Poke root oil is an herbal oil that's infused with poke root. Meat eaters (Carnivores) tend to reabsorb the excess estrogen through their intestinal wall. Pokeweed is a good herbal remedy for Breast ailments namely Mastitis. Virtually all knowledgeable health care providers agree that the term fibrocystic breast disease or condition should be abandoned in favor of a more accurate physiologically based description. Poke root is your power plant. It ceases Cancer. It includes guidance on nutrients, herbs, supplements, and therapies that powerfully help your body overcome estrogen dominance and regain your hormone balance. Along with massage, another natural lymphatic support to add is poke root oil. Magnesium works with folate and the antioxidant glutathione to promote Phase II detoxification in the liver. Because lymphatic flow tends to decrease with age, its more and more important to support our lymphatic system as we approach and go through menopause. Here are some basic instructions with tips: Learn more by watching this video with Gaye Walden, a wonderful breast health specialist. Those who regularly consume a plant-based diet excrete twice as much detoxified estrogens as those who eat meat. Dandelion Flower-promotes deep relaxation of the breast tissue, facilitating the release of held emotions. Its even in the name - Phytolacca americana - catch the milk reference in there? In China, its use dates back to over 2,000 years where it has been used to treat edemas and especially breast tumors, lumps, and mastitis. (5). Tender or lumpy breasts are one of the most common reasons why women consult their womens health practitioner for both assessment, examination and treatment. You may use lemon oil as a natural teeth whitener, household cleaner, and laundry freshener. In women under age 25, it can be observed over time. First of all, the benign breast conditions that are present in almost all of us to some degree should never have been given the disease label in the first place. London R, et al. Poke Root Oil. And many people find them helpful when applied externally to swollen lymph glands, sore throats or breast lumps. [7]. A simple way of thinking of the lymphatic system is as though its a system of highways. According to its traditional uses, many people find poke root a highly effective ally for healthy sinuses, promoting lymphatic flow, general skin health, andso much more. A patient may also feel a lumpy thickening in the breast, caused by: FBD symptoms can range from mildly annoying in some women, to severely painful in others. These lumps typically feel hard, uneven, and are painless. . These outright noncyclical unilateral lesions are clearly distinct on all sides from the surrounding breast tissue. This is very beneficial to patients with fibrocystic breasts. Homeopathic medicines for breast cancer. However, the leaves of the pokeweed must be carefully selected and cooked properly, or its poisonous to eat. It worked right away to leave my cystic breasts less sore. Introduction Poke is a visually attractive Citrus plants are the primary source of many essential oils. Do not take poke root unless under medical supervision) Iris versicolor (wild iris) for lymphatic enlargement and congestion due to poor elimination. The infused oil is also effective and far safer. Sometimes, a lump in the breast is a symptom of breast cancer. Poke root During this process, estrogen metabolites are broken down and made water-soluble so your body can eliminate them through urine or stool. Jethro Kloss, author of the classic herbal Back to Eden, used freshly grated raw poke root poultices to burn away breast cancer. Give 1/2 drop of tincture for every pound of weight twice daily. is infused into oil and massaged into the skin. And if it's used appropriately it will lead to remarkable allyship for your clogged milk ducts and stressed breasts. When used topically, these natural remedies can effectively dissolve breast cysts. In homeopathic medicine, pokeweed is used to treat tonsillitis. Take a hot shower and use the magic combination of steamy water plus the gentle pressure of your hands to encourage the traffic jam in your milk duct to clear out. The poke root taken internally is very renowned in its use in cancer and especially in mammary indurations. It also has cytoplasmic, uterine, digestive, diuretic, sedative, tonic, and a vulnerary substance. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Water and the health of your LymphaticSystem. +For external use only. Niaouli oil has analgesic, anti-rheumatic, stimulant, antiseptic, bactericidal, balsamic, vermifuge, and vulnerary substances. If consumed, it can cause nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. A simple way of using rose essential oil for fibrocystic breasts is to diffuse some rose oil in your room and inhale. In a study of 291 women who took three grams per day of evening primrose oil for three to six months, almost half of the 92 women with cyclic breast pain experienced improvement, compared with one-fifth of the patients who received the placebo. Almost 60% of women suffer from this condition. Whether you want to maintain breast healthor have had a diagnosis of cancerinfused herbal oils and ointments are soothing, safe, and effective allies. It is an impressive plant some standing 10 feet tall, it is useful, and it is poisonous if used incorrectly. [2]. Large lump ? Over time, this system accumulates toxins from diet and environment. So, many women have to go through probing, squishing, X-raying, and routine biopsies. Shawer C, Brinton L, Hoover R. Methylxanthine and benign breast disease. When these lesions are biopsied or, preferably, a sample of cells is taken in the office through a needle to be looked at microscopically (fine-needle aspirate), some 70 percent will show non-proliferative changes (adenosis, fibrosis, microcysts, mild hyperplasia, and more); some 20 percent will show proliferative changes without atypia- mostly epithelial hyperplasia. Consume foods high in vitamin E like broccoli, tomatoes, red bell peppers, olive oil, leafy greens, etc. (LogOut/ It can also soothe. The exact causes of fibrocystic breasts are unknown. Poke root can help loosen up lymph glands to help them process better. The medical benefits of poke root are said to include effects on the lymphatic system that can help with swollen glands in the throat, breasts and reproducti. Required fields are marked *. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble compound that works as an antioxidant. Prevention is key, and thats where a good practice of breast self-care comes in. It can be made . Nutr Res 1982;7:243. Here is a simple method of using sandalwood essential oil for breast lumps: Make sure to always test sandalwood oil over a small area before applying it to the skin. When it comes to self-care and the breasts, the lymphatic system plays a major role. The potassium is believed to be an irritant that produces fibrosis and eventually cyst isolation. The breast tissues may change in response to the hormones made by the ovaries. Essential oil from the tea tree ( Melaleuca alternifolia) may help . Since fibrocystic breasts are a result of estrogen dominance, it is logical that decreasing estrogens in the body would improve the symptoms of breast pain and swelling. Certain essential oils contain limonene in large amounts. That area is one of the centers of the lymphatic system. Poke is a drop-dose herb only, never to be taken in doses larger than a couple of drops at a time because if used in abundance it can lead to nausea, vomiting, and other unwanted side effects. Fresh, potent, organic or herbal extracts, salves, oils, vinegars and dried herbs , Grab a bottle of our new stress-shrinking herbal formula for support in the moment, My little is almost 2 1/2 and we are still going strong with the Bobs: Bob One (on the left) and Bob Two (on the right). Even if you have a genetic tendency toward breast issues (fibrocystic breasts, lumps, cancer, etc), it doesnt mean youre doomed to have them. This compound helps stop regress abnormal cell growth. Use code REDMOON10 for 10% off your order of $150+ or REDMOON20 for 20% off $250+! The lymphatic system is dense in the breast and underarm region of the body. In traditional folk medicine, pokeweed stimulates the bowels and induces vomiting. It also has cytoplasmic, uterine, digestive, diuretic, sedative, tonic, and a vulnerary substance. (2) The University of Michigan Health System recommends taking a magnesium supplement during the second half of ones cycle to relieve breast pain associated with the menstrual cycle. When a woman finds a lump on her breasts, it can be one of the scariest moments of her life. Magnesium chloride flakes are another option for a bath soak. You can also inhale it directly from the bottle. Poke Root-an old favorite of wise women dealing with breast lumps and breast cancer. 1/2 quart distilled water. [1]. Surg 1982;912:263-267. This salve uses poke root infused in castor & sunflower seed oil to help painful, lumpy breasts and swollen lymph glands! Consult an expert to learn the appropriate dosage and procedure of ingesting lemon oil. Estrogen Dominance is the key cause of many of the breast issues women experience today, whether thats fibrocystic breasts, lumps in the breasts, or breast cancers. How to use lemon oil for fibrocystic breasts disease natural treatment: Consuming lemon oil results in significant regression of mammary carcinoma or breast cancer. It is a mix of glands, fat, and connective tissue. For those women who experienced breast pain throughout the month, 27 percent responded positively to the evening primrose oil, compared to 9 percent on the placebo. Estrogen dominance is an imbalance in estrogen levels relative to progesterone, too much of the aggressive estrogens (E1 and E2) relative to protective E3, or the recirculating of estrogen metabolites that then act like estrogen. Pokeroot has been used to treat breast conditions including breast cancer. Its a great mood booster and nausea reliever. You can apply this oil to the skin to reduce inflammation from wounds. [20]. The infused oil is also effective and far safer. [15], Science has started to test the range of health benefits of lavender essential oil. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. He lets me know which number Bob he wants and sometimes it's pretty smooth sailing. Effect of a low-fat diet on hormone levels in women with cystic breast disease. Manage Settings Both the salve and the oil are also used externally to dissolve lumps, bumps, growths and tumors. Mine is 15-20 drops per ml therefore each drop is Just learned about Poke Root for breast health. Poke root tincture can be used instead of poke root oil. Poke root oil . Fibrocystic breast disease itself is not that dangerous. Using essential oils for fibrocystic breasts doesnt have any side effects. Read More: 16 Amazing Home Remedies for Chickenpox Scars. It helps the patient to feel more energized. Most of these plants and herbs contain toxic compounds. WARNING: Most of these plants and herbs contain toxic compounds. A patient with fibrocystic breasts may experience the following symptoms: Read More: 12+ Essential Oils for Anxiety that Work (with How to Use Them). A few symptoms of estrogen dominance to watch for are: Find out how estrogenic you are with our free quiz. Im massaging 2x per day. 3. . This herbal oil is very effective in relieving breast pain. Breast Pain (Mastalgia). University of Michigan Health Library. Cleavers: Rich in chlorophyll and helps break up breast congestion, tonifies veins, and strengthens lymph flow. A clogged milk duct often rears its little head as a way of saying - to the busy, tired mama who definitely doesnt want to hear it - Self-care, self-care, self-care! 4 oz of organic oil. Tumors. is to massage the affected area with a few drops of the oil every night. And when in doubt: nurse, nurse, nurse. Over time, it may even lead to breast cancer. A great (and popular) way to get magnesium into your system is to take a bath with Epsom salts. It may be that progesterone is desensitizing the breast to estrogen. Poke root is a poisonous herb with red-pink stems and black-purple berries. 4. I take our Wellena Magnesium Replenish. It may provide relief from mild inflammation like insect bites, or contact irritations. Pokeberries are useful, too -- and not just for body paint. It may also affect well-being and mental health. Its very easy, and you can even do it while youre in the shower. Castor oil, a natural plant oil extracted from the castor bean seed, is said to pull out tumors from the body, according . However, only a slight reduction in fat intake has repeatedly showed very little, if any, effect on breast problems, including breast cancer. You can add dandelions to your dog's diet or use a tincture of whole dandelion (both leaf and root). Pre-eminently a glandular remedy. This herbal-infused oil provides relief from mastitis & clogged milk ducts, swollen lymph glands, lumps, swellings and tumors. When palpation of the lump reveals that the density merges in one or more places with the surrounding breast tissue, it is considered non-dominant and may be comfortably observed for change over time. The trash is carried out through the lymphatic passages, lymphatic liquid, and the lymphatic nodes. But if youre pregnant or breastfeeding, consult a doctor before using the oils. Press Esc to cancel. Try giving yourself a rubdown after getting out of the shower or after taking a magnesium-rich bath. And the severity of these symptoms may vary from month to month in the same patient. Use a carnelian breast massage crystal paired with poke root breast massage oil to improve circulation, enhance energetic flow, and gently . Great for breasts during bleeding time to support healthy flow and release stagnant energy. Sandalwood oil also is an anti-inflammatory agent. The breast tissues may change in response to the hormones made by the ovaries. You can also use it by blending it with a skin cream. Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate, and the magnesium is soaked right through the skin. , The studies have been done with varying dosages: 150, 300, or 600 IU daily. Caution: Fresh poke placed directly on the skin is strong enough to damage healthy tissues as well as cancerous ones. Fibrocystic breasts are normal in most cases. Skip to content Use code REDMOON10 for 10% off your order of $150+ or REDMOON20 for 20% off $250+! It happens because of the presence of many small cysts or masses. A generous amount is gently applied to the lump, covered with a flannel cloth and then with a hot water bottle (no heating pads), and left on for as long as youre comfortable. There are too many causes of plugged milk ducts to go into here - from restrictive bras to latch issues - but its worth checking into the root causes to help you identify the underlying issue behind the issue. It may be soawful that you find yourself whispering all sorts of words you dont particularly want your innocent babe to hear, but as counterintuitive as it may seem, encouraging the flow of milk through the ducts and out through the nipple is possibly the best thing that you can do to encourage the clogged milk duct to dissipate. When applied to the skin, the oil can also reduce any swelling on the skin. Massage your breasts with castor oil to mobilize the lymphatic system and release the accumulated toxins and excess hormones. Caffeine consumption and fibrocystic breast disease: a case-control epidemiologic study. Hi my sister had breast cancer she brought the poke root roots on line and rap it in cheese cloth and made patches . 1/4 cup poke root infused oil. If we agree that fibrocystic breasts are at least in part due to a high-estrogen/ low progesterone problem, then it is logical to use progesterone therapy as a treatment. Poke root is especially good at moving lymph fluid. Santalol may act in a similar manner to NSAID medications. It may be possible to use pokeweed as a powerful medicine as long as you do so with caution and with the proper applications. Save 10% on your first order plus receive herbal info, recipes, special offers, and more! [, This may, in fact, result in more trauma and also increase the risk of developing a malignancy. When you are having pain in the breasts, apply a few drops of lavender to the affected area. Herbalists use it routinely for problems associated with the breasts because it's good at dissolving lumps (tumors) as well as swelling and inflammation in the breast, and some herbalists claim to have cured breast cancer with it. Poke (Phytolacca americana) Poke, Phytolacca americana is a common weed here in these Smoky Mountains. However, any woman can develop it at any point in time. Using poke root oil or salve can dissolve lumps, bumps, or sore lymph nodes. It is gentle enough to be applied to the skin. Poke root has a direct and virtually immediate affect on the lymphatic system, which is interwoven into so much of breast tissue. Author and herbalist Susun Weed recommends applying a . The healing and cancer-preventing actions of herbs easily migrate into olive oilcreating a simple, effective product for maintaining breast health. Check out our Women's Health and Herbalism blog for recipe ideas, deep dives into your favorite herbs and common conditions, and more. In cancer and especially in mammary indurations be observed over time estrogenic you having! Wants and sometimes it 's used appropriately it will lead to remarkable allyship for clogged! Is poisonous if used incorrectly in mammary indurations be an irritant that produces fibrosis and eventually cyst isolation poultices burn! And release stagnant energy diarrhea, and connective tissue, estrogen metabolites are broken down and made water-soluble so body... 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