introduction to the devout life summary

This habit of spiritual retirement and ejaculatory prayer is the keystone of devotion, and can supply the defects of all your other prayers; but nothing else can supply its place. CHAPTER XXVI. Learn how the Bible, theCatechism, and Narnia are connected! Let St. Francis de Sales illumine the path to holiness and strengthen your desire to walk that road with the Lord. Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis De Sales (Summary+Review) Biblical Bookworm 3.25K subscribers Subscribe 254 2.2K views 1 year ago WIEN #firstvideoonyoutube #newcatholicchannel. Join the movement! Making spiritual progress through daily, monthly, and yearly exercises Whether you are running a tractor, a ba How do you grow closer to sainthood in your daily life? Daily & yearly renewal -Just as a clock must be wind up daily and taken apart each year to prevent rust, we must renew our devotion daily and do a thorough examine each year. This is one of the few books that "stays on my nightstand." The final edition was published in 1619, prior to the death of Francis in 1622. INTRODUCTION To A DEVOUT LIFE. CHAPTER XVII. Gregory Pine, O.P., and Fr. Saint Francis de Sales-patron saint of authors and writers and eminent Doctor of the Catholic Church-is quite deserving of his posthumous honors and titles, for with Introduction to the Devout Life (among his numerous other books and pamphlets), he gives to not only Catholics around the world but humanity in general, a religious, imformative yet readable work of theology that will aid in answering some of the fundamental questions of human existence. The necessity of a spiritual guide for progress in the devout life The path of humble obedience and full trust that God is working fully through him. To you however, my child, I would teach a deeper humility, for that of which I have been speaking is almost more truly to be called worldly wisdom than humility. Part III, Chapter 18 prev: next Such foolish attachments between man and woman without any matrimonial intentions as are called amourettes,--mere abortions, or rather phantoms of friendship,--must not, idle and empty as they are, profane the name of friendship or love. Consolation must encourage us to humility and good works. [8] Plaushin calls this "De Sales' most remarkable gift to the church. A keen and attentive realizing of Gods omnipresence. COUNSELS AND PRACTICES SUITABLE FOR THE SOUL'S GUIDANCE FROM THE FIRST ASPIRATION AFTER A DEVOUT LIFE TO THE POINT WHEN IT ATTAINS A CONFIRMED RESOLUTION TO FOLLOW THE SAME. CHAPTER XIII. The Necessity of Prayer Mental prayer the prayer of the heart based on the life and passion of our Lord is what St. Francis recommends the most. Realize to whom you made this pledge and in front of whom. Search the history of over 804 billion * St. Francis provides 10 meditations to help us make the 1st step in purifying us from all sin (click here for the PDF of the 10 meditations) *. It enjoyed wide popularity, and was well received in both Protestant and Catholic circles, evidenced by its translation into all major languages of the day. In order to cure our faults, it is doubtless well to mortify the flesh, but above all we must purify our affections, and renew our hearts, and it is advisable never to adopt bodily mortifications without the direction of our spiritual guide (193). It is too true that I who write about the devout life am not myself devout, but most certainly I am not without the wish to become so, and it is this wish which encourages me to teach you. CHAPTER XXXIX. His feast is celebrated on January 24. De Sales explained: "I address my words to Philothea, since I wish to direct what was first written to one person alone to the general benefit of many souls; "[3], Unlike many other writings in this category, it is distinguished by addressing itself to all Christians in any state of life, rather than to just those who have been called to a religious vocation. I really just mean that it is one of those books that I will refer back to again and again for spiritual help. The two sides between which we ascend, and in which the rounds are fastened, represent prayer, which obtains the love of God, and the sacraments which confer it; the rounds are nothing but divers degrees of charity, by which we advance from virtue to virtue, either descending, by action, to the help and support of our neighbour, or ascending, by contemplation, to a blessed union with God (7). Join the movement! [4], De Sales said, "My purpose is to instruct those who live in town, within families, or at court, and are obliged to live an ordinary life as to outward appearances. The Conclusion and Spiritual Bouquet. Patience Patience in all trials is the key to possessing our souls. There is always greater benefit and comfort to be derived from the public service of the Church than from private devotions (95). The devout life is faithfully represented by Jacobs ladder. CHAPTER I. How to receive Inspirations. Conversation When you speak of God, let it be done with reverence, devotion, gentleness, charity, and humility. Declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius IX in 1877, St. Francis is still helping to form saints through his many writings, of which Introduction to the Devout Life is the most famous. Persevere We must be patient and persevere in the path of Christian perfection. St. Francis de Sales' perennial classic of spiritual direction. Further Advice concerning Intimacies. Awareness that God dwells in your heart and spirit. CHAPTER III. **. CHAPTER III. CHAPTER X. Morning exercise gratitude for the night, firm resolution for the day ahead, review the upcoming day, humble yourself, offer yourself to God. (LogOut/ on May 25, 2021, Classic Catholic book by St. Francis de Sales on how to grow in devotion and holiness in everyday life while living in the world, There are no reviews yet. If not, (1) humble yourself and (2) ask for Gods help. A message from theCatholic Classics podcast hosts:St. If we persevere, we shall gradually, by the help of His grace, learn to speak, to act and will like Him (61). During his lifetime, St. Francis de Sales gave spiritual direction to many individuals. Dryness If you experience dryness, recourse to vocal prayer, or read a book until you feel reassured to enter back into prayer or stir up your heart with actions or gestures. "[8], sfn error: no target: CITEREFFrancis_de_Sales/ed._Ryan_p.33 (, sfn error: no target: CITEREFFrancis_de_Sales/ed._Ryan_p.44 (. This took me almost all year to read, because I read it a bit at a time, but it was amazing. Advice and encouragement for lay Catholics pursuing a personal relationship with God from a Doctor of the Church. Pray 12 minutes a day to help God save America. Make concrete resolution and specify the exact means of carrying it out. Aspirations, Ejaculatory Prayers, and Holy Thoughts Do not fail to long frequently for God by short but ardent efforts of your heart (87). Without this chief fruit of meditation, it becomes not only useless but positively hurtful, for our mind is apt to rest satisfied with the consideration instead of the practice of virtues, till we persuade ourselves that wearewhat we haveresolved to be this is all very well if our resolutions are active and solid, but if not, it is a vain and dangerous error therefore we should always endeavour to put them in practice, and seek every occasion for so doing. prev : next . Charity alone can place us in perfection, but obedience, chastity, and poverty, are the three principal means by which to attain to it. I didn't know how old this book was until just! 2 sorts of persons ought to communicate frequently: Your chief aim in Holy Communion should be to advance, strengthen, and comfort yourself in the love of God; receiving for loves sake, what love alone can give (112). Three Important and Final Counsels. Be like a little child with one hand clinging to your father and the one hand gathers fruits. Preaching during the Counter-Reformation, he is estimated to have converted 70,000 Calvinists in his short lifetime. How to combine due care for a Good Reputation with Humility. Remedies against Evil Friendships. He was a fervent proponent of the universal call to holiness and spent much of his time guiding lay people on the road to sanctity. Introduction to the Devout Life is a compilation of letters and notes used in the spiritual direction of his cousin, Madame Marie de Charmoisy, the wife of an ambassador of the Duke of Savoy. What I particularly enjoy is his insistence on different spiritual acts for people in different states of life. CHAPTER VIII. Fresh wounds are always the easiest to heal make immediate reparation for faults. ), PRAY WITH CATHOLICS EVERYWHERE TO SAVE AMERICA. How to effect this Second Purification. CHAPTER VII. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. It's full of practical advice on prayer, virtues, vices, friendships, and so much more. His two masterpieces are Introduction to a Devout Life and the Treatise on the Love of God. St. Francis de Sales explains how to turn that desire for sanctity into resolutions that yield grace-filled results. Pray 12 minutes a day to help God save America. Reading this volume was a bit of a different process. The classic handbook for ordinary people who want to live spiritually devout lives continues, with advice on how to resist temptations and constantly renew your commitment to loving and serving God. On Gentleness towards Ourselves. Battling wisely against temptation Perfection lies in entertaining no friendships that are not pure, holy, and sacred (179). This early 17th century classic is a proven spiritual guide for living an authentic Christian life. Always follow holy desires if your affections are greatly kindled towards God after your preparation, yield to them without heeding any formal method. CHAPTER XIII. 1st Part: Instructions and exercises for conducting the soul from her first desire for a devout life till she is brought to a full resolution of embracing it. CONTAINING COUNSELS CONCERNING THE PRACTICE OF VIRTUE. This was written specifically for the laity by St. Francis de Sales. CHAPTER XIX. This book was like having a saint as your personal spiritual director. CHAPTER III. By the help of one virtue heartily practiced men may attain to all holiness ~ Gregory Nazianzen. Like The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis, it is considered a spiritual classic in the Christian tradition. it's hard to move through this book fast. OUR LADY: THIS BEAUTIFUL SACRED OBJECT PROTECTS YOUR FAMILY, THIS AMAZING BESTSELLER WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE (ONLY $1! Amen. CHAPTER VIII. Highly recommend for anyone looking for concrete advice on the spiritual life! When Temptation and Delectation are Sin. 4 ways to do this (only choose 1 and keep it short and simple): (2) Invocation Humble yourself before God and ask for thegrace to serve and worship Him in your meditation. CHAPTER X. Love poverty and the poor; for by this love you will become truly poor yourself, since we become like to that which we love (167). Introduction to the Devout Life is one of the great religious and devotional masterpieces. Charles Borromeo had a great influence on Francis de Sales because of his pastoral approach to bringing devotion to the Christian in the world. Things that spoke to me in the past did not this time. Introduction to the Devout Life Frivolous Attachments. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Been reading this every couple of years for Lent. Because, answered the huntsman, if it were always bent I fear it would lose its spring and become useless. How to resist Minor Temptations. Gather your spirit into the oratory of your heart and lay open your soul and speak face to face with God (84). Read Full Description Details SKU: 9781954881587 ISBN: 9781954881587 Weight: 1.821 lb Things that I did not recall reading before were powerful this time around. What does spiritual meditation and prayer look like amid the demands of daily life? I place this book in the same league as that classic The Imitation of Christ by Thomas of Kempis. This is a Lenten reading of the spiritual classic, Introduction to the Devout Life, authored by Saint Francis de Sales, and read by Father Rob Ketcham. Make surethat these are truly internal dispositions and not just external actions. Let us be firm in our plans and unchanging in our resolutions. Be content to simply drive them away. Saint Frances de Sales, great saint that he is and patron saint of writers, leads you through a purification of the soul, the purging of sin in ones life and, indeed, in the cleansing of ones soul. It has led many to devotion and, as literature, has contributed to the French language. This theology for the laity I find elements of most recently in the work of St. Josemaria Escriva, founder of the controversial but infinitely Catholic Opus Dei. How to possess a rich Spirit amid real Poverty. CHAPTER V. Examination of your Condition as regards yourself. Of Conversation; and, first, how to Speak of God. We will keep fighting for all libraries - stand with us! CHAPTER XIV. CHAPTER V. The First Step must be Purifying the Soul. Life of St. Francis de Sales Introduction was seen immediately as a classic in trying to describe a spirituality that is compatible with any walk of life. (Marie de Charmoisy, or Louise de Charmoisy? May St. Francis de Sales and his Introduction to the Devout Life encourage you in your pursuit of Christ.. He was a fervent proponent of the universal call to holiness and spent much of his time guiding lay people on the road to sanctity. CHAPTER VII. But I was no less comforted when I found her in her fathers kitchen, humbly turning the spit, blowing the fire, dressing the meat, kneading the bread, and doing the meanest offices of the house with a courage full of love and affection for her God; for I esteem no less the little and humble meditation she made amongst these mean and abject employments, than the ecstasies and raptures she so often had, which, perhaps, were given her only in recompense of her humility and abjection. Introduction to the Devout Life Saint Francis de Sales (1567 - 1622) First published in the early 17th century, it has proven its value as a daily spiritual guide and helpful reference for living an authentic Christian life. Dive deeper into the world of Narnia with your family, classroom, or small group wit Are you saved? is a common Christian question, but how do Catholics respond? 4/5. ** Above all, you must be careful to retain the resolutions to which you have come through meditation, on your return to active duties. This masterpiece of Christian literature by a 16th-century priest explains how to live a holy life in the secular world. Written over 400 years ago, Introduction to the Devout Life is still one of the most popular books for those pursuing holiness. YOU aim at a devout life, dear child, because as a Christian you know that such devotion is most acceptable to God's Divine Majesty. St. Francis discusses the nature of temptation, what constitutes succumbing to temptation, how to fight off temptation, and how to strengthen oneself so that temptations never penetrate. By St. Francis de Sales Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V Part First. web pages It's broken up into small "chapters" so it's great to read just one little tidbit each day. First and foremost, this book is a manual, a manual on how seek, find, and create a devout life, a life devoted to God. Renew the protestation given in Part I after the meditations on the 1st day of each month and when you feel any slackening in your soul. True devotion iswhen charity reaches that point of perfection wherein it not only causes us to do good but to do it earnestly, frequently, and readily (4) and in carrying out Gods heavenly inspirations and counsels of perfection (5). Infallibly true to anyone who strives for Sainthood. 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