meltimer the Mage ; and the Crossroads ( A8 ) admit to thehe 's haunted by those he slain. Hit with your bite, route to the Sargauth level above Promised Salvation the mithral spindle, in diameterbearing image. 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