At the end of the tale, after her mother kills Osip, the maiden curses her son into a dove, her daughter into a swallow and herself into a cuckoo. In this variant, The Water Snake or Ujak, an old woman's daughter went to bathe with other girls in the pond. The serpent is a symbol immortality, which according to ancient beliefs was demonstrated by the shedding of its skin. Nagas and Lamias and takes it out on Alcmene instead of on Zeus - Hera sends two snakes to the cradles: baby heracles strangles both snakes - Heracles is brought up with the best and then learned . [31], According to Bernard Sergent, "humananimal marriage is an union that is too remote as incest is a too close one. Angry with Zeus ' interest for her, the goddess showed no mercy towards Lamia: every time the girl gave birth to a child, Hera either murdered it or made Lamia kill it herself. On a warm summer evening all three girls decided to go swimming. [79], Galina Kabakova notes that, among the East Slavic populations, the tale type ATU 425M assumes the features of an etiological tale:[80] as remarked by professor Natalie Kononenko, it shows the origins of the cuckoo, the lark and the nightingale. [50], Other variations lie in the secret code the wife learns from her snake husband, and in the fate of the heroine and their children (sometimes all girls; sometimes all boys): they are either transformed into trees or into birds and disappear forever. "), a mother finds a louse in her house, fattens it and make a pair of shoes for her daughter. In: "Tyrimo objektu daniausiai pasirenkama pasaka Egl ali karalien (ATU 425M). Once upon a time, a white snake and a green snake living in a remote mountain became immortal and obtained super powers after centuries of practices. [3] [4] [5] Camasb gets stuck in a cave after he tries to steal honey with a few friends, his friends leave him alone in the cave. 170-171. In this tale, titled Wie die Trauerbirke entstanden ist ("How the weeping birch came to be"), a rich man finds a louse on his daughter's hair, fattens it, kills it and makes a pair of shoes out of its hide. Over a hundred slightly diverging versions of the plot have been collected. The brothers go to the lake, summon the snake with the song and kill him as soon as he appears. When they leave to get her clothes, the youngest finds a snake on her garments, which promises to return them if she becomes his wife. A toad and a crab jump out of the water to tell the woman the girl is doing fine. He also claimed that this narrative was "a common African variation on the Cupid and Psyche theme". In: Sauka, Leonardas. Thus, through no fault of her own, she incurred the wrath of Hera upon herself. She is later taken to the lake. They live happily for a time, until the day Jegle begins to miss her father and wishes to visit him. In: Palmaitis, Letas. [122], Studies suggest that characters of the tale named several geographic features, such as toponyms and hydronyms of northwestern Russia, Pskov region. " ". When the snake's human wife returns to the shore, she sees a cut off snake head floating in the lake. Now, she is a bloodthirsty villain who slithers through the darkness of the night, searching for children to devour, or walks in beauty through the daylight, searching for . She leaves for the lake to do her laundry. As for the youngest, she treats him with kindness and, on the wedding night, he takes off his snakeskin to become a handsome man. [104], In a tale from the Mari people titled " " ("Blind Love"), some sisters go to bathe in the water. In Egyptian mythology, the snake symbol represented royalty and divinity. At least 12 different approaches are reported. Mictlan is the realm where Quetzalcoatl went and revived human civilizations. In: Sauka, Leonardas. She summons her husband three times, but he does not respond. [90], The tale type is known in Russia as Zhena Uzha ("The Snake's Wife"),[91][92][93] or The Grass Snake's Wife. The princess asks which of her daughters spilled the secret song (the youngest), and curses herself to become a birch tree, and her daughters to turn into parts of the tree (foliage, tree bark and membrane). Some time later, as the old woman waits near the shore, she sees her daughter coming to her with two children, her sons. In addition to these areas of influence, Hera was . In: . The feast is going on for three weeks, and thereafter the couple lives happily together. Three years pass, and Zuhra begins to miss home. [78], Professor Jack V. Haney stated that variants of type 425M appear "frequently recorded among the Russians", but "less frequently by Belarusians and Ukrainians". [30] Under this lens, the grass snake could be seen as a totemic ancestor, akin to the swan maiden, who plays the role of ancestress of many peoples. In: . Egl the Queen of Serpents is one of the best-known Lithuanian fairy tales with many references to the Baltic mythology. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mythological queens. Subcategories This category has the following 7 subcategories, out of 7 total. He gives in on three conditions: She is not to embrace a single soul, not even her mother; she has to leave the baby behind as a hostage; and she will return by the bells of the evening vespers. B Brunhild (11 P) C Clodhna (12 P) F Fairy Queens (9 P) G Queens in Greek mythology (4 C, 142 P) Q [57] Following a less mythological approach, scholar Endre Bjtar suggested that its diffusion across Lithuania owes to the local snake cult,[58] recorded in historical sources. Her old mother seizes a sickle and "rushed into the country". When Egl hears her dead husband's voice and discovers how her beloved has died, as a punishment for betrayal she whispers an enchantment, which turns her fragile fearful daughter into a quaking aspen. The third girl leaves the water and searches for her clothes, only to find a snake lying on top of them. 133-142. (2020). The water goblin gets angry and thumps on the door, ordering the girl to go with him because his dinner has to be made. The youngest leaves and tries to find her garments, but a snake is lying on top of them and will only return her the clothes with the promise of marriage. Medusa - whose name probably comes from the Ancient Greek word for "guardian" - was one of the three Gorgons, daughters of the sea gods Phorcys and Ceto, and sisters of the Graeae, Echidna, and Ladon. Its main head supported 100 snake heads, which made different animal noises. [98] The tale was originally collected by Russian philologist Dimitry M. Balashov[ru] from informant Elisaveta Ivanovna Sidorova, from Tersky region, in the White Sea, with the title " " ("Lake Bettle - Groom"). She opens the door and answers to the snake's wishes: to be given food and to sleep next to her in her bed. Speaking in a human voice, the grass snake repeatedly agrees to go away only after Egl pledges herself to him in exchange for him leaving her clothes. Hephaestus (Greek god of metalworking, blacksmithing, craftsmanship): Hammer, anvil, fire, donkey, and volcano. URL: "Ji pagrstai gali bti laikoma balt lietuvi ir latvi pasaka, nes daugiausia jos variant urayta Lietuvoje ir Latvijoje." Years pass, and the girl is missing life on the land. Day in and day out Nw amused herself making mud figures and watching them come to life. [56], According to scholar Norbertas Vlius, the tale is "more common" in the eastern area of Lithuania, where "more than two thirds" of the variants have been collected. The snakes take Mirzhan and disappear with her beneath the waters, as her mother grieves for her lost daughter. The old woman allows her daughters to join the others. , no. 4, 2011, pp. . The girl sees the dead husband and commands the son to become a lark and the daughter a cuckoo, while she is washed away by the waves, never to be seen again. [115], Professor Loreto Todd collected a West African (Cameroon) tale titled Bibaiyibaiyi an di papa-wata (Bibaiyibaiyi and the Papa-Water). Sensing something wrong, she inquires her daughters about it: the youngest confesses. Egl the Queen of Serpents is one of the best-known Lithuanian fairy tales with many references to the Baltic mythology. . In Greek mythology, a Gorgon (derived from "gorgos", meaning terrible) was a monster that was known to have the ability to turn onlookers into stone.It was said that there were three Gorgons, two immortal (Euryale and Stheno) and one mortal, Medusa, they had hair made of living, venomous snakes that they received as punishment from Athena, Medusa's image has become famous. After pestering her daughter with questions, Zuhra eventually tells her the secret command. Hopi Indians and dan cing ritual with s nakes, American Indians al . Jegle goes to the lake to meet Zaltis, who is in human form, and takes her to his underwater palace. [63][64], In another tale, Das Schlo des Meeresknigs or " " ("The Palace of the Sea King"), the son of the Sea King gets curious about the land above the sea and decides to visit it. Stryczyska-Hodyl, Ewa. The Black Snake slithers off to the surface, and is beheaded by the old woman. Bagoinas, Saulis. The story has also inspired the creation of literary tales. A mother tells her young daughter of a dream she had about clothing her daughter in white robes swirling like foaming water and with pearls of tears hiding deep distress around her neck. 145-146. lekonyt, Jrat. In: This page was last edited on 17 April 2023, at 14:40. The old woman places her grandchildren to bed, and, taking a saber, goes to the lake in the dead of night to summon the Black Snake (the "padishah of the jinn"). [29] It is also said that the ancient Lithuanians revered the grass snake (altys). Some time later, the princess takes her daughters and prepares to return home by summoning her snake husband, the boat appears dirtied with her husband's blood. . . ; . Under this rubric are snakes, usually of the python kind (despite the fact that naga is usually taken literally to refer to a cobra ,) deities of the primal ocean and of mountain springs; also spirits of earth and the realm beneath . From the theodical foundation myth of Pandora, the first human woman to be created by Hephaestus, beautiful women prove disastrous for the men they seduce . In: [VARVARA DOBROVOLSKAYA]. The maiden "saw she had manifest death before her" and, by her command, orders her children to become birds: the boy a nightingale and the girl a cuckoo, and it is implied that a dead nettle is what remained of her. The couple keep her safe from the world, until she is fourteen years old, when some girls from the village enter the couple's house and beg for Zuhra to join them for playtime int he water. Over a hundred slightly diverging versions of the story have been collected. [38], Another view, espoused by scholar Eugenijus muida, is that the tale harks back to a myth about a maiden offered as the bride to a snake (who represents a deity of waters). Broken Bridge (From mid-Qing to late-Qing. Manasa is the daughter of Lord Shiva and is also known as the queen of serpents. Hearing of the incident, the goddess Athena got infuriated and turned Medusa's hair into snakes. The full myth of Perseus and Medusa begins years before they battled. Sauka, Leonardas. [114], Scholar Hasan El-Shamy lists 2 variants of the tale type found in Algeria, under the previous name of the type. However, a cadre of black snakes begins to slither out of the river to their house. In: , . He explains she disenchanted him and he will make her his wife as the "Queen of the Seas" ("du wirst fortan Knigin des Meeres sein"), in his palace in the middle of the sea. The serpent emerges from the water and is killed by the man. Volume 3: Russian Wondertales 1 - Tales of Heroes and Villains,, : , , , , Typenverzeichnis der bulgarischen Volksmrchen, Children Born from Eggs: African Magic Tales: Texts and Discussions, Types of the Folktale in the Arab World: A Demographically Oriented Tale-Type Index, Some Day Been Dey (RLE Folklore): West African Pidgin Folktales, Review of Loreto Todd, Some Day Been Dey: West African Pidgin Folktales,, Litteratura dos negros: contos, cantigas e parbolas,, Oxford India Short Introductions Series: Kashmir, "Egl ali karalien": pasakos topografijos paiekos, EGLS PASAKOS VARIANTAI XIX A. ANTROJE PUSJE, Wdrwki po guberni augustowskiej w celu naukowym odbyte, The Tricolour Sun: Latvian Lyrics in English Versions, an Essay on Latvian Poetry, and Critical Commentaries, Le mari-couleuvre ou Pourquoi le coucou coucoule, "IF YOU KILL A SNAKE THE SUN WILL CRY". She agrees; the snake returns the garments and teaches her a command to summon him, Yaku. The narrative tells that the human maiden marries another "kidnapped" person that was living with the "lake people", named Osip Tsarevich. [105], In a tale attributed to the Chuvash people, " " ("About the girl and the snake"), three sisters run to the shore to play and bathe in the water. The girl begins to cry and becomes a birch tree, her two elder daughters birch bark and the youngest a trembling leaf. pp. Some time later, a "troop" of snakes came to the maiden's house to force her to fulfill her promise. [99], In a tale collected from a Karelian source with the title "-" ("The Reptile Beloved"), twelve maidens go to bathe in the sea and leave their clothes on the shore. A large snake comes to the castle and guesses it right, then takes the princess with him as his bride to his abode in the sea. A simplified version of the myth regards Manasa as the daughter of Lord Shiva. According to researcher Svetlana Ryzhakova, the tale first appeared in print in 1837, published by one M. Jaseviiaus or M. Jasaviius, in the supplement Biruta. It symbolized the pharaoh's role as lawmaker and maintainer of order, protecting the Egyptian people from the forces of chaos. A little bird gives her a clue on how to fulfill both tasks and she tricks her husband. After she put her daughter and grandchildren to bed, the old woman uttered the incantation, drew forth the snake husband, in human form, out of the palace and decapitated him with an axe. " " [Mari Folk Tales]. The poem is about a water goblin who is sitting on a poplar by his lake, singing to the moon and sewing clothes for his wedding soon to come. "Le mari-serpent ou Pourquoi le coucou coucoule". 67-75. According to historian Joseph Campbell (1904-1987), the Greeks used the Medusa story to justify the destruction of idols and temples of an ancient goddess mother wherever they found them. The religious reception ties into this, as does the Freudian interpretation that . [127], The tale also inspired a literary work by author Jkabs Jsmi (lv), in 1880, with the title Zalka lgava. Bagoinas, Saulis. First, his sons are threatened and beaten with the scourge by their uncles, in attempt to make them disclose how to summon their father; however, they remain silent and do not betray him. [71], In an Estonian tale translated into Hungarian as A kirlylny bocskora, a king prepares two mantles, one made from louseskin, the other from flea skin. Crying, the girl becomes a birch near the shore, while her children become trees. When conversing with her mother, the maiden unwittingly revealed her husband's name (Osip) and the incantation to summon him. She marries the reptile, which lies on the rivers, and she has two children with him when he becomes human. [81] In addition, in these variants, the mother-in-law is the one that kills the snake husband. As soon as the lacustrine king emerges, his brothers-in-law try to grab him, but his magic turns them into stones. A ballet Egl ali karalien by Eduardas Balsys and numerous plays have been staged in various Lithuanian theaters, for the first time in 1960, directed by Juozas Gustaitis. URL: , . ( )" [Serpent as a Bride and an Intimate Partner of a Man. Their sister goes to the lake shore and summons her husband. A snake slithers from beneath the well, goes to the king's court, and guesses the right answer. In: , 1 (11): 11. Egl the Queen of Serpents is one of the best-known Lithuanian fairy tales with many references to the Baltic mythology. From the very beginning, Heracles was hated by Hera, Zeus' queen. Thereafter she turns her sons into strong trees - an oak, an ash and a birch. Sira bakes flour breads with "hydromel" (mead) to take to a mysterious person. The next day, two snakes come to her house to fetch her to their master. " ". Melville) . In mythology, the serpent symbolises fertility and procreation, wisdom, death, and resurrection (due to the shedding of its skin, which is not akin to rebirth), and in the earliest schools of mysticism, the symbol of 'The Word' was the serpent. and snake. T-shirts, posters, stickers, home deco. " . [28], The main storyline (marriage of human woman with snake that steals her clothing) is said to belong to a mythological background about snakes that may be very archaic to the European continent. , [Ryzhakova, Svetlana Igorevna] (2009). [67], The tale type is reported from Southern Estonia, "especially in the Setu region". Once more about the semantics of serpent in European folk-lore]. 227 likes, 23 comments - (@graisonsfinejewellery) on Instagram: "**Personal collection at the moment . "Egls ali karaliens interpretacijos: trumposios literatrins pasakos" [Interpretations of Lithuanian folk tale Egl ali karalien: short literary tales]. Category:Mythological queens Queens regnant and Queens consort depicted in mythology . A snake was likewise kept at the shrine of Apollo where it was tended to by a naked virgin. [27], Scholar Jack Zipes provided another description of the tale type, wherein, besides the serpent, a seal, a dragon or sea monster may steal the clothes of the bathing maiden. 137-138 (text), 422 (source for entry nr. It is also a noun meaning tree species spruce (Latin: Picea) and fir,[4] with cognates in other Baltic languages: Latvian egle 'spruce, fir', and Old Prussian addle 'spruce, fir'.[5]. In a variation of the story, Princess Himal is a human and her lover Nagaray is a nga - a snake-like being that lives in a watery realm, and at the end of the tale deities Shiva and Parvati reunite both lovers by resurrecting their ashes in a magical spring. Zuhra runs back home and tells her mother everything, and they fence the house, hoping it will keep the snake out. " ". " . She warns her daughter not to go to the lake but the daughter is drawn to the lake anyway. Egl bears four children (three sons (uolas (Oak), Uosis (Ash) and Beras (Birch)) and one youngest daughter Drebul (Aspen)). In Greek mythology, the Gorgons were snake-women whose gazes would turn people to stone; they had serpents for hair, long claws, sharp teeth and scales covering their bodies. He also teaches her a command to summon him when she returns, and makes her promise to keep it a secret. He takes her to his underwater castle and marries her. Prior to their departure, he instructs them how to call him from the depths of the sea and asks not to tell this secret to anyone else. [60], In Latvia the tale is known as alio nuotaka or Zalka lgava ("The Grass-Snake's Wife"). Hundreds of different wings were grafted onto his body. The medieval Lamia Lilith could shapeshift, particularly as a snake. . When the youngest sister leaves and looks for her garments, the maiden sees a huge snake sitting on her garments. . [97], Professor Jack Haney published another Russian variant, titled The Lake Beetle as Groom. [128], A literary telling is attributed to Russian author Leo Tolstoy. Donkey, and Zuhra begins to cry and becomes a birch of metalworking, blacksmithing, craftsmanship ):.... Tales with many references to the lake common African variation on the Cupid and Psyche theme '' of upon... Url: `` Tyrimo objektu daniausiai pasirenkama pasaka egl ali karalien: short literary tales head supported snake! 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