The truth is religion is man made. 1. if anyone have any question no matter what we can discuss them. I am a Christian missionary from England working in a poor part of Hungary. Contrast with how the Bible tells us to search the scriptures and to be like Bereans and know the times as did the sons of Issachar. Those people who its done for can accept that or not. Thank you for your blog. If Christ pleased Heavenly Father does that not show that Christ could have done different and is separate from God our Father because God was pleased with his decision? No donation plate is ever passed around at church and nobody brow beats anyone who doesnt pay a tithe. I enjoy my faith. Im fine with that. But the LDS leaders are given far too much credence. It was made from unbleached cotton and was held together with double knots. This could determine anything from battlefield military tactics to determining if you should marry someone. While doing sex, the couple doesnt do anything. This is a unique belief among other religions, and some might find it to be a little weird to read about Christ visiting other places than Jerusalem until they realize that Christ promised to do so. But meanwhile, heres a very good post about the Biblical Trinity. did you know, most Mormons are narcissists. I am a member and there is one scripture that has been quoted to me, by non members, is the verse in Rev. Did Christ really call himself his own son, and was he really pleased in himself? The idea of hell or not being allowed to re-unite as one with God seems incredibly harsh. Life long Catholic here. Infants with this condition are born with very hard, thick skin covering most of their bodies. There is nothing evil about swimming. The attire is known as Temple Garment and is worn by people who can make sacred promises to God. But they also have these other books they read. And Jesus had plenty of lost sheep of the house of Israel right inside Israel. And it has done so for 2000 years. Really the only scripture that could make one wonder if the three are one being is where the Bible records that Christ, God, and the Holy Ghost are one. 100 years ago, these garments had special Masonic symbols on them, but not anymore. Yet Mormon underwear did change after Smiths death in 1918. If you dont believe in it, why would it bother you or you be afraid of it? Every young Mormon expects to serve a two-year mission overseas. October 18, 2011 by Stephen Smoot. The Book of Mormon would establish correct doctrine for the restored church. Lets find out answers to your questions by looking at some unknown facts. This shows that Christ and the Spirit are certainly separate as they are seen separately here. We dont somehow judge our ancestors worthy of heaven. Latter Day Saints believe according to their extra-biblical scriptures- ancient civilizations once existed in North America, but there is no evidence these civilizations ever existed. "A lot of attributes can be harmful if you kind of add the end-all to the list," licensed marriage and family therapist Nikki Harmon says. They can also submit regulation of military T-shirts of different colors to the church for the addition of the symbolic markings. Please make me understand. Skin Color (Dark Skin Turns White) Since people of darker skin, especially people of African descent are Exceptions are many, but statistics show that Mormon families are happy, healthy, and do their best to be good parents. Usually, this is done by making Mormon beliefs seem as strange and weird as possible. The Bible also uses this phrase in relation to married couples who leave their mother and father and become one. I went to a LDS device in Salt Lake yesterday. Greeks would sacrifice sheep/goats and the priests would divine their gods will by reading the entrails. But I also respect you as my brother in Christ regardless and as much as I might disagree with you, I dont mean to offend you at all., There is a scripture referring to the very early beginning of the church from Paul. If the fall of man (sin) is the reson for death, they why if children are sinless before 8, why do they die? Joseph Smith said that he asked God to show him a church to join and Gods answer was that their creeds were all corrupted, so he should start his own. BUT, the Bible does stress immense importance on baptism. I dont believe the prophet Joseph Smith taught anything contrary to the Bible. My faith in Christ is the most important aspect of my life, and this blog is where I get to share my beliefs. I dont know why these beliefs are strange. Your email address will not be published. Also, with half-court basketball, they cant keep score. When I'm not writing about it, I'm often enjoying the great outdoors. Gods plan is perfect, and he wants all of his children on Earth to return to Him. We are not supposed to define ourselves as a church name but our relationship with God, Interesting So that they can go to the kingdom of god. If you dont you cant enter any of the kingdoms in heaven, so you have to wait if you dont get baptized. Toward the end of the Book of Mormon, Moroni (a Book of Mormon prophet who lived around AD 400 in the Americas) said Little children are alive in Christ, even from the foundation of the world How many children have died without baptism! I mean, WHY I get that it wipes us of our sins so that we can enter the gates of Heaven. This teaches that we are all subject to the fall of Adam and Eve. But you should really attend one of our worship services and see if you still think were a cult. Not one of us is worthy no matter what we think or do. However, this idea may have originated from the saying "Satan has dominion over the water," which likely stemmed from the events that lead to Doctrine and Covenants section 61. [3] 4. But we also believe in agency and being respectful of others. 11 Forbidden Places in the World You Wish Could Visit Anytime Soon. But the fear of God doesnt necessarily mean fear as in, afraid or scared. Weird, old Mormon magazines like the Improvement Era and other weird shit that's sure to make you wonder Not even Mose see God in His fullness. Currently, over 50,000 Mormon missionaries are serving across the globe. Marriage Expert Explains, Why I Keep the Sabbath Differently Than You & Why That's a Good Thing. Baptism is an individual action taken by the person who believes that Christ is his/her Savior. That is remarkable when you consider that the divorce rate among other Christians almost always mirrors the 50% national average of non-Christians. And they are all people Who make good decisions and bad decisions. Joseph Smith had 34 wives. After Christcomes out of the water, the Holy Spirit descends from Heavenin the form of a dove (Mark 1:10). WebThis is a different theology than we have seen before in Mormon circles. Some of them I'd never heard of. Thats what we strive to do every day. Furthermore, they embrace different texts, including the Christian Bible, the Doctrine and Covenants, The Doctrine, and the Pearl of Great Price. WebThe Book of Mormon claims there were ancient civilizations in North America. You cannot anoint yourself or appoint yourself over anyone that is technically a sin. God so loved the world that He gave His Only Son so that whoever believes on Him would have eternal life. We learn amazing lessons about faith in the Bible from cover-to-cover. So if a person in a another place hasnt ever heard of the church we are giving them a chance to enter a kingdom. Well, I go to church and learn about loving others. He is ready for anyone who will seek his forgiveness no matter how terribly we have done. Usually thats something people immediately seek after divorce if they are active in the church. These radical orthodox believers want to be defined by what we are for, not what we are against, Givens says. I know thousands of Mormons and about 6 narcissists. Its what defines their relationship to Christ. If a person doesnt comply, then he might have to pay for it. Celestial marriage. I have religious beliefs that at times I probably was not the best at being a symbol for. If thats a cult, then sure. Christ is the only one who can cleanse of all righteousness for eternal life because He is the Son & the Christ & Spirit. Recognizing how mighty and righteous God is. Web5 Mormon Beliefs Our Christian Friends Might Think Are Weird (But Shouldnt) First of all, major respect for Christians worldwide. Because of their choice, we can all die and do not live in a perfect Garden of Eden. im trying to get a bible discussion for deeper revelation for those that are really hungry for the true God of the bible, shirley that is so true we have to follow the scriptures because it is gods written word. The church reveals that it adds nearly 1 million members every three years. Faith Founded on Fact is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Its a version of the King James Translation of the Bible. 1. You see, some of us believe and take the Word as fact, that when Jesus said, if you do not believe I am he, you will die in your sins, and Before Abraham was, I am (I am, was a name God went by in the Old Testament to Moses and the Jews). Heres what the LDS official website says: Members of the Church believe that marriages performed in temples are sealed, or blessed to last for eternity. If you learn more about Mormons, youll see that although Mormons are different, at the same time they believe many of the same things that you do. LOVE is unconditional but so many religious teachings scream condition. Why would we try and manipulate his teachings? Whether or not you feel that your beliefs are the correct beliefs you probably make errors in your life because you are just as human as the rest of us. The garments were usually white except for military garments. performed in temples are sealed, or blessed to last for eternity, lack of actual evidence doesnt stop LDS folks, What Heaven Looks Like: Unveiling the Secrets of God, 101 Bible Verses and Quotes about Being a Man. These beliefs come from the Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, Doctrine and Covenants and the other sayings of Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and other founders of the LDS church. If God did in fact speak to smith why did he go make his own book? We are saved through Faith. Good thing, or I would have to have added it to my article on the Worst Translations of the Bible. All politicians may study the scriptures and pray but at the end of the day they all have their own way of thinking and there is no mass population that would fully agree with every decision any politician makes. Nicest people I know. Satan is now using Joseph Smith and his apostate church to accomplish that goal. Why is it endangered? However, this idea likely came from some members who create a make-or-break list of requirements for their future spouse. The Mormon Church even commissioned a department of archeology to investigate. They claim that they are raised with the idea that its okay to lie if its for a higher cause. Throughout the church, it is okay to say a lie to anyone if it is saving the church. They consider themselves Christians. His church would have his name in the name of the church. What about Satan? If you invite Mormons for a barbecue treat, then he would eat cheesesteaks or any other dish and not meat dishes. (John 4:24), LDS books say that Jesus Christ was God-the Fathers first creation. Starting in the 1920s, a number of adjustments were made to the traditional temple garments, including shortening the sleeves and pants. 2. I guess I dont see what youre getting at? Here are 101 incredibly Powerful Bible Verses about Faith straight from the pages of the Bible. Out of the more than 15 million Mormons in the world, only a very small handful receive pay for their ecclesiastical work. Instead, children are alive in Christ and are not responsible for their sins until they reach the age of accountability (age 8). A lot of folks are confused about who Lucifer is. This just means that God knows each one of us before we were born, he knew who we would be, He knit us together in our mothers womb, not that we existed as spirits in Heaven prior to birth.also, in Psalm 82:6, if you use the study part of your bible, instead of taking parts of a verse out of context, you would see the verse that says you are Gods, you are all SONS of the most high (meaning his creation) verse 7, but you will die like mere men; you will fall like every other ruler.rulers and judges, as deputies of the Heavenly King could be given the honorific title Gods in Old Testament language.You cant just pick and choose phrases out of scripture to suit some belief that has no merit! Jesus said before Abraham was, I Am (John 8:58). Your eternal soul depends on it. The author quoted correctly but misattributed the quote. But about all you get out of the LDS folks is that they just cant see how there could be such a thing. The religion Mormonism originated in the 1800s in NewYork during a period of excitement known as the Second Great Awakening. who Lucifer is and heres what I wrote about him. I dont really think we keep to ourselves. If you are following Christ, we believe you are on the right track. And they believe Jesus Christ came to visit them. What their life looks like, who they are, and what rules they are supposed to follow are still a question to many. Hmmmm. Recently, published an article highlighting topics in Church culture or doctrine that might be considered strange to people who are not members of the Church. Somebody should remind them to search the scriptures like the Bereans did. One unique belief of Mormons is their belief in baptism for the dead. I am surprised that did not make the list. Web101 crazy Mormon beliefs. Visit an online dating site specifically geared toward Mormons (such as LDS Singles and LDS Planet). Basically, members are encouraged to keep the Sabbath day holy and serve God on Sundays instead of pursuing personal endeavors or recreational activities. Are they all cast down to hell? But doesnt it seem like youre making a hasty generalization about me? Lets take a look together and see how weird it can get! For instance, Ovos are those who eat eggs and not meat, flexitarians are those who eat meat occasionally, pescatarians are those who eat fish, and vegans are those who eat plant-based foods. In my opinion a religion is a cult + time. How many Christian churches have other names? How many places in the Old Testament say there is only one God. It also has a committee with the name The Strengthening Church Members Committee, which spends most of its time reviewing what people have written and who have gone against the Church. Joseph Smith did not write the Book of Mormon and there were multiple witnesses in which proves he did not make it up it was a book of historical text. Burning in the Bosom is like saying follow your heart. But every Bible student knows that: Its well-known that polygamy (actually polygyny plural marriage between one man and his multiple wives) was an official doctrine of the Latter Day Saints from 1850-1890. The Bible is ripe with evidence in this belief. And you know what else? They did not need to come into existence because they always were. I do think its important. I dont think thats true. Latter Day Saints believe the Trinity is three separate Gods. And we do go places other than Church, including visiting family, helping at homeless shelters, volunteering at hospitals, etc. God is the judge, not a family member. Do you believe the Holy Spirit speaks and lives inside you today. In fact, maybe it helps Mormons to become good Christians. In the case of divorce, a Mormon can get remarried. Did this answer your question? Kind of like how your parents tell you to do something and you do it cause you respect them, not really cause your afraid of them. Newly converted Christians who may have professed faith in Christ on their deathbed or moments before death (as did the thief on the cross ) were never given a chance then to carry out Jesuss command (Mathew 28:16-20) to be baptised as a sign of their obedience and identification with Christs death and resurrection. Yes, we believe that to enter heaven, Christ stands before God as the sacrifice for our since through grace. There are beliefs. In reality, polygamy has fallen out of favor with the Mormon Church, now banned by living prophets from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. They have invested so much in this practice that they have become world leaders in genealogical records. Prior to baptism people are supposed to evaluate thier lives and wrongdoings and have a desire to have those wrongdoings and bad feelings taken away from them. And keep asking those questions. This is easy to answer. After all, he is the Savior of the entire worldnot only the Jews. It really is all true. I am also wondering about Galatians 1:8 which says But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under Gods curse. A rumor came that the students at BYU had found a way of forbidding premarital sex by doing soaking. Mormons Were members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The Mormon belief that God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are three separate people who are one in their mission to bring about the salvation of all mankind. Where in the Bible does it teach that we were spirit beings in heaven and were paired with physical bodies upon birth, or that we can become Gods and inherit our own planet ? Mormon rules are the weirdest of all. You dont hear about the Joseph Smith Translation too much. Christopher Hitchens, the belligerent and loquacious atheist author and social It is also referred to as the garment of the holy priesthood. Heres where you can read about how the Bible clearly says it is not an acceptable practice. Moroni. Yep, I believed in most of that. They are Not Allowed to Swim. The Nephites are described as having a belief in Christ for a long time. you can read about how the Bible clearly says it is not an acceptable practice, Temple Sealing ceremony was almost identical to the first Masonic ceremony. Why do Mormons keep to themselves and not mingle with non-Mormons? Mormon rules are weird than expected. During the 1970s, the church members were instructed they could make their garments after the approval of local leaders. I mean if they are Christian why have the title of being Mormon? A person who passes from life on earth without accepting Christ and being baptized will not enter the gates of Heaven unless God intervenes. The Morman Church has added to Christ s commands, again, making the Bible appear incomplete. We debunk a mormon propaganda video. Mam needs to follow the scriptures and not try to rewrite them. Its good to remember the lesson of the Bereans: These believers in Berea searched the Bible daily to verify if the teaching they received was in line with the true Word of God. Luciferian Freemasonry like LDS- claims the Christian Church has left people in the dark and thats why you need them. And counting. There are many contradictions between the Bible and Book of Mormon. When Jesus cursed the fig tree, he was effectively saying the entire nation was lost. You said it just means that God knows each one of us he knew who we would be. "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? The branches of church were observed in Palmyra, New York, and Harmony, Pennsylvania. However, beginning October 6, 1890, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Im sorry to hear your father is difficult to deal with. Ive never heard of it being rejected or not sought. However, their sin is their own. The point of baptism for the dead is to give them a second chance at baptism if they did not have the chance or did not what to be baptized. Didnt Joseph Smith say both God and Jesus visited him on the mountain? Rather, it's more of a general safety requirement for missionaries to keep them safe and healthy during their missions. The meetings last 2 hours long. It says in Genesis 2:24 that when married they shall be one flesh this is what it means to have a celestial marriage, in Mark and Luke they are explaining something that is without true authority and the power of God. Plus, of those 6 narcissists, 1 was Mormon, and she was a narcissist 55 years before she became Mormon. 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