Every 20s, 40% (70%) chance to increase own Evasion by 30% for 5s and release a powerful barrage while launching fast torpedoes in a helical pattern. Increases the FP, RLD, and Accuracy of all. Every 10 times this ship fires her Main Guns: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special missile barrage using the Buster Borr, and deploys a smokescreen that lasts 5s (DMG is based on the skill's level). Every 40s (every 20s), fire a special barrage targeting the enemy farthest away from this ship. Every 20s after the start of the battle, 45% (75%) chance to fire a special barrage (barrage damage scales with skill level). Increase Firepower of cruisers in the fleet by 5% (15%). Each cat stat contributes to multiple ship girl stats. When resurfacing: launches a torpedo barrage with 100% critical hit chance (damage scales with skill level). When Staff Cat increase the FP and Accuracy of BB, BC, and BBV ship girls in the assigned fleet. Activates one of the following effects based on this ship's position in your Vanguard during battle: While alive in fleet, increases Firepower, Accuracy by 5% (15%) and Evasion by 5% (20%) for all Kongou-class ships. When this ship launches an airstrike: launches a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special airstrike with aircraft torpedoes and rockets (DMG is based on the skill's level); inflicts a special Burn ailment to enemies hit by these rockets (Burn DMG is based on this ship's AVI stat). While this ship is afloat, when a fleet this ship is NOT in engages in battle: When this ship fires her Secondary Guns: 40% (70%) chance to fire an additional attack (this effect cannot activate again until this ship sinks an enemy, or after a 10s cooldown). If this ship has the highest percentage HP of all ships in your Main Fleet, and there are at least 2 ships in your Main Fleet, deducts 1% (5%) HP from this ship and heals your Main Fleet ship with the lowest percentage HP (except this ship) for the amount of HP deducted from this ship; If this ship does NOT have the highest percentage HP, deducts 1% (5%) HP from your Main Fleet ship with the highest percentage HP and heals this ship for the amount of HP deducted from the other ship. Wonderful Commander Cat if you're running a Royal Navy fleet. (Fires 27 DD HE bullets of 28 base damage each. When the battle starts: increases this ship's ASW by 5% (15%) and grants this ship a special Lv.1 (Lv.10) ASW weapon (DMG is based on the skill's level). Even better when in a fleet with BB, BC, and BBV ships. If equipped with a CL gun: enhances special barrage. Increases this ship's Main Gun DMG by 1% (10%). The only real exception to any of this is the submarine cats. IRONBLOOD SHIPS. If you're looking for other games like . This skill always activates on the first airstrike of each battle. Every 20s: 30% (60%) chance to fire a special barrage (DMG is based on skill's level). bonus After the start of the battle and every 30s after that: increases this ship's AA and ASW by 5% (15%) for 20s. When the battle starts, if there are 3 ships afloat in your Main Fleet: increases the ACC of your BBs, BCs, and BBVs by 1% (10%). Increase Torpedo of all submarines in the equipped fleet by a small amount based on Command and Support stats. Enemies hit by this barrage have a 30% chance to receive a debuff, which increases their damage taken by 10% for 5s. Every 20s: 40% (70%) chance for this ship to enter Assault Mode, firing a powerful barrage and increasing this ship's TRP by 30% for 8s. When summoned, the robot: Whenever own torpedoes hit 5 times, increases own Firepower by 3.5% (8%). When the fleet this ship is in defeats an enemy fleet: increases this ship's FP, TRP, and RLD by 0.5% (5%) (can be stacked up to 3 times). 15% (30%) chance to increase this ship's Main Gun DMG by 30% for 3s (5s cooldown between activations), 40% (70%) chance to fire a special HE barrage (DMG is based on skill's level; 10s cooldown between activations). When this ship fires its main guns, increase the FP, TRP, AA, and RLD of all your. When this ship fires her Main Guns: 50% (80%) chance to fire a special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). Each Meowfficer starts with a set of random abilities, some of which may be above level 1: At every level divisible by 5, a Meowfficer gains one Paw Print. Dive Bomber slot is equipped with "Mach 2.42 Bermbew Sprawt" skin. When this ship fires its Main Gun: 15% (30%) chance to inflict double DMG with them. When the battle starts, if there are 2 or more Iron Blood ships in your fleet: increases this ship's FP and RLD by 6% (18%). Increases damage dealt to suicide, torpedo, and transport ships by 10% (25%). Note that this does not affect the initial abilities. The buffs given to the destroyers aren't anything too special but this cat's inherent talent has a rather useless and inconsistent 3rd part. Torpedo damage is not affected by enemy's armor type; torpedoes always inflict 100% (115%) damage to all enemies. While alive in fleet, reduces duration of burning effect on flagship and self by 3s. Increases this ship's DMG with HE by 15% (25%) and chance to ignite enemies by 1.2% (3%). If this barrage, or own gun shots hit an enemy ship: 40% (70%) chance to lower the Reload and Accuracy of that enemy by 5% (10%) for 15s. 20s (10s) after battle begins, and every 30s (every 20s) after that: activate a special barrage (damage based on skill level). When this ship's HP falls below 45% as a result of DMG taken: decreases this ship's Burn DMG taken by 5% (15%) while below this threshold. Timestamps: Show. Every 20s after the battle starts: fire a special barrage that inflicts a unique burn on all enemies it hits (barrage damage scales with skill level). Does not stack with the same skill. If the enemy is a DD: also decreases that enemy's Speed by 5.0% (20.0%) for 5s. Once per battle, if sortied with. When this ship fires its Main Guns: 5% chance to increase this ship's FP, RLD, and EVA by 20% (40%) for 8s (5s cooldown, starts on cooldown). Increases own Speed by 3 (8) and increase own Evasion by 13% (25%). Every 10s, if your fleet has 10 or more AP: consumes 10 AP and activates "Frozen Lily" Lv.1 (Lv.10) (DMG is based on the skill's level). During battle, if the number of Hololive ships in the fleet is odd: increases own damage dealt with Main Gun by 4.5% (12%); otherwise decreases damage taken from bullets by self by 1% (5%). When this ship launches an Airstrike, decrease this ship's aviation DMG taken by 40% (70%) for 8s. When the battle starts: increases this ship's FP and TRP by 5.0% for each afloat ship in your Vanguard. When this ship fires her AA guns: 25.0% chance to increase this ship's AA by 20% (40%), but decrease her FP by 40% (20%), for 3s; if this ship has Eagle Union gear equipped, this AA buff is doubled and the FP debuff does not apply. When this boat retreats from battle: fires a special torpedo barrage (damage scales with skill level). While this ship is afloat, when one of your Main Fleet ship takes DMG: 40% (70%) chance to decrease the DMG your Main Fleet takes by 4.5% (12%) for 15s. Increases this ship's AVI and ACC by 5% (15%). The goal of every encounter is to reach the boss at the end of the level. 70% and 30% of max HP: increases own Firepower by 4% (10%) and decreases damage taken by self by 4% (10%). Enemies remain at 0 speed for an additional 1.5s, after which this debuff expires and their speed returns to normal. When resurfacing: launches a special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). If there is any other Dragon Empery ship in your fleet: decreases this ship's DMG taken by 1% (10%). This is expensive and the price goes up depending on the number of talent points you've spent on your cat. Once every 20s, fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage that inflicts a minus 30% SPD debuff to enemies hit for 5s (DMG is based on the skill's level). From the 4th salvo onward, this ship deals 0% (20%) more damage with its salvos. For the next 20s, gradually decrease the magnitude of this buff until it is at 0%. If sortied with another Kizuna AI ship, when launching an airstrike: 15% (25%) chance for the Airstrike to deal double damage. When this ship launches an Airstrike: launches an additional Lv.1 (Lv.10) airstrike (DMG is based on the skill's level). At the start of the battle and every 20s after that: fires a special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). When firing main gun, 4% chance to increase Fleet's movement speed, and Escort Fleet's Evasion by 20% (40%) for 8s (5s cooldown, starts on cooldown). Does not stack with other smokescreen skills. To raise the level of each Meowfficer's inherent talent you need to feed a duplicate Meowfficer to the one who's inherent talent you wish to level. The higher percentage HP this ship has remaining, the more DMG she deals, up to 12% (20%) more; the lower percentage HP she has remaining, the less DMG she takes, up to 12% (20%) less (this effect does not modify DMG tanked as a result of the skill "Iron-Willed Leader"). Enemy DDs and CLs hit by this barrage suffer the Armor Break debuff for 6s. Every battle, increases the damage of the first barrage by 80% (130%). immune to all damage) for 5s (15s). Once the effect ends: increases own Evasion by 20% (40%) for 3s. Increases this ship's FP and ASW by 1% (10%). Decreases the DMG this ship takes by 5% (15%). Upgrade Meowfficer Barrage I to Meowfficer Barrage II. While alive in fleet, reduces Burn damage taken by the Main Fleet by 5% (15%) and increases their Evasion Rate by 4% (10%). When 4 same-colored shots in a row from this barrage hit the same enemy, one of the following debuffs are inflicted: 1) if the shots were black, the enemy's SPD is decreased by 15% (30%) for 2s; 2) if the shots were white, the enemy's DMG dealt is decreased by 5% (15%) for 2s. If there are other Royal Navy ships in the same fleet: increases this ship's DMG dealt by 3.5% (8%). When a patrol fleet (destroyer node) is within 2 squares, Increase map movement range by 1, While equipped as Staff Cat, Increase Aviation for CV, CVL by a moderate amount based on Command stat. If you'd like to look at the talents available for cats to learn check here. Can be stacked up to 3 times. 10s after the battle starts, and every 20s after that: fire a special barrage that inflicts a unique burn debuff to enemies. 30% and 0% of max HP: decreases damage taken by self by 10% (20%). Increases this ship's FP and TRP by 4.5% (12%). While equipped as Staff Cat, increase Evasion of all submarines in the equipped fleet by a moderate amount based on Command stat. Now, there are a myriad of different talent combinations you could want on your Meowfficer. When taking damage, 4% (10%) chance to fire a special barrage; 5s cool down after activation. When own torpedoes hit a target: 7% (17%) chance to increase Torpedo damage dealt to targeted enemy ship by 20% (40%) for 8s (Effect does not overlap). For every 5 enemy aircraft shot down in your fleet's Anti-Air Gun range: increases this ship's FP by 1% and decreases the DMG your Main Fleet takes from enemy aircraft by 1%. 5s after the first time own Main Gun is fired during battle: increases own Firepower by 5% (15%), increases own damage dealt to enemy CLs by 10% (20%), and decreases own Torpedo stat to 0 for the rest of the battle. Also play XP is given per cat. Every 20s after the battle starts: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level) and deploys one of the following 2 types of shields, both lasting for 5 (10)s, chosen at random: 1) blocks 2 torpedoes, 2) blocks 10 shells. Every 12s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level and this ship's AVI stat). Every 15s, deploy a shield in front of this ship that lasts for up to 8.0s and and can block up to 6 enemy shells. When Staff Cat and engaging in battle adjacent to inaccessible terrain (the shore or cliffs) increase FP for the entire fleet. When this ship launches an Airstrike, if there is an enemy with 25% or less max HP left on the screen: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). Increases this ship's AA and EVA by 10% (20%). When this ship fires her Main Guns: 5% chance to increase this ship's FP, RLD, and EVA by 20% (40%) for 8s. If Shion has 3 MP: fires a special barrage and resets MP to 0 (damage is based on skill level). This cat will help your submarine fleets be more useful to you without needing to spend oil to summon them in battle. If your Vanguard consists of only Emden, Emden is unaffected by the. Additionally, increases this ship's EVA by 5% (15%) for 60s after the start of the battle. We will feel more than happy to communicate with you and resolve your issues if any. When the battle starts, if this ship is NOT your Flagship and your Flagship has a "Marvels of History" skill: the higher percentage HP your Flagship has remaining, the shorter the reload time of her first Main Gun salvo (at least 20%; up to 50% (80%)). Once, 10s after the battle starts, and with a 70% chance every 15s after the duration of the first activation: for 10s, increases this ship's DMG dealt by 10% (30%), but increases her damage taken by 10% (5%). Increase the FP stat by 4% (10%) for all Eagle Union BBs and BCs in your fleet (including this ship). The Azur Lane tier list is completely based on my research and experience with the game. While alive in fleet, increases Torpedo critical hit chance for all Light Cruisers and Destroyers in the same fleet by 4% (10%). When hit, 10% chance to refresh the special burn's duration, or re-ignite it if inactive. Increases this ship's FP by 3.5% (8%). Increases this ship's Crit Rate by 10% (30%) and its Hit Rate against enemy DDs and CLs by 4% (10%). Whenever an enemy gets within close proximity of this ship, fire a special barrage (barrage damage is based on skill level). If this barrage fails to activate: instead increases this ship's FP and TRP by 1% (10%) (can be stacked up to 2 times; when stacked twice: increases the barrage's proc chance to 100%). When sortied as the Command Cat: decreases the damage your Flagship takes based on the Command stat when there is an enemy BB node within 2 tiles or less of your fleet. This is therefore generally not advised. Anti-Air Mode. Decreases this ship's cannon DMG taken by 3.5% (8%). Every 10s, 5% (25%) chance to heal Rurutie for 2% of her max Health. When this ship's HP falls below 30%: increases this ship's LCK by 7. Increases this ship's DMG with HE by 15% (35%) but decreases its chance to ignite enemies by 3%. Increases the DMG your BBs, BCs, and BBVs deal by a small amount based on the Tactics stat. depending on the target shipgirl stat: Each Meowfficer has a unique skill depending on its type. Of course, theres more to the game than just owning powerful units. When this ship launches an Airstrike: your Vanguard recovers 1.5% (5%) of their max HP and all your "Atelier Ryza" collab characters recover an additional 2% of their max HP. Every 20s: 40% (70%) chance to fire a special barrage at enemies. During battle, this ship gains a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special Secondary Gun (DMG is based on the skill's level and this ship's AA stat). Each nation has 2 , a variety of , and 2 Meowfficers. The most powerful stat boost comes from fighting transport ships so it will be used much less frequently than the others, but this isn't a bad choice if you're running a CL, CA front-line. The number of planes launched is determined randomly, as follows: 15s after the start of a battle and every 20s after that, launch special dive bomber attack (number of planes launched are random). Viewing from left to right and top to bottom in the Meowfficer panel in the fleet composition screen, you will see: When equipped in a fleet, they participate in battle and gain XP. The "Cat Lodge", which unlocks at Commander Level 40, is where the Meowfficers live. When Commander Cat increase FP and AA for BB, BC, and BBV ship girls in the assigned fleet. Not so great otherwise. Enemies hit by this barrage take 5% (15%) more damage from Venus Vacation ships (including this ship) for 8s. When assigned to a fleet with 3 DDs: gives your fleet +1 tile movement on the map. While this ship is afloat: increases your CVs' and CVLs' airstrike DMG by 5% (15%) and decreases your Flagship's DMG taken by 15% (25%) (this DMG increasing effect does not stack with the skill "Air Raid Assistance" and this DMG decreasing effect does not stack with Hammann's "Flagship Cover" skill). Increases this ship's DMG to Sirens by 5% (15%). Decent if you're running destroyers. At the start of battle and every 20s after the start of battle, launch special barrage and increase own firepower and torpedo by 9% (24%). If it's a Dive Bomber: when this ship finishes loading her 2nd Airstrike: increases this ship's DMG dealt by 30% (60%) for 5s. When alive in fleet, reduce damage taken by allied aircraft carriers and light aircraft carriers by 5% (15%). This ship heals herself for 1% of her max HP every 15s in combat. When this ship finishes loading her Main Guns: 50% (100%) chance to fire a special barrage (damage scales with skill level). For each additional Sardegna ship in the same fleet (up to 2 at most): decreases the loading time of this ship's first salvo by 40%. Once per battle, when a ship in your Vanguard falls below 50% max HP as a result of DMG taken: increases this ship's FP by 5%. When this ship launches an airstrike, launch an additional Shiden Kai 2, Ryuusei. The barrier can block up to 1.5% (6%) of those ships' maximum HP and lasts for up to 5s. 100s after battle starts: increases Evasion of all ships in Vanguard Fleet by 3.5% (8%) and recovers HP of all ships in Vanguard Fleet by 4.5% (12%) of Nekone's total HP. * If this ship is in the frontmost position of your vanguard, increase this ship's Speed by 5 and EVA by 4.5% (12%) until the end of the battle, and decrease its damage taken by 5% (15%) for the first 30s of the battle. Additionally, decreases the Evasion Rate of enemy DDs by 4% (10%). While equipped as Staff Cat, increase Accuracy of all CL, CA, and CB in the equipped fleet by a small amount based on Tactics stat. Since it's not possible to have 2 of the same cat (Steel) in the same fleet this will most likely be the Staff Cat for your submarine fleets. Increases this ship's Evasion Rate by 1% (10%) and, when this ship's HP falls below 50%: decreases this ship's DMG taken by 15% (30%) (does not affect DMG tanked by this ship's "Daredevil Sweetheart" skill) and increases her DMG dealt by 1% (10%). But their priority is lower than S+ tier ships. Every 20s: fires an improved special barrage (DMG is based on skill's level). The characters in the game are more anthropomorphic interpretations of World War II warships. When this ship fires her Main Guns: fires a special barrage (DMG is based on this skill's level). Every 15s after the battle starts: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). When a ship in your Vanguard takes DMG: deploys 2 rotating shields (last 10s; can block up to 6 enemy shells; 30s cooldown between activations) around the ship in the frontmost position of your Vanguard. When the battle starts: for 90s, increases this ship's AA by 5% (15%) and decreases her cannon DMG taken by 3.5% (8%). Reduces the AP DMG this ship takes by 5% (15%). If this ship is equipped with the. Every 20s, fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (damage is based on the skill's level). When fighting humanoid siren fleets or boss fleets: increase this ship's Accuracy and AVI by an additional 3.0% (5.0%). Increases this ship's FP, AA, and EVA by 4.5% (12%). If they aren't the skills you want, then too bad. [Operation Siren] Can only activate twice per battle. At the start of the battle, if there are an odd number of ships in your fleet: launches a Lv.1 (Lv.10) Dive Bomber airstrike 10s after this ship launches its first Airstrike. Increases AVI and ACC by 5% (15%) for all your Illustrious-class CVs except this ship; If sortied with Prince of Wales or Repulse: increases this ship's AVI by 5% (15%) and ACC by 4.5% (12%); If sortied with neither of the above ships, and if this ship is the only Illustrious-class CV in your fleet: increases this ship's AVI by 5% (15%). Theres more to the game we will feel more than happy to communicate you... Each nation has 2, a variety of, and BBVs deal by moderate... If Shion has 3 MP: fires an improved special barrage that a. Note that this does not affect the initial abilities your issues if any barrage 5s... Every encounter is to reach the boss at the end of the battle starts and! Cat will help your submarine fleets be more useful to you without needing spend! Decreases its chance to refresh the special burn 's duration, or re-ignite it if.! To ignite enemies by 3 ( 8 % ), reduce damage taken by 3.5 % 10! Suffer the armor Break debuff for 6s TRP, AA, and every 20s: %... 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