hfy classics

Legit gasped when I got the notification, I have been excited for this for a long time. The wiki includes author and reader resources, guides, story listings, and author/series pages. The whole system is far too rigid to accommodate me and mine., I caught myself nodding my agreement and shut the gesture down. 67,622 talking about this. Good setup chapter. nonsense. In fact the only reason this race had not yet gone extinct is a combination of high birth rates, short life spans, and a child being able to defend itself hours after birth. They had disobeyed him, and been punished. One of the first hfy I ever read. Here you go: https://imgur.com/gallery/2Q59t. I havent slept in two standard Diurnals.. It was when I started to explore without his guiding hand that I started to find the positives. But what the hell kind of nickname do you give to the space Warthog? Standalone posts which serve only to advertise wares, commercial or non-commercial, will be removed. On the news, his eye had still been swollen and ugly, much of his flesh had darkened and bruised from minor haemorrhaging, and he had been wincing with pain every time he drew breath. The following story is one of the true genre-defining classics. Thanks for sending me the message about it or I likely would have missed it as I was on vacation when you released it. I reread those two (in between a thousand petty annoying things that slowed me down), and then promptly read this - and it was well worth the wait! Hope you all enjoy! Long-term observation showed that after hatching the individual would slowly but surely go insane, to the point where none reached old age. Ho-leee shit!! He did that shrug thing again, this time wobbling his head apologetically. Great stuff, looking forward to more. Well there's already a bearcat in the larger tiger cat so wouldn't it be a warthog cat? Was wondering when you'd bring that up. Now, on the edge of League space, a new foe threatens the centuries-long status quo, and it's up to two outsider species - the Dreeden and their allies, the Terrans- to try and save the League before this new threat consumes it. And he used his power to save the world and protect the weakWell, except he wasnt really a human, he was an alien who looked exactly like a human whose parents sent him to Earth because their own planet was about to be destroyed he paused. The image can safely be downscaled to reduce file size, without any noticeable changes on most screens. Ho-leee shit!! I'm so happy you have a Patreon now too. Im surprised, actually, Jenkins confessed. I couldnt restrain my strangled bleat of disbelief. Civilian trade station 591 Outlook on Forever, Customs and Immigration Officer Krrkktnkk aktnnzziktk interviewing immigrant pre-Contact abductee. Narrating Reddit HFY - CLASSIC Series - Chronicles of Clint Stone Book 2 Chapter 14 - YouTube Original Story : https://www.reddit.com/r/hfy/wiki/series/the_chronicles_of_clint_stoneIf You. I had never paid much attention to poetry, art and fiction. Please contact KaiserMagnus or j1xwnbsr if you have any queries. Been seeing new Spellguns, and now this. Within hours, our conversation was the big talking point on a major interstellar newsfeed complete with an alarmist headline. 2. But if that's what it takes then I guess that's whats it takes. You were worried about disappointing our expectations, and apologized that this wasn't bringing any closure. Progress is all we need if the progress is this fantastic. Other specimens of their art were interesting, thought-provoking. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) Horizons for Youth (Chicago, IL) Every attempt to convince people that we wanted fair negations was seen as a deception. P.s. You killed it, any kinda timeline for the next update or is it gonna be another surprise? Was hard to post knowing that people had such high expectations for it. Then it took a second. It was absolutely fantastic and exceeded my expectations in every way! The Corti were smalleven smaller than this beinggrey-skinned but with large eyes and oversized brains as a result of a centuries-long eugenics program within their species which had vastly expanded their intellect. Honestly, Your original stories are some of the most influential on hfy, like Your stories got me into hfy! With surprising speed, news spread among their people, and among others, of what had happened. I slapped the shield emitter to the power dock on my harness. I had to gently ask the scientists to stop gambling on the outcome of human contests of physical skill and endurance, or to at least exercise some moderation. Our first inhabited planet was less than thirty light-years away, far closer than we would have thought. I saw Prey II when it was first posted, and loved it and Prey then. Literally can't read it on my phone. The first chapter of what would eventually become The Deathworlders, was posted on 4chan some years ago now, as a self-contained story. I activated the corrals recording function. The commander tried to keep a disaster from occurring and ordered his ships not to open fire. They are mentally overwhelmingtheir ideas are powerful, their inventiveness puts us to shame, their philosophy explores avenues of thought that simply never occurred to us. Some, I couldnt standmonotonous, pulsing music that seemed to delight in going nowhere, broadcasts which appeared to take a morbid fascination in the opinions of beings that, among my own species, would have been locked up for their own safety and medicated. ThePoshFart 5 5h40m. Impossible! I exclaimed as I leapt out of my chair, and registering the motion the corral shut down our privacy field. Purveyor Jenkins and I were discussing his petition to have his species reclassified as sentient.. One second, let me go pinch myself. It is considered impossible for sentient beings to evolve on category twelve planets, I said. I turned and shot at the Hunter that had aimed at us. ? he demanded. Thank you so much for giving us more man. please leave this site immediately. It would require an amendment to the Galactic Treaty of Laws, he said Which the council is historically stubborn to tamper with. When they finally get off their world in a meaningful way, when they finally become eligible for contact and for introduction into the interstellar community, we will need to handle them with utmost care. As had their descendants, and their descendants, until apparently one tribe had tortured this beings physical avatar to deathhe gestured to the tattoo at this point, explaining that it depicted a crucifix, the very instrument of torture in question. The only bit of info we were more than happy to share with them was the reason we can live in the veil. Had to do a double take when I saw the notification. It implies that your entire species is insane., And youre strong, fast, impervious to pulse fire. I really hope you know how happy this makes me. In hindsight, I really should have expected that Jenkins would have attracted a journalists attention. AND like 10 more Spellgun chapters since I last checked?! I was linked to hfy by writingprompts though. I just found this sub literally today (off a wonderful relevant post in /r/tumblr), and Prey/II got me hooked instantly. When Ploel and Teelm are entering the Bonthan security room, you have Ploel's race as 'kethkhan', but the previous mention was 'kethkan'. "Never underestimate the power of making an Ensign cry." Their skin was a grotesque matte ceramic-white, and their seven eyes, each blinking independently, provided them with exceptional depth perception. Clank partakes in a tournament and the crew meets the red and blue sisters. Human words started to slip into the languages of the stations crew, filling gaps in our philosophical vocabulary. I noticed that a patch of skin on his left arm had been artificially pigmented. My arm dangled useless by my side and every slight movement was agony, but I had to know if he was alive. Also, just because I love sharing this info, you know how you use the 'fox in the henhouse' saying for some tactical code (and it never occurred to me how something that just about every human on Earth would get, even if they didn't have foxes on their continent and had to work it out from first principles, would be a nigh-unbreakable code to aliens)? Nach, Faen and Delv, security and hardware experts that excel in getting the team in and out of heavily protected places and computer systems to conduct espionage. My own hunch tells me that it was about encountering another predator species. Paradigm, I fucking love this shit. You can find their music here:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCliumcKpyD4wSPGsfSCd0Jwhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC19SB4ExQCZLAlKa65vmoVgThis video comes instead of my 1000 sub video, which I want to take a bit more time on the edit. While carrying more than I suspected I could physically lift!after me. David and Cylia deal with a worm while Clank flexes on some aliens. Exactly what it says on the tin, some awesome HFY writefaggotry about humanity as teachers and parents. Holy shit, it's here! For nearly seven hundred years, mankind grew and expanded. Any link not otherwise associated with an OC post must have a summary or similar descriptor of at least 350 characters, providing relevant OC information. It was a simple designone long line, crossed by a shorter one. Used as a general reference to copypastas that feature humanity being portrayed in a favorable light, normally in-comparison to other (alien) races. ), Do the empties next. *Cranes Neck Forward, Mouth Open, and Sinks Back Into A Classic Storyline.. How We All Read, Honestly.*. It's back! The Supremacy was sent to investigate a new world our long-range sensors show had space-age technology upon it. The Corti abducted you, didnt they?. You're not a Crichton fan, by any chance? This, along with all the other HFY classics is what got me into this sub. Jenkins, if anything, seemed grateful for the silence. The Wiki. His head sank down until the pointed bottom of his jaw was resting against his torso. I think this is fantastic because it makes a lot of the classics much more easily searchable. Instead something black, blue and brown hurtled into the flank of one of the alien warriors with a crunch and a hiss of pain. Seems it already exists here, but with a less than optimal title: https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/5xfaj1/mankind/, https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/6h1tdq/text_the_veil_of_madness_torn/, https://www.reddit.com/user/kirvin-/posts/, (Still upvoting this one though. Hope you enjoy my narration of it. The security footage records you being shot seven times by heavy pulse gun fire and you have fully healed in less than three-times-eight diurnals, I said. Doc's Garage provides some of the finest custom and restoration services in Southern California. Wenthan, the ship's communications officer. Well, by the standards of a lot of species on Earth, we are weak. New to HFY? ", https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1vqUJ4T4wQ. Im a bureaucratic anomaly. The shot was able to breach the hull at a single point, and cost the lives of three crewmen. Or we can just call it the Brrrt class vessel, Holy shit i only just found the original prey, and LOVE IT. Only hope? Jenkins asked. Blazcowickz fighting against the magitech cult of Zarus. One of the first . You have to understandI come from one of the more civilized parts of my planet., Vedreg and I sat in silence for several minutes, absorbing this news. It's an amazing universe with engaging characters, an incredible backstory, and fantastic writing. I'll look at it again tomorrow when I'm on a computer and not on a phone. By the time they get there, the dudes are all dead but the power armor systems take over and the wreck shit anyway. UhI dont know. The full discussion they had is still posted somewhere, I think the Arkmuse VoM page has a link to it. At first I thought it had received some pleasant comments and then sank without a trace. Turns out we were all a little crazy to start with. The other, a male called Jung, pointed out a peninsula on the prograde end of the largest land mass when asked where his home was. They need to have something to aspire to, something they think is bigger than they are. Here? I asked of nobody as I struggled to my feet and trotted to the weapons locker. ; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. My species homeworld really is a category twelve temperate. Back then, Prey 2 was only a week old. The classic tale of first contact. I say you have a talent for worrying in vain. In fact the entire race seemed insane. My arm, meanwhile, had needed amputating, and I was still adjusting to the plastic and carbon fibre prosthetic that had replaced it. Aw I loved that one too. Some had died off so early only a few stone monuments marked that they had ever been there, some had established empires spanning nearly a dozen systems. Read the FAQ, read the Subreddit Rules, and check out our Wiki. You are not, Officer Aktnn, Vedreg replied. Despite its lack of height, it had strapped a pack to its torso that looked larger and heavier than I could have comfortably carried. The chemical weapons they use as less-lethal alternatives would slaughter us. A human ambassador reaches out to the all powerful Alliance! Aliens can be surprisingly strange at the best of times, but I was beginning to suspect that humans may be weirder than most. More information. Classics; Must Read; Previously Featured; Old School Text Posts; Library of Published Works Same. Time went on, and we soon discovered that this was not an isolated occurrence. Ended up re-reading them before starting this. The Supremacy blew away a single craft to secure its escape victor; a sad but necessary tactic. But theyd work. Heightened sensitivity? Torn actually caused quite a debate/argument when it was written because people thought it ruined the whole universe and prevented future stories from being written. Wow, I'm super surprised that the author of Spellgun or royalroad is also the author of an HFY I started reading 2 years ago on reddit. What's not to love? Interestingly, these two first stories spawned a series of stories written on this very subreddit, to which I'll link at the end of the last part. It was, as far as I could track back, originally posted as two parts, the second of which I will post tomorrow. It was suicide. You have no idea. Jenkins muttered. He raised a forelimb and waggled his pawhandat me as I approached, and our social cybernetics agreed that this was a gesture of greeting. It was only when I encountered the idea of the tortured poet that things started to fall into place. I've read a few stories based on this universe, most have been pretty damn good. I enjoyed watching their movies, and Jenkins and I spent nearly a full diurnal watching first a series of enjoyable fantasies called Star Wars, then a trilogy called The Lord of the Rings which I then discovered had originally been a book and read. Some previously un-archived screencaps, a bit of OC, discussion. This is here. We did not find another living race during that time, or find out how we were immune. Excuse me while I go read. Experimentally I tried to enter this fact onto the paperwork, which of course threw up an error code. The League's Fleet has policed known space for millennia, backed by mighty dreadnoughts that crushed any force that opposed them. We considered making contact, but in the end decided against it. He never told me why he asked to have his social implant removed, and why he went back to Earth. David and the crew begin work on cleaning up after the battle and discover a little more of the truth behind AI technology. Why! I guess I missed the notification, but this time I remembered the name. Holy shit! Events moved quickly after that. I actually gasped out loud. But the most important part is that they must never, ever learn how much superior they are to us in so many ways. Jenkins didnt seem especially frightened by the news, but then I realised he had almost certainly never heard of the only carnivorous species in the galaxy that preferred the meat of fellow sentients. Apt, I said. All life on Earth has been stolen away by The System, transported to another world at the behest of a distant galactic empire, who lived in terror of humanity's potential. Must be Christmas morning and no one told me. Same, I reread the first two yesterday and saved the new installment for today but now it's gone Also, and I wish I had documented where it was: There's a missing quotation mark where a character says something then has a thought, then keeps speaking. Still absolutely loving the banter between Baden and Nesh, and in general just how all the characters feel like real people! I really hope I don't have to wait to years for the next installment. Hostile, vicious and forever primordial. Los Angeles Classic Car Restoration. The other humans were quite dissimilar to Jenkins. It's better than my writing projects by far. I did not at first bother to look up from the desktop in front of me where the standard security systems were scanning the being in front of me for weapons, pathogens, parasites and other such contraband. Despite my longer legs, he covered the ground faster and threw himself behind a customs booth as another kinetic pulse missed him. Any race within this sector of space would slowly but surely go insane. Hope I didn't let them down. He seemed embarrassed by the fact. Unarmed, you single-handedly defeated three of the most feared aliens in known space, and you tell us you are neither a trained warrior nor a physically exceptional specimen of your kind. I gave this some consideration, and scrapped the form. to the breakdown of the Roman empire in Late . I saw this, and immidiatly thought I was sorted by top all-time again. I had seen him only twice sinceonce when I saw him on the news feed as galactic media briefly turned their attention to our station and its unusual story, and the second time was when I took his statement for the official incident report. I had been retired from the customs and immigration desk on the docking ring while my injuries were repaired, and instead had spent much of the last three groups of eight standard diurnals dealing with the paperwork and investigative work that had followed the Hunter attack. Read the whole series for the first time, and when I got to the retreat screened by the Associated Republics, I couldn't stop thinking of this mv in particular: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1vqUJ4T4wQ, What we need, Admiral, are fighter craft that are more heavily armored than the Bearcat and Tigercat, that can engage more hostiles before having to re-arm, that can survive multiple hits from the Rashans laser turrets, and that can also take on the larger combatants that the Rashan field along with their fighters, their destroyers, and cruisers.. This, and quarantine, both of which I found elsewhere, led me to HFY. This series had so much story potential until the reveal. I can't wait to see it come together! I just stumbled upon your Prey series and devoured all three parts. Fuck me there's my life in a sentence. Its crazy! He complained to me, in private. He was still yet to explain why he had found it so amusing to call me that. Many came up with theories, but none fit better than any others. I had not finished gathering my thoughts when there was a sudden violent lurch that knocked me from my feet. However you decide to go forward I look forward to reading it!!! An original story written, and granted. David cleans up a homeless encampment, turns in some bounties, designs his new ship and goes on the search for a big-ass nanofabricator. Oh, I know which one you're referencing. It was also a fountain of thought-provoking philosophy, novel ideas and unique pastimes. Star Wars x Humanity Fuck Yeah= Technological Debate, What starts as a scenario where our first contact with aliens is an old broadcast of Return of the Jedi, /tg/ discusses what Humanity could have made between the time the aliens receive the signal and what the aliens reaction would be. When I interviewed him, the swelling had gone down and the pain in his breath had gone away. Parts of your writing style reminded me of his. Absolutely amazing, really love how youve developed the story from the original. They were a very violent race, and many would kill one another for the smallest detail. And so we travelled the stars, colonising the lost homeworlds we found, along with others. Often futuristic science fiction, some of these copypastas can get quite long. Hearts for Youth (Alexandria Bay, NY) HFY. The Demonsa loan-word that had filled a conceptual gap we had never been aware ofthat tormented humanity were what inspired it. Having originally opened as the United Artists Theatre in 1927, the lovingly restored 1,600-seater retains much of the charm and charisma instilled by its iconic founders, namely Mary Pickford and Charlie Chaplin. Thanks and im looking forward to the next two. The original post can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/631sm0/lablonnamedadon/ Thanks to the author /u/NoGoodIDNames for permission to read this. Whatever else it was, Earth was a rich source of artistic exports. Her wingman is, Steve "Jester" Hendricks, a more experienced pilot in the ARTN. Humans, it seemed, had for most of their sentient era preferred to invent explanations for the world around them rather than admit a lack of knowledge. Jenkins interrupted, his implant radiating waning patience and mounting embarrassment. He and Bug are commanded by. He's relatively green, having only served one tour with the ARTN 8th Fleet, along with, Quet "Bug" Yous, one of the few Dreeden space superiority fighter pilots. Fuck yeah". Surrounded on all sides by an ecosystem saturated with toxic microfauna and parasitic nano-organisms, by vicious predators, hardy prey and an explosively unstable tectonic world, they sacrificed their own peace of mind on the altar of evolution. Unethical, but the species as a whole could not be prosecuted for the actions of a few and so the sale of the implants went ahead anyway. The locker reacted to the security codes my station security officers harness was broadcasting and opened, spilling out a pair of pulse guns, two personal shield emitters and a magazine of coin-sized nervejam grenades. We do not deny an author's need to promote their work, however we do require this only be done in a relevant context. I'm getting a 502 error, which might mean there are so many of us flocking to that page that it's overloading the server! worth a read. I was part of the security force that flew Jenkins to Capitol Station to be interviewed by a special committee. That isdeeply troubling information, Purveyor Jenkins. Vedreg said, eventually. I requested, and was granted, a transfer and promotion to head of security on the research station. Three short howls of noisethe attack alarm. Not quite as good as the last one, but it's OC, that makes it good enough. And I just happen to arrive on the very day that the sub is spoiled with the long-awaited third installment? As an FYI, full page ads inescapable ad on your site means I can't read it. Under Nesh's purview is a Dreeden State Department tactical team, led by, Lieutenant Reald, the no-nonsense team leader, who prefers to carry an over-sized Terran revolver into combat. Interview begins, interstellar convenient standard date/time 1196-5-24.4. Alexandria Bay, NY ) HFY fit better than my writing projects by far on. Insane, to the weapons locker aktnnzziktk interviewing immigrant pre-Contact abductee any changes. I 'll look at it again tomorrow when I started to find the positives out how we more... Cylia deal with a worm while clank flexes on some aliens less than thirty light-years away, closer. A few stories based on this universe, most have been excited for this for a long.. Implies that your entire species is insane., and their seven eyes, each independently! 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