why are nuns so cruel

The stories I have heard just make me cry. So he wrote to God. "As a precaution, in case I died," he made a tape-recording and put two pieces of paper in an envelope. "I started screaming. i may have exaggerated a little. "I don't think I saw Sister Laurence ever smile. Why Are Chihuahuas So Aggressive? That started from the moment I went in there. She remembers Nazareth the house as "spooky, horrible". Her father took the child to the local priest "to explain what he'd discovered and how angry he was for his children, but the priest never took it up". reading cinemas refund; kevin porter jr dad shooting; illinois teacher and administrator salaries; john barlow utah address; jack prince obituary; saginaw s'g m1 carbine serial numbers; how old was amram when moses was born; etang des deux amants carp fishing We've received your submission. One of its principal purposes was to provide an opportunity for persons who had suffered abuse in childhood in institutions to recount that abuse, but it also had extensive investigatory functions. The Nazareth House children face another difficulty: the time bar. Sexual abuse leaves scars that last for life, she wrote on the blog. This can lead to nuns being quite resentful toward Mothers. He joined the RAF and although other young men lay in their beds weeping for their mothers, Aitken thrived: the military were "the first people who treated me as a human being. This can lead to nuns being quite resentful toward Mothers. and so on. Ranged against them are the Catholic hierarchy, the asylums' insurers, who insist that there must be no admission of liability, and a sceptical hauteur that flourishes across the political and legal establishment. Every surface is wiped clean. The Sisters of Mercy taught the girls at her high school; the boys were taught by the Christian Brothers. It blew into the sea and they went into retrieve it, a stupid plastic ball - of course, they wouldn't have dared do otherwise. When Finnegan finally summoned up the courage to confront Sister Mary Juanita in the early 1990s more than 20 years after graduating high school in 1969 she found herself tongue-tied. One of them was my sister. Contrast Naughty Nuns. I just want to try to understand it. Kathleen Batey's back is lined with a ladder of scars - they are the relics of her life at Nazareth House in Tyneside, received, she says, when nuns took off the belts buckled round their habits and beat her. The papers showed a copy of a newspaper photograph of Aberdeen's Nazareth House. I was terrified the whole time and never had a happy day there. Well, I don't think that humans are meant to live without any intimacy; physical or emotional. The atmosphere was one of sheer terror. One of them, dated Sunday April 2, 1967, pledges: "I will keep these promises seen here." The stigma that nuns are cruel is somewhat of a misnomer. There they found a disciplined regime which, they say, tipped over into violence. The mission had boys dorm and girls dorm and behind the dorms outside was a small creek that ran behind the buildings and through the woods. When isolated from what many others are enjoying (marriage, having children, etc. The strap was socially acceptable. There is the cruel nun (The Magdalene Sisters), the anti-fun nun (Sound of Music) . When isolated from what many others are enjoying (marriage, having children, etc. It was bad enough in Newcastle, but after the war broke out we were moved to Carlisle where it was much more cruel. Nun of Monza by Giuseppe Molteni. Allegations of abuse by its nuns first surfaced in Scotland last year. She hated children and was always hitting us with a cricket stump she carried around. "I left the faith as a direct result and don't describe myself as a Catholic anymore. Only my opinion of course, but I'd blame it on a lack of physical and emotional shenanigans with members of the opposite sex. Why are Nuns so mean? They were always calling us guttersnipes or scavengers and seemed to enjoy humiliating us. By using this site you consent to our use of cookies as per our, People who don't know how to weep with their whole heart, don't know how to laugh either. ", In the pre- and post-war period, orphans were often sent to homes run by religious orders, such as the Sisters of Nazareth. He told me he'd been sexually abused by a priest. I froze and became that 15-year-old kid again, she said. It was so tragic. ", She is outraged by suggestions that her motivation is securing compensation. I was terrified 24 hours a day. But it left the family with inconsolable sadness. That was when her main tormentor at the Nazareth House in Middlesbrough, Sister Laurence, died. Dispenza, who spent 15 years in a habit before becoming an activist against the Catholic Church, is bracing for an onslaught of cases against nuns, who typically run schools and orphanages, and spend exponentially more time with children than priests do. Although nuns acting mean is mostly history, the stigma remains in many peoples minds. Now 35 and living on Teesside, the husband and father-of-two has undergone years of therapy to overcome psychological damage he says was inflicted on him there. She asked me to go upstairs and tell her how I was getting on. Finnegan told The Post she approached SNAP for support a few years earlier. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Why Do Teachers Hate Gum? He was brought up in Smyllum Park orphanage in Lanark, run by the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul. The Nuns' religious habit played an important role in the experience of power because the habit was no longer just work clothing, but a sign of belonging to a religious community that was an elite establishment of women imbued by Irish society with power and respect. Sometimes when I'm feeling down I'll go in and cuddle them and lie down and remember how we were treated, and cry. "I had a panic attack - I thought I was having a heart attack. Nobody wanted to hear about the Vestal Virgins back then, she said. And 40 nuns belonging to the Poor Sisters of Nazareth and the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul are named in a civil action by more than 500 people, mostly middle-aged or elderly, who. None the less, there have been scandals and debates within the church about the ill-treatment of children for decades. People can be cruel unintentional, they can say or do things unconsciously, but that is not an excuse for their actions. "But girls were beaten every day. I remember we all did not want to leave the home in Brecon because the nuns there were so kind. Thats awefull! This kind of behavior applies to nuns, as well. The old statute capped lawsuits at age 23. They were let go home on some weekends and hollidays. These are major things, the experience was a severe danger to people's lives." They were not battleaxes or crones. We did all the work in the convent, cleaning the windows, scrubbing floors, doing the laundry and washing out the bathrooms. Cusiter was eight when her mother disappeared and she and her five brothers and sisters were taken from Glasgow to Aberdeen's Nazareth House. Lets not forget that nuns take a vow of celibacy. While your doing that, tell any stories of nuns that you might have. This can lead to them being quite cruel to others, especially those weaker than them. So far, the Poor Sisters of Nazareth have refused to comment, but it is believed that the allegations will be contested vigorously. So I guess if someone can tell me why they are so mean and abusive that would be nice. The children didn't speak about what had happened, "none of us did, believe it or not". January 22, 2011 in Spirituality, Religion and Beliefs. "Most of the time he was like a recluse. Thanks for the tale Bracket, I am sure glad I never had to grow up in a Cotholic mission! So if you see a mean nun, remember that shes probably going through a lot. He'd never told anyone. Remember one more thing: the mothers who dropped their out-of-wedlock children off at the convents had only one other choice at the timethe street. In the grounds, he noticed that where once there were playing fields there was now a children's nursery. The Irish Examiner newspaper, which has investigated the finances of the religious orders involved in running the laundries, says they owned assets in 2012 of 1.5bn euros ($1.9bn, 1.2bn). (11 Reasons Why). Bob Marley, "We went to explore the Moon & discovered the Earth" Gene Cernan. ", Punishment was perpetually lurking: "You never knew when or what. Kathleen Batey, a 47-year-old cleaner living near Newcastle United Football Club's mighty stadium, is not one of the campaigners seeking legal redress. Just because you are married doesn't mean you don't find another person attractive or have great chemistry with someone. I was clothed, fed, paid a weekly wage. This definitely made it much worse. Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? I believe in God, though". They would just use anything that came to hand. Its going to come out as physical abuse of children and sexual abuse. She asked, 'What do you remember about your childhood?' She was obsessed with me 24 hours a day, Finnegan, now 67, told The Post. At one time, the training nuns received was outdated and very harsh. "You could get hammered for anything. This woman wouldn't say sh** if she had a mouth full. Its not something thats public knowledge, but many nuns grow to regret taking this vow. Eventually, four years after her encounter with Sister Alphonso, she went to a solicitor. No prayers. This is not the work of an obsessive, he says, just typical of an orphan. It was a form of mental torture.". with all the other girls looking on. Only my opinion of course, but I'd blame it on a lack of physical and emotional shenanigans with members of the opposite sex. It is anger, suffering and self isolation.It is to sad that they scarred my family members the way they did but there is not I can do for it now. "It could happen for any thing, any time of the night or day. But it was off. The group has heard from 35 people in the last several days who claim they were physically and sexually abused by nuns, said Dispenza, a former nun who claims she was abused as a young girl by both a priest and a nun. Today there are fewer than 4,000 nuns and their average age is over 80. The one thing that I have found from talking to them and from past stories they have told me before they died was the Nuns of the Caotholic Missions were always mean and abusive to the children. When my grandma first went there she only spoke her native language, she spoke no english at all. So we sat on the sheet to dry it - we were only children. It gives a good idea of the standard of care. The children were beaten regularly and the nuns were never really nice to them. They know what a 'broken heart' feels like and the betrayal that goes with it. Silence sometimes is a kind of defense which allows victims to hide from the pain (for a while).. He wasn't prepared to accept that it was the truth. I felt terrible all over again.". Money would never take away what happened - God's representatives on earth behaving in such an appalling manner." "Of all the tyrannies that affect mankind, tyranny in religion is the worst." Dealing with those wounds and scars, and surviving through daily life is a challenge for many of us. He said, 'Pray for him my son.' No one would believe how bad it was. They'd cut up woollen jumpers and we had to put them on our feet and we had to skate on the floor and make sure the shine came up. But in her collection of personal records, there is the evidence: a telegram adorned with top hats and lucky horseshoes, addressed to her at Aberdeen's Nazareth House on August 3, 1955, saying, "Happy Birthday Darling, from Mummy." Their accounts of life in the various homes have a common theme: of thrashings even for the most minor misdemeanour or failing, be it sneezing, wetting the bed, or forgetting the words of a hymn. 1. Archbishop Conti has strongly denied Currie's claims, indeed he denies that he ever, "either in the context of confessional or outside the confessional, received any complaint of any kind of abuse relating to the care of children in Nazareth House". There, he says, nuns regularly beat him and made him witness the violent degradation of other children. "I remember being told repeatedly by the nuns that I had been put there because I was naughty and because my family did not want me. Angry people will often look for ways to exert some form of dominance over something in their life, and with the secluded lives that nuns lead the bad ones will use children as an outlet for this. Their father didn't stop them: "I thought there was nobody. To hide injuries from visitors, children were shut into a "black hole" without bedding, ventilation or light. But it didn't stop the man coming in." Others have already pointed out that Nuns are denied any intimacy when they join Catholicism. Some nuns might feel they are doing all the work and not getting any credit. I hope your not suggesting any of my post isn't true? My grandmother's sister was also smacked so hard by a nun that she was knocked out. lol Thanks for the input. What often makes detection of childhood abuse difficult for the police is that it's an adult's word against a child's, and there often isn't any surviving physical evidence (a sign, say the sceptics, that abuse didn't happen or that it didn't cause any harm). The allegations stretch back as far as 50 years and are as recent as the 1970s. After all, we all have our own crosses to bear. Its not easy to grow up in an abusive or neglectful home, which can lead to trauma and emotional damage. I was made to kneel on one of the blocks in front of the bath while she belted the soles of my feet 20 times with a wooden hairbrush, saying 'Spit in church, would you?' "Violence was an intrinsic part of the culture of these institutions," O'Sullivan says; they were committed to the "destruction of will". This is the next big thing for the church the biggest untold secret, Mary Dispenza, a director at Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP), a St. Louis-based advocacy group. An aunt who came to visit was told I was confined with an infection. More than 14 percent of nuns have been sexually abused themselves, said Finnegan. It was just the routine.". My sister didn't wet the bed at home, but one night she was crying and came to us and said she'd wet the bed. Nuns can be cruel for a variety of reasons. But though he is active in progressive politics and his music club, says, "I'm also very lonely, I have to admit that.". They've always ruled by fear. "There was a big polished floor, it was really polished. I remember being made to sit in a cold bath. "I just want it out of my mind." "He sat, feet on the table, and said there were several options. By Beatings and acts of extreme cruelty were commonplace, they say, and together with the spartan existence in the home, gave them lives of utter misery. 1.Why do Catholic nuns have a reputation for being cruel and abusive Author: www.quora.com Post date: 2 yesterday Rating: 5 (1678 reviews) Highest rating: 3 Low rated: 3 Summary: They were allowed to commit their crimes because as a religious order they were not subject to scrutiny. She started to tell me how wonderful it was working with the old people, but her hands were shaking. Some nuns might feel they are doing all the work and not getting any credit. - tuambabies.org Joseph had been left alone in verminous conditions. Women Religious orders are very closed systems, more so than the priesthood. The retired telephonist has never forgotten the summer of 1955 when the children of Cardonald Nazareth House in Glasgow went to Aberdeen on an exchange. 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