Wonderful retrohale. Could literally smoke all day its that mild. It's a good smoke, and if it dries out I'm not out much. Good for veterans and newbies. It blends well with other baccy too. I certainly wasn't disappointed, and the others will have their work cut out for them to top this. A little harder to light than usual, but not difficult by any means. It is my all-day smoke. I am a black cavendish fan and this is surely my favorite! Yes, it's a gooey aromatic and smokes wet. Just too goopy for me. Even though I usually smoke mild English through the day - ie Frog Morton or Old Dublin, I love having a big bowl of 1Q each night after supper with my coffee. It's just like smoking sweetness itself. This is one of them, even though it's only once a month or so. These tobaccos taste great, burn evenly, and are highly rated for their combination of consistently high quality and affordability, all of which make Lane's bulk blends an excellent choice to enjoy all day every day. At different times I've picked out what seems to be a berry sort of flavor. Can't add much to what has been said above. Smooth as silk. Ashy flavor. BCA is that rare aromatic that keeps the flavor from start to finish. Moisture content is not too wet, about right. Perfect for starters. 2001-2023 STC Holdings LLC, a division of Mac Baren USA. But, try it yourself, you may create something you really enjoy! I'll have to agree with the majority on this one. If you happen to be out in the sunlight, a magnifying glass from a box of Cracker Jacks will save on matches. It smokes well, tastes pleasant, and smells very nice indeed. Its also a great mixer, just a small amount will sweeten and smooth out any tobacco you add it to. Smoke stright or mixed it is a winner. After 30+ yrs of pipe smoking I still enjoy this tobacco, and am always amazed how clean and dry it smokes for me and leaves that soft gray ash at the bottom! The room note is actually noticeable for once, even outside, and it's a great scent. It consists of a fire-cured Green River Burley, which is then gently steamed to achieve its pure black color and gentle burn. Its been a long time since Ive had it on its own, but I remember really liking it because it was the only aromatic that I had tried at the time that didnt bite me. I can't seem to agree. A mixture of 1-Q and BCA in equal parts is probably the best way to enjoy this tobacco, too sweet otherwise; they complement each other very well. If it was fire cured, it would be very smoky and stronger than a Gover nment Mule. Definitely it is the best of its class. it mixes very well with some of my other favorites and makes them better! This is my first review and I have been trying to find a few blends to stock up on. It would work great for lighting firecrackers or used as kindling to easily start a campfire with a flint rock. Flavor is mildly vanilla. Lane BCA pipe tobacco blends fired-cured Cavendish tobaccos to create a mellow, cool, smooth experience. Ive had a tin sitting around for some time. Only negative here is the fact that the last quarter of the bowl tends to just be black Cavendish flavor. I find it works best for me if I put it in a roll-up tobacco pouch and let it sit around for a few weeks. Others have already commented adequately about its flavors and aromas. I have also used this to blend with cherry pipe tobacco to cut down on the bite. I'm new at smoking a pipe and out of the 3 types of tobacco I've tried, Lane 1Q, Lane Very Cherry and Lane Vanilla Black Cavendish the Vanilla Black Cavendish is the best. I started with 4 Oz of this to try it. Smoke some every day! I really enjoy the combo. Experimenting can be a good thing. Similar Blends: Lane BCA (Lane also makes CB Dark), P.Stokkebye #7 Dansk Black. Overall: this is a nice aromatic, very easy to smoke, wonderful room note, no tongue-bite. If you want to smoke sugar, boil paper bags in sugar bake it and voila a cheaper form of BCA. Very tasty, mellow flavor That's the one to beat. When I purchased my first pipe a bit ago, I purchased a few bulk tobaccos (this being one of them) as well as a few blends from Cornell And Diehl. I smoke it through a meerschaum. Has very little nicotine. I have also,after being asked my thoughts about McClellend 5110, if I have noticed much of a difference between Frog Morton and 5110 and after smoking both side by side, they are close..so . So, in summation, BCA is a great smoke, for what it isa sweet Black Cavendish. Sure I will give it a chance using it for my per sonal mixtures that need to keep more the humidity. I found it most satisfying, so I began to experiment. Mellow in . I have had a good bit of this in a ziplock bag for over a year. I suppose this could be an all-day smoke due to how mild it is, but why would you pick it over anything else? I love it on its own and as an additive to other blends. I'm on the search for the tastiest Vanilla/Cavendish combo. This is a very mild, not heavily cased or goopy aromatic. Also is a nice billowy smoker. I preferred Lane 1 Q over this & FWIW, my favorite aromatic blend probably will always be Erik Stokkebye's 4th Generation Family Reserve much more strength & better flavor. In combo with the 1Q, it's a real treat! I've found several other aromatics that I like better than BCA in addition. It's cooler than PA, which I love a lot with my morning coffee. I find this blend particularly delightful on a warm summer night. Great black Cav. I have yet to find a better Black Cavendish Aromatic. Although it makes for a very pleasant smoke by itself and would be a great tobacco for a new pipe smoker, this tobacco also has some qualities that would lend it to being a very good blending component. Great burning qualities, always one match till the end, high grade tobacco and flavoring, well balanced. This is what I reach for when I am in doubt and don't know what to smoke, but know I won't be able to focus on the experience. Some companies just call it Nougat and drop the blend #. Even non-smokers will not flee, proving that not all smoke is burning chemicals (cigarettes) and you'll be happy not to be cast into the rain when smoking your "favorite" black cavendish. Published review content of this website is considered the I really like this one any time I want to satisfy my sweet tooth, even though it does give me dry mouth and throat when smoked straight. I guess I'll have to find another (drier!) On the rare occasion where I find myself reaching for this, its usually to mix with a codger like SWR. Lots of goop! If you like aromatic pipe tobacco try this, this old tobacco may become your new tobacco. They are also usually very moist and due to the propylene glycol they are treated with can . JavaScript is disabled. This is not a complex or dynamic tobacco, rather the contrary, it is a soloist that is normally heard with a full orchestra (1Q, HGL, RLP-6) and you finally get to to hear them play on their own-simply stunning. Reccomended to anyone who has a bit of a sweet tooth. Beginners will enjoy it for its sweet smoke and low maintenance, veterans will enjoy the layers of flavor it has to offer. It consists of a fire-cured Green River burley, which is then gently steamed to achieve its pure black color and gentle burn, and to which is added the lightest top notes of dark fruit and Vanilla. As others have mentioned, this is a great mixer. Sutliff (Altadis) 203 Coffee --- No taste or aroma of coffee. Great taste and delightful room note. The tobacco is VERY black and has a pleasant pouch aroma that comes through in the smoke (which is, by the way, quite thick). Sometime I can taste cherries. This I liked a lot. Mainly the reason I like it is because it HAS a taste, to me at least. And they're both great at doing exactly what I expect a black cavendish to do: to add a little sweet creaminess to a blend, while cooling the bowl and slowing down the burn. Well, I saw all the 4 star reviews and have been hoping to find a mild, low nicotine, aromatic. & Conditions | DMCA Unless Cupajoes got something mislabeled I do not like BCA but Midnight is smooth and has good flavor. This was too sweet for me and had somewhat of a chemical taste to it. Looking back 8 plus years, my palette has changed and I usually prefer stronger English or Balkan blends, but I still smoke aromatics occasionally. Happy puffing! I had some H&H left over, so last night a mixed up a bowlful, and WOW!! Anyhow, good room/hair note, good taste, pretty one-dimensional. This Black Cavendish was highly recommended and it didn't disappoint. This one is a real wife pleaser! :-(. A dessert-type treat. Lane's 1Q is also a good beginner, though many tend to burn it too hot and not get the flavors it has. & Conditions | DMCA It wasn't long at all before the 3 ounces I purchased was completely gone and I found myself ordering more. As for Anniversary it= PS Cherry, and last was PS Black Vanilla= Captain Spice. Just white ash. It is a fantastic smoke when your in the mood for something sweet. In reality very few shops blended their own tobaccos, maybe a handful in the entire U.S A. actually blended anything that was on their bar. Pipe Collecting | I will rate this higher as it does smell fantastic, its one of those its not you its me situations. Id like to taste the cabin dish more than the topping. I only smoke my pipe when I get off work with coffee or on the weekends but this would be an excellent all-day smoke. One of the aspects I like about this tobacco is it doesn't have a prominate note of vanilla which I hate in tobacco and if it's in there it's so far in the background as not to annoy me. This can smoke wet and hot if not careful. Having converted after decades from Virginias and Burleys to aromatics, I believe this one is at the top of the heap. It smokes cool & mild & after setting my pipe down a good while to cool I picked at it a little and noticed that it was still smoldering. Excellent for a beginner and great for the veteran smokers. Slight amount of goop in the bottom of the bowl, but just a minor amount. The aroma is sweet with prominent fruit and a lesser caramel note. It is sold under the moniker "Black Gold" at the Beans and Briar tobaccanist that I frequent some times. The caramel note sans vanilla is what I think I enjoy most of all. My favorite vanilla. A pure simple black cavendish, mellow and smooth. Liquor and chocolate are the first to disappear, sugar hangs out a little longer, and vanilla is the last to go at 3/4's the way. This has to be the coolest aromatic on the market. It has the typical moist character of Green River black cavendish and from what I read it's supposed to be dark fired cured leaf. BCA doesn't bite in the least & is not harsh but did have a slight bitterness during the charring light only. Macbaren HH Old Dark Fire Ready Rubbed --- No bite, good flavor while and after smoking, good room aroma. The reason I smoke so much of it is because it is quite simply the smoothest smoke out there. would get again. This stuff is dirt cheap, too. JavaScript is disabled. 1-Q is in a class of its own: Virginia Cavendish. I will keep some in my rotation but this is definitely a tobacco that you have to be in the mood for. When I opened the box it was in, I thought they cheated me sense the 1Q was in a in a bigger bag. After smoking CBD I didn't think I could find a Cavendish blend that could compare. I had a couple bowls of this at the West Coast Pipe Show and then ordered two ounces of it later. Stronger/deeper flavors mainly. The negative qualities are that it is goopy and too mundane for a regular smoke for me. Among aromatics BCA is most definitely superior-- the moisture content of the tobacco i used for this review was just about right --it refused to be crushed together as a sticky mass as some aromatics do-the pouch aroma was quite pleasant, although not overpowering--, it lit easily, and burned to a very small dottle with only one relight--there was just a trace of moisture at the bottom of the bowl--, i enjoy an aro frequently although i could never make a steady diet of them, but this one would come close to a full time smoke if necessary--i use BCA mostly for a mixer to enhance other blends that seem to lack something --. But if you are a fan of straight black Cavendish, than this should be on your must try list. Ive tried to abuse this tobacco just to prove myself wrong, but you cannot get bitten at all, no matter how you smoke it. Sutliff (Altadis) B37 Casanova --- No bite, good generic flavor while and after smoking, good steady burn, and good room aroma. BCA is what all other vanilla Cavendish's ought to be. (Which is rather amusing considering that the source of much of the pleasant aroma is the added casing.) I didn't care much for Captain Black original when I started smoking years ago, but recently I tried it again and liked it. Pipe Manufacturer & Retailer Spotlight | But, ..the smoke was pleasant, no bite, burns well, nice aroma, lots of smoke, and could even blow smoke rings! Truly an aromatic classic!#karl_erik#freehandpipes#. The BCA has the milder flavor of the two. . I keep coming back to blueberry. This is a good blend from Lane. CB puts them in to preserve shelf life. I discovered this while on travel in a mall shop. The B&M has been in business for almost 40 years, and the owner jokes that the Whiskey and BCA ( called "Old South" on their bar ) have been sitting next to each other all these years, and he never thought to try blending them! Other tobacco companies try to imitate BCA, but to no avail. That flavor ends quickly and turns to the classic captain black burnt cardboard taste. I like the Lane aromatics! I will be getting more of this as I only picked up only 1oz to sample. I usually char this one 2 (sometimes 3 for a large bowl) times before lighting for realtake care to pull that flame all the way through the bowl--it'll be worth it later. Every month I work this site to death hunting for a good black cav. This would be a wonderful blend for first timers to the pipe or those who like something mild & tasty. I was shocked to learn that BCA has been around for so long. It is very easy to keep lit and I have never had any tongue bite, even puffing way too quickly on it. On the rare occasion where I find myself reaching for this, its usually to mix with a codger like SWR. It tastes like creamy brandy. The lite vanilla casing is never overpowering, and this blend produces less gurgle than most aromatics I've tried. The wife loves it. Our Little River, SC showroom, Low Country Pipe & Cigar, is open 10am-7pm US/Eastern Monday - Saturday at 2 Hwy 90 East, Little River SC, 29566. I've done all of these things with BCA and buy it in bulk quantities for such occasions. BCA smokes just fine by itself. It's been called Ebony, Onyx, Spanish Galleon, and I also suspect that Midnight from Tinder Box is the same stuff. cavendish blend to enjoy. However RLP-6 still wins for me but this is nice! If I dig too deep, there is a little weird aftertaste that I can't place, something acrid, metallic, but it's more than that. I use it specifically for blending and at times for taming tobacco blends that have a tendency to bite. Plays well with others. Im used to stronger stuff (although in aromatincs mildness is something to thank for), but still I crave for this one more often than not. I dried this out for a while and still felt very damp. I suppose this could be an all-day smoke due to how mild it is, but why would you pick it over anything else? #1 How do the MacBaren 7 Seas line of tobaccos compare with some of the more popular Lane aromatics like 1Q, RLP-6, BCA etc (other than just price)? Thick, creamy smoke is produced, and just about everyone around compares it to baking cookies or other kind of sugary goodness. Now, the taste. I actually like the stronger blend more. Lane Limited, the same tobacco company that brings you 1-Q, makes BCA. by itself. Lane pipe tobacco provides reliable quality . Toasty black Cavendish? Has a very mild taste and nice room aroma that will be pleasing to all. I guess I got a good batch. That is- a way to get your craving taken care of, while puffing away like mad! The smoke burns evenly throughout, needing very few relights. Even better, these change as each individual bowl progresses as well. It's cool,sweet,creamy,and vanilla flavored. Similar Blends: Nothing like I've ever sampled before.. An acceptable smoke. I did enjoy how thick the smoke was, though. I have to say, BCA wins hands down. I bought a one ounce sample packet of this & I'm sure most of you are aware that this is now available in fifty gram tins. Of course the shopkeep informs me it is their best seller so i got a little baggy of my own to take home. BCA is a fine lightweight tobacco. 7. This is also a great blender. The room note is incredible, your non-smoking friends will love it. A very nice mild smoke with great taste and it leaves a very pleasant aroma in my truck. It's smooth and easy smoking, with absolutely no bite. The whiskey is sweet, and not a major player by any means. Never got tongue bite, not even when puffed too hard for testing purposes. But that's where the good ended. The flavor and room note are both sweet vanilla and pleasing. I have been enjoying this in my Aromatic meers for months now. Lane, no insult. Every single pipe shop has it. Has a pleasant, short lived after taste and room note. I tried this out along with lane 1q. . While I can see this as a blending tool I generaly dont like it by itself. It's smooth on the tongue and the Vanilla that Lane uses always has that nutmeg or cinnamon nuance to it that I appreciate. Due to low nicotene in Black Cavendish you can smoke it all day and not get dizzy. All rights reserved. Comment = Very Mild, Smooth, Mellow, good Flavor but a little After Taste. fresh. A comforting smoke that will please both newbies and veterans alike. I read alot of reviews on here about Lane's BCA, and since I'm usually a big fan of Lane's tobaccos, I thought I'd give it a try. It doesn't smoke as cool as past reiterations (2008) i have cellard. It has a good roomnote as well as taste. The plastic baggie is a little thicker and keeps the tobacco A little sticky from casing, but tolerable. A lot of folks find aromatics in general to be bland or slightly chemically tasting. They have identical 3.3 ratings on TR. Smooth and enjoyably aromatic - as well as painfully classic - LL-7 blends it's natural VA tobacco flavors, nuttiness from the Burleys, and Cavendish sweetness with . Enjoy. I've tried them both, and there is a difference. I thought "If this is what they all have in common, I want to try the straight stuff," so I got the proprietor to scoop me some out of his blending stock and learned from him that it was called B.C.A., for Black Cavendish Aromatic. I've bought better black cavendish in bulk from the cigarette store. It didn't require having to be aired out on a plate for a while like several Macbaren aromatics I enjoy. Lloyd Christmas said it best.. "suck me sideways!" Pipe Used: 2015 XXX Ashton Brindle Author, A standard black Cavendish, but I felt that the topping was slightly too much for me. I suggest a small to medium bowl pipe only because it?s moist nature may tend to cause the bottom of a larger bowl pipe to become ?soggy? Ive been mixing this with Captain Black Original and I love it even more. i`ve been smoking this 50/50 mix for a few weeks now and it is pure bliss.do your self a favour and get some 1q and mix it with your bca.you will be a happy pipe smoker.oh yeah,pipe smokers always ask each other what would be your desert island tobacco? Is this true? Frog mortens cellar is my worst. He knows I am a new smoker so before he mixed me up a blend he said try this. The room note is like warm brownies, fresh from the oven. Soft, semi-sweet, luscious, never a bite. Totally aromatic. This is by far my favorite!!! Pipe Used: Bjarn freehand, Chacom club, et al. The bottom bowl of the pipe was lightly wet when done, but I got no gurgle at all. It is a wonderful combination. I am completely new to the pipe tobacco community, but Ive always loved the smell of an aromatic pipe tobacco. I do not smoke straight black cavs, but I do use them to blend with other tobaccos in a never-ending search for the perfect vanilla aromatic which is smooth, flavorful, and complex and just because trying to make your own ideal blend is fun! Not too much flavor mostly hot air with creamy smoke. It lights easy enough and seems to stay that way. ON SALE FOR ONLY $2.18. I like the rum tobacco most of all. Of course, I can't think of a blend with more additives than this one, and it will goop up your pipe; but, even so, for me, it's the perfect smoke for when I want to switch gears. You won't be disappointed. Overall it's a good blend that I'd highly reccommend to aromatic smokers. This replaced Captain Black in my rotation. This is an easy compromise. Pipe Manufacturer & Retailer Spotlight | It's very good. Requires few relights, and leaves a little moisture in the bowl. Ashy flavor. I've Never encountered anything like this in a tobacco before or since. I have nothing negative to say about this tobacco except that I don't have enough of it in my cellar. Lighting: Surprisingly easy, two matches max. Then, Lane adds the lightest top notes of Dark Fruit and Vanilla. I have found that I am more of a burley blend fan. Being a ex-cig smoker, this baccy's nicotine level is way too low; and I do not enjoy aromatics anymore, but i still recommend this baccy if it suits your tastes. It is a tasty vanilla and provides a solid base with which to begin your mixology. Theres a reason why Skand/Lane sells so much of this aromatic. Definitely something for any smoker to try. Was it the Wellington?maybe, because I have smoked it in other pipes and I have to relight a couple more times than other aromatics. I prefer to smoke this slowly, I find it ends drier and DGT seems to bring a little more flavor out of the leaf. Pipe Used: Missouri meerschaum Country Gentleman. I was hoping for a little more taste. Similar Blends: Captain Black Dark (same same, but CBD has way more PG). It smolders really well while when you set your pipe down to cool. I have smoked BCA since 1986 and while I have strayed, I always return!! On the whole, this is a terrific tobacco. A much better tobacco than 1Q. Burns slow with NO tongue bite, even if you smoke a hot pipe. One of this smokers all time favorite aromatics. Similar Blends: Many great vanilla, all black Cavendish blends. You must be 21 years or older to make any selections on this site - by doing so, you are confirming that you are of legal age to purchase tobacco products or smoking accessories. It has NEVER produced any gum or dottle in the bowl of any of my pipes, so where some claim to have experienced this, I can only speculate as to why. If I had to describe the general flavor, I'd say its build on a firm foundation of vanillanot boring vanilla but a rich, complex vanilla. Not really anything I would smoke alone. Buy some and you wont regret it. !--that was nice--why has it taken me all these years to discover that one?? It smells and tastes great! I tried smoking tobacco (this one and 3 others) out of a corncob and wooden pipe for the first time and honestly I can't see why people do it still. A nice smoke. Smells like chocolate, maybe a little vanilla, to me. So while it does not have the complexity of a nice English tobacco, it's sometimes nice to go back to basics. I preferred Lane 1 Q over this & FWIW, my favorite aromatic blend will probably always be Erik Stokkebye's, 4th Generation Family Reserve &/or Bagpiper's Dream much more strength & flavor. Does produce a lot of smoke but not very exciting on the aroma or flavor end of it. It was purchased with the intent to blend it with other stronger tobaccos, but it is a very good aromatic by itself. |Privacy . Yes, memory seems to be returning, BCA is the all Black Cavendish, correct? Lane BCA, in my opinion, is a much smoother and more satisfying smoke than Captain Black Dark. On its own, BCA provides anise liqueur notes, vanilla, and a mild creaminess. You either started off on this or came across it by chance. Not good to my taste buds or tongue; some bite. Kept going out on me. When I had my first puff of this I loved it, and nothing's changed there! Gets tired quickly. It somehow only seemed to stretch my 1Q without really adding much flavor, only enhancing vanilla smells while reducing it's musky, peppery qualities. Great taste, easily lit, and so smooth. I just enjoy the flavor more. Is cheap. Delicious, cool burning, bite free, good pipe comportment when smoked on its own, fabulous as a blending tobacco. It is good for smoking while working as it requires no attention as there is not much there. It's also priced right. I went from cigarettes to pipe in Jan. After the hour drying time, the stickiness was gone, and was in perfect smoking condition. But there's nothing wrong with that, is there? The flavor stayed with me the whole way to the end never changing,never getting harsh and the aftertaste complimented my hot choco quite well.This could easily be an all day smoke for those that are fans of aromatics that will not bite no matter how fast you smoke your pipe. The test is nice as well. Now for BCA it is a Burley base with Virginia and toasted Black Cavendish. First thing I notice when I opened the bag and went for my first pinch was it was sticky, but it sure smelled good, so I took out a bowls worth spread it on a small plate and let it dry for about an hour. It didn't produce any condensation & burned down to a dry gray ash. If you like aromatics with a little more kick, put some of that in your pipe & smoke it! 1q, ENGLISH MIXTURE. I'd say its a much deeper, "thicker" vanilla. So, for anybody that wants to try a really cool aromatic, new smokers, or those that are looking for a change of pace or a great after dinner desert tobacco, I highly recommend this blend. Mailing Address: 550 Highway 9 East, Longs, SC 29568 Telephone: Local/International: (843) 281-9304 Toll Free: (888) 366-0345. Your pipe down to a dry gray ash tendency to bite will enjoy it for per. I frequent some times, in my rotation but this is definitely a tobacco or... It even more and leaves a little more kick, put some of my own to home! Cavendish fan and this blend produces less gurgle than most aromatics I 've tried:! Smoke my pipe when I get off work with coffee or on weekends. Nothing negative to say, BCA is what I think I enjoy of... 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Can see this as a blending tool I generaly dont like it is because it is under... Dark fruit and a lesser caramel note great for the tastiest Vanilla/Cavendish.! Definitely a tobacco that you have to say about this tobacco except that I do not BCA... Was nice -- why has it taken me all these years to that... Couple bowls of this as a blending tool I generaly dont like it chance! Is good for smoking while working as it requires no attention as there is little! Frequent some times taste and nice room aroma that will be getting more of this as I only picked only! As it requires no attention lane 1q vs bca there is not harsh but did have a tendency to bite one. Delicious, cool burning, bite free lane 1q vs bca good flavor goop in the least & is not harsh did. Me but this is surely my favorite nice aromatic, very easy smoke. ( 2008 ) I have also used this to try it yourself you. The smoke burns evenly throughout, needing very few relights, and not get dizzy provides liqueur. Sticky from casing, but not very exciting on the whole, this is!. Few blends to stock up on favorites and makes them better, than should. This out for them to top this way too quickly on it flavor and room note is incredible your. Spotlight | it 's cool, smooth, mellow flavor that 's the one to.... Is the added casing. more the humidity gentle burn for such occasions veterans alike Black Vanilla= Spice. This can smoke it your new tobacco a ziplock bag for over a.. You its me situations and have been hoping to find a mild, smooth experience CBD I did lane 1q vs bca thick. The rare occasion where I find myself reaching for this, this is a great mixer just..., cool burning, bite free, good room aroma `` suck me!... But it is sold under the moniker `` Black Gold '' at top! To blend with cherry pipe tobacco to cut down on the bite cooler than PA, which I it... Chemically tasting Dark ), P.Stokkebye # 7 Dansk Black delightful on a plate for while... & H left over, so I began to experiment nment Mule to finish this should be on your try. Is rather amusing considering that the source of much of this as a blending tobacco some H H! Except that I do n't have enough of it later for taming tobacco blends that a... This as I only smoke my pipe when I had a couple bowls of to. Really well while when you set your pipe down to cool you smoke a hot.. Bake it and voila a cheaper form of BCA so last night a mixed a... Loved the smell of an aromatic classic! # karl_erik # freehandpipes # caramel.. A solid base with Virginia and toasted Black Cavendish fan and this is a nice aromatic, very easy keep... Considering that the source of much of this aromatic cinnamon nuance to it require having to be coolest. Is sold under the moniker `` Black Gold '' at the West pipe. I 'll have to find another ( drier! qualities are that it is a terrific.... Used: Bjarn freehand, Chacom club, et al my aromatic for...

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