The set of all defined bytecodes will be the alphabet of this little RPN language. And that is one, and not the worst, Tcl way of Tacit programming APL and J (see Tacit programming) have the feature that arithmetics can be done with vectors and arrays as well as scalar numbers, in the varieties (for any operator @): Here's experiments how to do this in Tcl. Factorial (n!) Testing early and often is a virtue, as is documentation to make the following code snippets clearer, I tuned my little tester for better looks, so that the test cases in the source code also serve as well readable examples they look like comments but are code! So, on a morning dogwalk, I thought out this strategy: Here's this version. Note that +/ is considered one operator, which applies the "adverb" folding to the "verb" addition (one might well call it "sum"). Tcl is a scripting language somewhat like Perl but extensible and clearer. (in a fantasy OO style): which, I admit, reads definitely better. For Beginners) Tcl and Tk Programming for the Absolute Beginner Windows 10 Troubleshooting: Windows 10 Manuals, Display Problems, Sound Problems, Drivers and Software . # That's it. However, this is no fundamental problem consider that. Indexes are useful for repeated information that is likely to be searched. was instigated by the fact that in J, "NB." See the examples soon to come. is understood and rerouted as a call to the dispatcher below: The dispatcher imports the object's variables (only s here) into local scope, and then switches on the method name: A framework would just have to make sure that the above code is functionally equivalent to, e.g. It tries in brute force all programs up to the specified maximum Goedel number and returns the first one that complies with all tests: But iterating over many words is still pretty slow, at least on my 200 MHz box, and many useless "programs" are tried. and returns the result of calling that form: Now to use it (I admit the code is no easy reading): Testing: we define a "struct" named foo, with two obvious members: Modify part of the foo, and assign it to another variale: Struct-specific methods can be just procs in the right namespace. Assume variable A holds 1 and variable B holds 0, then . Here's a routine that returns the numeric indices of all set bits in a bit vector: Sieve of Erastothenes: The following procedure exercises the bit vector functions by letting bits represent integers, and unsetting all that are divisible. Just say "Hello, World!". Rational numbers, a.k.a. For Tcl, there have been several OO extensions/frameworks (incr Tcl, XOTcl, stooop, Snit to name a few) in different flavors, but none can be considered as standard followed by a majority of users. Let's change that "a" can have only two values, "" or <>, so we might try to solve the expression by assuming all possible values for a, and see if they differ. For this, we reformat the expression to a list of values of type x or !x, that is in turn dumped into a local array for existence checking. if someone mentions its name (minibot), tries to parse the message and answer. When J parses three operators in a row, gfh, where f is dyadic and g and h are monadic, they are combined like the following Tcl version does: In other words, f is applied to the results of applying g and h to the single argument. The test suite at end should give many examples of what one can do in "r". #-- This "functional form" is mostly called map in more recent FP: #-- Prefix multiplication comes as a special case of this: "if {\[$condition \$x\]} {$function \$x} else", #-- Testing, with K in another role as Konstant function:). Testing: Here's a different way to do it la functional programming: The body is nice and short, but consists of all unfamiliar commands. Live Demo #!/usr/bin/tclsh puts "Hello, World!" Assuming, Tcl environment is setup correctly; let's run the program after switching to file's directory and then execute the program using $ tclsh test.tcl In Tcl, the two ways of reading a file are a good example: The second construct may be less efficient, but is robust for gigabyte-sized files. The book includes a short introduction to TCP/IP, as well as longer introductions to writing client . I'm far from having digested it all, but like so often, interesting reading prompts me to do Tcl experiments, especially on weekends. Adding a book to the database can be simply done by, Note that, as we never specified what fields a record shall contain, we can add whatever we see fit. Getting more daring, let's try a distributive law: Daring more: what if we postulate the equivalence? 13Solving cryptarithms 14Database experiments 14.1A simple array-based database 14.2Tables as lists of lists 15Programming Languages Laboratory 15.1GOTO: a little state machine 15.2Playing Assembler 15.3Functional programming (Backus 1977) 15.4Reusable functional components 15.5Modelling an RPN language 15.6Tacit programming 16Vector arithmetics personal mentoring, Classes in C++ started out as structs, so I take a minimal struct as example, with generic get and set methods. Single bytecodes are executed, only to measure their effect on the stack. An important functional form is the conditional, which at Backus looks like. Deeper changes are possible with the unknown command, which is called if a command name is, well, unknown, and in the standard version tries to call executables, to auto-load scripts, or do other helpful things (see the file init.tcl). Easily done in a few lines of Tcl code: The code does not directly puts its results, but returns them as a string you might want to do other things with it, e.g. I only had to take care that when moving beyond its ends, I had to attach a space (written as _) on that end, and adjust the position pointer when at the beginning. Tcl's lists are well suited to represent sets. Stack (list) and Command array are global variables: Definitions are in Forth style ":" as initial word, as they look much more compact than Joy's DEFINE n == args; expr functionality is exposed for binary operators and one-arg functions: The J programming language is the "blessed successor" to APL, where "every function is an infix or prefix operator", x?y (dyadic) or ?y (monadic), for ? OK, I bite the bullet, set nmax to 500000, wait 5 minutes for the partitioning, and then: Hm.. cheap trick again it was discovered that the solution is just the successor of the second argument. so the two-way If is about as mighty as the real thing, give or take a few braces and redundant keywords (then, else). Running other programs from Tcl - exec, open Channel I/O: socket, fileevent, vwait More channel I/O - fblocked and fconfigure Communicating with other programs - socket, fileevent Time and Date - clock Using databases Introspection, Debugging and Performance Learning the existence of commands and variables - info State of the interpreter - info Should you need a unit matrix (where the main diagonal is 1, and the rest is 0), just call outProd with a different function (equality, ==): which just requires expr's equality to be exposed too: One of the fascinations of functional programming is that one can do the job in a simple and clear way (typically a one-liner), while using a collection of reusable building-blocks like lmap and iota. If any of the two operands is non-zero, then . A program without such extravaganzas is shorter and yet does the same job, so it will have been tested earlier anyway. This video covers the basics that you need to start writing scripts with Tool Command Language (TCL or Tickle).Following topics are explained with simple exa. This idea may have been first brought up in Functional programming (Backus 1977), if not in Forth and Joy, and it's an interesting simplification compared to the lambda calculus. ACM 21.8, Aug. 1978, 613-641), he developed an amazing framework for functional programming, from theoretical foundations to implementation hints, e.g. For this we need to introduce a short-term memory also in the filter: which, tested on a n-element stream, returns n-1 averages: Yet another challenge was to produce an infinite stream of pairs {i j} of positive integers, i <= j, ordered by their sum, so that more pairs produces consecutively. A range (numeric or strings) can be given as, and the associated scriptlet gets executed if the tested value lies inside that range. The ebook version (PDF format) is available from Gumroad .. In these Tcl experiments, I use "" for "" and angle-brackets <> for the overbar-hook (with zero or more operands in between). #-- Two abbreviations for frequently used list operations: #-- So let's try to implement "mean" in tacit Tcl! Length: 3 days (24 Hours) Tcl has become the de facto standard embedded command language for Electronic Design Automation (EDA) applications. Adding "records" to the table is as easy as. Of course, with growing databases we may reach memory limits: arrays need some extra storage for administration. The purpose of developing this language is easy embedded inti ( ) applications. The cute name "e.g." This page is not available in other languages. #-- We need basic scalar operators from expr factored out: "length mismatch [llength $a]!= [llength $b]". The following "General Problem Solver" (for small values of General) uses heavy metaprogramming: it. In his Turing Award lecture, Can Programming Be Liberated from the von Neumann Style? So, put the following source code in a test.tcl file. 123f.). Let's try to prove "Modus Barbara" "if a implies b and b implies c, then a implies c": With less abstract variable names, one might as well write, But this has been verified long ago, by Socrates' death:^). This can be plugged into a filter chain to see what's going on: # or, to get a stream of even numbers, starting from 0: "to recall is to call -- (1 || 1) == 1", "PONG [info hostname] [lindex [split $line] 1]", "Try[lindex $args end]", "Why do [string map {I you my your your my you me} $args]? After version 8.0/8.0, the unusually fast development of Tcl/Tk has slowed to a more normal pace. (after 286 seconds): After partitioning, 54005 programs had the -1 stack balance, and the correct result was on position 48393 in that list And finally, with the half-million set of programs, here's a solution for the successor function too: "d-" subtracts top of stack from itself, pushing 0; the second duplicate to the 0-th power gives 1, which is added to the original argument. 122 exercises Such process chains can be emulated in Tcl with the following rules: A stream is modelled here as a procedure that returns one stream item on each call. The best part, its 100% free for everyone. There are over 200 exercises with solutions for both Unix and Windows platforms. fractions, can be thought of as pairs of integers {numerator denominator}, such that their "real" numerical value is numerator/denominator (and not in integer nor "double" division!). This code for transposing a matrix uses the fact that variable names can be any string, including those that look like integers, so the column contents are collected into variables named 0 1 2 and finally turned into the result list: An integer range generator produces the variable names, e.g iota 3 => {0 1 2}. Enrol for e-learning course for self paced learning. See all Tcl exercises Get started with the Tcl track The best part, it's 100% free for everyone. Rules in this little challenge are of the form a bcD e, where, Here's my naive implementation, which takes the tape just as the string it initially is. Grade School Given students' names along with the grade that they are in, create a roster for the school. This works fine on some well-known cryptarithms: There are lots of complex databases around. But I notice more and more that, on my way to functional programming, my proc bodies are a single call to expr which does all the rest (often with the powerful x?y:z operator). The print version is available from Amazon in USA/Canada and their European sites including UK , Germany , France , Spain and Italy . returns the first solution found, or else an empty string: A record is a nonempty set of fields with a unique ID, A field is a pair of tag and nonempty value, both being strings, a set F of functions that map objects into objects (, an operation, application (very roughly, eval), a set FF of functional forms, used to combine functions or objects to form new functions in F, a set D of definitions that map names to functions in F, "tcl" evaluates the top of stack as a Tcl script, scalar @ scalar scalar (like expr does), vector @ vector vector (all of same dimensions, element-wise), measure the stack balance for each bytecode, iterate once over very many possible programs, computing their stack balance, partition them (put into distinct subsets) by stack balance, perform each 'discovery' call only on programs of matching stack balance, Brute force is simple, but may demand very much patience (or faster hardware), The sky, not the skull is the limit what all we can do with Tcl:), classes can be defined, with variables and methods, objects are created as instances of a class, objects are called with messages to perform a method, or just as parts of a transparent value, with TOOT, a is the state in which they can be applied, b is the character that must be read from tape if this rule is to apply, D is the direction to move the tape after writing (R(ight) or L(eft)), e is the state to transition to after the rule was applied, Every animal is suitable for a pet, that loves to gaze at the moon, No animals are carnivorous, unless they prowl at night, No animals ever take to me, except what are in this house, Animals that prowl at night always love to gaze at the moon. Streams are interesting if they don't deliver the same result on every call, which requires them to maintain state between calls e.g. But bare-bones has its advantages too: in order to see how a clockwork works, you'd better have all parts visible:). Make sure the fields (cells) match those in the header. # predecessor function, when for integers. which is shorter and simpler, but meddles more directly with the stack. $ mkdir ~/cs498gpl/exercises/tcl $ cd ~/cs498gpl/exercises/tcl. This result (0 or 1) is substituted for the first word of this command. First published January 1, 1998. It was first created by John Osterhout in 1989. Here are some Tcl codelets to demonstrate how all Boolean operations can be expressed in terms of the single NAND operator, which returns true if not both his two inputs are true (NOR would have done equally well). Develop fluency in 67 programming languages The discoverer, Second Edition, determines the stack balance of the first text, and tests only those programs of the same partition: But now for the trying. A simpler example is pipes in Unix/DOS (use TYPE for cat there): where the "cat" delivers lines of the file as long as "more" will take them, and waits otherwise (after all, stdin and stdout are just streams). This looks better to me than /slashing as in Postscript. Tables are understood here as rectangular (matrix) arrangements of data in rows (one row per "item"/"record") and columns (one column per "field"/"element"). Letter and Legal paper formats are popular in the US and other places. It is a scripting language that aims at providing the ability for applications to communicate with each other. Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk by Brent Welch, Ken Jones. The authors provide sample chapters available to download for free. Compared to an RPN language, hypot would be. First lmap is a collecting foreach it maps the specified body over a list: The following generic wrapper takes one binary operator (could be any suitable function) and two arguments, which may be scalars, vectors, or even matrices (lists of lists), as it recurses as often as needed. Sorting can be done when pushing, or when popping, and since our push is so nicely generic I prefer the second choice (as the number of pushs and pops should be about equal, it does not really matter). Especially, indexing the isa field allows iterating over "tables" (which we still don't explicitly have! with our unique blend of learning, practice and mentoring. On the other hand, Tk is a cross platform widget toolkit used for building GUI in many languages. For this we again need a 1-based integer range generator: At this point, a number is prime if the sum of the latest vector is 2. This way, a stream can promise to be a potentially endless source of data, while taking only finite time to process and deliver what's really wanted. to make it understand and do things that before raised an error, the easiest way is to write a proc. On the limits: Tcl arrays may get quite large (one app was reported to store 800000 keys in Greek characters), and at some point enumerating all keys with array names db (which produces one long list) may exceed your available memory, causing the process to swap. }, can be represented by their truth table, which for example for {$a && $b} looks like: As all but the last column just enumerate all possible combinations of the arguments, first column least-significant, the full representation of a&&b is the last column, a sequence of 0s and 1s which can be seen as binary integer, reading from bottom up: 1 0 0 0 == 8. Tcl was designed for creating domain-specific languages. A further optimization could be to tally value strings, and replace the frequent ones with "@$id", where db(@$id) holds the value once, and only db'get has to be adapted to redirect the query. #-- Move tape Left or Right as specified in rule. The first formats a matrix (a list of lists to Tcl) with newlines and aligned columns for better display: Short again, and slightly cryptic, as is the "outer product" routine, which takes a function f and two vectors, and produces a matrix where f was applied to every pair of a x b in APL they had special compound operators for this job, in this case ".x": Again, lmap (the collecting foreach) figures prominently, so here it is in all its simplicity: With these parts in place, we can see that multable2 works as we want: So why write six procedures, where one did the job already? A matter of style and taste, in a way multable is 10 LOC and depends on nothing but Tcl, which is good; multable2 describes quite concisely what it does, and builds on a few other procs that are highly reusable. For Joy's sets I haven't bothered yet they are restricted to the domain 0..31, probably implemented with bits in a 32-bit word. Tcl has no goto command, but it can easily be created. Start a new topic #-- membership information is kept in an alias: #puts rule:$rule,tape:$tape,pos:$pos,char:$char. For functional composition, where, say for two functions f and g. again a proc is created that does the bracket nesting: Why Backus used Transpose on the input, wasn't first clear to me, but as he (like we Tclers) represents a matrix as a list of rows, which are again lists (also known as vectors), it later made much sense to me. Transparent OO for Tcl, or TOOT for short, is a very amazing combination of Tcl's concept of transparent values, and the power of OO concepts. Tcl 8.5 has the {*} construct to undo one-level of list packing (discussed on the Confluence page). Tcl 8.5 Network Programming (2010) , by Kocjan and Beltowski, is targeted towards building network-aware applications using Tcl and includes coverage of many Tcl libraries and extensions. Now we can write n(f), which, given a Boolean function of one or more arguments, returns its characteristic number, by iterating over all cases in the truth table, and setting a bit where appropriate: So the characteristic integer is not the same as the Goedel number of a function, which would encode the structure of operators used there. The absence of lexical scoping also led to constructs like sproc/reset, which stop a gap but aren't exactly elegant but Tcl's clear line between either local or global variables allows something like closures only by rewriting default arguments like done in remember (or like in Python). The book includes a short introduction to TCP/IP, as well as longer introductions to writing client . 7. Indexes: As shown, we can retrieve all data by sequential searching over array names. Just for comparison, here's how it looks in J: Boolean functions, in which arguments and result are in the domain {true, false}, or {1, 0} as expr has it, and operators are e.g. The process of creating a simple database consists only of setting an initial value for the ID: Let's consider a library application for an example. But the admittedly still very trivial challenge was met in truly function-level style, concerning the definitions of median, center and mean no variable left behind. They think it's a programing (like software programing) and they are in VLSI Industry to do some hardware related job. Discover new exercises as you progress and get engrossed in learning new concepts and improving the way you currently write. Procedures are just like functions we use in any other programming language such as C, Java, Python, etc. TCL Practice Task 3 (Scripting Language) TCL is very important from automation point of view in VLSI Industry but somehow students are not ready to learn this. Streams in general should not be written in brackets (then the Tcl parser would eagerly evaluate them before evaluating the command), but braced, and stream consumers eval the stream at their discretion. Completing it unlocks the rest of the Tcl Track. If both the operands are non-zero, then condition becomes true. It aims at providing ability for programs to interact with other programs and also for acting as an embeddable interpreter. "Hello, World!" is the traditional first program for beginning programming in a new language or environment. The entire syntax of Tcl is described in just 12 rules. The following example code opens a file, configures it to binary translation (i.e. The numbers of the bits finally still set are supposed to be primes, and returned: Here's code to count the number of 1-bits in a bit vector, represented as an integer list. Here's my little take on toot in a nutshell. I won't go into all details of the above code, just some: (<.,>.) # This filter collects its input (should be finite;-) into a list: # $ streamlist {foo bar grill a} | sort | collect => a bar foo grill. Tcl - Logical Operators. TCL is string based scripting language and also a procedural language. 4. When two operands occur together, the "hook" pattern is implied, which might in Tcl be written as: As KBK pointed out in the Tcl chatroom, the "hook" pattern corresponds to Schnfinkel/Curry's S combinator (see Hot Curry and Combinator Engine), while "fork" is called S' there. The special item "" (the empty string) indicates that the stream is exhausted. The language is commonly used for rapid prototyping, scripted applications, GUIs, and testing. It includes a short introduction to TCP/IP, introductions on writing client-side scripts and GUI interfaces as well as integrating scripts with C/C++. Every language has its own way of doing things. Implement an evaluator for a very simple subset of Forth. For instance, here's how to make an authors' index in four lines: gives us a books list of all authors matching the given glob pattern (we reuse Tcl's functionality, instead of reinventing it). Like in real life, test cases have to be carefully chosen. all question: In this weekend fun project to emulate machine language, I picked those parts of Intel 8080A/8085 Assembler (because I had a detailed reference handy) that are easily implemented and still somehow educational (or nostalgic;-). So [or] == 0 and [and] == 1. The Tcl Programming Language is a comprehensive guide to Tcl, covering Tcl 8.6.. See the official book page for more information and a detailed Table of Contents.. The goto command is defined "locally", and deleted after leaving the state machine it is not meaningfully used outside of it. giving the correct result 2.5. Tcl was developed initially for Unix. Task 1:- Input Output File Handling & Rearranging Data Step 1: Create a file and named it "file_input1.txt" (Content of "file_input1.txt" is given below - Remember, you have create file exactly same as given. TCL is shell application that reads TCL command from its standard input or from a file and gives desired results. The balance of longer programs can be computed by just adding the balances of their individual bytecodes: The partitioning will run for some seconds (depending on nmax I tried with several ten thousand), but it's needed only once. After some head-scratching, I find it plausible, and possibly it is even the simplest possible solution, given the poorness of this RPN language. being any pre- or user-defined function). Zimmer has extensive knowledge of Tcl/Tk programming and currently runs a consulting and training company based on his experience. but my variant of the median algorithm doesn't need a conditional for lists of odd length it just uses the central index twice, which is idempotent for "mean", even if a tad slower. The size of partitions is further reduced by excluding programs which contain redundant code, that will have no effect, like swapping the stack twice, or swapping before an addition or multiplication. If a field content contains spaces, it must be quoted or braced too: Sorting a table can be done with lsort -index, taking care that the header line stays on top: Removing a row (or contiguous sequence of rows) by numeric index is a job for lreplace: Simple printing of such a table, a row per line, is easy with. It does so by adding the values of the hex digits: Stacks and queues are containers for data objects with typical access methods: In Tcl it is easiest to implement stacks and queues with lists, and the push method is most naturally lappend, so we only have to code a single generic line for all stacks and queues: It is pop operations in which stacks, queues, and priority queues differ: Priority (a number) has to be assigned at pushing time by pushing a list of two elements, the item itself and the priority, e.g.. 2. looking for: Tcl/Tk exercises (please) 3. Here's our recommended free books that'll help you master Tcl. We still have the canonical truth values 0 and 1 as returned from expr with a comparison operator. They can be more precise than any "float" or "double" numbers on computers, as those can't exactly represent any fractions whose denominator isn't a power of 2 consider 13 which can not at any precision be exactly represented as floating-point number to base 2, nor as decimal fraction (base 10), even if bignum. In TOOT, the values of objects are represented as a list of length 3: the class name (so much for "runtime type information":-), a "|" as separator and indicator, and the values of the object, e.g. It provides all the usual high-level programming features that we've come to expect from languages like the Unix shell, Awk, Perl, or Rexx, such as: Variable-length strings Associative arrays Lists Any proc must however be called in compliance with Tcl's fundamental syntax: first word is the command name, then the arguments separated by whitespace. Tcl is a powerful scripting language that runs under Unix, Linux, VMS, DOS/Windows, OS/2, and MacOS (at least). Clif first learned to program in high school in machine language on a Monroe 600 programmable . More experiments to discover the hypot() function: Hm the 3 is duplicated, divided by itself (=1), which is added to 4. But this very soon crosses the limits of integers, giving wrong results. Note that with this mapping, all valid programs (bytecode sequences) correspond to one unique non-negative integer, and longer programs have higher integers associated: Now out for discovery! : ( <., >. raised an error, the easiest way is to write a.... Little RPN language and 1 as returned from expr with a comparison operator, practice and mentoring of! A very simple subset of Forth reach memory limits: arrays need some extra storage for administration daring let! 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