Ask some people to play with you. I find that watching tutorials for the character you play as helps, and even watching a pro who mains your character could help as well ( just watch what they do and see if you can replicate it ). If you'd like to play a few games I can try and point out some flaws. And by balancing i mean skill level balancing not characters. You're opponent isn't obligated to play the way you want them to. Want to learn competitive Smash Bros.? Riddles recommends you try to play an hour a day if you can. I train with a friend and consistently beat him but in quickplay i can't get out of 100k GSP, i'm unable to win a single match been playing since launch and have no idea what im doing wrong. I usually go into training mode to warm up, see how my character feels and then go online, says Riddles who feels that, while netplay is inferior to offline play, its still a very valuable training tool. Playing online is a test of how youll employ all the skills youve picked up, and that will teach you a lot about how you want to play, giving you more to work on during your next run through training mode. Also the game just doesn't feel as responsive. Your friends can probably pick almost any other character in the roster and have a much easier time beating you. Roy, Lucina, and Joker are also good characters to get started with. In my experience, its over half of the matches I play. There arr pepole that join noobs only arenas to win so maybe its happend. So far I've played 5360 online matches and won 428 of them, pretty much all of them are people SDing their 3 stocks for no reason haha. One of the issues facing would-be lab-monsters in Smash Ultimate is the lack of varied training mode tools. Edit: That being said, it's natural for them to be better than you because of the sheer amount of time spent on it. It's short, but the 'adaptation' mechanics are really really important because then the oponent doesn't know what to expect, will it be grab? Try and see what playstyles fit you. Anticipate predict and react. I'm also really proud of my aerial combos and being able to 0 to 100% sometimes, but I have a ton of trouble finishing. Lots of sitting around with a charged attack waiting for the opponent to jump in, or mindlessly spamming the same option without fear of the opponent adapting. You need to play mindfully and think about what you want to improve during your play session. If youre aggressive or defensive, you can find a character that plays you. It's ok to mock people who play Fighting Games on WiFi. Netplay is where youll do the bulk of your training since most of us cant make it to local events every day of the week. Ps: sorry it might be confusing, Im not the best at these types of thingsbecause Im not very confident in my ability to help others. If you want to be the best, you should learn from the best. I didn't know video games could make me so unhappy. WebI've been working to try to get even semi decent at ssbu for the past around 2 years, ever since the game was released. For more information, please see our But it's not a perfect game. If it's not fun dont play. You might not be looking at your opponent, even if you know you should be and even if you believe you are. Fundamentals across all characters is more important anyway. Also, play some other characters for a while. WebIf you cant help but crave to win and get better at the game then seriously consider getting into competitive. Then you have to go through all their normal moves and special moves. You'll get better over time, but it'll take a while. Improving with your current fighter or learning a new one starts with jumping into training mode and getting familiar with their moves. Training mode in Smash Ultimate may not have the most robust set of options like other games (such as being able to record sequences for the training dummy to carry out) but it does let you adjust the dummys damage percentage so you can get to work on your different BnBs. Stick with one character. WebThen we were so much better. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Ive tried everything and I just feel sad and I wanna stop trying to get into a competitive scene of any kind, and even playing on online quickplay at 130,000 gsp or in beginners only lobbies, I get my ass kicked by people 10x better than I am. You get what you give. Taunts are nice and I dont really mind them. Remember to be diligent. Generally, you shouldnt just think about winning. It's all like a very big and complex rock paper scissors game, and it's all about memorizing which of your character's options wins against your opponent's current strategy. But all the other crap that goes along with it is plainly toxic. Considering his importance in the story of both Ness & Lucas' games, and in Brawl's Subspace Emmisary, his absence is extraordinary. But don't psych yourself out by thinking only pros can rank highly. Unfortunately, low GSP opponents tend to use Wi-Fi as opposed to Ethernet, negatively impacting latency. Getting over the frustration of I just want to be an average player is all, EDIT: here's a replay! Do only pros play this game? A forward-air to forward-air with someone like Sheik is a basic two hit combo. As I said i'm not interested in winning any tournament, i just want to stop being the literal worst 1% at the game (normalized by GSP). I hope it goes much better. You can take breaks, but I feel like an hour a day is optimal. Thats why Im wondering if its worth it at this point. It's kind of making me not want to play, because I get absolutely trashed by anyone who isn't a level 2 CPU or lower. and our BnB stands for Bread n Butter combo because those sequences are the ones youre going to consistently eat off of. However, theyre still worth reading even if youre a journeyman smasher who regularly competes, but finds themselves strapped for time and needing to up their efficiency. Best of luck! This is also a result of removing taunts in some of the online modes, which ironically makes it worse since, in my opinion at least, a taunt doesn't look as stupid as repeatedly crouching. I'm a long time lurker and this is my first time posting. 2. Try Battle Arenas, they get you into good matches more often than you'd think. However, it sounds like your group has played the game for much longer than you, so you should indeed expect to fight uphill battle. Losing focus can be very subtle sometimes, but a good rule of thumb is if you come out of a match thinking I dont know what just happened, chances are you lost focus on your opponent without realizing it. You can't expect to be good at a game in 2 days mate. That would work at zero or early percent. Edit: sorry for not including my play style. Theres a lot to learn if you want to level up, and free time can be hard to come by, so you have to make those training sessions count. CPU battles sometimes are random af, at least for me. Theres so many options for each character, theyre hard to keep track of. I just wanna improve. You have to know what youre working with (and if you like it), then you can come up with a gameplan. I've never heard of that sub but it seems like such a useful tool. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. You must be playing a certain way that omega casuals are easy for you but people who know how to play find your playstyle exploitable (or you just suck). Its clear to me that it isnt so much about tbagging or taunting but just the combination of all these things some people do when they want to be a jackass. My highest gsp fighter is 2 million and Im too scared to play them in quick play due to the fact that they might go back down to the one millions. go premium to hide all advertisements and this notice. Share resources, ask for tips, post replays for critique and engage in discussion to improve in Smash. I definitely hopped around a bit, after settling on Ice Climbers but I don't know why, I keep going back to them despite them being harder to use, and more frustrating when I lose with them. WebWHY Smash Bros Ultimate IS A BAD GAME. Learn a lot, and improve with each other.. I think this is the link to it. Before that video i had a very specific plan with my (old) main Lucina, and then i learned to be patient and watch for the opponents' reactions. Try not to learn too much too quickly. Its a good practice to get into if youre having trouble against certain characters. Some people just want to win and they'll do it even if it means playing lame or camping you out. Icies might be holding you back honestly. @LeonMitarashi I agree about tbagging. It's easy to get stuck in a rut but try and call losses "leaning opportunities" instead and try and stay positive. Even Zero was garbage at Smash in the beginning. There's times I get stuck being punished for the same thing again and again usually because I can't come up with something new to do, usually when I'm landing. Anyways, hope this helps, and I hope you get much better at super smash bros soon! Thats the problem with Ultimate, but obviously its better than nothing, so you can still make use of it, says Riddles. I know it's all supposed to be a game and it's supposed to be really fun but when the main activity that all my friends pour hours into is Smash and I'm absolute garbage when put against them, it becomes really demoralizing. Cookie Notice Towards the top its not that bad. What sets Smash apart from other one-on-one fighters is that youre going to have different BnBs depending on your opponents current damage percentage. Press J to jump to the feed. Being super execution heavy and them not having the best tools to fight a lot of the cast, they might be a bad starting point. Why do you keep playing? Im starting to question if I should bother anymore. I'm able to beat all of my coworkers at smash and my friend too (he's also struggling to win any online matches), so maybe it's just professionals playing quickplay mode? Interested in helping others grow? Be more defensive. There's nothing toxic about campy play. WebWhen people say getting bodied is good for you, they tend to miss several key aspects which I explain in this video. Did you fail to block a projectile or an approaching attack? Starting with learning your characters BnBs is essential., Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. Click here to sign up right now and start on your path in the Smash community! Plus, most people who go to locals are friendly and will be more than happy to give input on what you're doing wrong, what you're doing right, and ways to improve. Although you may be struggling with the online portion, it's likely that you're a much better player You only need to focus on the basics to be average. Just keep at it. Once youve settled on a main that you feel comfortable with, its time to start committing the stuff you learned during research to muscle memory. It started up with no lag whatsoever, and then around 10 seconds in I got a connection error, and then I got banned for 31 minutes. @Unknown_Force Its not the campy play alone. You have to remember to punish your opponent's missplays when they overextend, etc. Running away and camping the whole time is one thing. Dude I youd see me, I block and dodge so often and It often works but playing defensive doesn't make me much better, I don't know why. Cookie Notice By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It appears that you are using ad block :'(. Why wouldnt more people want to play like this? You basically want to be able to autopilot and only really thinking about advantage and disadvantage in positioning. By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. You need to come up with a different strategy in those situations and practice implementing it. I don't know why but I'm absolutely horrendusly bad at smash. WWE, Andr the Giant | 107K views, 512 likes, 49 loves, 80 comments, 63 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from DGiantSlayer: Andre the Giant smashes WWE Diva I've played ultimate for more than 1000 hours and still can't win a single match online. The suite of tools at least includes options to see information on a characters moves, set fixed damage percentages and turn on data such as when characters are invincible/intangible. I get amazing stocks and frequent 0 to KOs but get performance anxiety as some friends have mentioned. Do you have advice for being a bit more creative with these? I dont get it. If youre going online to train, youre not just going there to win. Woops! ice climbers are pretty hard in this game. If you follow a few pro players on social media, youll often see them going out with requests for online matches against players who main specific characters. I try to do that, but I think its hard sometimes. On the one hand there's Link who challenges me and just runs it down and jumps to death. But, yeah, the gap between the top tiers and the high tiers is pretty noticeable when you look at the number Here is why it is a bad game. If you want to level up, you have to convert any openings you get into as much damage as possible and finish your plate. WebThe GSP system is bad because it doesn't show how good people are when you can play jank rulesets online (not a problem for me but a problem to others). It's to the point I can't have fun with the game anymore and I often find myself angry and shutting it off right after a match, 1.gsp is garbage dont let that bother you. I was trying out the online That gives you specific things to work on in your training mode sessions, so you can spend whatever amount of time you have actively practicing instead of just fumbling around doing special moves. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Welcome to Reddit's finest Smash Bros. community! WebOffline and online mode are two completely different aspects of Smash Ultimate. Look at how many characters we have here. I just kind of mess around with all of my characters tools and refresh myself on how certain moves lead into other moves.. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Press J to jump to the feed. I wouldn't know half of what I do without having done that. , considered one of, if not THE best Terry player in the world, to find out how he makes the most of his time. Maybe youve found yourself in a character crisis because you find your current mains toolset to be lacking. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. See what their character does in specific situations.. It just ruins the game when the majority of matches are like this. Smash is a really free form game, there are lots of ways you can play it. This applies to any game, not just Smash. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Britain's Got Talent's Amy Lou Smith gushes over newborn daughter Aida and says she watched her audition from her hospital bed after giving birth HOURS before show aired. If you don't see any obvious recurring problems in your gameplay, then watch your matches side-by-side with pros playing your character. But you still need to compete. Its when people play like toxic douches and then repeatedly tbag or taunt. Maybe post a vid of you playing against someone online so we can gauge your skill and weaknesses. I dont think Ive ever experienced such a crappy toxic online. I've bought my own Switch, practiced offline, watched a ton of streaming's (Big D is a really cool guy), practiced with other friends willing to coach me a bit. It's an amazing game to be sure. If you run through several different sequences each time youre about to hop online, you refresh your memory and can work on ingraining your new knowledge. Ultimate, which boasts one of the largest rosters in fighting game history, clocking in at 75 characters (with another 6 to still be released). By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. But some of my friends with a hundred hours absolutely destroy me. What works for me is going into matches trying to deliberately focus on one or two things at a time. I also have a ton of trouble inputting the right controls in that I know what to press and I feel like I'm pressing all the right things, but my character doesn't exactly do that. A few truths I've learned playing Smash Ultimate online tournament style, Your mw is in if the person below would smash. Now youre online. Starting with Ice Climbers is a terrible idea, learning desync combos is pointless if you haven't learned neutral and basics with a more simple character first. I try to have sort of a read/combo based gameplay. do you feel about your main? Any tips on how to get better? I honestly agree with what ur staying here cause all my friends sucked at the game and I've been coaching them and they are getting pretty decent. Do you like Zoners? u/DolphinTent, u/ThermalFlask i've edited in a replay in the post! Born too late to explore Earth, born too early to explore space. These days I'm maining byleth and dark pit, and the former really prioritises being able to read what the enemy is going to do, which is great. Archived post. Even when I try, and apply things I've learned from YouTube videos, I get absolutely wrecked by even casual players who just button Smash. However, as you begin to climb, more and more people use Ethernet cables, leading to smoother matches. People talk about mindgames, mixups and adapting and all that fluff but all you need to do as a beginner is just note what move you got hit by everytime you get hit and when you start to see a pattern, figure out how to avoid hit by the same move twice, and keep that idea in mind. This is the first step to climbing GSP and facing better opponents. Online Ultimate is a bit of a mess. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. That's why four WebI don't know why but I'm absolutely horrendusly bad at smash. Ultimate, released for the Nintendo Switch on December 7th, 2018! I was playing smash online when I lost a match and after the winner was announced I immediately got an error message that said "this software needs to close due to an error". I haven't been attending events since ultimate but I'm pretty comfortable saying I'm at the level of our power-ranked guys. IDK why, but it just feels like I'm not in control. The slightest mishap could cost you a stock so make sure to keep practicing simple techniques in CPU battles and training. Watching others is one of the best ways to improve. Nintendo really needs to upgrade their garbage servers. Off the top, you have to choose a main. Over 250,000 Smash Bros. fans from around the world have come to discuss these great games in over 19 million posts! Watch your match replays and see where you can improve your gameplay. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I feel like its an opportunity to just have fun and improve whether you win or lose. Try going to a local event, you'll find people more at your level, and they'll be great fun to play with. That's no problem; everyone has to start from somewhere. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I should bother anymore lame or camping you out feels like I 'm pretty comfortable saying I 'm absolutely bad... Right now and start taking part in conversations online so we why am i so bad at smash ultimate your. This Notice do without having done that it 'll take a while play it playing lame or you... Still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our power-ranked guys to to. Using ad block: ' ( heard of that sub but it seems like a. 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